CoUege Chapter Calendar IMPORTANT: Initiation expenses, together with badge .. order and. check. t'? cover must be _in Central Office ~o weeks prior to date set for ceremony. Use forms •n remltttng :-!!~ ~lso prtn!ed form to notJ!y Regional President and Central Office of proposed date for lDJbatson. Regastrar cards due 1n Central Office WITHIN ONE WEEK after initiation. SEPTEMBER 10 Monthly Financial Report to Chairman of Finance Manuscripts to College Editor T~iangle. and Hou!ling and District CounSelor. 15 Send Maine Sea Coast pledge card to Chairman 10 Personnel report (changes since previous month of Philanthropy. only) to District Coun•elor and Central Office. OCTOBER MARCH and APRIL 10 Send complete list all members and pledges to Monthly Financial R<!J)ort to Chairman of Finance Central Office. If deferred rushing give dates. and Housing and District Counselor. Enclose list of officers. 10 Personnel reoort (changes since /revioua month Send College Editor of ·Triangle name of Tri· only) to District Counoellor an Central Office. ~mgle correspondent. Send Chairman of Examination Committee notifica· MAY tion of date selected for sorority examination. 10 Monthly Financial report to Chairman of Finance Manuscripts to College Editor Triangle. and Hou8ing Committee and District Counselor. 10 Financial report to Chairman Finance and Housing 10 Personnel Sheet (with full report) to Diotrict and District Counselor. Counselor and Central Office. 10 Peno.nnel report (changes since previous month 10 Send list of L K relative of members to District only) to District Counselor and Central Offiu. Counselor. 20 Send copy Annual Financial Survey to Chairman of JUNE Finance and Housing Committee and to District Counselor. 10 Check for Life Membership payment. with liot of nam-es, amounts and initiation numbers to Cen­ tral Office. NOVEMBER 10 Cooy of Panhellenic Ruleo to Grand Counoelor and Send dues of $8.00 per capita initiated members, National Panhellenic Representative. $7.00 per capita pledge fee to Central Office. Manuscripts to CoHege Editor Triangle. SEPTEMBER Send Christmas· box to Maine Sea Coast Mission, 27 Ledgelawn Avenue, Bar Harbor, Me. Send list of officeu to Central Office. 10 Monthly Financial Report to Chairman of Finance Alnmn"' dueo to Central Office (fiscal year June and flousin2 Committee and District Counselor. to June 1). ' 1 10 Personnel sheet (changes since previous nlonth Manuscripts to Alumn.il! Editor of Triangle. only) two D,_C. and C.O. 15 Pledge card for Maine Sea Coaot pledge to Chair· 13 FOUNDERS' DAY. man of National Philanthropy. NOVEMBER DECEMBER Christmas box to Maine Sea Coast Mission House, 1 Chapter dues and pledge fees delinquent. 27 Ledgelawn Avenue, Bar Harbor, Me .. I 0 Financial report to Chairman Housing and Finance 20 Report of afutnna- chapter to District Counselor and and D.C. Director of Alumnz Relations. I 0 Personnel report (changes since previous month 13 FOUNDERS' DAY. only) to District Counselor and Central Office. 20 Scholarship report to Chairman of Scholarship Award Committee. DECEMBER Manm1cripts to Alumn;:e Editor of Triangle. JANUARY Check coverin!! Maine Sea Coast pledge and Col· JANUARY lege Loan gift to Central Office. Checks covering Maine Sea Coast Mission Pledge 10 Monthly Financial report to Chairman Finance and and College Loan gift to Central Office. Housing Committee and District Counselor. 10 Personnel reoort (changes since previous month only) to District Counselor and Central Office. FEBRUARY Manuscripts to Alumn;:e Editor of Triangle. FEBRUARY Dues of $8.00 per capita for members entering MAY school second semester and pledge fee of $7.00 for all girls pledged since formal rus·hing. Manuscripts to AlumnOE .Editor of Triangle. Manuscripts !O College Editor Triangle. 20 Report of Alumnae Chapter to Di•trict Counselor and Director of Alumnce Relations. \ S i g m a J ·u N E Kappa TRIANGLE I 9 4 0 Official Publication of Sigma Kappa Boa:rd CONTENTS Sigma Kappa Enters Louisiana ... .. ... Charline ]. Birkins 3 of My Impression of Initiati on .. .. ... Robe1·ta Dillon 7 Life Begins in Maryland ........ ... Mary Agnes Brown 9 Beta Zeta's Own Install ation Impressions ........... Editors . ....... .. .......... .. Catherine Kurzenkuabe 12 Radio Chatting Is Fun- But It Takes Plenty of Planning .. Ruth Ran khz Kmeger 13 I'm in the N.Y.A. Now. Mary Kate Anderson 15 Editor:in-Chief "Book Your Passage" . .. ... ... 17 Jottings of Region V' s Conference .... MRS. }AMES STANNARD BAKER 17 (Frances Warren Baker) Northwest Division of VIII Holds Successful Meet!llg Ill 289 Woodland Road Seattle . 18 Highland Park, Ill. California Division of VIII Meets with AO in Los Angeles 19 Los Angeles Alumnre Help Children ................ 21 A Little Bit of Sweden for Alpha Psi . .. .. ... 22 Rushing Recommendations . .. ..... 24 Collexe Editor Alumnre in Rushing . ..... ... ..... Ruth Anne Ware Greig 26 DOROTHY STEINMEIER College Rush Chairmen. .......... 27 R.R. 13, Box 325 Rushing: the Panhellenic "Headache" .Helen ]ohnsto11 Dow 29 Indianapolis, Ind. Most Valuable College Members ... .. ....... 32 After an Island August... .Rev. j ohn W . Brush 43 Cited for Interest. .. .............. 44 Milestones . ... .. ..... ... 45 Alumn,z Editor Sigmas of the Class of 1940-Prospects for Alumnre Chap- MRS. WILLIAM F. SHELTON ters ........ ...... · · ·. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 47 (Helen Wilsey Shelton) Initiates . ... .. ... .. 48 II 3 3 Miller Avenue Pledges ... ... .. .... .. 50 Berkeley, Calif. With Sigmas Everywhere . .... 51 With Our College Chapters .. .... 58 Directory . ....... 70 Philanthropy Editor NELLIE B. MANSFII!LD SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE is published in March, June, October, and De­ 56 Hillside Avenue cember, at 450 Ahnaip street, Menasha, Wis., by George Banta Publishin2 Everett, Mass. Company, official publishers for Sigma Kappa Sorority. Entered as second-class matter October 15, 1910, at the post office at Menasha, Wis., under the act of March 13, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rates of postage provided for in section 1103, act of October 3. 1917, authorized July 31, 1918. Price $2.00 per annum. Single copies 50 cents. Life subscription $15.00. Director of Central 0 /fice Chapter!, College and Alumn"' must send manuscript in time to reach MRS. EDWARD D. TAGGART their respective editors before the first of November, February, May, and (Margaret Hazlett Taggart) September. Room 605, 129 East Market All communications regarding subscriptions should be sent to Mrs . Tag~tart at 450 Ahnaip street, Menasha, Wis., or 129 East Market Buildtng, Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Member of Fraternity Magazines Associated. All matters pertaining to national advertising should be directed to Fraternity Magazines Associated, 1618 Orrington avenue, Evanston, Ill., or 52 Vanderbilt avenue, New York City. Outstanding Membet's of Beta Epsilon Chapter 1. Evelyn McGee, President 1Vomen's League. 2. Fay Gilbert, Vice-President of W omen's L~ag_ u ~. 3. Lucy Nell Wainwright, Treasurer of Women's League. 4. Billie Rhea, Campus Beauty. 5. Vrrgrnra Morrow, Preside11t Sigma Kappa chapter and Panhellenic. 6. Juanita Jones, President Home Ec. Club. 7. Roberta Dillon, Secretary Women's League. 8. Eleanor Stout, Beauty Queen, winner of first place. 9. Marguerite Holiday, Campus Beauty. Sigma Kappa Triangle Vol. 34 Edited by FRANCES WARREN BAKER No.2 Sigma Kappa Enters Louisiana Beta Epsilon InstaUed at Louisiana Polytechnic in Gala Weekend March :rr:5a:rr:7 By CHARLINE J. BIRKINS, Iota, Chairman of Extension PEAKING of Southern Hospitality­ constructed. All of them follow one general No one can imagine what a wonderful style of architecture, which tends to lend dig­ Swelcome was waiting for the install­ nity and beauty. The buildings in which ing officers of Beta Epsilon chapter when the classes are held on the campus are the they arrived in Ruston, La., for the installa­ Administration Building, Education Build­ tion at Louisiana Polytechnic Institute. It will ing, Science Building, Home Economics be difficult anywhere to find a more charming Building, Cottage, Old Engineer's Build­ and gracious group of girls, and for me it is ing, and the Model School. There are two most difficult to find adequate words to tell girls' dormitories, three boys' dormitories, a of the superb care we were given while there. dining hall, a cafeteria, student center, and Louisiana Polytechnic Institute has been in a temporary auditorium. The four buildings existence since 1894. It is organized into being constructed are: Auditorium and Fine four schools: ( 1) The Schools of Arts and Arts Building, Engineer's Building, a Power Sciences-Agriculture, Art, Biology, Chemis­ Plant and Laundry, and a new Agriculture try, Commerce, Language, Mathematics, Building. At the present time the school· has Music, Physics, Social Science, and Physical more than two thousand students. The en­ Education; ( 2) The School of Education; rollment has been steadily increasing during (3) The School of Home Economics; and the past four or five years. ( 4) The School of Engineering. Last year Louisiana Polytechnic Institute is a mem­ there were ten professors, twenty-six associate ber of the Southern Association of Colleges professors, eight assistant professors, and and Secondary Schools, the Association of twenty-three instructors. At the present time American Colleges, and the American Asso­ there are one hundred and ten members of ciation of College Registrars. The pre-medi­ the faculty, fourteen of whom have their doc­ cal work is recognized by the American tor's degree, seventy-five their master's and Medical Association. The pre-legal course is twenty-one their bachelor's. Two of these a standard course. It is the oldest and best will receive their doctor's degree this spring. equipped technical college in the state and The campus has several stately buildings is state supported. and four new ones are in the process of being The history of the local sorority, Theta SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE 3 Sigma Nu, which became Beta E~silon of sponsor. It is to her credit that such a Sigma Kappa on March 16, 1940,. 1~ a v~ry strong and worthwhile group of girls has interesting one.
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