• ¦ . ¦ ¦ v I THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON. D. 0„ WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 23, 1024. 7 VICTIM MARYLAND MAN. RITES FOR G. F. C. SMILLIE VETERAN MERCHANT 23eatlte. 3Tn iHemonam. George Andrews, Jr., in BHAWNER. Tuesday, January 22, 1224 «t Sacred to the memory of ADA S. Killed Funeral Tomorrow for Former Of- Georgetown Hospital, P. DIES COLLEGE HEAD DIES MAHOAKKT A., be- BELL, who entered eternal rest one year Canada, AT HOME HERE loved wife of tli« late Eugene H. Brawner. •Ko today, January 1023. Son of General. ficial of Engraving Bureau. hmieral from the ehapdl 23. of .Tames T. Bran, Sleep dear sister, thy Jr., who, Oeorpo 317 Pennsylvania ave. s.e.. Thursday, Janu- on. labor is coded; George Snowden Andrews. F. C. slxty-nlne ary at Sleep on. thy body free lrr.rn yoars Smlllle. 24, 9:15 a.m.; thence to St. Mat- Bye-bye: ;>afn. dispatches, old. formerly superintendent of Church, be we are gotug to you, according to telegraphic Moses Eitenmann Merchant thew’s Where mass will said at And we will Join the picture engraving at bureau in 10 a.ni. Interment Mt. olivet cemetery. never part &?afn. was killed In Ontario, Canada, on of engraving Jhe n ™VIN« MOTHER AND SISTER and printing, died ON • who MISSION IN D. C. MAMIh. Sunday, was a member of a promi- at his residence, 2631 Washington More Than EISENMANN. Tuesday, January 22, 1924, at Connecticut 2:30 p.m. MOSES DOWNEY. A Maryland family. He avenue, Monday, will EISENMANN. Funeral tribute of friendship to the nent was the be tendered from his late res:dence, 1842 Kalorama rd. memory of my dear friend KATHLEEN, funeral rites at his late residence to- Fifty Tears. u.w., Thursday, January 24. at • who passed son of the late Gen. Snowden Andrews 10:30 a.m. away ten years ago todat, r» morrow afternoon at Dr. W. M. Riggs, President of January 23, 1914. 4 o’clock. Burial EISENMANN. Members of Argo bodge. No. of Maryland, who was in command will be private. IDA * JMU 418, I O. JJ. IT., are requested, to attend SACHEY VTEUMANN. .Mr. was Eiscnmann, a of field artillery from Maryland, un- Smlllle one of those dis- Moses merchant in in Clemson, S. C., the funeral of their late brother, MOSES FANXHOY. In sad but loving remembrance of missed Institution r " " der Gen. “Stonewall” Jackson. In the from the bureau In 1922 “for ¦Washington for more than fifty years, EISENMANN, at 1842 Kalorama rd. n.w., .„ . , 1 the good of the recently ? Thinsday S!l mother. SELENA Army of Northern Virginia during the service” and yesterday at home, morning, January 24, at 10 a.m. ELIZABETH 4ANTUOY, who departed this served vindicated by Secretary of the died his 1842 Kal- lire two years ago today. January civil war, and who also on Treas. The members of Association 23. 1922. of three governors of Mary- ury Mellon. Ho was recently em- orama road, following an illness of Expires In Hotel. EISENMANN. the Day after day we think the staff ployed Oldest Inhab'tants are requested to attend of what she is doing land, of artillery. by the American Bank Note six months. Mr. Elsenmann was sev- associate In those bright realms of air; in command the funeral of our late member, year. He was a graduate the Virginia Company. The position ho held with M. EISENMANN, his late residence, *Der her tender steps pursuing. of latter enty-one years old. from Beho.d her grown more Instnnt Telief! Don’t stay stuffcd- sneezing. Tho second and third Military Institute, and Is survived by tlie organization was said to Dr. W. M. Riggs, president of CTem- 1842 Kalorama rd., Thursday, January 24, fair. have been a better one was He was born In Germany, where he »on C., of at 10:30 a.m Thus do we walk with her and np! Quit blowing and snuffling! doses usually end all cold grippe two sisters, Mrs. Gibson Fahnestock than the College, S. and one the broken keep un- Take and was the of the one which he formerly held with the spent his boyhood. He to this foremost educators of the south, died THEODORE W. NOYES. President. “Tape’s Cold Compound” every misery. of this city, who wife came J. ELIOT Secretary. The bond which nature gives. Gibson Fahnestock, and Mrs. bureau. country at the age of nineteen and late last night In this city, where he WRIGHT. Thinking two hours until three doses are “Tape’s late He is (h»t our remembrance, though uu Cold Compound” is the Eldridge. and a brother, survived by his wife, Mrs. P. settled In the District. He was a had come attend the meetings of EVANS. Tuesday, January 22, 1924, 12:80 taken. The first dose Frederick O. Smlllle, children, to at spoken. opens cloggcd- quickest, surest relief known and Lee Andrews and four Mr». K. member of the firm of M. Elsenmagn the executive committee of the Land a.m., 5A1,1.1 E T . dearly beloved wife of May reach her where Charles of New York. Handy & she lives, up nostrils and air passages of costs only a few cents at stores. f. of Raleigh, N, C.; Mrs. Paul Hro,, at ISM Pennsylvania avenue. Grant Colleges of the United States of John It. Evans. Funeral from her late resi- drug A. Davis of Philadelphia, and It. He was a member of Hiram Dodge, which His dence. 3313 Brothers place. Congress HER HUSBAND AN • head: slops nose relieves Contains no he was a member. death Heights. at DAUGHTk'u.* running; quinine. Tastes nice. Income tiled 1923 Keith and of Albert Con- D. C., Thursday, January 24, ' tax returns In Smlllle Prod B. Smlllle No. 10^F*. A. A. M., Pike occurred In the Harrington Hotel, and p.m. Relative*, tribute of love and devotion headache, dullness, paying city. sistory 2 and friends luviled. In- to the memory feverishness. showed 115,356 women as the this R. No. 1, Scottish rite, is to have caused- by • of our deaf wife, mother “heads M. S. believed been terment Congressional cemetery. grandmother. and tax under the classification of Almas Temple, the Association of the rupture of the heart. CLARA W FRANCIS, who *our year a Oldest Inhabitants and the West End He was ill yesterday, FINAN. Monday. January 21. 1924, BLANCHE agu yesti-rday, January 22. taken neces- FINAN (nee Edmondston), CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. Citizens’ He was a sitating his absence from beloved wife of Association. also the White Michael F. Fiuau. Remains resting at the D'c of (hat The Cosmopolitan its member of Washington Hebrew Con- of H. l‘°ur uphappr dav. ~ Hub will hold House when the other members H. Hines Company funeral home, When God •¦••"¦iiiiimmiiiiiiiinMimmiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimmmiiiiiiiiiMimiimiimiimiimi weekly gregation. 2901 called our dear one away. luncheon at the Franklin the committee called on President 14lh st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. A loving wife, a mother good Square Funeral at Coolidge. • and kind Hotel tomorrow at 12:30 services will be held He arrived here Monday (Fredericksburg papers please copy.) -No fr.eud on earth like her we will find ’ o’cloi k. 10:30 o'clock tomorrow morning at of “Mike” Heislef has been and attended a conference the at For ns she always designated vjlm” the residence, Rev. Abram FXTRR. Sunday, January 20, 1924, Freed- did her best; : Table 36-ind. by Coliiflower, with Dr. committee with the Secretary of men's Hospital, fSfl (i grant her eternal rest. f president of the club, blmon of the Washington Agriculture. ALICE V. FURR of 301 her to be the “Cos- Congregation, Hebrew One of the purposes of I. st. n.w., beloved mother of Walter Devoted husband dmghtfr- H Satisfaction First officiating. Oilcloth _ Since 1859 Sheeting mopolitan of the* day." Burial will the committee's coming to Washing- and Oliver Furr, sister of Jacob Toliver, AND GRANDCHILDREN. be In the Washington ceme- congres- aunt King. HILL. tery. Hebrew ton was to appear before of Ida B. Mattie Smith. A tribute of lore to the memory of The Jewish Inter Club Council will sional committees In conection with Blanche Cook, Justloe Cole. John E. Toliver our dear mother. SUSAN M. HILL, who Hr. and Sylvester Toliver. Funeral Friday, Jan- entered into years elect officers Monday, 7:30 p.m., at Elsenmann Is survived by two agricultural matters in which Iho In- eternal rest four ago to the Young brothers, Abraham and Jacob, and a uary 25, at 1:15 o’clock, from Asbury day, January 23, 1920. Priends’ clubhouse. 719 stitution headed by Dr. Higgs was • Mrs S. Dresener of Brooklyn, Church, 11th and K ats. n.w. Sweet 9th street. Louis Markelle of the - vitaiiy interested through Its experi- memories will ever linger. Universal GEORGE Monday. January 21, 1924, at 11:40 Time cannot change them, ’t‘s true: Service of Washington, will mentation work. Years that may ,-annot l« principal notified last night p.m.. THOMAS I)., beloved husband of Clara come sever w speaker. All Jewish His widow was M. aged Our loving remembrance of vou ~ and father of Albert T. George, 00 Fancy Oilcloth, S’ RjC*) bleached sheet- this morning, and * Hubs whose members are between and arrived here years. Funeral services at h’s i*idence, HENRIETTA AND TURNER. by seventeen and twenty-live years of FUNERAL RITES HELD was met local friends, 'Mr. and 1001* 12th st. n.w., Thursday. January 24. HILL. A token of love and devotion to Maj. Mrs. at memory the 810-818 'JS.'ST.SSS age who have not sent their repre- Mrs.
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