■■ t ■■ \ • SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23,1961 f ^ B t W E N T Y Average Daily Net Preae Ron 7 ^anrbifBtpr Suiting A For the WeAc Ehded The Weather December 28, Itex Foreeast of U. S. WeatiMr Buseae School and, imich tb the aurpriM.of the flag raiser, who had put ,the Skating Report Announcement Inereaslnc oloadtaess toulglit. AboutTown No Herald Heard Along Main Street flag up to the top and waa Bear­ 13,525 ing the. rope, the flag was upalde Member of the Audit Low 25 to 80. CoMiderabie etoudl- Monday nesa Wednesday, somewhat wasm- 00«an will b« elected at e epe- And on Some o f Manrhp»ter*» Side Streeti, Too down. Bureau of Clrculatlbn dal meettnf the Ciietoforo Co" A Quick “retreat" brought the PETE'S er. High 38 to 40. a t flajf dbwn and then up again to Its Manche»ter~~-A City of Village Charm lood w S ociety Sunday at 2 i>.m. at The Manchest^ Evenina: Trinuninf the Tree tiM Italian American Club. rightful position, as the flag cus­ BARBER SHOP Herald will not publish Mon­ Christmas 1945 wa.v to three- todian looked araund to see if VOL. LXXXI, NO. 72 day, Christmas Day. year-old Glenda Rae Peters of, L,a (SIXTEEN PAGES) anyone was looking. He then 149 West. Middle Turnpike MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1961 (Olaselfled Adverttsinf on Page 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS The Rev. H. OoROod Bennett of Drive carefull.v. Grande, Ore.,'' now Mrs. Donald E. dashed into the school. N orth MettKxUet Church TtiU be Collins of 59 Apel PI., a sad time Suparvisad skating at Charter chaplain of the week at Manches­ when she was too small to help Do Not Open Until Oak and Center Springs Annex will ter Memorial Hoapltal for patients The Sisterhood of Teferes Israel trim the Christmas tree. A two-year-old decided to cele­ be allowed until 10 tonight. Hours Now OPEN Colombia Arrests 80 Svnagogue will sponsor a concert without church alRUation starting Her grandmother, Mrs. Nellie brate Clirlstmas early this year. tomorrow at both places are 10 State News Police Report Tuesday. The Rev., Paul C. Kaiser On Sunday. Jan. 14, at 8 p.m. at Primni. wrote a poem to Glenda Sent to her room lor misbehav­ a.m, to noon and 1:30 to 5. On of Concordia Laithefan Church will thi Synagogue. 165 Blue HilU Ave., Rae after seeing thi.s picture of ing she discovered her bureau Monday, 10 a.m. until noon and 3 Full Time Again be in charge of worship services Hartford. The concert will be the child looking forlorn beside the draw’s filled with decorated boxes to 10 p.m. Woman Slain Sunday afternoons in January at prc.«cnted by Jo.seph Cohen and tree. " ■ of all .shape.s and sizes. (Just the Coasting w-ill be allowed at Cen­ Roundup convalescent homes. choir with Cantor Konigsberg as Now Mrs. Collins is 19. big day before, her mother had boa.si- ter Springs Park, providing there Bomb Kills 10 Adrift on Dredge .soloist. Ke.ser\’ations may be made ed about having her gifts 50 In East Lyme enough to trim the tree. She and Is, sufTicient snow. Botlamin Magowan m . son of by calling Mrs. Donald Furman, her husband have a son, Donald wrapped). There is no skating on the pond. 29 Jack.son Rd., Bloomfield. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Mago\^'n. Jr.. 2’ j. The poem her grand­ Being completely feipinine, and Man, .3 3, Kills East Lyme, Dec. 26 (/P)— A S3 Cooper H ill naturally curious, -she .simply had St., la home on a mother wrote has become some- Liability May Soar 31-y«ar-old woman was killed 20-day leave. He has completed T\w Manchester studervts at ■ thing of a tradition. to know what was Inside the fa.s- Self in Leap Lasell Junior Coliege, Auburndale, cinating packages. Ribbons, pa­ In Yule March early today when she was hia Marine Corn boot training at Mass., recently participated in an I Called "Trimming the Christ- ^ pers, tag.'-, and gifts were being Wa.shington—A protocol that Partis laland, S. C. and will re­ mas Tree.” it is dedicated to j struck over the head with a port for duty Jan. 8 at Camp L.e- outdoor enactment of the Christ­ tossed about in gay abandon when would raise an alrline'a liability From Bridge mas story as members of the Or­ I Glenda R.ae and read.® a.a follows: : mother, .seeking the cause of the limits for each International pas- j By JA5IES DEWEY ■^one man In a car. One report said meat grinder by her husband, Set to Abandon Ship jeune, N. C. I wonder why my mother phean Club, choral society, on the unusual Quiet, walked in. I senger Is before the Senate for ad- j Bogota, Colombia, Dec. 26 the victims were injured by nails Middletown, Dec. 26 (JP)— State Police reported, Alway.s trims our Christmas tree. Mama waa not Impre.ssed, but vice and consent. The limit, now The wonian wad idenUfled as A series of Bible classes for college campus. They are Mi.ss ' She iump.s right in and itakes the ^ )— At least 50 worshipers and other metal fragments. Edward Swanson, "33, Port­ Methodist Men at South Methodist Persephone Kanibas. daughter of the seat of the young lady's over­ 58,300, would become 516,600. The Infirmary, the officer’s club Mr.s. Joanne Cranford. 31. job, , alls was, and with large . hand­ were killed in a Christmas land, plunged 80 feet to his Authorities said her husband, (%uroh on Monday evenings at Mr. and Mrs. John Kambas. 112 When it really belongs to me. ; and other installations were bad­ 7:30 win start Jan. 15 at Susannah Grandview St., and Miss Beth prints. DLSABLED FOUND JOBS eve outbreak of Colombia’s ly damaged. death in the icy Connecticut Glenn E. Cranford, a boaUswaln’s Wealey Hall. The Bible Study Tangaronc, daughter of Mr. and Washington—A total of 2,600.- persistent banditry and ter­ River yesterday. mate in the Navy, admitted strik­ She has to hang each thing so ' Shut Up and Swim! Gen. Alberto Ruiz Novoa. Co-, will be conducted by the Rev. Mrs. Felix A. Tsngarone. 29 Harv­ 000 handicapped workers have rorism when a bomb exploded lombian armed forces commander, The Rev. Robert Linke, pastor of ing his wife during a quarrel. Tow Line -straight, This is what the man of the found jobs through the 1,800 local Police said the husband turned Percy Spurrier. ard Rd. , And tells me I’m too slow. in the midst of a religious pro­ said terrorists planned the bomb­ the Zion Lutheran Church In Port­ house had ^ s a v a.s he sat at his offlce.s of federal-.state employ­ land, tried to prevent Swahson himself over to Harold Dean, an ! Rut 1 know that I could beat her. desk with all the Christma,s shop­ cession. Eighty persons were ing to gain entr>’ to the barracks. '< Cou.se my Grandma told me so. ment agencies in the last 10 ycar.s, It was believed they planned to from plunging from the Arrigoni assistant pro-secutor in the 10th t ping bills spiead before him: the Labor Department reports. reported under arrest in the steal arms and a'mmunltlon. Bridge linking Middletown and Circuit Court. They said Cranford •'Well, honey, we've reached that was personally acquainted with Snaps in U seems like Grandma under- hunt for the terrorists. A decade of civil war in Co­ Portland, police said. bridge we were going to cross •miWSIMHKWSItWSKMfSWIItSlfWStf After Swanson had climbed over Dean a.s an attorney. ' .stand.s. when we came to it.'' The explosion occurred in the lombia officially ended in 1947 with And always tells me right. 1 square of an artiUery battalion a guardi fence, the Rev. Mr. Linke The Cranfords lived in the Oak ZIPSBR CLUB I W ESTOW y a political truce between the na­ Grove Beach section of the town, She .said I am the little star barrack-s in the West Colombiart tion’s two major parties, the Lib­ managed to grab hold of Swan­ And Mother's guiding light. BRAZIL SENT OI’S 5 " PHARMACY ^ x son’s coat but he broke free and a shore front area of middle class Big Seas Brasilia Brazil was the only L59 Hartford Rd.—-511 9-9946 X city of Buga, 300 mile.s southwest erals and the Conservatives. But homes. of Bogota. many of the combatants took to the feU into the river, police said. With these words .she looked at Latin-American country to send Police said Swanson, who work­ Dr. Harold W. Duennebier, medi­ troops overseas in World War II. J A communique placed the death hills as bandits, and hardlv a week Boston, Dec. 26 (jIV -T he New Year's Eve Party me. OPEN SUN.-5ION. * Select from our toll at 50. Reports from the scene goes by without an attack on non- ed in Hartford, had attended cal examiner, said that Mrs. Cran­ Brazilian troops landed in Italv Then turned the lights real low, X Prescriptions, of Course X said 51 were killed and more than combatants. Christmas services at the Rev. Mr. ford died about 2 a.m. He said she Coast Guard said today the July 16, 1941. Linke’s church. Afterwards, he had been stnick on the liead by a 6 And told me Christmas .stories.
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