INDEX 1 OPERATION WITH WOOD AND CARBON 1.1 DESCRIPTION . 48 1.2 INSTALLATION . 49 1.3 USE AND MAINTENANCE . 52 2 OPERATION WITH PELLETS AND SPECIAL KIT 2.1 DESCRIPTION . 53 2.2 INSTALLATION . 54 8 PL - ENGLISH SOLIDA 2.3 USE AND MAINTENANCE . 60 1 OPERATION WOOD AND CARBON 1.1 DESCRIPTION 1.1.2 SUPPLY adjustment of the blast gate damper, a IT contact spring for the bulb of the thermo- 1.1.1 INTRUDUCTION The boilers are supplied in three separate par- meter and the M6 lever to be fixed at the ES cels: blast gate damper. “Test certificate” to be The cast iron “SOLIDA 8 PL” boilers are a – Boiler body assembled and equipped with kept with the documents of the boiler. GB valid solution for the present energetic pro- loading port, ash boxes port, smoke cham- Miscellaneous accessories required to use blems, since they can run with solid fuels: ber with blast gate damper, ash collection the boiler with pellets (see Section 2 in the RUS wood and carbon. basin and thermostatic draught regulator. manual). “SOLIDA 8 PL” boilers conform to Directive Bag containing: 2 handles for the ports, a – Cardboard box for casing with thermo- PED 97/23/CEE. screw with bakelite knob for the manual meter and documents bag. FR BE 1.1.3 DIMENSIONS FIXTURES M C.H. flow 2” (UNI-ISO 7/1) R C.H. return 2” (UNI-ISO 7/1) S Boiler drain 1/2” (UNI-ISO 7/1) Fig. 1 1.1.4 TECHNICAL FEATURES Model SOLIDA 8 PL Carbon heat rate* kW (kcal/h) 39,5 (34.000) Performance class 2 Duration of a coal load h * 4 Duration of a wood load h * 2 Load volume dm3 59,5 Minimum chimney depression mbar 0,18 P (depth) mm 855 L (combustion chamber depth) mm 690 Number of elements n° 8 Max. operating temperature °C 95 Min. temperature of water returned to the plant °C 50 Max working pressure bar 4 Test pressure bar 6 Boiler capacity l43 Weight kg 350 * The heat rate will be reduced with about 10% for the operation with hard wood (birch – oak – olive). 1.1.5 HEAD LOSSES SOLIDA 8 PL 3 Flow rate m /h Fig. 2 48 1.2 INSTALLATION measured from the flame axis at the cuit heating installations (for example, for a exhaust of the chimney in the atmo- static column of 5 meters, the pre-loading IT 1.2.1 BOILER ROOM sphere. For the dimensioning of the pressure of the tank and the loading pres- flue you should consider the effecti- sure of the plant should correspond at least ES Check that the room has the requirements ve height of the chimney in meters, to a minimum value of 0,5 bar). and features in accordance to the rules in measured from the flame axis at the GB force. Furthermore, the room should be top, diminished with: aired, in order to have a regular combustion. – 0,50 m for each direction chan- Features of the feed water RUS Therefore it is necessary to practice some ging of the connection tube openings in the walls of the room, which cor- between boiler and flue; THE TREATMENT OF THE WATER USED respond to the following requirements: – 1,00 m for each horizontal deve- FOR THE HEATING INSTALLATION IS ABSO- FR – They should have a free section of at lopment meter of the connection LUTELY NECESSARY IN THE FOLLOWING least 6 cm2 for each 1,163 kW (1000 itself. CASES: BE kcal/h). The minimum opening section – Very vast plants (with high water con- shouldn’t be smaller than 100 cm2. The tents). section can also be calculated, using the 1.2.3 CONNECTION OF THE PLANT – Frequent replenishment water inlets in following ratio: the plant. The connections should be easily disconnec- – If the partial or total emptying of the Q S= ted by means of pipelines with revolving plant should be necessary. 100 joints. It is always advisable to assemble sui- table interception shutters on the piping of where “S” is expressed in cm2. the heating installation. 1.2.4 BRAZIER GRID ASSEMBLY “Q” is expressed in kcal/h (optional) CAUTION: It is obligatory to assemble – The opening should be situated on the safety valves on the system. In order to carry out the assembly proceed lower part of an outer wall, preferably on in the following way (fig. 3): the opposite of the one for the combu- – Punch the card of the outer part, stion gas discharge. Plant filling between the front head and the interme- diate element, using a bit of 10 ø as indi- Before starting with the connection of the cated in the detail (B). 1.2.2 CONNECTION TO THE FLUE boiler it is advisable to let the water circula- – Place the back grid (12) in the combu- te in the piping, in order to eliminate possi- stion chamber. A flue should correspond to the following ble foreign bodies, which could compromise – Place the front grid (10) and block it to requirements: the correct operation of the appliance. the hub (9) with the screws (8) and the – It should be of waterproof material and The filling should be carried out slowly in nuts (7); block the front grid from the resistant to temperature of smokes and order to make the air bubbles go out throu- right side of the boiler body with the related condensations. gh the proper outlets, placed on the heating screws (5). – It should be of a sufficient mechanical resi- installation. – Hook the tie rod (6) to the seats extrac- stance and a weak thermal conductivity. The cold loading pressure of the plant and ted from the front and rear grid. – It should be perfectly hermetic in order the pre-blowing pressure of the expansion – Place the intermediate grids (11). to avoid cooling of the flue. tank, should correspond or however – Introduce the ring (4) and the lever (3) on – It should have the most possible vertical shouldn’t be inferior to the height of the sta- the hub (9), fixing then everything with process and the terminal part should tic column of the plant in case of closed cir- the washer (2) and the screw (1). have a static aspirator, which assures an efficient and constant discharge of the combustion product. – In order to avoid the wind creating a very LEGEND high pressure around the chimneypot, 1 Screw TE M8 x 10 so that it prevails on the ascensional 2 Grower washer force of the combustion gas, it is neces- 3 Grid lever sary that the discharge orifice hangs 4 Ring for lever over at least 0,4 meters of whatever 5 Screw TE M8 x 35 structure adjacent the chimney itself 6 Tie rod 7 Nut M 10 (including the roof ridge) of at least 8 8 Screw TE M10 x 50 meters. 9 Hub – The flue shouldn’t have a diameter infe- 10 Front grid rior to the boiler connection; for flues with 11 Intermediate grid square or rectangular sections, the inter- 12 Rear grid nal section should be higher than 10% compared to the boiler connection one. – The net section of the flue can be obtai- ned from the following ratio: P S=K 3H S section resulting in cm2 K reduction coefficient: – 0,045 for wood – 0,030 for carbon P boiler capacity in kcal/h Fig. 3 H height of the chimney in meters 49 IT ES LEGEND 1 Handle 2 Load port GB 3 Roll 4 Elastic split pin RUS Fig. 4 FR BE 1.2.5 ASSEMBLY OF THE ned on each side. ACCESSORIES – Carry out the same operation to fix the back lower board (4). LEGEND The closing handles for the ports and the – The protection deflector (5) is fixed to the 1 Screw with knob M10 x 70 screw with the adjustment knob for the control board (6) with three self-threa- 2 Blind nut with cap blast gate damper are supplied separately, ding screws. 3 Blast gate damper since they could be damaged during the Fix the board by means of the pressure Fig. 5 transport. stakes. Both the handles and the screws with knob Then unwind the capillary of the thermo- are packed in a nylon bag, introduced inside meter and introduce it in the left sheath the ash collection basin. of the posterior head, introducing the which is assembled on the control board, by For the assembly of the handles proceed as contact spring. unscrewing the three screws that fix it (fig. following (fig. 4): The right sheath can be needed for the 6). Replace the protection deflector after – Take a handle (1), insert it in the opening check thermometer. the assembling and related adjustment. of the load port (2) and introduce the roll – Fix the cover (7) at the lateral sides of (3) in the opening of the handle; block the the boiler. handle introducing the elastic split pin (4). “THERMOMAT RT-C” Regulator – Carry out the same operation for the NOTE: Keep the “Test certification” handle of the ash box port. together with the boiler documents in the The “Thermomat” regulator is equipped combustion chamber. with a thermosetting resin knob of an adju- To assemble the screw with the knob, pro- stment field from 30 to 100 °C (fig. 7). ceed as follows (fig. 5): Screw the regulator on the 3/4” opening of – Remove the screw M8 x 60, which fixes 1.2.7 DRAUGHT REGULATOR the anterior head and orientate the red the air blast damper to the ash box port index on the upper part.
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