a IVhen YOUJ, requrre . PRINTING PUBLICITY ADVERTISING ' ALDRON PUBLICITY LIMITED, 14 Lorne Park Road, Bournemouth are ready for you! PERSONALISED BOWLING SHIRTS I the Style and Quality a Bowler is proud to wear REAL GABARDINE CTOTH PURE SIIK EAABROIDERY OESIGNS BY ARTISTS 'k Ordering made easy, as it should be . i Ask for our Form-ii covers every alternative l * One ALL-INCLUSIVE Price- No so-called "extra s" [or names al back or on pocket, for embroidery in various colours, for contrasling colours for collars and side pleats, efc. r * A Unique Service available only from PERSONALISED BOWLING DIVI$ON cAsAssus &. co. (TRADING) LTD. u, LLOYDS BANK CHAMBERS, I25 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W.i ] Telephone: GERrord 5244 STRIKE.OUI EDITORIAL Editorial and adr-ertising offices : Our new cover is not the only thing different about 1-1 Lorne-Park Road. STRIKtr-OUT which we hope will in future amuse and Bournemouth. Hants. entertain you, by making bowling mcre interesting and Borrnemouth 22272 (2 lines) therefore more enjoyable. If you like bowling, it is only commonsense to ensure that Ed:tor : P.obert Freeman. facilities continue to be available. In this hard, commercial world, Bowls can only stay open if they are profitable. Yott -\rtu'cik & Design : are not really doing yourself any favours by insisting upon bl -{lan \\-. Burr. free games, reduced lineage etc., as the perquisite of regular patronage, unless you also -give the fuliest possible Proplietors : Aldron Publicity Ltd., support to the tournaments which are organised for you, 11 Lcrne-Park Road, Bournemouth. introduce friends as new customers, and generally help to promote tenpin to the world at large. Make it YOUR iob, and Printers : Southerirprint Ltd., next time you bowl bring a friend. Branksome, Poole, This month, the Chairman- of the British Tenpin Bowling Ieleplrone : Westbourne 63271. Association, Mr. Eric Terry, has issued a statement re-hashing the news of last March-which was that B.T.B.A. October 1967 Vol. 1 would accept lane Certiflcation issued by Chartered Strike 6 Surveyors. Whilst we have the utmost respect for Mr. Terry, and Contents for October issue admire his untiring efforts on behalf of the Association, we Page think that these political pronounceraents have become a bit as great mass of bowlers are concerned, Anaiomy of a Tournament ,2 of a drag. As far the Xast year's controversy is a dead duckl Those who want to llinisoccer Tournament .4 join B.T.B.A. will do so, the others would probably be of Charlie I{ollingberry ... "5 doubtful value to Mr. Terry as members anyway, so let's lIodeI League Constitution .8 assume that bowlers have the intelligence to make up their Borvling Tips . 11 own minds. As for the f2,000-most people would regard this as nloney 13th Prame 12 well spent in view of the fantastic success of our team at Tournament Calendar t5 Malmo, so let's have no more bieating about this bloody fine High Score Award Standing List 16 investment in British Bowling, which reflects nothing but credit on the people who subscribed the money, so long as COVER they are not going to keep on whining for it back! Chris Buck a consistent high scorer at all tournaments. Alclron Publicity Ltd., 14 Lorne-Park Road, Bournemouth, Hants. Your Name Address subsciption form OnIy 22s. for a year's subscription to STRIKE-OUT. Send no money now, we wiII invoice you. October I 967 I on the Sunday the 'phone becomes a " hot-line " with first of ali the in- coniing resuits, and then a series of calls back down the line to advise the waiting competitors what score n has become the " cut-0ff " for dis- Anatomy of qualification, The London organisa- tion is at such a pitch by now that they are able to prepare a list of qualifiers overnight, and have this in the post to all of the entrants so as to reach them Monda), morningl Now that the names of the British and Tournilment Foreign competitors are available, the tournament programme can be It probably won't surPrise You to upon, and then the individual mana- printed with the results of the draw learn that a big national tournament gers of those Centres to be asked for lanes in the first round. The can take 12 months to organise. whether they are willing to stage the previous year's winners are automati- Taking as our examPle the legendary event. The sheer volume of mail at cally seeded into the competition at London International Match PlaY this stage is staggering, involving as this stage. Championship, sponsored by Roth- it does the locai officials of Area Various details have been taken mans, this had already begun to take Associations, who must sanction their care of by individual committee shape for 1968 before the 1967 particular qualifying tourney, and also members, such as Press Reieases to Champions had been decided! The assist in its presentation. lnterested parties, and arrangements sponsors had been apProached for The Rules have long since been for catering, car-parking etc. Large their continuing support, and the decided upon, but it is now necessary score-display boards have to be writ- B.T.B.A. were asked for a sanction. to print these, together with an entry ten up, so as to keep sPectators and Before the end of September, already form showing the possible venues competitors aware of the results. a post-mortem was being held so as which the bowler can choose for his On the day of the tournament, to decide whether any alterations qualifying games. Posters are pre- competitors have to register, show were necessary. RalPh Miller, mana- pared simuitaneously, and bundles of their B.T.B.A. cards, and pay fl.1.0 ger of the Wembley Stadium Bowl, the publicity material will now be for the six games which all of them was Tournament Manager and the sent to every Bowl ln the country. will be plaf ing. No less than 127 men, " front man " throughout DannY Three to four peopie are constantly and 32 women will be starting, com- Lever presided over the -14 other involved with all the necessary cor- mencing at 10.00 a.m. on the Satur- executives- necessary to operate the respondence, but in mid-Ju1y the day, with squads hourly through to tourney on the day. Constantly in whole team swings into action as the 10.00 p.m.. commencirrg again at evidence were the four concourse entry-forms begin to pour in. Trea- 10.30 a.m. on the Sunday. As the first officials, Chris Wheeler, Les George, surer Chris Wheeler banks the 48 men take the field, 24 of them are Daye Law and Sam Walker, and every cheques and postal orders etc., which going to be beaten, and enter the competitor met Derek Drinkwater in meet some of the expenses and all of charge of the Registration Desk. the prize fund, while other members Dave Bennett and Bill Walby looked of the tournament conimittee sort after scoring, with Peter Hopper in entries into their respective quali WANTED sole charge of the score-display board. fying centres as requested by the FOR BEING DIFFERENT The London Area Secretary, Ron competitors. This has to be done as Miles, was responsible for the Audit, quickly as possible, s0 as to give assisted by Arthur Calver, Joe an-rple warning to those Bor-,,ls holding NOVELTY RADIOS Michael, Alan Reed and Eric Perkins. the competition how many to expect. MAKE MAR.YEL!-OUS PRIZES Throughout the two-day elimination, If any particular Centre has a very players and spectators were kept large entry, these have to be " squad- right up-to-date with events by means ded " into groups bowling at different 8 transistor TENPIN of regular news bulletins issued by times. This year a couple of people (size 12" x 33i") Price: €8.10.0 (inc. PT) the Press Officer, Paul Siveter. were allowed to pre-bowi as they This unusuol, long ronge, rodio con be The very first job to be tackled by would have been away on holiday at fitted to ony trophy bose. Other rodios Tournament Secretary, Ruth Stander, the scheduled time. A11 this takes no include minioture Whiskey Bottle, Beer ond Hip Flosk. is the contacting of foreign associa- small degree of working out, and Borrel, Cor Wheel tions. As mail to and from Europe mistakes cannot be allowed to disrupt Order now, vith confldence, to: can mean a two-week interval between the smooth flow once the proceedings letters, there is obviously no time to are under way. Logically, the biggest ROBOWT SUPPLY CO be lost in organising overseas com- entry is usually at the home bolvl, petitors. Wembley where the qualifying rounds 9 SLOANE GARDENS, Shortly after Easter, the pace are spread over a Saturday and Sun- LONDON, S.W.l. Sloone 6540. really begins to hot up. The British day. The provincial centres usually, Qualifying Rounds have to be organ- ro11 on Sunday only, and a telephone Detoils of the full ronge o{ novelty rodios ised, with first of all a " short-list " link has to be established so as to sent on request. (Enclose 4d. stomp for of qualifying centres to be decided receive their scores. From about 4.30 reply. ) 2 STRIKE.OUT '' iosers bracket " which gives them ar-rother 1iJe. It takes only seven rounds to put ever)' malt but one into T.W.A. this bracket. but the losers battle on among.st themselr,es for a further uine qames to decide who is going " Mummy, why is the funny man writing about Trans-World Airlines? " " Hush, to sun'ive to meet the undefeated chilcl, those are the initials of the Tenpin Writers Association! " plal'er Round seven.
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