A C aliforria \"Jlnter S}Jortll 'Ttl~mv"" State Ilnute -37 ~ Auburn to lj·uckE'e .... Official Journal of the Department of PublicCWorks JAN.-FEB. State of Californi ct; 1933 .'.',MI!H'ii, !!i3I!l!!IWmIC' Table of Contents Pae;e Highway Budget Projects for Next Biennium Total $61,700,000______ 1 IIighway Dollar Spreading to 50,000 Californians Through 12,000 Workers 2 By Morgan Keaton, Assistant Deputy DIrector ot Public Works Illustrations of Highway Improvements by Relief QllOta Crews_______ 3 Piru Creek Moyed Into ew Concrete ChanIleL_____________________ 4 By R. C. My"r~, Assistant Engineer, Dist. VII Channel Change Operations Pictured . 5 Snow Removal Pays Dividends to Motorists and State________________ 6 By T. H. Dennis, Maintenance Engineer Scenes of Snow Removal Operations_______ 7 Dr. W. W. Barham Appointed Highway ommissioner-IlJustrated __ _ 8 Gasoline Tax Revenues Continue Downward Trend-Illustrated______ 9 ational State Highway Body Confirms Value of Relief Work 10 By George T. McCoy, Principal Assistant Engineer Highway and Parks Depa.rtments Saving Coast Areas 12 By Wm. E. Colby Chairman, California Sta.te Park Commission Views of Recently Acquired Coast Park 13 $100,000 U. S. Participation Approved for Ri er Bank Protection 14 By R. L. Jones, Deputy State Engineer Eight Major IIighway Projects Advertised 16 Tabulation of December Highway Projeets________________ _ 17 Facsimile of Unique New Years Greeting 19 Labor Gets 91 Pel' Cent of Every $1,000 for Concrete Paving 20 Report of State Engineer on Water Resources 25 Water Applications and Permits 28-29 Vital Statisti('.<J on Dam ControL ._____________________ 30 Details of Projects in 1933-35 Biennial Budget. ::11 to 36 "iii lQ'"'" G ""iIlbAAtitll"'iii Qllliiiliiiii! f1!itiit!i!ttt* Highway Commission Sets $61,700,000 Total for 1933-35 Biennial Budget Proposed ImprovcnlCnl.s Include 77 Projects Covl:l'ing 360 Mile in North Seetioo of State and 74 Totalling 510 Miles in the South rr llE Biennlal State highway budget ways in each seetion. The funds for eon· recommending expenditures o[ $61 struction on secondary highwa,}'s l!.toe etlUW]y 700,000 on the State highway system divided between the north Rnd 60uth seelions (or the ensuing two fiscal years, has been com­ of the StalP Ten per cent of tbe secondary pleted by Ole Califoruia Highway Cilmmis­ highway eQlI~truetiQn fund is appropriated sion and IInRnted to Governor Rolph. It b,}' law for State cooperation in joint high­ CO\-cn the biennial period from July l~ 1933, way districts, and is divided in equal amounts to June 30, 1935. between tlle north and south sections of the The budget provides for contemplated State. DJ\'1,;IOS' or pus'os expenditul'C8 from funds whil'.h it i3 esti· maU!d will becoUle a"ailable in the next bien­ Federal aid funds contributed by the nium, for all State highway purposes includ­ l<"'ooera! government constitute the highway ing eonstruction, reconstruction, maintenance, general fund. It is available for construction purchase of right of way. engineering 8mt and reconstruction and i! c1i"ided betWl'ell adm..inistrati\'e cost. the north and south sections of the State in The distribution of the money between the proportion to the milf'Age of primary high_ northern and southern rnnnlies, between pri­ ways in each section. mary and secoudsl') lii~hwll.."'8, is in accord­ The Federal aid allotment fl'<lm the Federal ance with thc provisions of the Breed Act. government i'l contingent upon appropria. tiOWl IDtl.de by Congt'CSI'I and must bf" e8Mlcd 15) I'KOJI«:T8 SCAEDULED by expenditure of State funds on the 7 pel' Major projects proposed for construction cent Federal Aid llighway 8Yl;lem. It is and reconstruction provide for improvement cxpected that California will r~ei"p' IIOOut of 77 projects in the north section of the $8,000,000 in Fedcral aid duriu){ the next State and 74 projects in the south section of biennium. the State. These projects lie on 28 different As provided in the Breed Act of 1927, the routes in the north and 21 difl'erent routes basis for expenditures for construction and in the sonth. The total mileage involved in reconstruction of primary highways in the these projecu is S60 miles in the north and north and south sections of the State is the 010 miles in the louth. mileage of adopted primary highw&yt in the Of Ule milclilro involved in the north, 130 respective section.. In the north section miles nrc financed from thc reconstruction primary mileage is 2341 mUes and in the fund and 230 miles; from eonstruetion and south section of the State 1920 miles. This general funds. Of the mil~lge in the south gives a ratio of 54.9 per cent for the northern to be improved, 265 miles are financed from counties and 40.1 per cent for the southern reconstruction funds and 245 miles from con­ count.ies. struction Hud general flmds. Sf'£Or-OAH'i lllOl:IWAYll Hevcllue in thc State highway coll5tl1lction Iu the secondary hi.!-!hway s,}'stem of Ihp fund-the one-ccnt fuel tax, which was put State, there are 1941 miles in the uorth all(l lnto rft'p.cl in 1927-i!l RI1('ltAted 75 per cent 1147 miles in the south. Three hunched and to prilllllry highwll)'ll and 25 per cent to see­ forty-fh'e milp.s of !t4'Condary highways are ondary highways. The funds for construe­ recommended Cor illdusion at this session of tion of primary highways are divided between the Legislature. Maintenance of this addi· the north and south sections of the State in tional 1I1ile.Jre hM bee.n provided f(,r in the proportion to the milcage of primary' high. 5th 8nd 86th flscal year budget. (Conllnllm on pan au , CA.LJFOKNJA. llIOHWAYS ,Hm PUBLIO WORKS Highway Dollar Spreading to 50,000 Californians Through 12,000 Workers 8}> MORGAN KEATON, A..I,ta.nt Deputy Director or Public Works OAD construction in the pan three on highway prott'etive work in forest camps years has taken a large place in the established throughout the StalP.; $1,430,000 R Nation '8 aeti\'ilies and nilS in 11 large has been devoted 10 relief elilployment Cor meaSllre helped to provide employment for famil.v men on thrcc~day-a-we(:k work at $4.00 skilled and unskilled labor wlJich machinery per day throughout our highway dislrif'I.'1, and hAg partially displaced ill othel' industries. $120.000 is being us~d for tile Arroyo Seco Road construction in California has amended Camp in Los Angeles Connty, where 300 &inglc 1, itself to relieve unemployment for the State men arc now sec'uring clothing, shelter (Uld 8S lias no other industry and the Slate in subsistence in retttrn for six hours per day turn has re(''eivcd full value for e\'ery dol­ work. At the prcsent time there are Amploycd on I 1111' expended ill higllwlLy hr.ttl'rments and illlprovelUeulll. the three·day·a-week maintenance work about J500 mCIl from the relief quotlls alld before The State is now carrying out its second the season closes a total of SOllle 4500 heads o[ wintcr program for unemployment relief famiHes will have been aided. through the Deparunent of Publio Works. At 'the pres­ HEIID :llUCH GRUTJ::,R ent time highwa.y dollars This grand toul is not 88 arc taking care ot approxi. J.::1'l~at as tJlat of the pre\iOUll mately 50,000 people in Cal­ .\"car bceause the appropria­ ifornia. throngh the money tion is smaller by $416,070. earned by Lhe 12,000 work­ HowHer, the need this win­ en. The la.tter represent ter has been even grtater contractors' crews engaged than that of the last two on State jobs, family men in previous winters. Therefore, relief quota maintenance it has been Illore difficult. to crews and others regnlarly §elect the most need)' for this employed on highwa.y work I'mployment~ in parts of Ute State. wI The a.verage number of Through the hands ot these people the highway dollar dependents this winter will is divided among a.n ever­ run between four a.nd five widening circle of mer­ as compared with the a.ver­ chants, manufa.cturers, age number of dependentll fanners and tbeir familles last year which ran about and employees. three to a. tamily. Thill means tha.t more peoplo are ORDF.n1m DV OQVERNon actuallybeing directly bene· Earl)' in the 8eWl0l1 Gov­ MORGAN KEATON fited on less funds th&tt dur­ ernor James Rolph, Jr., gave ing the previoul period. strict orders that only people willi a number The work of our maintenance crews bas ot dependents should be eligible Cor highway accordingly been expanded to take care or relief employment work, which policy haa been twice the number of employees at hand labor strictly adhered to by the Department of Pub· as would have been \I.!M.."'<l in ordinary times, lie Works. in order to give the largest possible spread of For this winter of 1932 and 1933 an Gppro­ employment to heads of families properly priation of $1,850,000 has been made to date seleetro for the work. to earry on a relief program similar to the work of last winter. Of lhis total $300,000 rtNl!: COOPf'.3J.TJON" was allotted to the Department of National The selection of the successful &pplicants Resources for the employment of single men for t.hia relief work has been due to the Iplen.
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