FOR SALE / TRADE VALUE - Complete set, MEDAL OF FREEDOM, with 1-1/8" palms, GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE, on Ribbon Bar and Medal drape as prescribed in C13 AR 672-8-1 WANTED - Qualification Bars CAP World War Two Ribbon Bars for 1500 Flight Hours, I000 Flight Hours, 500 Flight Hours; World War One USMC Collar Disc, pair or left side. JULIAN JORDAN (OMSA #1853), 825 ALMA REAL DRIVE, PACIFIC PALISADES, CALIFORNIA 90272 WANTED - German WWII Spanish Cross, German Cross in gold or silver or Eagle Order. Buy or have for trade - Verdienst Kreuz breast badge, Austria - Panama (star) Order of Vasca Nunez de Balboa - Mexico Order of the Aztec Eagle, 4th Class. JERRY LORENTZ (OMSA #2582), 108 - 2nd AVE.SO., SO. ST. PAUL, MN 55075 FOR SALE Orders, medals and badges of Japan, Manchukuo, Korea and associated states. One of the finest and largest collections in the world. Also, Thailand and French Indo-China (Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam). Lists $i.00 each, refunded with purchase. Please specify Japanese or Indo-China List. Major Duan K. Sinclair, Jr., USMC (Ret) (OMSA # 1290) 149 Wilkshire Drive Columbia, SC 29210 OFFER FROM MY PRIVATE COLLECTION Indian Wars Medal numbered MNo. 1016 Ribbon shows some wear but medal F/VF. Price $600.00 plus standard trade item Postpaid USA ......................... VICTOR GOSHCO (#3157) 486 TAFT AVENUE BEDFORD, OH 44146 - WANTED TO BUY - i. Any Imperial Russian medal, in box of issue. VF-ExF. 2. Imperial Russian Tercentenary Shield as shown Fig. 551 Pg. 163, "Badges, etc." by Werlich, 1972 3. An "Order of The Red Banner", Soviet, screw-back type, prior to 1943. Box of issue preferred. O. L. PARKS, (OMSA #3126) p. o. BOX 278 EAST ST. LOUIS, IL 622oz N 4O WANTED: Korean War, Campaign and UN Korea single or in groups need for the following countries - Australia, India, Denmark, Norway, New Zealand, Swedeni Greece, Italy, Columbia. I will buy or trade. - To complete Korean War collection I will break up my British medal collection which starts with ist Burma 1824- 1826. - I am a collector not a dealer let us help one another. Also collect fighting knives (Milt) and want knives used by Com- mandoes, Rangers, Sp. Forces, OSS, BSC, and Elite Units. JAMES W. LANG, 445 HOLLYDELL ROAD, KELOWNA, B.C. CANADA VIX iLl OHIO VALLEY MILITARY SOCIETY - 1980 SHOW DATES: March 1-2; May 3-4; July 19-20; September 13-14, November 8-9. 250 Tables available - World’s best all military show with thousands of war relics for sale and trade including many rare medals and badges. Membership available for $5.00 per year. This includes five newsletters a year plus free admission to each show. All shows held at the Drawbridge Motor Inn, 1-75 and Buttermilk Pike, Exit 186 Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky. Ten minutes from greater Cincinnati Airport and ten miles from downtown Cincinnati, Ohio. Show times, Fridays members only - 4:00 to I0:00 PM; Saturdays - 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM; Sundays - 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM. For table reservations or membership information contact OVMS, Mr. Paul Peters (OMSA #1128) 2204 Beechmont Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45230 (513) 231-8358 -- NOTICE - LET ME KNOW IF WO,LD LIKE TO OI CREETL SELL YOUR COLLECTION OF FINE U.S. OR FOREIGN MEDALS AND DECORATIONS. IMMEDIATE CASH AVAILABLE. BARRY D. HOFFMAN (OMSA #2887) 739 BOYLSTON STREET BOSTON, MA 02116 (617) 267-5555 FOR SALE: ORDERS, MEDALS and DECORATIONS OF THE WORLD; Especially British, U.S., German, and Imperial Russian. Many rarities in stock; satisfaction guaranteed. These items also wanted; one or acollection, fair prices paid; send details including price wanted. Current list 50¢ - N. America- $i.00 elsewhere; subscription 8 issues, USA $2.50; Canada and Mexico $3.50; elsewhere $6.50 Air mail. ********* SYDNEY B. VERNON (#1176), P. O. Box 387MC, N. Baldwin, New York i1510, U. S. A. 41 Will swap Belden’s Book "U.S. WAR MEDALS" (out of print) for Werlich’s Book on Russian Medals. If not interested in trade will pay cash. My new list on Rib- bons, U.S. and Foreign will be BI~TISH available July i0 at $1.50. MILITARIA Over 750 different ribbons in- cluding triangular ribbons, rib- CAP BADGES bon attachments for U. S. and others. Over 125 ribbon bars HELMET PLATES with pin backs or clutch backs available. U.S. Lapel Rosettes, ACCOUTERMENTS wide choice; Lapel Bars. Over I00 U.S. Miniature Medals. What MEDALS else can I offer you? Buy, Swap COLLAR & SHOULDER INSIGNIA and Sell Medals. New Medal List $i.00, coming out August I, 1980 BRASS DISPLA Y CASES Only put out two lists per year but worth waiting for. Includes old French Campaigns & U.S.S.R. THE this time. DAN BYRNE (OMSA #2258) QUARTERMASTE~ P. O. BOX 45023 ~ P,O. ELt,~ 1776 . NOHrHBOROUGH e MASS ¯ 01532 TULSA, OK 74145 TELEPHONE (617) 3936341 WANTED: Chinese medals and decorations also foreign documents for service in China and related documents, etc. Top prices paid. JOHN BOTTGER (OMSA #2965), P. O. BOX 25133, RICHMOND, VA 23260 - BRITISH WAR MEDALS - ~Oo~ Specializing in the Victorian era. Orders, gallantry and campaign medals. Imperial German and Third Reich also included in photo illustrated catalog. Subscription $3. per year. Catalogs issued quarterly, o~ R. P. MANISCALCO OMSA #2864 p.o. BOX 1811, COLLEGE STATION FREDERICKSBURG, VIRGINIA 22401 ~ REGULAR~o~s o~ ~sCATALOGUES ~o ~A~.PUBLISHED, EACHs~z~ CONTAINING ~ OVER~H 600 ~ ~ ~s~. M~ ~OA~S A S~J. ~ ~o~ EUGENE G. URSUAL, P.O. BOX 8096 [] OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA KIG 3H6 MEMBER: OMSA #1985" MCC of C #780" OMRS [] 42 .
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