Hesmarie weer op die been na krokodilaanval - p5 Rustenburg 10 A’s vir Cara Cara Burger (middel) - nóg ‘n leerling van die Hoërskool Rustenburg wat die wenkbroue laat lig het in die onlangse 2019 Graad 12-eindeksamen nadat sy ‘n bykans ontmoontlike 10 onderskeidings behaal het. Cara is vanaf vandeesweek ‘n mediese student aan die Universiteit van Pretoria en sy sien daarna uit om mense te dien, te help en te genees. Cara se trotse ouers is Wikus en Charlo� e Burger. Lees meer op bladsy 10. Wen R1000 met jou advertensie Een gelukkige adverteerder kan binnekort R1000 ryker wees. Al wat jy hoef te doen, is om ons webwerf by https://www.northwestnewspapers.co.za/herald/ te besoek en ‘n geklassifi seerde advertensie (‘classifi ed’) te plaas. Alle advertensies wat op dié manier geplaas word, sal kwalifi seer vir die gelukkige trekking. Almal mag deelneem - privaat persone, besighede, organisasies, klubs en kerke. Raak ontslae van daardie stuk kombuisgereedskap wat net staan en stof vergaar, sporttoerusting wat nie meer gebruik word nie, ongewensde geskenke of vertel lesers van die dienste wat jy lewer. Dié is nou jou kans om 2020 op die beste noot - ‘n geldnoot - af te skop. 13 Coetzer Street, Rustenburg, 0299 www.rustenburgherald.co.za E-mail: [email protected] GPS Co-ordinates: 25° 40’ 31 S • 27° 15’ 28 Established 1924E 24 JANUARY 2020 Tel: 014 592 8329 Fax: 014 592 1869 R5-00 VAT INCL PAGE 2 RUSTENBURG HERALD 24 JANUARY 2020 EBJ Bafokeng donates to Tsholofelo Tumelong Home Centre EBJ Bafokeng has as part of its Corporate Social Investment into the local community, donated on Monday 23 December items to the Tsholofelo Tumelong Home Centre just outside of Rustenburg. The donation included three Bounce camp cots and mattresses, baby Wedding celebrated milk, Pampers and baby toiletries. Mrs Martha Mamokebe Moraope, The wedding of Sakie Phinithi and Snkie Molato took place on 29 Owner and Manager of the home, received these items on behalf of December 2019 at Letlhabile and Madikwe respectively. In attendance the residents. were family, friends and community members. Congratulations on your wedding! (Photograph by Philly Motswabang). Dam levels improve due to persistent rain RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Dam levels in parts of South Africa have slightly begun to improve as a result of persistent rain. Rustenburg Rotary Club According to the Department of Water and RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Rustenburg SAnitation (DWS) dam waters rose by 1% Rotary Club invites anyone interested in becoming involved week-on-week, while an average national in some of their new exciting projects for 2020 to attend their level is at 60.2%- an improvement from 59.2% next meeting at Mary's View 4, Mahogany Crescent at 18:00 which was recorded the previous week. on 28 January 2020. Some of the projects which Rustenburg Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Rotary Club will be involved in during 2020 are Groot Marico Minister Lindiwe Sisulu encouraged South MTB Race/Rustenburg Cycling Club, Slimtember, Potjiekos Africans to use water sparingly, despite Day, Flu injections, Soup Cook, Wors rolls braai (Puma the improvement in dam levels as some Garage), Wors rolls braai (Huis Sering), Lebone (Organic communities are still experiencing drought. Garden) etc. For any more information please contact 072 Dam levels in the North West increased to 227 7943. 61% according to the latest information. &RGHRI&RQGXFW 3XEOLVKHU $XGLW 7KLVQHZVSDSHUVXEVFULEHVWRWKH&RGHRI(WKLFVDQG 3XEOLVKHGE\1RUWK:HVW1HZVSDSHUV 3W\ /WG 7KHGLVWULEXWLRQRI 5XVWHQEXUJ &RQGXFWIRU6RXWK$IULFDQ3ULQWDQG2QOLQH0HGLD DQGSULQWHGE\1RUWK:HVW:HE3ULQWHUV 3W\ /WG WKLV$%&QHZVSDSHU WKDWSUHVFULEHVQHZVWKDWLVWUXWKIXODFFXUDWHIDLU DGLYLVLRQRI&73/LPLWHG&RHW]HU6WUHHW$OO LVLQGHSHQGHQWO\ DQGEDODQFHG,IZHGRQ¶WOLYHXSWRWKH&RGHZLWKLQ ULJKWVDQGUHSURGXFWLRQRIDOOUHSRUWVSKRWRJUDSKV DXGLWHGWRWKH GD\VRIWKHGDWHRISXEOLFDWLRQRIWKHPDWHULDO GUDZLQJVDQGDOOPDWHULDOVSXEOLVKHGLQWKLV SURIHVVLRQDOVWDQGDUGV SOHDVHFRQWDFWWKH3XEOLF$GYRFDWHDW QHZVSDSHUDUHKHUHE\UHVHUYHGLQWHUPVRI DGPLQLVWUDWHGE\WKH ID[<RXFDQDOVRFRQWDFWRXU&DVH 6HFWLRQ RIWKH $XGLW%XUHDXRI &RQWDFWXV 2ႈFHURQNKDQ\LP#RPEXGVPDQ &RS\ULJKW$FW1R &LUFXODWLRQVRI 7HO )D[ RUJ]DRUORGJHDFRPSODLQWRQRXU RIDQGDQ\ 1RUWK:HVW 6RXWK$IULFD (PDLOPDLOEDJ#UXVWHQEXUJKHUDOGFR]D ZHEVLWHZZZSUHVVFRXQFLORUJ]D DPHQGPHQWVWKHUHRI 1HZVSDSHUVHZHZZVSDSZVSV $GGUHVV&RHW]HU6WUHHW5XVWHQEXUJ 1RWH&OLHQWVUHDGHUVSDUWLFLSDQWVDQGDGYHUWLVLQJDJHQWVJXDUDQWHHWKDWWKHUHSURGXFWLRQRIWH[WDQGRULPDJHVSURYLGHGWRWKHPHGLDFRPSDQ\IRUDGYHUWLVLQJSXUSRVHVFRQWUDYHQHVQHLWKHUFRS\ULJKWOHJLVODWLRQQRUDQ\RWKHUODZ 24 JANUARIE 2020 RUSTENBURG HERALD BLADSY 3 Safer Festive Season Rustenburg Home operations in Boitekong RUSTENBURG HERALD- BOITEKONG - Festive season Affairs open longer operations continued within the Rustenburg Cluster, bringing with it an array of positive successes. RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The local The Cluster Commander, Major General Arthur Adams offices of Home Affairs will operate celebrated his birthday by recently joining and encouraging Dagga plantation uprooted in Popo Molefe with extended hours his members to uphold the image of the SAPS during a joint squatter camp. this weekend. operation together with other Law enforcement Agencies in On Saturday the Boitekong area. A combined team of approximately 120 (25 January) members, including the Community Policing Forum took to the offices will the streets to address all matters relevant to law enforcement. be open from According to information, the operation was conducted in two 08:00 until phases, which saw the Detectives tracing and arreting wanted 16:00. suspects in connection with armed and business robberies as This will be to well as malicious damage to property during phase one. The multi assist people to disciplinary approach was carried out in phase two. Members apply for Smart set up a roadblock during which vehicles were impounded and ID cards. To apply Aarto fines to the value of R16 400 were issued. Shebeens were for your Smart ID inspected for liquor compliance and R90 000 worth of liquor was card will be free confiscated and some of these shebeens were shut down for non of charge if you are compliance. Several second hand goods premises were visited a first time applicant for the purpose of ensuring compliance. In addition to all the and are 16-years-old above, 39 illegal immigrants were arrested. Major General Arthur or older. Adams and members of Senior MAnagement worked vigorously If you are applying with members, leading by example. Suspects arrested for serious for a re-issue, a offences have appeared at the Rustenburg Magistrates' Court on fee of R140 will be Monday (20 January). Liquor confiscated. required. *Please note: No photographs are required for Smart ID Drugs, illegal firearms and ammunition seized applications. RUSTENBURG HERALD- RUSTENBURG - 2020 started on a vibrant note, as SAPS officers and members from Lethabong, Marikana as well as Rustenburg seized illegal firearms, ammunition and drugs and managed to arrest a number of suspects. On Sunday (12 January) Marikana SAPS members revealed that the firearm was allegedly stolen during conducted a crime prevention operation during September 2019 in Boons. which one suspect (37) was arrested for the unlawful Crime prevention operation by members of Marikana possession of ammunition. Crime Prevention continued and led to the arrest of A hand gun was seized with six rounds of ammunition a second suspect, 39-year-old Lehonti Ntshingila for and during a further search of the premises, 37 round possession of an unlicensed hunting rifle and 719 live of ammunition were seized. Preliminary investigations rounds of ammunition. Rift Valley Suspect arrested Fever a concern RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The Department of Agriculture, Land with two hunting Reform and Rural Development has reminded owners of cattle, sheep and goats to vaccinate their animals against rifles Rift Valley Fever (RVF). The department warned that the recent good rainfall in certain areas of the country RUSTENBURG HERALD- RUSTENBURG - Rustenburg will result in the numbers of mosquitoes that Crime Intelligence, supported by Phokeng K9 and Flying transmit this disease. Squad, recently arrested a 24-year-old suspect at his RVF is a serious viral disease that is home, in a town complex in Rustenburg. spread through mosquitoes. It causes According to Captain Elsabé Augoustides, police abortions and death in young cattle, sheep spokesperson in Rustenburg, two hunting rifles, a 303 and goats. People coming into contact with (with 13 rounds of ammunition) and a 202 (with 49 rounds the blood and other body fluids of infected of ammunition) were seized after a thorough search was animals can also develop RVF. "Farmers conducted. It is alleged that the suspect could not produce are therefore advised to vaccinate all cattle, the necessary lawful documentation and as arrested for the sheep and goats against Rift Valley Fever, illegal possession of firearms and ammunition. The Cluster especially in areas that have recently Commander of Rustenburg Major General Arthur Adams, received rainfall. Live vaccine (OBP Live) congratulated all members for their dedication and hard work can only be used in non-pregnant animals as by removing firearms and ammunition off the streets that the live vaccine can cause abortions. Only could potentially be used to commit crime. He reminded the the inactivated (OBP) vaccine must be used community of the "Firearm Amnesty" which commenced on in pregnant animals. It is the responsibility 1
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