VOXAIR 17 Wing Winnipeg 26 June ß2019 1 Volume 68, Issue 13 17 Wing Winnipeg / 17e Escadre Winnipeg 10 July 2019 The Winnipeg Military Community News Source Since 1952 402 Sqn Welcomes New CO Lieutenant-Colonel Ian Perreault, incoming 402 ‘City of Winnipeg’ Squadron Commanding Officer, and Colonel Eric Charron, 17 Wing Commander, inspect members of the squadron during the Change of Command Parade on June 28th, 2019 at 17 Wing. Please see page 2 for complete story. Photo: Cpl Angela Gore, 17 Wing Imaging Restored DC-3 Portraits of 17 Wing Members Det Dundurn AFOD reaches Sage Advice on Returns to Courage Tour Medal at Squash Member Repre- milestone of Four Desired Poland Stops in Winnipeg and Badminton sents Canada graduating 1000 Personal Nationals at 75th Anniver- students Attributes sary Events Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 11 Page 15 THEVOXAIR.CA FACEBOOK.COM/THEVOXAIR FREE 2 VOXAIR 17 Wing Winnipeg 26 June 2019 402 ‘City of Winnipeg’ Changes Commanders LCol Schwindt then addressed the sqn for the last Dieppe Raid and the Normandy Invasion, shooting down time. He said that he would keep his remarks short 49 enemy aircraft in the process.” since he had spoken at length to the sqn the day before. LCol Iain Perreault was born in Ottawa, ON. While “I’d like to repeat a quote from a Change of Command at RMC he was the assistant captain of the hockey team parade,” LCol Schwindt said. “I heard that you move and remains involved in hockey as a coach of several mountains, so I expect big things from you. I expect to hockey teams and as a member of a minor hockey as- be held to the same standard and for us to get there to- sociation board of directors. LCol Perreault was an artil- gether, so I’ll do my best to not let you down either.” lery officer following RMC where he had two OP PALLA- “So, yes, for those that remember two years ago I said DIUM deployments before transferring to Air Combat those very words standing right here,” he continued. “For Systems Officer. He served on the CP-140 Aurora for 12 all those that are here today, and for those that aren’t, years in Greenwood before doing the Joint Command that are gone from the sqn before us, I would have to say Staff College in Toronto and being posted to 1 CAD. mission accomplished.” 402 ‘City of Winnipeg’ Sqn began in 1932 as 12 Army LCol Schwindt, originally from the lower Fraser Val- Co-Operation Sqn flying out of Stevenson Field, which Lieutenant-Colonel John Schwindt (Outgoing) Commander ley in BC, joined the CAF in 1989 and graduated from is presently 17 Wing Winnipeg and the Winnipeg Inter- 402 Squadron (Sqn), Colonel Eric Charron Commander 17 the Royal Military College (RMC) in 1994. He served national Airport. The sqn was renumbered to No. 112 Wing Winnipeg, and Lieutenant-Colonel Ian Perreault (In- on Sea King helicopters and deployed on the Manitoba Army Co-Operation Sqn, No. 2 Canadian Sqn, and 402 coming) Commander 402 Sqn, during the 402 “City of Winni- Flood, Swiss Air search and recovery, a NATO deploy- Sqn finally in March 1942. peg” Squadron Change of Command Parade on June 28th, ment on OPERATION ALLIED FORCE, and a WEST- The sqn served as a training unit, flying Avro Tutors, 2019 at 17 Wing. Photo: Cpl Angela Gore, 17 Wing Imaging PLOY/RIMPAC. He has been involved in CISM soccer de Havilland Gypsy Moths, and Weston Lysanders. Dur- by Bill McLeod, Voxair Manager and is now the Senior Staff Officer Air Operations Train- ing the Second World War, the sqn flew Hurricanes in The second oldest RCAF unit still operating said ing at 2 Canadian Air Division. a low level attack role where they earned eight battle farewell to an outgoing commanding officer and welcome Col Charron addressed the sqn and told a funny story honours, which includes the Defence of Britain, Eng- to a new one at an outdoor ceremonial parade on the 17 about LCol Schwindt forgetting his dress shoes on top of lish Channel and North Sea, Fortress Europe, Dieppe, Wing Winnipeg flight line on the morning of June 28, his car. He went on to talk about how LCol Schwindt was France and Germany, Normandy, Arnhem, and Rhine. 2019. a known entity to him, having worked with him before, Post war the sqn has flown Harvards, Vampires, Lieutenant-Colonel Ian Perreault assumed com- and his performance in turning out Air Combat Systems Mustangs, Expeditors, Otters, and the Dakota. The sqn mand of 402 ‘City of Winnipeg’ Squadron from LCol John Officers and increasing the serviceability of the aircraft presently flies the CT-142 Dash 8 in the training role. Schwindt on a beautiful sunny morning. Colonel Eric was a testament to both the sqn and LCol Schwindt’s Charron, 17 Wing Commander, was the presiding officer leadership. He also related a story of how he was on a and VIPs included Honorary Colonel Brigadier-General Respect in the CAF course with some 402 Sqn members (Ret’d) Eldren Thuen and BGen Iain Huddleston, Depu- who had told him their CO gave them permission to re- ty Commander Force Generation at 1 Canadian Air Di- port him to the Wing Commander directly if they ever vision (1 CAD). thought his values and ethics were not in line with the Following the arrival of the presiding officer and CAF. VIPs, Col Charron reviewed the troops before LCol Col Charron then welcomed the new CO, LCol Ian Schwindt led 402 Sqn for the final time in a March Past. Perreault, and told him he had his full faith and confi- Col Charron presented clasps to Canadian Forces Deco- dence. rations for some 402 members and a Wing Commander’s “I am extremely honoured and proud to have the Commendation before LCol Schwindt made his last pre- opportunity to take command of 402 ‘City of Winnipeg’ sentation to a sqn member. Sqn,” LCol Perreault said. George Stetina was presented the 402 ‘City of Win- “From its very humble beginning as a non-perma- nipeg’ Sqn Community Engagement Award by LCol nent voluntary force from Winnipeg, the Grizzlies, as LCol John Schwindt leads 402 “City of Winnipeg” Squadron Schwindt for his 21 years of service planning, organiz- they called the sqn members, earned a reputation as a for the final time at the Change of Command Parade on ing, and carrying out the Adopt a Veteran program at fearless fighting unit during the Second World War par- June 28th, 2019 at 17 Wing. Deer Lodge. ticipating in some of the crucial air battles, notably the Photo: Cpl Angela Gore, 17 Wing Imaging Have you got a story you’d like to share? Honours and Awards Presented at Parade Call us: 204-833-2500 (ext. 6976) Email us: [email protected] THE VOXAIR OFFICE HOURS CONtact Monday to Friday Ad Sales/Main Office Submissions/Reporter 0800 -1500 hrs (204) 833-2500 ext 4120 (204) 833-2500 ext 6976 [email protected] Accounting [email protected] (204) 833-2500 ext 4121 Colonel Eric Charron, Commander 17 Wing Winnipeg, pres- Master Corporal Fraser Corporal Eugene Clifford VOXAIR Staff ents the Second Clasp to the Canadian Forces Decoration to Cameron received the First received the First Clasp to Sergeant Eric Krievans during the 402 “City of Winnipeg” Clasp to the Canadian the Canadian Forces LCol Brian Quick Martin Zeilig Broose Tulloch Squadron Change of Command Parade on June 28th, 2019 Forces Decoration Decoration Dep Wing Commander Photojournalist Layout/Ad Design (204) 833-2500 ext 5281 (204) 833-2500 ext 6976 at 17 Wing. All photos: Cpl Angela Gore, 17 Wing Imaging Misra Yakut Tina Bailey Maureen Walls Accounting Managing Editor Sales Coordinator (204) 833-2500 ext 4299 (204) 895-8191 Traci Wright Proofreading Capt McCulloch-Drake Bill McLeod Printed By Wing Public Voxair Manager Derksen Printers Affairs Officer (204) 833-2500 ext 4120 204-326-3421 Visit Us Online: thevoxair.ca VOXAIR is the unofficial Service newspaper of 17 Wing Winnipeg and is published every two weeks under the authority of the Wing Commander, Col Charron. Opinions and views expressed do not necessarily re- flect those of the Editor, the Wing Commander or the Department of National Defence. The Editor reserves the right to edit or reject any editorial or advertising material. We will not be responsible for any loss or damage to any advertiser or third party resulting from the failure of an advertisement to appear in any of our editions or from any error or omission in any advertisement which is published. Correspondence should be addressed to: Promotion of Private Businesses in articles sub- The Voxair mitted for publication is not permitted except in 17 Wing Winnipeg, cases of appreciation for donations where only the company name is included. (Companies PO Box 17000 Stn Forces or individuals that are currently in arrears shall Winnipeg, MB R3J 3Y5 not be published.) Individuals or groups shall Sergeant Anthony Foster LCol John Schwindt, outgoing CO of 402, presents the Com- This newspaper is printed using not make any offer of promotion in The Voxair received the Wing munity Engagement Award to Mr. George Stetina during environmentally safe inks. Newspaper of products and/or services for Commander’s the 402 “City of Winnipeg” Squadron Change of Command Publications Mail Agreement No. 1482823 exchange in donations. Commendation Parade on June 28th, 2019 at 17 Wing VOXAIR 17 Wing Winnipeg 26 June 2019 3 The Spirit of Ostra Brama Goes Home in 1970.
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