F r ORNL MASTER COPY ORNL/ COW269 LABORATOR Results of Workshop to Develop Alternatives for Insulations I MARrIM MARIE-A Containing CFCs Research Project Menu J. E. Ghristian D. L. McElroy F f MARTIN MARIETTA EN Prilnted in the IUnIilted States of America. Avaibbilie from National iech n ical Informat ion Selrvice U.S. Department of Co 5285 Port Royal Road, SpringfiIeliU, Virglilnia 22lI61 NiTiS price codes-Priinted Copy: A-018 Miicrofiiiche 801 This report was prepared as am account of work sponsored by aln agency of LhR UrtitedStatesGovernment Neither theU nriited StatesGweFnrnemt nolr myagency endlorsement, recoimmenldatton. tng by the UniFedStatesGovemmentolr thereof The views a state or reelect those thereof ORNL/CON-269 Results of Workshop to Develop Alternatives for Insulations Containing CFCs Research Project Menu J. E. Christian Energy Division and D. L. McElroy Metals and Ceramics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6070 and Planning Team Members for CFC Workshop December 1988 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under contract DE-AC05-840R21400 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ........................................................ v LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................... vii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ....................................................... ix EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................... xiii ABSTRACT .............................................................. xv 1. INTRODUCTION...................................................... 1 1.1 Objectives................................................... 1 1.2 Scope ........................................................ 1 1.3 Problem Significance......................................... 2 1.4 Merits of Public/Private Cooperative Programs ................ 3 1.5 Background................................................... 4 2 . CFC INSULATION RESEARCH PROJECTS .................................. 7 2.1 Insulation with Alternative Blowing Agents ................... 7 2.2 Alternative Insulations...................................... 9 2.3 Recovery/Recycling/Disposal .................................. 10 2.4 Implementation and Information Exchange...................... 10 3 . WORKSHOP SUMMARY ................................................... 11 3.1 Introduction................................................ 11 3.2 Goals and Methodology ........................................ 12 3.3 Progress Reports on Current and Planned Research ............. 12 3.4 Research Menu Discussion..................................... 15 3.5 Research Project Ranking ..................................... 15 4 . RESEARCH PROJECT RANKING ANALYSIS ................................. 20 4.1 Overall ..................................................... 20 4.2 Research Categories .......................................... 30 5 . CONCLUSIONS ....................................................... 33 6 . REFERENCES ........................................................ 35 APPENDIX A: Private Industry Interest in DOE Cost Sharing Development of Alternatives for Insulations Containing CFCS........................................... 37 APPENDIX B: CFC Insulation Alternatives - Workshop Participants...... 41 APPENDIX C: CFC Insulation Alternatives Research Menu ................. 47 APPENDIX D: Balloting Process ......................................... 81 APPENDIX E: Chronology of BTESM Program CFC Related Activities........ 87 APPENDIX F: Workshop Backup Documents ................................. 93 iii ... .. .. .. LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Research Project Category 1. Insulation With Alternative Blowing Agents .............................. 8 Table 2.2 Research Project Category 2. Alternative Insulations... 9 Table 2.3 Research Project Category 3. Recovery/Recycling/ Disposal. ............................................... 10 Table 2.4 Research Project Category 4. Implementation and Information Exchange .................................... 11 Table 3.1 Research Project Category 1. Insulation With Alternative Blowing Agents - Comments by Attendees.................. 16 Table 3.2 Research Project Category 2. Alternative Insulations - 17 Comments by Attendees................................... Table 3.3 Research Project Category 3. Recovery/Recycling/ Disposal - Coments by Attendees........................ 18 Table 3.4 Research Project Category 4. Implementation and Information Exchange - Coments by Attendees............ 19 Table 4.1 Overall Ranking by Technical Merit: All Voters.......... 23 Table 4.2 Overall Ranking by Technical Merit: Private Sector...... 28 Table 4.3 Overall Ranking by Technical Merit: Public Sector....... 29 Table 4.4 Ranking Within Groups Based on Technical Merit: All Voters.............................................. 30 Table 4.5 Ranking Within Groups Based on Technical Merit: 31 Private Sector Voters................................... Table 4.6 Ranking Within Groups Based on Technical Merit: Public Sector Voters........................................... 32 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 4.1 Technical Importance Ranking Versus Who Should Do It.... 21 Figure 4.2 Who Should Do It: Mean From All Voters and 95% Confidence Interval..................................... 22 Figure 4.3 Histograms of Tgp 10 Research Project Importance Ranking Ballot Results From All Voters .......................... 24 Figure 4.4 Importance Ranking Mean and 95% Confidence Interval Using All Voter Ballots....................................... 26 vi i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors acknowledge the help of a number of people who contributed to the success of this workshop. The workshop provided members of the technical community the opportunity to discuss a number of research and development projects relevant to the current chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) issue. The authors thank the attendees for contributing to the discussions and for voting to rank the importance of the projects and who should do the projects. Special thanks are extended to the Planning Team members and their organizations for allowing them to meet in Atlanta on April 20, 1988 to plan the June 1988 workshop. The Planning Team members and guests who attended are listed at the end of the acknowledgments. Ov,er 20 public and private progress reports on current and planned research were presented at the first session of the workshop. The authors thank each speaker for their presentation. The research menu topics were presented and discussed at the second session. The authors thank each of the presenters and discussion leaders for their clear and factual coverage of each project. We are sure the attendees join us in this expression of gratitude for their efforts. Contributors to the Research Menu Discussion Discussion Topic Presenter Leader C1 Insulation with Alternative R. P. Tye G. Bauman Blowing Agents (12 Projects) C2 Alternative Insulations H. A. Fine R. W. Barito (6 projects) C3 Recovery/Recycling/Disposal 3. E. Christian T. Nelson (6 projects) C4 Implementation and Information G. E. Courville F. Lichtenberg Exchange (5 projects) We would like to thank Mr. John P. Millhone, Director of the Office of Buildings and Community Systems, U.S. Department of Energy, for his welcoming remarks to the workshop attendees. He identified Department of Energy responsibilities for research related to CFC in three areas: Building Equipment Research and Appliance Efficiency Standards, Building Research, and Transportation Research. He noted that DOE is cooperating with the Environmental Protection Agency and he expressed hope that public and private interactions at this workshop would yield productive and cooperative areas for joint research projects. In addition, the authors ix would like to thank him for approval to conduct this workshop. This report and the workshop were conducted under both the DOE Building Materials, and Walls and Foundations Research Projects. Ms. Raydean M. Acevedo, Program Manager, National Computer Systems, Washington, DC is due a special thanks for her role in the balloting process. National Computer Systems provided the ballot sheets, used their facilities to count the ballots, and helped provide the attendees with a hard copy of the results. We thank Dr. H. A. Fine, who worked with Ms. Acevedo to complete this process. In less than two hours over 55 ballots, each containing 29 projects were processed and the project ranking summary was presented to the attendees. A workshop such as this does not just happen without the support of a dedicated staff. The authors appreciate the efforts of four special people whose behind- he-scenes work in completing assignments allowed this workshop to proceed: G. L. Coleman, correspondence, arrangements, and registration; K. R. Grubb, correspondence; P. M. Love, arrangements and registration; and S. D. Samples, correspondence. We also thank Margaret Rogers, SOC ety of Plastics Industry, who assisted in completing the arrangements. Finally, we would like to express our thanks to H. A. Fine and D. W. Yarbrough for their review of this report. The report was prepared by G. L. Coleman and we thank her for doing so. X ATTENDANCE SHEET April 20. 1988 Planning Team Meeting for Workshop on A1 ternatives for CFC Insulations -Name Af f 11 ia t ion/Address D. L. McElroy ORNL, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 Sam Tagore DOE, Washington, DC 20585 C. John Galbraith IC1 Polyurethanes, Mantua Grove Road, West
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