DICOTYLEDONS DICOTYLEDONS ACANTHACEAE Durande 1762 (Acanthus Family) A family of about 230 genera and about 3450 species, herbs, shrubs, vines, and trees, largely tropical. References: Wasshausen (1998); Long (1970); McDade & Moody (1999). 1 Leaves in a basal rosette (sometimes with smaller leaves on a scape). 2 Leaves glabrate, to 22 cm long and 8 cm wide; corolla 0.8-1.3 cm long; capsule 8-10 mm long; stamens 2; [of moist to wet swamps] .........................................................................................................................................................Elytraria 2 Leaves pubescent, to 10 cm long and 3 cm wide; corolla 1.8-4 cm long; capsule 9-18 mm long; stamens 4; [of dry upland pinelands]. 3 Leaves 2-10 cm long, 1-3 cm wide; corolla 3-4 cm long; calyx lobes 15-30 mm long; capsule 12-18 mm long........ .............................................................................................................................................................Ruellia ciliosa 3 Leaves 1.5-2.5 cm long, 0.7-0.8 cm wide; corolla ca. 2 cm long; calyx lobes 6-9 mm long; capsule ca. 10 mm long ............................................................................................................................................................... Stenandrium 1 Leaves cauline. 4 Stamens 2; corolla distinctly 2-lipped (except with 4 nearly equal lobes in Yeatesia). 5 Bracts and bractlets inconspicuous, 2-5 mm long, linear or triangular; stem subterete or obscurely 4-angled ........... ........................................................................................................................................................................Justicia 5 Bracts and/or bractlets subtending the flowers conspicuous, 5-15 mm long, obovate; stem terete or 6-angled. 6 Stem six-angled in cross-section; corolla conspicuously 2-lipped ...................................................... Dicliptera 6 Stem terete in cross-section; corolla 4-lobed, the lobes nearly equal .....................................................Yeatesia 4 Stamens 4; corolla not distinctly 2-lipped, the corolla lobes of nearly equal size (except distinctly 2-lipped in Hygrophila). 7 Corolla distinctly 2-lipped.........................................................................................................................Hygrophila 7 Corolla not distinctly 2-lipped, the corolla lobes of nearly equal size. 8 Calyx lobes linear-aristate; anther sacs awned or pointed at the base .............................................. Dyschoriste 8 Calyx lobes lanceolate or linear; anther sacs blunt.................................................................................. Ruellia Andrographis Wallich (False Water-willow) A genus of about 20 species of tropical Asia. * Andrographis echioides (Linnaeus) Nees, native of India, is reported for chrome ore piles near Newport News, VA, by Reed (1961); it is likely not established in our area. [= K] {not keyed} Dicliptera Antoine Laurent de Jussieu (Dicliptera, Foldwing) A genus of about 150 species, largely tropical, but extending into warm temperate regions. References: Wasshausen (1998)=Y; Long (1970)=Z. Dicliptera brachiata (Pursh) Sprengel, Dicliptera, Branched Foldwing. Cp (GA, NC, SC, VA), Pd (GA, NC, SC): bottomland forests; uncommon. August-October. Se. VA south to c. peninsular FL, west to TX, and north in the interior to c. TN, s. IN, s. IL, MO, and se. KS. [= RAB, C, F, GW, K, Y; = Diapedium brachiatum (Pursh) Kuntze – S; > Dicliptera brachiata var. brachiata – Z] Dyschoriste Nees (Twinflower, Snakeherb, Dyschoriste) A genus of about 65 species, of tropical and warm temperate regions. References: Wasshausen (1998)=Y; Long (1970)=Z. 1 Corolla 10-15 mm long (including the 3-5 mm lobes); capsule 8-10 mm long; [of floodplain forests]................D. humistrata 1 Corolla 25-27 mm long (including the 5-10 mm lobes); capsule 10-14 mm long; [of pinelands].......................D. oblongifolia Dyschoriste humistrata (Michaux) Kuntze, Swamp Twinflower, Swamp Dyschoriste. Cp (GA, SC): bottomland forests, especially on soils over limestone; uncommon, rare north of GA (SC Rare). April-May. SC to c. peninsular FL, west to panhandle FL. [= RAB, GW, K, S, Y] ACANTHACEAE 69 Dyschoriste oblongifolia (Michaux) Kuntze, Blue Twinflower, Pineland Dyschoriste. Cp (GA, SC): pine savannas, flatwoods, and sandhills; uncommon. April-May. SC to s. FL, west to panhandle FL. The basis of Small's (1933) attribution of this species to VA is unknown. [= RAB, K, S, Y; > Dyschoriste oblongifolia var. oblongifolia – Z] Elytraria Michaux (Elytraria) A genus of about 17 species, of tropical and warm temperate regions of the Western and Eastern Hemispheres. The placement of this genus in the Acanthaceae is uncertain (McDade & Moody 1999, McDade et al. 2000). References: Long (1970)=Z; Ward (2004d)=Y. Elytraria caroliniensis (J.F. Gmelin) Persoon var. caroliniensis, Carolina Elytraria. Cp (GA, SC): swamp forests over coquina limestone ("marl"); rare. June-August. Var. caroliniensis ranges from se. SC south to c. peninsular FL, west to panhandle FL and sw. GA. Var. angustifolia (Fernald) Blake is restricted to s. FL. Ward (2004d) also recognizes E. caroliniensis var. vahliana (Nees in Augustin de Candolle) D.B. Ward, in ne. and Panhandle FL, south to c. peninsular FL. [= K, Y, Z; < E. caroliniensis – RAB; = E. carolinensis var. carolinensis – GW, misspelling; = Tubiflora carolinensis J.F. Gmelin – S, misspelling] Hygrophila R. Brown A genus of about 25 species, of tropical regions. References: Wasshausen (1998)=Y; Les & Wunderlin (1981)=Z. Key based on Y. 1 Leaf blades 5-12 cm long; calyx segments ca. 5 mm long, glabrous; flowers borne in axillary clusters ................. H. lacustris 1 Leaf blades 1-3.5 cm long; calyx segments ca. 2 mm long, pubescent; flowers borne in terminal and axillary spikes .............. .............................................................................................................................................................................H. polysperma Hygrophila lacustris (Schlectendahl & Chamisso) Nees. Cp (GA): shallow water of swamps and shores; rare (GA Special Concern). Sw. GA south to FL Peninsula, west to e. TX; West Indies. [= GW, K, S; = Hygrophila costata Nees et al.; = Ruellia lacustris Schlectendahl & Chamisso] * Hygrophila polysperma (Roxburgh) T. Anderson. Cp (VA): lakes, doubtfully established but frequently reintroduced; rare, native of the East Indies. Grown for the aquarium trade, and sporadically introduced to bodies of water, apparently well- established in FL (Les & Wunderlin 1981). [= GW (footnote), K, Y, Z] Justicia Linnaeus (Water-willow) A genus of about 600 species, herbs and shrubs of the tropics and warm temperate North America. References: Wasshausen (1998)=Y; Long (1970)=Z. Key based in part on Y. 1 Spike densely flowered; seeds verrucose; primary leaves averaging 6-8× as long as wide; [of the Piedmont, Mountains, and Coastal Plain]......................................................................................................................................................... J. americana 1 Spike loosely flowered; seeds smooth or minutely muricate (with very fine, sharp projections); primary leaves either ca. 2- 6× as long as wide or > 8× as long as wide; [of the Coastal Plain]. 2 Corolla purple, 18-30 mm long; leaves averaging > 8× as long as wide; cystoliths parallel to the midvein of the leaf; [of s. GA south into FL]. 3 Upper leaf blades 4-7 cm long, not channeled, tough but not fleshy; calyx segments 5-7 mm long, < 1 mm wide .... ................................................................................................................................................................... J. angusta 3 Upper leaf blades 8-13.5 cm long, channeled, fleshy; calyx segments 11-15 mm long, ca. 1 mm wide..................... ............................................................................................................................................................... J. crassifolia 2 Corolla pale lavender to white, 8-13 mm long; leaves averaging 2-6× as long as wide; cystoliths parallel to the secondary veins of the leaf; [of the Coastal Plain throughout our area]. 4 Spikes lax, the flowers usually borne singly, secund; seeds smooth; leaves averaging ca. 5× as long as wide........... ...............................................................................................................................................J. ovata var. lanceolata 4 Spikes somewhat congested, the flowers borne in opposite pairs; seeds minutely muricate (with very fine, sharp projections); leaves averaging ca. 3× as long as wide ....................................................................J. ovata var. ovata Justicia americana (Linnaeus) Vahl, American Water-willow. Pd, Mt (GA, NC, SC, VA), Cp (NC, VA): river and stream beds, in shallow water, often rooted in rocky shallows; common. June-October. W. Québec west to MI and WI, south to GA, TX, and KS. [= RAB, C, GW, K, W, Y, Z; > J. americana var. americana – F, G; > J. americana var. subcoriacea Fernald – F, G; > J. mortuifluminis Fernald – F; = Dianthera americana Linnaeus – S] ACANTHACEAE 70 Justicia angusta (Chapman) Small, Pineland Water-willow, Narrowleaf Water-willow. Cp (GA): roadside ditches, savannas; rare (GA Special Concern). Se. GA (Camden County) (Sorrie 1998b) south to s. FL. [= K, Y; < J. ovata – GW; < J. crassifolia (Chapman) Chapman ex Small –
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