(EmtttPrttrut Satltj (ftampitB VOLLXV11N07 Serving Storrs Since 1896 SEPT 25,1969 "t^*1 Chicago 8 Bout 'Conspiracy' In Court Story On Page 3 TIIP Oii-ago Fight were brought to trial yesterday on charges of conspiring to set off bloody confrontations between police and anti-war demonstrators at the 1968 Chicago Democratic National Convention. Selection of jurors was scheduled to begin vesterday morning. The eight, who call themselves "The Conspiracy," said they will rally their supporters to demonstrate against the trial. Explaining the proposed construction of the new Graduate Center going up In the West Campus area Is Richard E. Swibold, a member of the architectural firm handling the project. At the meeting yester- day in the Museum of Art, it was announced that one of the Center structures a psychology building, should be completed by mid-winter. Also planned for the Center are dormitories, a Graduate Facilities building and a Graduate Club. Tear Gas Bomb Forces Fraternity Evacuation No Injuries to AEPi Residents Reported Story on Page Three A tear gas bomb that went off in the basement of Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity house Tuesday night forced about 63 residents of the house to evacuate. No injuries or damage was reported. After gas-clear- ing efforts by UConn Security, occupants were allowed back into the building around noon yesterday. $30 Million, 2000-Living Unit Complex Planned Ashford-Willington Line Site of Project Story on Page Four Two thousand living units, a shopping center and an 18-hole golf course will be Included in a planned residential and commercial complex four miles from campus. Carrying a price tag of about $30 million, the complex will be located on a 540 acre site spread over the Ashford Willington town line on Route 44-A. New Grad Center Construction Progressing Psych Building May be Completed by Winter Story on Page Four The proposed construction of UConn's new Graduate Center, new with a psychology building under construction, was discussed at a meeting yesterday at the Museum of Art. Future construction plans for the Center include a Graduate Facilities Building, dormitories, and a Graduate Club. Work on the Cen- ter's library will begin in about two years. ^"■—■ LETTERS TO (Rmmtttxttxt Satig (Eampua THE EDITOR Drowning Man Serving Storrs Since 1896 To the Editor: I am writing this with the kind of desperation -*>- THURS. SEPT 25, 1969 that a drowning man must feel as he goes down for the third time. The above analogy describes the present situation which the University of Connec- ticut Fraternity System Is facing. Yesterday, to my great dismay and alarm, I was informed that Dean Jonh Manning has set a per- sonal vendetta, (see news coverage tomorrow) which Nixon's War a University official has cited, as being the elimin- . ■. ation of 45% of the Fraternities on this campus. The F raternltles on this campus can by no means One is hard pressed to fine encouragement in the policies being be described as an angelic group, but neither can other groups who have yelled and been beard in the followed by President Nixon concerning the war in Vietnam. past. Recently the trend on this campus has been to do everything possible to bring about the destruction For in the months since his election — Just as in the months of the Fraternity System. Fraternities, we are told, are dying. Yes, I answer, they may be dying preceding it -- his conduct has been marked by inuendo and indeci- but with a great deal of help from such noble cru- saders as Dean Manning sion. In the place of solid, responsible leadership, he has provided The Dean seems to believe that the Fraternity System Is worthless and should be eliminated from this University. As has been so eloquently stated •wVvf 5PWT in Ml'CH ON URN TO MM J NOT WKH LEFT [0 'liftNt a cooly-calrulated series of meaningless statements and actions "Fraternity system at UConn is a tree with too which have resulted in a token withdrawal of American troops and many branches, some of which should be pruned." Perhaps this conclusion has been reached because Swimmers little more. we have not been vociferous; we have not picketed To the Biter: Gulley Hall; we have not stormed Administration. We take great pride in the fact that the paper I say let the University of Connecticut and Con- It seems ltke he is applulng the same do-nothing attitude to the which should reflect the sentiments of twelve thou- necitcut Residents hear of our death and let us sand students (sic) has finally decided to take a resort to tactics which have worked for others. was as he is to most other problems, and one has to wonder how poke at a discriminatory minority on this campus. In the past two years the voices of the left Furthermore, legal action Is needed to supplement have been heard and their programs and demands much longer such a man, who is supposed to be our leader, can re- the words of September 22nd. have had Impact far out of proportion to their We believe that there Is in existence a federal numerical strength. The Fraternities, traditionally main Indecisive on such a clear - cut matter. law called the Fair Housing Act. It clearly states looked upon as seats of a more conservative na- that If one is capable of paying the rent of a housing ture, have not on the whole seen the need to reach unit he Is entitled to live there. B the landlord in any radical way to campus Issues or problems uses race, creed, or religion in determining who His actions concerning the war like his actions concerning every- At present however, the situation has changed great- ly. We must now react. shall be his tenants, legal action should and must thing else, seem to be aimed more for his benefit than for that of be taken against the offender. We have been told that our breakage costs are There are currently ample precedents available the highest on campus. To this I can only point the American people. In the courts to support such a case. to the kind of building students are asked to live We would like to make one final point. B a in here. Housing on this campus can be likened racist apartment owner can be raken to court, to slums. It should be realized here that a rotten why the hell can't a Fraternity system, which mere- But what he cannot escape is that It Is quickly becoming, in the environment breeds rotten attitudes. We are told ly discriminates against non-drinkers and guys with we are to use our Fraternity Building faculties eyes of the American people, Mr. Nixon's war. a modest wardrobe. as we would use the facilities in our own homes. As In much of critical analysis; generalization My reply to this is that at home the walls have sometimes supercedes logic Consequently, we call paint on them, at home I don't have two Inch cock- on individual Fraternity members to Initiate ac- roaches and sllverfish In my room, at home I have He should have already realized th? responsibility lies squarely tive change within their own system. a shower that works, and at home the halls are Bennett Davies painted more than once every seven years. Bward Krzyzek on his shoulders, and he should have acted accordingly. But he has not. The Administration of this "fine Institution" seems ready to act quickly when demonstrations Class of '72 and demands are put forth by others, and I say that this is the time that fraternities must turn lasw d he has offered us only token from the war where there to this course of action to save themselves. Others Strike point to the discrimination that they have met at sho.iV! .. ' be American troops in the first place; unacceptable pro- the University a supposedly progressive, liberal To the Editor: school only shown its true apathetic, lethargic Let me voice my approval of Mark Boehnert's and pos.ls ind unlikely rumors concernhg the draft, a system which natUre* George A. Fedoronko and Lee Fay's rejection of the apathetic element Tail Kappa Epsllon that has embroidered our university and our coun- shoj! ' no "xist in a free society in the first place; unconfirmed try. It Is time that we rise out of our coffins of reports of pressure to fire Lewis B. Hershey, director of the Se- Drowning Woman ambiguities and conservative upbringing to be heard To tue editor: not just by the people on the Storrs campus, or ll" ti. Service System and a man whose office should have been I can understand dissatisfaction with Greeks the people of Connecticut, but by all of our world citizens and leaders. terminated as soon as Nixon took office. who owe debts to the University, who pad their active list of members, and who discriminate This liberal* approach to protest can only be on the basis of race, religion, or creed. I, too. heard If we have a majority, and the fact is that condemn houses that are undemocratic and who a majority is only made up of many minorities. seek those wanting shelter from the world as it I therefore applaud ASG President Tim Jerman on We suspect further "decisions" on these matters, If they are to is. But, it's not like that wher? I live--and I his "bravery* for joining the minority in calling for don't want to see my house discredited unjustly. a "Massive Student Strike".
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