The Miami Hurricane THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY O F MIAMI VOLUME XIII CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA, SEPTEMBER 28, 1939 NUMBER 2 New Chapter Ibis Receives National New Aviation Quarterback's Pep Parade Of Delta Zeta All-American Honors Course Open Is Installed All-American honors have been To Students Set For Saturday Night awarded the 1939 Ibis, University of National Officers Attend Miami yearbook, in the Associated United States Government Special Celebration Week Collegiate Press annual contest, ac­ Furnishes Civilian Pilot cording to an announcement received Frosh To March New Lamba Chi Some Football Program! For Initiation Ceremonies Monday by Simon Hochberger, fac­ Training in Flight Theory Initiation of Alpha Omega, local Uni­ ulty advisor to the publication. Philip Students interested in vocational Yep, folks, here's sumptin' else that In Mass; Bands versity of Miami sorority as the Beta Fenigson, ','.9, was editor of the book. flight training, as connected with the Alpha Chapter shows we're really growing. A look Nu chapter of the Delta Zeta nation­ The present award brings to the United States civilian training pro­ t this year's football program shows University the highest possible na­ Will Perforin al organization will take place at a gram, may still obtain application Now On Campus that it contains sixty pages, which banquet to be held on Saturday. tional ratings for both its yearbook blanks from J. H. Clouse, associate will make it one of the largest, if not First of the parades and pep rallies and newspaper. The Hurricane re­ professor of physics, in room 279. National officers of Delta Zeta who Alumni Helps Establish which the Quarterback's Club of ceived All-American honors in both the RlT^est, football programs in the have come to Miami especially for Enrollment, however, is limited to Greater Miami is sponsoring in order the 19.18 and 1939 contests, and First National Fraternity; Delta nation. this initiation are Mrs. Myrtle Grae- those who have completed their first to promote city-wide interest in the Class honors, just a notch below All- ter Malott, national president, of year of college work, and who are Sigma Kappa Gets Charter There's more reading matter, art University of Miami and its football American, in 1937. Cincinnati, Ohio; Mrs. H. M. Lundy, between 18 and 25 years of age. Lambda Chi Alpha national frater­ layouts, cartoons, and action pictures team is to be held on Saturday even­ The Ibis was never entered in na­ vice-president, from Bloomington, Thomas (.. liro.vnell, graduate of the nity voted unanimously this past ing at 8:00 p.m. All fraternities and tional competition before this year, in this years booklet than ever before. Indiana; Mrs. Irene Boughton, execu­ United States Military Academy and summer to grunt Delta Sigma Kappa, sororities are eligible to compete in but for two years has been judged And the best part of all—it'll still tive secretary, Cincinnati; and pro­ a newcomer to the faculty, will be founded in 1926 on this campus, a best decorated" car contest. The the best college yearbook in Florida sells for fifteen cents! vince director Mrs. James Keezel of in charge of teaching the course. charter at the national convention winner will receive a cup. by the Florida Intercollegiate Press Winter Park, Florida. They were en­ According tu Robert Hinkley, Civil held in Sun Francisco the week of Association. The parade will have its origin at tertained at luncheon at the homes Aeronautics authority chairman, the August the 27th. Only four other yearbooks in the Lummus Park, which is located be­ of Mrs. Bowman F. Ashe, Mrs. Frank program bus two objectives: the cre­ At this same convention, Lambcfa United States, entered in the same tween Northwest Second and Third sta. M. O'Brien, and Miss Mary B. Mer­ ation of airmen thoroughly schooled Chi Alpha united with the Thetu Kap­ Panhell Meets school enrollment class, were given on Northwest North River Drive, and ritt, this week. in the principles of flight theory and pa Nu college fraternities under the dmilar rank. Judgment was on the will proceed eastward on Flagler Tonight pledging ceremonies will John C. Hopkins flying, to be drawn from in advent of name of Lambda Chi Alpha. basis of 1000 points. Lowest score For First Time, troet as far as Bayfront Park, where be held and are to be followed by a a national emergency; and to stim­ Noel Sargent of New York City, needed for the All-American award a pep rally under the direction of the party on Friday night. The tradition­ Special comment was made on infor­ ulate growth of private flying as a president of Lambda Chi Alpha and was 875 points—the Ibis scored 905. heerleaders will be conducted at the al "rose banquet," at which new offi­ means of promoting commerce and Executive Secretary of the National Make Tea Plans "Excellent" ratings were given the mal pictures throughout the book and bandstand. cers are to be installed, is to be held national progress. Association of Manufacturers, an­ Ibis by the ACP, which has its head­ for the excellent treatment of intra­ Frosh to Wear Dinks on Saturday night at the Columbus Authorized during the last session nounced that the united fraternities quarters at the University of Minne­ mural sports. Nothing in the book SofOticy Congress Picks All freshmen are required to ap­ Hotel. of Congress, the program will train now have approximately 108 chapters, sota, for presentation of administra­ pear on time at this parade in full Active members of the sorority, was condemned as "poor" or "weak." 11,000 civilian pilots in colleges and and will be the fourth largest Greek- Saturday, September 30, tive and faculty material, work of egalia, which is to include "dinks." who will be charter members of the John C. Hopkins and Lewis Dorn universities throughout, the country letter social fraternity. It is repre­ As OJiicial Function Date the school, classes, organizations and School buses will be available for newest national on hte campus are: served as managing editors on the this year. sented on campuses in 39 states and activities, headings and captions, ath­ Zeta Tau Alpha sorority acted as those who cannot procure rides, leav- Laura Green, president; Dorothy 1939 staff. Hopkins, editor-in-chief in one province of Canada. letic coverage and treatment, sports ng the University at 6:00, 6:45, and Schooley, vice-president; Mary Olive Officers of Delta Sigma Kappa are: hostess to the University of Miami pictures, sports records, plan of the for the 1940 edition, has issued a call ?:30. Campus Citizens organization Rife, secretary; Elizabeth Schwinn, Frank Paskewich, president; Bill Panhellenic Council, which held its book, page layouts, typography, per­ for new staff members. First Rat Court is taking charge of transportation. historian; Doris Brown, Rosemary Yarrington, vice-president; Pat Wei­ first regular meeting of the year sonality, and educative value. Hopkins, in speaking of the award, Neal, Helen Neilson, Martha Haapala, land, secretary; and Ned Turner, Fourteen uniformed marching un- said, "Phil Fenigson, in leading the Tuesday evening. Maria Dominguez, Geraldine Bran­ "Very good" was the judges' com­ Held As Frosh treasurer. The fraternity has 22 ac­ ts, including high school bands of Ibis to an All-American rating in its Final plans were made for the Pan­ non, and Patricia Krause. ment on senior and album sections, tive members and three Lambda Chi greater Miami, will provide supple­ first entry in the national contest, summaries of individuals' activities, transfer students. The date of the hellenic Tea, which is to take place mentary music to that furnished by has established a standard for all Get Acquainted group pictures, editing, organization formal installation has not as yet on Saturday, September 30, in the the University Band. These units will future yearbooks of the University to of material, physical appearance, been decided upon, but it is expected lounge of the new Administration form the first feature of the parade, Radio Programs quality of cover, binding, paper, and shoot at. Freshman Class Elections which will be climaxed by the ap­ to be sometime in November. Building from four to six p.m. "This year, with the cooperation of pearance of the University's delega­ financial status. Scheduled For Tuesday, For the past few years, Delta Sig­ staff members and the student body, All girls who have expressed their tion led by the band. Next follow the Being Planned The opening section of the book— ma Kappa has been affiliated with we hope to continue the success of October 10, Assembly Time freshmen and the V.C.'s. Last in line title and contents pages—was scored Lambda Chi Alpha, and its Miami desire to be rushed by a sorority are last year and possibly surpass it." will be the gaily-decorated automo­ "fair" in layout and typography. Continuing its "bang-up" beginning, Alumni Association. Through this invited, as well as all sorority mem­ biles of the students. By Committee the sophomore Vigilance Committee alumni association and its president, bers. The alumna advisor of each held its initial rat court session Mon­ Tom Smith, the formal petition was group will be present; also, Miss The Quarterback's Club and thc Making University radio programs University of Miami's administrative Sorores Preen Selves for Rush Weekda y in the auditorium. The rat court, drawn up and accepted by the na Mary B. Merritt, Dean of Women more interesting and entertaining to which has been reported as function- tional order. board are hoping for a large turnout Mrs. Bowman F. Ashe, Mrs.
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