- - ... ‘ . --. IQIII'I..IAI‘ . '. I .‘‘.. ....--- - I I 3mm . l t’ .$ 151101 ' ‘ --‘ ' ’ I HERTFtP" I l ,, ‘ ‘ ' ‘ .RL'II‘ -‘,. 1 r ? l 66H . £ 14; V— 7 ‘ m H mm _ r . I A a. t .> - ‘A q um [LEE [1 i ,I l K I. - x a -‘ . _ - -_= I ‘ 'l' H E CA P I'I'UL. IAYLOR’S S QUVENIR v v ‘ / HEOF T CAPITOL. 1899-1900. PORTRAITS, A UTOGRAPHS AND SKETCHES OF STATE OFFICERS‘ SENATORS. MEMBERS. ETC, OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, ASO L MANUAL A ND ROLL AND NAMES OF COMMITTEES. VIEWS AND SKETCH OF THE CAPITOL BUILDING OFHE T STATEF O CONN ECTICUT. PU’I‘NAM, C ONN.: \\'H1.1A“ HARRISON TAYLOR. 1899. e ’ ‘ . 4 ' Lk-\‘\;.LL \-\.\\‘I.1_ . .\.“\l\‘..\bl1\ i ’ —M‘ . L.i\.‘‘ - .§;‘ , . J .‘..RY 3 )(u7 (1» Q A 1 PUHIJSHEI) H Y \WLLIA“ IIAKRlsuX 'I'AYLUR, I‘L'TNA“. U L \'.\. l" U I fLl SH 1; A’'5" 1\'l) 7'15. T/w lm1ovra /15. el42.0 set'ern/ rm-mln'rs 0 l/re House 0 I?! rese/Haliwas .\ and l 1m (jovernofs b'lqjf. no! arriw/n; in lime. /1) :w m'ressari/y {wan muff/ea’ from l/u's “ Sauva/ir." IVe (urie/Id our [cur/y llmnl's l0 all who 1mm‘ so kindly enrouraged / /u' rider/Wise. 7‘H15 I’ l '1)’ I. ISH15A‘. Pom’mn's B y 9E LAuATER A SoN, H\FTFQRQ, coNN. Pr-‘ER FURNISH“) By PA'I'R'cR OARVAN. HKRT‘0RO, coNN PRINTINOv a 0, s. MOQELEY, maTFon’ coNN amomo B' “SF, LOCKW°JO “ BM'MRO couPAnv, HARTFoRO, com. INDEX. A Allen. \ Villiam H. 243 Fanton. I verson C. Atwood. G eneral john \\'. 33c F213’. W illiam D. Averill. G eneral Heman U. 33d Filley. A lfred N. Austin. H enry G, 345 Forbes. j ames S. l: Fm'estelle, W illiam Fox. L ucius \\'. Barnes. C harles D. Freeman. H arrison B . jr. Barnes. F rederick j. 0 Barnes, G eorge A. Barnes. j ohn H. Gaines. D avid N. l‘laldwin. H erbert C. Gallaher. F rank R. Gallup. \ \'inslow ll. Basham, j ohn T. Beebe, R ichard G. Gardner. S turges 0. tolden. j ohn H. Gates. C harles A. Bell. T haddeus Gilmour. C urrie Bennitt. N oble Goodrich.Gordon. Andrew l ilizur law-e6‘. U llVcr w. Brad . v. Thomas H. (‘murley’. j ames C. Brandegee, F rank B. (iranniss. C harles \V. 123 Bree, j ames I". Granger. E . Morton !9t Brett. F rank P. (ireene,Grant. T hompsonGeorge H. Briggs. E zra Bronson. E lliott R. Brooks. ( )liver N. Hall. E dwin F. Brown. C harles H. Hall. j arvis .1‘. Bngbee. B yron I‘). Hall. W arren L. Burnham, C harles N. Hall. W illiam H. Burnham, H enry C. Harmon. G eorge A. C Harrigan. j ohn ll. Haven. W illiam C. Calef. G eneral J. Francis Healv.Hawkins. Frank A lexander E. Callahan. D avid Capitol. [ Frontispieee] Higgins. E dwin \V. Carpenter. j ames A. Hinmun, G eorge E Carter. B urwell Hodgkinson. S amuel Case. S amuel H. Holt. H oraee E. Cary. G eorge S Chase, O ‘Meara G. Chittenden. S amuel H. Ja-kson. F rank R. Clark. C harles H. jennings, j ohn ll. Clarke. E dgar A. Jewett, L ester H. Clark. H uber johnson. B raman .\I- Clark. S amuel 0. Cowell, G eneral George H. Cowles. E dward Keating. j ohn F. Curtiss. C harles S. Keeler. E dwin C). Curtiss. \ \'illiam R. Keene)‘. C harles R. Kendall. G eorge F. D Kendrick. j ohn B. Davis. J ohn H. 211 Kenealy. M ichael Davis. W illiam 0. 223 King. W illiam A. Day. F rank 77 Knapp. N athaniel A. Doolittle, A rthur H. 2o5 Kuhnly. E dward A. E I. Eno.Edmond. Lewis S amuel G. Lanphere, A lbert H.‘ Leavitt. L uther J. INDEX. Leonard. J udson S. 159 R i t! Light. J ohn H R athbun. Norris \\'. 281 Linnell. M oses A. Roberts. Henry Loomis. C harles N.. Jr. 36! Rossiter. Fayette \V. Lonnsbury. C harles \V. (''7 Rowe, George S. Lonnsbury. G overnor George E. [Photo] 3l Rudd. William B. Lounsburv. Governor George E. [Sketch] Lowe. Colonel john \V. 5 Lyon. T heodore M. Scott. F rederick A. 3i Scoville, \\'illiam II. Seeley. Powell (‘1. Marble. F rank P. Skidmore. Philo H.. Jr. Martin. James Smith. David L. Martin. W illiam J. Snell. Henry .\1. Maxwell. Francis '1‘. Snow. Melvin E. McDonald. William R. Spencer. Clinton Mead. Sherman Stevens. David S. “erriman. Elwin F. Sterling. Hugh Mersick. Charles S. Stone. Albert A. Messenger. Birt B. Stoughton. George A. .\lessenj;ers of House, [Photos] Strunz. Otto I“. 2I5 Miles, James L. Sumner, Edwin O. Mills. H erbert 1. Mills. Lyman A. U Mitchell. Asahel \\'. L'llman. C olcnel Isaac M. .\lullaley. Lawrance Muzzy. Adrian J. \v O V iews of Capitol Views of Capitol Oleott, G eorge A. V‘nal. Charles ('1. R. Osbo'rn. Clarence F. Vining. William H. I) Vinton. Fred 0. Page, J ohn M. \V Palmer. J ames R. Wadsworth. A drian R. Patten. l ). \Valter \Varren. J. Raymond Payne, H orace l). \Velch, Gideon l-l. Pendleton. j ames \\'elden. Samuel T. Perry. F rederick G. Perry. F ranklin W. \Vhite, Edgar D. Phelps. A lmon ll. Whitlock. Sturges Phelps. C harles \Vhittlesey. Charles B. Pike. R obert (3. Williams. George A. Plimpton. L inus B. \Villi'ams. john C. Porter. j ohn 1’. \V0odrntf. James P. Pratt. E lias 137 \Vood. \Villiam R. Pratt. E dward W. 1 39 \Vright, Clifton H. Putnam, General Israel [Photo] 31 \Vright. Fayette L. Publisher's Note \Vright, Edwin O. ‘fi3$3 33}; .. ‘‘ .lémill ‘ . Q A.;- ‘ , - . ‘ ‘ l M- . .w ‘ v ‘’ -i ‘ ‘ r ’ lI ‘ L . i t‘ m .—- - ji'.A' u ' ' 7.‘ 3’. m J .‘ ‘,1 1.11.‘ E AbT FRUN'I'. (7) THE H ALL OF R EPRESENTA'I'IYES. (5) THE C APITOL. On t he seventeenth day of July, 1871, resolutions of the General Assembly were approved by His Excellency, Marshall Jewell, Gov ernor, appropriating the sum of five hundred thousand dollars for the purpose of erecting in the town of Hartford a new State House, author izing the city of Hartford to issue " Capitol bonds ” to the amount of one million dollars, and appointing Marshall Jewell of Hartford, VVil liam D. Bishop of Bridgeport, William A. Buckingham of Norwich, William H. Barnum of Salisbury, and \Villiam D. Shipman of Hartford, a board of commissioners to contract for and fully complete the build mg. This c ommission accepted the present site from the city of Hartford and the plan of Mr. R. M. Upjohn of New York, as the design for the building. They also contracted with Mr. J. G. Batterson forthe erection of the building for the sum of eight hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. In 1 873, a resolution was passed by the General Assembly authoriz ing His Excellency the Governor to appoint a board of commissioners to construct a State House in Hartford, upon the site provided by the city, it having been decided to abandon the plan adopted by the former commission and build a fire-proof structure upon a more liberal scale. Under t his resolution Jeremiah Halsey of Norwich, Alfred E. Burr of Hartford, Nathaniel Wheeler of Bridgeport, William P. Trowbridge of New Haven, and Austin Dunham of Hartford, were appointed a Board of State House Commissioners. Mr. D unham died in March, 1877, and Gardner P. Barber of Hart ford was appointed in his stead. Mr. Barber resigned on account of failing health, in September, 1879, and Franklin Chamberlin of Hartford was appointed to fill the vacancy. This Board returned Mr. Upjohn's plan to him for improvement, and in 1874 submitted to the General Assembly a new plan with an estimate of the cost, two million five hundred thousand dollars. This “ perfected plan” was approved by the General Assembly and one million dollars additional appropriated for construction. In 1877 the commissioners were authorized to “ contract for the expenditure of two millions of dollars on the part of the State.” The building was com pleted in 1880, at a total cost of $2,532,524.43, which sum included heat ing and ventilating apparatus, elevator, statuary, etc., amounting to nearly one hundred thousand dollars. The c ity of Hartford, in addition to providing the site. appropriated five hundred thousand dollars towards the construction of the building. The f urnishing of the building cost, in addition to the above-named sum, about one hundred thousand dollars. The d imensions are as follows : Extreme l ength, two hundred ninety-five feet, eight inches. \Vidth of central part, one hundred eight-nine feet, four inches ; of wings, one hundred eleven feet, eight inches. Height from ground to top of roof, ninety-two feet, eight inches ; to top of crowning figure, two hundred fifty'seven feet, two inches. THE O FFICES. THE GOVERNOR'S OFFICE. The G overnor occupies rooms 35, 37. and 39 on the second floor, southwest corner. Commissions to notaries public and commissioners of deeds for Connecticut residing in other States are issued by the Governor; applications may be made to the Executive Secretary, Room 3 5. I0 r an CAPITOL. TH E S ECRETARY’S OFFICE. The S ecretary's office is directly opposite the Governor's entrance at room 36. Original bills and resolutions of the General Assembly whether passed or rejected, engrossed bills, original reports to the General Assembly, certificates of organization of corporations under charter of general law, annual statements of corporations organized under general law, and of chartered corporations when required by their charters, certificates of adoption of trademarks and assign ments of the same, ancient records of the Supreme and Superior couIts, records of the Connecticut Land Company, bonds of sherifis and county commissioners, returns of county commissioners concerning jails and license money received, liens and mortgages on railroads, tele graph and telephone lines, seals and signatures of judges of probate,and other miscellaneous papers are on file or recorded in this oFfice, and cer tified copies given under the great seal of the State when required.
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