Henry Dr. A. Kissinger, back in Washington. gives first press conference since Oct. 26. Kissinger Blames Hanoi for no peace pact WASHINGTON (AP)--Henry A. Kissinger reported Saturday that the Vietnam peace talks have not yet produced an agreement "that the President considers just and fair." The Presidential adviser blamed Hanoi, which he portrayed as pursuing tactics of delay and sudden inexplicable changes during the secret bargaining in Paris which broke off last Wednesday. Kissinger still held forth the possibility of reaching a peace accord in a short span, provided the North Vietnamese are willing to resume negotiating with what he characteriz- ed as same good will prevailing during the October talks which produced a tentative nine- point settlement plan. And he made plain that Nixon is prepared to override any remaining objections by Apollo to splash down South Vietnam's President Nguyen Van Thieu t* and sign a pact if he deems it meets U.S. conditions. tomorrow in Pacif ic Kissinger gave his account of his sessions with Hanoi's Le Duc Tho to a crowded news briefing at the White House. His hour-long SPACE CENTER, HOUSTON (AP)--Astronaut Ron- presentation marked the first public, auth- ald E. Evans took a deep space walk yesterday oritative U.S. version of the course of afternoon, stepping out of the homeward-bound the secret parleys since they resumed Nov. Apollo 17 180,000 miles from earth to retrieve 20. film from the rear of the craft. When he last made such an appearance Oct. bundled in a stiff pressure suit and attach- (See KISSINGER page 4) ed to a 25-foot lifeline, Evans opened the hatch of command ship America and moved out- side for a 15-foot trip to the camera bay. Water status >c0 Figures for Dec. 15, 16, 17: Friday, "Hey there's the earth right out the Saturday and Sunday. hatch," Evans exclaimed as he slipped out the hatch. "Beautiful. Hey, that sun is bright. WATER PRODUCED: 5,454,000 Whool" -- : "When you get out there take it nice and WATER CONSUMED: 4,546,000 slow and easy. You've got all day," Cmdr. Eu- gene A. Cernan cautioned. WATER GAIN: 988,000 "You're a long way from home, we don't want (See APOLLO 17 page 2) WATER IN STORAGE: 19,720,000 Page 2--LATE NEWS ROUNDUP Guantanamo Gazette Monday, December 18, 1972 APOLLO 17 from page one 61 to lose you." GAZETTEER With the hatch open, the entire cabin was ex- posed to the harsh vacuum of space, so Cernan .a digest of late news and Harrison H. Schmitt also wore protective spacesuits. A television camera relayed pictures to mis- sion control as Evans worked his way hand over hand on a handrail back to the camera bay. He had worked with exercisers for months to con- WASHINGTON (AP)--The Pentagon has announced dition his hands for the demanding task. In that about 67,000 U.S. military men and women his white suit, he was silhouetted starkly will be exempted from President Nixon's new against the blackness of space. freeze on promotions. The freeze will affect about 48,000 to 50,000 men and women in all As he moved back he inspected some blistered the services, the Pentagon said. Secretary paint on the side of the command ship and re- of Defense Melvin Laird sought, and received, ported the condition to the ground. permission to exempt certain classifications Waving his hand at the camera, Evans commen- of military personnel from the freeze. In- ed: "speaking of being a spaceman, this is cluded were 38 men now held as war prisoners. it." Also exempted were men and women completing training courses leading normally to higher He began the task of retrieving two cassetts rank, people whose promotion orders were pub- containing nearly two miles of film snapped lished before the White House action was ann- by moon-manning cameras and a package of ounced and those up for promotion in jobs special film which recorded results of an ex- carring a grade specified by law. periment called a lunar sounder. The sounder fired radar signals into the surface to take x-ray-like pictures of underlying material. The space walk was necessary because the WASHINGTON (AP)--Senator Robert Dole, out- camera bay is jettisoned before re-entry and going Republican National Chairman, said yes- does not return to earth with the astronauts. terday Democratic efforts to stop funds for the Vietnam war will fail in the next congress The command ship, America, meanwhile, was because most Americans agree with the Presi- racing towards earth on such a perfect course dent's peace-with-honor theory. "I think correction yesterday morning. congress will start very early in January They were right on target toward a splash- trying to shut down the war in Southeast Asia," down tomorrow in the South Pacific some 400 said the Kansas Senator. While conceding that miles southeast of Samoa. The weather fore- the movement might have a chance in the sen- cast from the recovery carrier Ticonderoga ate, Dole said it will fail because there are was for good conditions in the landing zone-- "many of us who still believe if we are to partly cloudy with scattered showers, three- have peace in any part of the world, it'll foot seas and 80-degree temperatures. be negotiated by the executive branch, not congress." Looking ahead to the landing, mission con- trol wakened the spacemen yesterday with a vocal recording of "Home for the Holidays." "Your choice of music is getting better, LONDON (AP)--Israel has tortured many Pales- commander Cernan told capsule communicator tinian prisoners in a reign of terror it has Robert Parker. "We'll have to keep you there waged against Palestinians in Arab territory every morning." occupied in the 1967 Middle East war, a report by a British organization charged today. Of- "Well, if I am here waking you up tomorrow ficials in Israel were not immediately avail- morning, fellow, your are in trouble," Parker able for comment. replied in reference to tomorrow's planned return. Stateside Temperatures Guantanamo W Boston snowing 32 Gazette Chicago snowing 30 - Capt. a Abord Dayton snowing 34 Local Forecast tat 1A. sen B. McCudpan Miami raining 68 Partly cloudy with possible New York showers during the morning and overcast 44 JO2 ste vVieegg. ito St. Louis cloudy 28 afternoon hours. Mostly clear S . I.AsItant Editor J . i .u at Tulsa overcast 35 after sunset. Visibility 10 S a o o.pot ito Happy, Tex. dull 69 miles. Winds NE 5 knots Nashville overcast 43 increasing to 10-14 knots.with gusts to 25 knots during the Tbli it~b~1. tpltd .ptdII I , Ita - t. tha -3 .r -b Oi~aa taat.b -b. at afternoon. High today 87. Low -1-IrbC aaadfrdy Ifp. .ba tnhI, DIP- If atbIw~a abb~b b.alpt t.~. tonight 73. Bay conditions 1 foot increasing to 2-3 feet during the afternoon. High tide 1851. Low tide 1439. Monday, December 18, 1972 Guantanamo Gazette LOCAL NEWS--Page 3 LOCAL BRIEFS *ordnance wives Cap'n's Column 4- The Ordnance Department of us look forward to the Christmas Holidays. It's wives will hold a coffee hour All for all mankind to put aside their prob- at 8 p.m. Wednesday at 369A that time of year and friends to come closer together. Kittery.Beach. Under discuss- lems and for families make their "list" for Ole Santa; mysterious pack- ion will be the planning of a Children from not too secret hiding places; hopes come children's Christmas party. ages appear and men everywhere pray in their own way for "Peace For more information, call alive; Cook at 98283 or Sylvia on Earth". Vickie now well underway here at Guan- Perrault at 85288. The Christmas season is tanamo. We have had our Christmas tree lighting ceremony. The Christmas programs have started with the Christmas ceramics Story being retold in word and music at our base chapel more to look forward to. The Ceramic Shop will close and there will be re-open on Sunday and will an opportunity to visit your loved Dec. 26. No ceramics will be Many of you will have on leave, which of course adds to the joy of accepted for firing after ones while Yes, a happy season, but also one of the most Wednesday to assure that the season. By the end of the holidays, many persons will pieces being finished for dangerous. killed or injured needlessly, because of lack of Christmas will be done in have been time. Greenware will be ac- forethought. To you who will be going home on leave, remember the firing Dec. 26. cepted for difference in stateside driving and Gitmo driving is great. Stateside, you may be exposed to rain, fog, snow and ice. *disney The traffic experts make the following suggestions: Disneyland and Disneyworld (1)) Use common sense about holiday drinking. Never drive Magic Kingdom Club cards are under the influence of alcohol. available free of charge at while (2) In any rain, cut your speed and use your headlights Special Services. Both Base low beam. Allow more room for stopping and be alert for Transportation Office and on Special Services have bro- head-down pedestrians. chures to inform you of all (3) In fog, the very best of drivers can't compensate for the particulars of both Disney the lack of visibility. Keep your headlight beams low; operations. the watch the side of the road to be certain you are in *child correct traffic lane.
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