Manuscript Division des Division manuscrits RT. HON. W.L.M. KING MG 26 J 9 Finding Aid No. 502 / Instrument de recherche no 502 Revised in 1999 and 2000 by Maureen Revisé en 1999 et 2000 par Maureen Hoogenraad of the Political Archives Hoogenraad de la Section des archives Section. politique. W.L.M. King Spiritualism Series MG 26 J 9 INTRODUCTION The W.L.M. King Spiritualism Series contains correspondence, pamphlets, notes and memoranda arranged in nominal and subject files. There is correspondence with various mediums and other friends and acquaintances of King who were interested in spiritualism. Of particular interest are the files of séance records, 1932-1950, in Volume 7. A list of files giving volume number, file number, subject and date of each file is available in the King finding aid, number 502. It should be noted that there is also much information on Mackenzie King and spiritualism in the King Diaries Series (MG 26 J13). It might be useful to look at the correspondence and séance records in the Spiritualism Series in conjunction with the diary entries for the same dates. W.L.M. King, Série spiritisme, MG 26 J 9 INTRODUCTION La série spiritisme du fonds W.L.M. King comprend de la correspondance, des brochures, des notes et des remarques classées dans des dossiers nominatifs et sujets. Il y a de la correspondance avec différents médiums et d’autres amis et connaissances de King qui se sont intéressés au spiritisme. Les dossiers des comptes-rendus des séances de 1932 à 1950 dans le volume 7 sont d’un intérêt particulier. On peut trouver dans l’instrument de recherche numéro 502, du fonds King, une liste des dossiers indiquant le numéro de volume, le numéro de dossier, le sujet et la date de chaque dossier. Il faut noter qu’on retrouve aussi d’autres informations sur Mackenzie King et le spiritisme dans la série des journaux intimes de King (MG 26 J13). Il serait utile de regarder la correspondance et les comptes-rendus des séances dans la série spiritisme en conjonction avec les pages des journaux intimes correspondant aux mêmes dates. RT. HON. W.L.M. KING MG 26 J 9 Vol. File/Dossier Title/Titre Date Reel # SPIRITUALISM SERIES/SERIES DE SPIRITISME 1 1 Aberdeen, Lady Ishbel 1934-1936 H-3034 1 2 Ambridge, Miss Ethel M. 1931, 1935 1 3 Barchet, Mrs. Geo. E. 1937 1 4 Bell, George T. 1 June 1927 1 5 Blochin, Mrs. A.E. 1942 1 6 Brown, Mrs. Alexander G. 1937-1940, 1944 1 7 Byng, Lady Evelyn 1923 1 8 Carnegie, David 1939, 1944, 1948 1 9 Carrington, Mrs. & Mr. Hereward 1933-1936 1 10 Clarke, H. Borden 1938 1 11 Dowden, Hester 1947 1 12 Elliott, Miss Ellen 1941-1943, 1947 1 13 Fenwick, Mrs. M.C. 1919, 1925-1926, 1932, 1934 1 14 Fodor, Nandor 1938, 1945 1 15 Fulford, Mrs. George T. 1932-1933, 1936, 1942, 1946 1 16 Grant, Richard (Dick) 1946-1948 1 17 Hamilton, The Duchess of 1936-1938, 1943 1 18 Hett, Dr. J.E. 1933, 1935-1943, 1945-1948 MG 26 J 3 RT. HON. W.L.M. KING 3 Vol. File/Dossier Title/Titre Date Reel # 1 19 Lambert, Mrs. Helen 1932-1938,1940- 1941,1949 1 20 Jacks, A. Elliott - "Flash-a-Call" Inter- 1942-1943 Communication Systems 1 21 Leonard, Mrs. Osborne 1937-1949 1 22 Lodge, Sir Oliver Lodge, Miss Norah 126, 1937-1941, 1943, 1945-1950 1 23 Lyttelton, Hon. Dame Edith 1938 1 24 MacIntyre, Mrs. M. 1927, 1930 1 25 Moore, Miss Isobel - The Journal of 1937-1938 H-3035 Parapsychology 1 26 Muhl, Dr. Anita 1925, 1929, 1933-1936 1 27 Oliver, Mrs. J.P. 1941-1942, 1944 1 28 Panin, Ivan 1932, 1934-1939, 1942 2 1 Phillimore, Miss Mercy 1936-1937, 1939, 1945-1946, 1948 2 2 Skinner, Mr. & Mrs. F.G. 1927, 1932-1934 2 3 Stead, Miss E.W. 1932-1933 2 4 Stewart, David A. 1933 2 5 Walker, Miss M. 1943-1944, 1946 2 6 Watson, Homer 1933-1934 2 7 Sundries n.d. 2 8 Psychical Research - England 1937 1935, 1937 2 9 Psychical Research - Summer 1937 1937 2 10 Psychical Incidents - 1937 - Birthday and 1936-1937 Christmas 4 RT. HON. W.L.M. KING MG 26 J 9 Vol. File/Dossier Title/Titre Date Reel # 2 11 Psychical Research - 1938 - 1938 Miscellaneous 2 12 Psychical Research - Washington Visit - 1938 November 17-19, 1938 2 13 Psychical Research 1937, 1939 H-3036 2 14 Psychical Research - Royal Visit - 1939 1939 2 15 Psychical Research - Miscellaneous 1940 Papers 2 16 Psychical Research - Correspondence A 1930, 1936-1937 to Z 2 17 Psychical Research - Miscellaneous 1941 Papers 2 18 Psychical Research - Miscellaneous 1942 2 19 Psychical Research - Miscellaneous 1943 2 20 Psychical Research 1944-1945, 1947-1950 2 21 Psychical Research - Book Publishers 1938 2 22 "Horizons of Immortality" by Baron 1938 Palmstierna - Macmillan Co. of Canada 2 23 Baalbek - Correspondence, Pamplets, 1938-1939 Maps 2 24 Pamphlets and Clippings 1943-1946, 1949 3 1 Pamphlets and memoranda 1933, 1936, 1939, 1946 3 2 Congratulations upon election of Douglas 1923, 1933-1934 Campbell for East Kent (Ontario) 3 3 Telegram and Clippings 1933-1934 H-3037 3 4 Letter from Mrs. Alfred Zimmern 1934 3 5 Genealogy n.d. 3 6 Lost letter 1933 MG 26 J 3 RT. HON. W.L.M. KING 5 Vol. File/Dossier Title/Titre Date Reel # 3 7 Record of January 21, 1934 1934 3 8 Record of January 25, 1934 1934 3 9 Anniversary of Sir Wilfrid Laurier’s 1934 Death - February 17, 1934 3 10 Death of King Albert I of Belgium - 1934 February 17, 1934 3 11 Coincidences 1933 3 12 Numerology n.d. 3 13 Anniversary - Mother’s Death 1933 3 14 Wilson-Laurier Inscription Incident n.d. 3 15 Incidents - November 1932 - February 1932-1933 1933 3 16 The Emerald Incident n.d., 1933 3 17 Midsummer Incidents 1933 3 18 Cathedral Incident 1933 3 19 Urn Burial Incident 1933 3 20 Laurier, Sir Wilfrid 1930-1932, 1934 3 21 Lincoln Assasination - Play Bill 1933 3 22 The Rosi Crucin Order 1933 3 23 The Alice Mackenzie Incident 1932 3 24 The Seal Incident 1933 3 25 Palmistry 1932 3 26 King George’s Illness - January-March 1929 1929 3 27 Sir John A. Macdonald 1933 3 28 Correspondence and Notes 1916, 1933-1934 3 29 W.L. Mackenzie Incident 1926, 1933 6 RT. HON. W.L.M. KING MG 26 J 9 Vol. File/Dossier Title/Titre Date Reel # 3 30 South Oxford By-election 1934 3 31 Coincidences (See Record of February 1934 18, 1933) 3 32 Paintings, Purchase of 1934 3 33 Labour Questions n.d. 3 34 Foundation Stones and Artists 1934 3 35 Codex - Sinaiticus 1934 3 36 Death of Reverend R.G. MacBeth 1934 3 37 Toronto Visit - March 5-6, 1934 1922, 1934 3 38 Eakin, Reverend Thomas 1934 3 39 Correspondence 1934 3 40 Easter Bell 1934 3 41 Bleaney, Mrs. Fred 1919 3 42 Bleaney, Mrs. Fred 1925 3 43 Bleaney, Mrs. Fred 1926 3 44 Bleaney, Mrs. Fred 1927 3 45 Bleaney, Mrs. Fred 1928 3 46 Bleaney, Mrs. Fred 1929 3 47 Bleaney, Mrs. Fred 1930 3 48 Bleaney, Mrs. Fred 1931 3 49 Bleaney, Mrs. Fred 1932 3 50 Bleaney, Mrs. Fred 1933 3 51 Bleaney, Mr. Fred 1934 4 1 Wriedt, Mrs. Etta 1932 4 2 Mrs. Wriedt’s Visit - Brockville - Ottawa Feb.-Apr. 1932 4 3 Mrs. Wriedt’s Visit - Kingsmere Aug. 1932 MG 26 J 3 RT. HON. W.L.M. KING 7 Vol. File/Dossier Title/Titre Date Reel # 4 4 Wriedt, Mrs. Etta 1933 4 5 Wriedt, Mrs. Etta 1934 4 6 Mrs. Etta Wriedt 1934 4 7 Wriedt, Mrs. Etta 1935 H-3038 4 8 Wriedt, Mrs. Etta 1936 4 9 Wriedt, Mrs. Etta 1937 4 10 Wriedt, Mrs. Etta 1938 4 11 Mrs. Wriedt - Correspondence 1939-1942 4 12 Hett, Dr. J.E. re Mrs. Wriedt 1943 4 13 Queen Victoria Gold Watch 1937-1938 4 14 W.L.M.K. - Mrs. Coumbe 1941-1943 4 15 Coumbe, Mrs. Clement (Jessie) 1941 4 16 Coumbe, Mrs. Jessie - Correspondence 1942 4 17 Coumbe, Mrs. Jessie - Correspondence 1943-1948 4 18 Clippings 1940-1943, 1948 4 19 "The Heraldic Menagery" by Clement 28 Oct. 1941 Webber Coumbe 4 20 Ross, Miss Kathryn 1935-1936 4 21 Miscellaneous pamphlets 1933 4 22 Gravelle, Marie Anne - March 26, 1935 1935 4 23 Session 1935 - Matters Pertaining Thereto 1935 H-3039 4 24 Hamilton, Dr. T. Glen 1933 4 25 Hamilton, Mrs. Glen 1935 4 26 Automatic Writing - Blanche Williams 1934 5 1 Canada Health Magazine - Spring 1935 1935 8 RT. HON. W.L.M. KING MG 26 J 9 Vol. File/Dossier Title/Titre Date Reel # 5 2 Family - 1935 1934-1935 5 3 England - Mrs. Vaugham and Mrs. 1934 Brenson - English Addresses 5 4 Moss & Kamin, Inc. 1933-1935 5 5 Graphology 1935, 1937-1938 5 6 Cudden-Woodthorpe, A. 1935 5 7 Graphology - Jacob, F.D. 1927-1931 5 8 Trembley, Mrs. (Miss Maizie C. 1930, 1934-1935, 1940 O’Connor) 5 9 Graphology - "Vancouver Sun" 1937, 1940 5 10 Graphology - Miscellaneous 1925, 1931 5 11 Palmistry - Brown, Mrs. Quest 1930-1931, 1934-1935 5 12 Astrology - M. Young, S. Holmwood - 1923-1925 England 5 13 Horoscope - Mrs. J.A. Stevenson 1924, 1928, 1931 5 14 Astrology - Miscellaneous 1924, 1928, 1931 5 15 Horoscope n.d., 1930 5 16 Astronomy 1930, 1933 H-3040 5 17 Numerology 1931, 1937 5 18 Bibliography n.d., 1932 5 19 Bibliography - Orders re 1932 5 20 Astrology - W.D.
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