THE FORDn RAM t\/r.\, .41 Fordham College Thursday, November 17, i960 «*gss> 401 No. 5 Projects Advance Berlin Crisis To Be Viewed S. G. Mandate Not [Despite Obstacles In Talk Tom V Final, Says Kirby The international problem I Fordham's construction and renovation projects have of Berlin will be examined by joeen progressing despite financial and technical obstacles, a German prince and historian •said Fr. William J. Mulcahy, vice-president of business and when he delivers the eighth Asserts Congress Vote i finance for the University. g-uest lecture in the "Ameri- Father Mulcahy disclosed that a can Age" series tomorrow. "dream track" now under con vide more space for cars assigned Will Not Bind Him Istruction behind the Campu: to the Jesuit community. These He is Prince Hubertus z\x Loe- I Center will not be completed until cars include Fr. Laurence J. Mc- wenstein-Wertheim - Freudenberg, Student Congress last night passed by an 8-0-1 vote a (next spring because of the dif~ Qinley's '57 Lincoln, several '60 author of several books on Ger- resolution that S.G. president John Kirby be advised to vote Fords, and a '50 Chrysler. The man history, including a recent- against University affiliation with the N.P.C.O.S. Kirtvy em- I foundation. extension was necessitated by the ly published work on post-war phasized that, while he would take the Congress' resolution lack of garage shelter on campus, Germany. The lecture will be giv- into consideration, he would not necessarily be bound by it, The new track will be a one- according to Mr. James A. Clavin, en at 11 a.m. in the Campus Cen- and would continue to vote as he felt was right. [ fifth mile oval with a sprint physical plant administartor. ter ballroom. The issue of affiliation and its^ • straightaway about 100 yards. It Father Ivlulealiy stated that Prince Loewenstein will initiate $15 to $800 for the College at the [will be made from a patented tar- Fordham does not base its con- the second phase of the lecture financial implications will proba- organization's national congress ilike product and rest on a. grad- struction projects on a master series, foreign policy and Amer- bly be discussed at the University last year. Cummins answered, "Tho |cd gravelstone base. A fibrous plan. Instead, it employs the ax- ica's role in international society. Council meeting tonight. dues may be collected in any way [material will ensure a hard run- iom of "consistently trying to keep The first phase, on the national as long as reasonable effort is I ning surface even in inclement In response to repeated inquir- buildings in condition to fulfill election, presented. Vice-president ies concerning the collection of made to collect them." I weather, according to Father Mul- their purpose." fcaliy. (Continued on Page 3) dues, which were increased from A major issue has been the stu- dent tax to finance affiliation, a 1 Work on Keating Basement has j'ntrusure appvovou by Juim Kiifoy | been progressing rapidly, he said. at the last meeting of the USC. I The basement, formerly the Uni- Pert Frosh Keigns as Qu At the meeting, three represen- Ivcrsity cafeteria, will house the tatives of N.P.C.C.B., including I reserve stack area of Duane Lib- Richard Cummins, the executivs [rary, and is already the location vice-president of the group, ex- lot the new office of the Fordham plained the aims of N.F.C.C.S. The I University Press. program is centered about a dis- cussion of contemporary issues, The south end of the basement the topic for this year being "an I lias been walled, off and will be understanding of our timee: lused as a language laboratory. It Catholic responsibility in a plural- I will be equipped with recording istic society." (booths to allow language students Other functions include the for- Jto replay recordings of their own mation of a travel bureau, a pro- I voices when they study diction. gram for foreign students and ait I An intercom system is to fee in investigation Into • tne expanaea ! stalled so that a professor may be use of lay mbsionaires. I in constant contact with his stu- I dents. Atmosphere of Insulation Renovation plans for Dealy Hall Ken Conboy, senior class presi- Slave beer, held up uiuefiuilcly uu dent suggested that many j account of the University's in- find the chief objection to CatU- I ability to find another place to olic education in the insularity of [put the chemistry laboratories many of its students. He remark- f Presently housed there, said Fath- ed that the avowed N.P.C.C.S. | cr Mulcahy. purpose of understanding the va- ried aspects of our pluralistic so- Tentative plans call for .the sit- ciety could best be served by chan- juation of language and statistical neling the idealism and the en- j laboratories and extra classrooms i thusiasm of the members into the | in the revamped section of Dealy. l-iiuia Aieiio receives the Al™ I'uiilliam crown from her predecessor Ann Linsky, while Maroon Key nondenominational and far more The former University post of- president Jim Badami looks on. Her attendants, from left to right, Mary Hassctt, Johanna Grunwald, effective N.S.A. Jfice building near Dealy is being r.,<-tchen La Pointe, Ksithy McGuiness. and Aclriennc Schiavon nervously check audience reaction. I renovated into a garage to pro- Cumiiiiiio re-plied, "There are By MIKE SULLIVAN Fordham at various social functions. Run- some things that we must do a3 ner up in the contest was Johanna Grune- Catholics which we cannot do in Linda Aiello, freshman English major in wald. Other finalists were Mary Hassett, an organization like NSA." the School of Education, was crowned Miss [Rector Made Gretchen La Pointe, Kathleen McGuinness Cummins said, "I think if you Fordham by Anil Linsky, outgoing title-hold- and Adrienne Schiavon. involve 10 per cent of your stu- r, at the Arabian Nights ball in the gym last dent body in significant programs, Saturday night. She was elected from a field Patriotic, brown-haired, brown-eyed Linda Uli.s will iiiivi: ;i. favunllnH MCMMJII Fl'. Laurence J. McGinley, of six finalists by the University student body likes Italian food, Nixon and the Yankees. on the student body in general." President of the University, was last week. The event climaxed the Maroon An avid autograph hunter, she has collared After the N.P.C.C.S. represen- elected Iflfii prccid;r.t of the Ac tatives had left, a heated verbal •fociation of Urban Universities lit her scrapbook. '•When I go some place I get | battle between Melican _ The fntpful curtain parted at 11:45 and pin " qiirl the nrpttv uilsUl-'u- "IL-IIUUI uivorcu posupon- —.its annuul meeting last week at nervous aspirants to the throne began their all the autographs I can, said me pretty jng any ^^ (iiscU3sion on af. Netherland Hilton Hotel in l t idiht A Lin freshman. •ncinnatl, Ohio. promenade. Precisely at midnight Ann Lin- filiation until all the Congress sky crowned a breathless queen on her newly Though she dates frequently, Linda has no members had had an opportunity Not having been an officer m cquired throne. Vin Dragani, dance chair- steady boy friend. In her boy friends she em- to read the literature which had fne Association previously. Father presented heh r witith a gold Miss ForFordd- phasizes a "nice personality," and prefers been provided for them by Cum- •McGinley is the first Forriham j L" iiiiiiiaiiicnpVan' d Fran Videtto, representing the "collegiate looking" boys with "continental jmins. President tu be chosen tnr t,h<- School of Education, bestowed a bouquet of Kirby muinuuned thai a deci- P°st. Fr. Charles Deane, former accents." Beating a hasty retreat from the sion should be made immediately, President, served as the viee- American beauty roses on the blushing win- ball, at 1 a.m. the six finalists sped to Yonk- if he were tc take it under con= P'esident of the association from ner. ers' Forthill restaurant where they danced sideration in casting his vote at P35 to 1937. ft. all happened so very quickly. I'm very and dined 'till the wee hours. the USC meeting tonight. Melicaa surprised and very proud to be Miss Ford- replied that the College was 1106 .Father McGinley is active in The dance music of Stan Rubin and his 1 ham. 1 guess I should cry, but I can't," the bound by the decision of the USQ educational associations "Tiger Town Five" so pleased the crowd that «ml should t'irsf. consider th9 Woodhaven, Queens 18-year-old said. React- many stayed until the- last number. The mys- liiillonaljy :ir;c! ir. ;,V,v Vor!: in;; to her accession. Miss Aiello saict, "Uur- question of affiliation as a sep- P'ate. At present he is the vice- terious disappearance of the genii gracing arate body. piesident of the Middle State;; iii" Mas whole campaign I met so many peo- the floor throughout the evening was ex- ple and .saw no much of Fordham, even if I psoclatlon of Colleges ami Scc- 1 plained by its discovery atop a car leaving pndary Schools. didn't win the contest, 1 can honestly say I campus at 1 a.m. had ;i bull trying." The A«0on.mf,,., , The ball was enhanced by murals by Vin 1—"bit*wun ui uiutm uni- While in high school she won a oauy pic- Inside The RAM formed in 1014, deals ture contest, and took second prize in an art Dragani depicting exotic Oriental scenes.
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