The College of Wooster Open Works The oV ice: 1981-1990 "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection 9-30-1988 The oW oster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1988-09-30 Wooster Voice Editors Follow this and additional works at: https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1981-1990 Recommended Citation Editors, Wooster Voice, "The oosW ter Voice (Wooster, OH), 1988-09-30" (1988). The Voice: 1981-1990. 439. https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1981-1990/439 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection at Open Works, a service of The oC llege of Wooster Libraries. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oV ice: 1981-1990 by an authorized administrator of Open Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE WOOSTERj) VOICE Volume CV September 30, 1988 Number 5 Gandhi speaks on "Nonviolence and Conflict" by PAUL B ELLIS journalist for a prominent daily ing social and caste disparities in newspaper. The Times of India." India, and the future of South Afri- "It seems to me that the time He held many different position ca. has come for people to take great- for the "Times" up through Au- Gandhi's writings are numer- er interest in the government of gust. 1980. ous. He has written 4 books: A the country, to make their elected Ever since arriving in India, Patch of White (1969). which representatives accountable for Gandhi has been at the forefront deals , with racial experiences in their actions and inactions, and in the struggle to do away with South Africa. Kasturba - A Biogra- above all, I hope, more persons caste discrimination and poverty. phy (1980). a biography of his in power will show. ..the same He has helped these causes by as- grandmother Kasturba Gandhi, the concern for Truth as Morarji Desai sociating himself with many dif- wife of Mahatma Gandhi, the al- former Prime Minister of India ferent social programs and pro- ready mentioned Morarji - Papers has shown..." So writes Aran Gan- jects. For instance, in the last IS (1983) , and Experiment in Self-help-Voi-ces dhi in the Morarji Papers, a book years, Gandhi has been associated from Indian Villages he wrote which addresses Indian with rural development programs (1984) . co-autho- red by Sten E. help Burg and' Sunanda Gandhi, which politics from 1977-7- 9. Clearly. in Maharashtra which seek to Aran Gandhi is asking that the the Harijans low-econo- mic and was written for the Swedish Inter- low-cas- te overcome their national Development Agency. In citizens of India show more atten-tivene-ss people and concern for their problems and achieve equality addition. Arun Gandhi has written self-hel-p. and government. But more important- through Initially, the over 200 articles for Indian magazines ly he asks that people hold Truth program started in the Mahisal foreign newspapers and in' the highest regard - the Truth Village. Now the program has about topics ranging from racism socio-econom- that his grandfather Mahatma Gan- grown to include over 80 such vil- in South Africa to ic dhi spent his life trying to culti- lages. problems in India. Sunanda Gandhi has led an ac- vate. Today, Arun Gandhi contin- During his career, Arun Gandhi tive life. Bom in Baroda, India on ues to build and expand on the vi- has traveled extensively in the October 10. 1932. Sunanda re- sions of his grandfather. United States and Europe. He has a diploma in General Medi- Arun Gandhi was bom on spoken to many different organi- ceived is- cal Nursing from the Harkissandas April 14, 1934. in the Phoenix zations and universities about Hospital, Bombay, in 19S7. Since Ashram near South Afri- sues in India and South Africa. For Durban. widely and ca, to Mahatma Gandhi's second example, in October and Novem- then, she has travelled worked diligently in social pro- son, the late Manila! Gandhi and ber of 1980 Gandhi was invited Philadel- grams for racial discrimination, ' Sushi la Gandhi. He was educated by the Universities of poverty-stricke- n people, and privately because of the racial phia and New York to speak on Ma- women. She has also writ- policies in South Africa by his rural development in southern abused ARUN GANDHI will be visiting campus with Sunanda numerous articles and co-autho- red parents and Mahatma Gandhi. harashtra. In March and April of ten Gandhi and Interacting with students and faculty in a va- Uni- - ' a book, Voices Pover- Arun Gandhi lived the first 23 1984. he was invited by the Of riety of ways. Ob Monday,' October 3, he will present a California Berkeley ty, which was published in Swe- years of his life in South Africa, versities of talk entitled "Nonviolence and Conflict." Birming- den. Currently, the. Gandhis are helping his father in the struggle and Irvine, Mississippi, College, working on a joint project at the to teach people about nonviolence ham Southern. Millsaps University Mississippi. They government re- and Jackson State . University to of and racial understanding and to After the death of his father the South African into the speak about rural development and are conducting a study which about a change in South Af- Manilal in 1,956. Gandhi left fused to allow Sunanda bring reasons. Mahatma Gandhi, Arun Gandhi's looks at the problems of emanci- rica. In such an .atmosphere, Gan- South Africa and traveled to India country for political Gandhis decided to favorite lecture topics include: The pating Blacks in the United States dhi was able to read and see first- to perform the funeral rites for his Hence, the wife-to--be Bombay, India. While in present day Indian political scene, hand these problems as he was father. There he met his settle in Continued to page 5 "' Gandhi worked as a the relevance of Gandhi, the grow growing up. Sunanda. After they were married. Bombay, Arun Copeland responds to SGA allegations Commenting on ' the article in mation provided was in error. To policies or simply unenforceable. last, week's Voice concerning the set the record straight, I did not However, such an action does not verdict die Judicial - appeal process in the College's ju- overturn in a single case last year , overturn the of - - V 1.. ft. J i .. j dicial system. Copeland said: a verdict of the Judicial Board or Board or a Deans' Hearing and it .... does not return the student who f y t - t " ? t - do doubt good faith a Deans' Hearing. I have on V "I not the of . w s as- found guilty to good i S.G.A. Committee, but occasion revised the penalties has been , JT" -.- of the : t " H - when one relies on anonymous sessed by the Board or the Deans standing with the College. Need- f less to say, I found the errors in sources information, one is at when I believed that particular v ' - - - -- " for . the mercy of those sources. As a penalties could not be sustained the article and the damage thereby c matter of fact, in the instance of for legal reasons. or because they done to the judicial system the article in question, the infor were contrary to other College Page 2: THE WOOSTERj VOICE: Setember30pJ88 Kramer vs. Kramer Dustin Hoffman shines in this superbly crafted Robert Benton film Editor entangled in a legal and emotional tug-of-w- ar for their Letters to the about parents is a red-h- ot Madison Avenue account issues of racism and sexism. One child. As Ted Kramer. Hoffman were ap- self-fulfillme- It was not until the cases nt. on every front executive who lacks sensitivity to his wife's needs for . were either battles them pealed that decisions Joanna Kramer (Meryl Streep) abandons her role as wife-moth- er, SGA article spite of the or, by concession, allows them to "apparently made in leaving husband and son to their won charming devices. Eventually evidence presented" and in spite march. she returns to lay claim to her adorable seven-year-o- ld son (Justin and the Presi- This article is not meant to in- Cooper responds of the College's Henry). KRAMER VS. KRAMER courts a brilliant case. Showing The dict President Copeland. Rather, dent's written policy. times: 7 p.m., Friday and Saturday. Rated PG 104 Minutes lion then becomes that the prob- as previously stated, it is a recog- The College will investigate to lem is not with the entire judicial nition that there are certain ques- Gandhi the extent of its ability any act of but the appeal system. To tions that we as a community need system This internationally acclaimed drama swept the 1983 Academy Awards this kind, and if any member of more exact we can say and deserve to have answered. be even winning eight of the prestigious Oscars including coveted Best Picture our community is found to have lies with Presi- that the problem Award, the Best Actor Award for Ben Kingsley and Best Director Award committed such an act, I will in- Copeland since he is the sole Gerald A. Cooper dent for Sir Richard Attenborough. The powerful epic relates the miracle of sist that he or she be dismissed Chairperson, BSA appellate "judge." Hence, the how one remarkable man defeated the mightiest empire with the from the institution. Racial, sex- Political Actions Committee questions of judicial effectiveness mightiest military force on Earth and freed 350 million people with ual or ethnic intolerance is anti- and fairness in regards to racism one unbelievable plan - passive resistance. thetical to the values of an aca- and sexism fall upon our Presi- Showing times: 9:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday.
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