Statutory Document No. 100210 EDUCATION ACT 2OO7 SCHOOL CATCHMENT AREAS ORDER 2O7O Comíng into operøtion L lønuøry 201.0 The Department of Education and Children makes this Order under section 15(a) of the Education Act 2001r. 1 Title This Order is the Sdrool Catchment Areas Order 20L0 and shall come into operation on the l,stlaruary 2011, 2 Commencement This order comes into operation on the l't January 2011 3 Interpretation In this Order "the order maps" means lhreL2maps arurexed to this Order and entitled "Mup No.1 referred to in the School Catchrrrent Areas Order 2010" to "Map No.12 refer¡ed to in the Sclrool Catchment Areas Order 2010 4 Catchment areas of primary schools (1) Úr relation to eadr primary sdrool specified in colrrmn 1 of Sdredule L, the area shown edged with a thick yellow line on one or more of the order maps and indicated by the corresponding nurnber specified in colrrmn 2 of that Sdredule is designated as the catchment area of that sdrool. (2) The parishes constituted for purposes of the Roman Catholic Churdr and annexed to St Anthony's, StJoseph's and StMary's churdres are designated as the catdrment area of St Mary's Roman Catholic School, Douglas. (3) There are no designated catctLment areas for St Thomas' Churdr of England Primary School, Douglas and the Bunscoill Ghaelgagh, StJohn's. t 2oo1 c.33 Price: f,2.00 1 5 Catchment areas of secondary schools (1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), in relation to eadr secondary school specified in column 1 of Sdredule 2, the areas designated by article 2 as the catdrment areas of the corresponding primary sdrools specified in column 2 of that Schedule are together designated as the catchment area of that school. (2) Only that part of the catchment area of Kewaigue Sdrool whidr lies within the parish distuict of Santon is within the catchment area of Castle Rushen High School. (3) Where the parents of a registered pupil at the Bunscoill Ghaelgagh wish their child to continue to be taught an element of the curriculum through the medium of Manx Gaelic, that pupil shall, for the puq)oses of this Order, be regarded as residing within the catdrment area of the Queen Elizabeth II High School, Peel, irrespective of the parents' actual place of permanent residence, provided that the pupil has been in attendance at the Bunscoill for more than one year prior to attaining secondary sctrool age. (4) Pupils who attend St Mary's Roman Catholic Sctrool or St Thomas' Churclr of England School shall for the purpose of this order attend the secondary school for the area in whidr they permanentþ reside. 6 Revocation The Sdrool Catdrment Areas Order 20092 is revoked. MADE 25ftNovember 2010 for Education and Children zSD 918109 2 Article 2 SCHEDULE 1 CATCHMENT AREAS OF PRIMARY SCHOOLS Primøry school Number on order møPs Ree Gorree Junior Sdrool Ramsey 1' Anagh Coar Schoof Douglas 2 Andreas School 3 Arbory School, Ballabeg 4 Ashley Hill Sdrool" Onchan 5 Auldyn Infants'Sdrool" Ramsey 1' Ballacloan Infants' Sdrool Douglas 6 Ballacottier Sdrool, Douglas 7 Ballaquayle Infants'Sdrool Douglas 8 Ballasalla Sdrool 9 Ballaugh School 10 BraddanSdrool 11 Bride Úrfants'School L2 Cronk y Berry School, Douglas 13 Dhoon Sdrool, Maughold 14 Fairfield Junior Sdrool, Douglas 6 Foxdale School 15 Jr.nby Sdrool 16 Kewaigue Sdrool, Braddan 17 Laxey Sdrool 1'8 Manor Park Schoof Douglas 19 Marovvn Sdrool, Glen Vine 20 Michael Sdrool Kirk Midrael 21' Murray's Road Junior School, Douglas I CIrchan School 22 Peel Clothwotkers'School 23 Rushen Primary School, Port St Mary 24 J Scoill Phurt le Moirrey (Port St Mary Sdrool) 25 ScoiII Vallajeelt (Ballajeelt Sdrool, Douglas) 26 St ]ohn's School 27 Sulby Sdrool 28 Victoria Road Sdrool, Castletown 29 Willaston School Douglas 30 4 Article 3 SCHEDULE 2 CATCHMENT AREAS OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS Secondøry school Primøry schools Ballakermeen High Sdrool Douglas Anagh Coar Sdroof Douglas Ballacottier Sdrool, Douglas Braddan School Fairfield Junior Sdrool Douglas Kewaigue Sdroof Braddan Murray's Road Junior Sdrool Douglas Manor Park Schoof Douglas Scoill Vallajeelt (Ballajeelt Sdroof Douglas) St Mary's Roman Catholic Sdrool (article 3( )) St Thomas' Church of England Sdrool (article3(a)) Castle Rushen High Sdrool Arbory Sdrool, Ballabeg Castletown Ballasalla Sdrool Foxdale Sdrool Kewaigue School Braddan (see article 3(2)) Rushen Primary School Scoill Phurt le Moirrey (Port St Mary Sdrool) Victoria Road Sdrool Castletown St Mary's Roman Catholic School (articte 3(a)) St Thomas' Churdr of England Sdrool(article 3( )) Queen Elizabeth tr High Sdrool, Peel Ballaugh School Bunscoill Ghaelgagh, St John's (see article 3(3)) Foxdale Sdrool Midrael Sdrool Kirk Midrael Marown Sdrool, Glen Vine Peel Clothworkers' ScLrool StJohn's Sdrool 5 Ramsey Grammar Sdrool Andreas School Baltaugh School DhoonSdrool Maughold Jurby Scl'rool Laxey ScJrool Ree Gorree Junior Sdrool, Ramsey Sulby Sdrool St Mary's Roman Catholic Sdrool (article 3(a)) St Thomas' Churdr of England Sdroo(article 3(a)) St Ninian's High Sclrool, Douglas Department of ¡C€ofiten Education And Ghildrcn Map No. 1 Refened to in the School CatchmentsArea Order 2010 l + BRIDE INFANTS SCHOOL t2 At{tlEAS SCHOOL 3 ! 16 JrJnt ebhmeÌt ol scHooL Joint ebhment aÉal S'T.BYSCHq'Lü ANDREAS SCHOOL 1 REE GORNEE SCHOOL AIJLDYI{ INFAITTS SCHOOL SULBY SCHOOL 'UI{IOR !! 28 ¡o¡nt aEa: or JUI|IOR,/AULDYil IT{FA'{TS 500 250 0 50o l,mo t,500 ¿æo zûo 3,mo kB Departnent of Education And Ghildren Map No. 2 Refened to in the School CatchmentsArea Order 2010 A + 3 ÂI{DREAS JURSYSc'IOOL 16 SCHOOL or scflooL sul"BY SCI|OOL BAI.AUGH SOIOOL ! r0 28 M¡CHIIEL SO{OOL 2L .t,soo 50_9_ë0 q__ _ 500 1.000 ¿om ¿5oo 3,000 -M"bo Departnent of tCcof¡ran Education And Children A I + aË: SCflOOL or JUT{IOR/AULDYN 28 T4 DHOOT{SCHOOL 18 LAXEI SCHOOL 500 250 0 5o0 1.0{n 1,500 z0@ 2500 3,000 Ueere De,parûnent of Etluea.üon Anid G hild¡en ' _.,,'i .: it iì I ! ;; a *i t j ¡. ) ,-:- ¡ Y Departnent of Education And Ghildrcn ï Deparünent of EdueafonÂnd Ghlldn'rr Department of Education And Ghildren tn À + 18 5 22 ASHLEY }IILL SCHOOL CROI{K:Y€ÈRRY SCHOOL ollcHAN scflool 13 wtu¡!¡tlN scflool BRADDAII SCIIOOL I 500 250 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 ¡Fx t$s tr!lEF å;laì ¡r qã ;.r ;3 ãs o CL= o ã Deparünent of tbofttøn Education And Ghildren er 1 A MURRAYS ROAD JUÍ{IOR SCO¡LLVAIJ.AIEET I + 20 15 6 FA¡RFEID SOIOOL ArrrlcrlcûARscflool I I r""ooa ¡lALt¡Ct-OAt{ rf{FAlIfS SCfl OOL "o** ! IGWATGUE SCIIOOL I T7 9 EAII¡SAI-LA SCHOOL VICÍORIA ROAD SCHOOL 500 250 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 Meters Þepartment of Education And Ghildren 10 h A + 4 9 24 ARBORY SCHOOL EAUá!¡AL|-A SCHOOL RUSHEf{ SCHOOL SCO¡LL PHURT LE r4o¡RR.EY or scHool SCOILL PT¡URT I.E MOIRREY 29 I'ICTORIA R.OAD SOIOOL 25 500 250 0 600 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 Departnent of Education And Children 1 o A 13 + 30 22 11 ERADDAT{ SCHOOL BAU¡QlraYLE SCHOOL I MIJRRAYS ROAD JUN¡OR SCHOOL BALI¡CLOAil 11{FAilTS SCIIOOL I FA¡RF¡ETD SOIOOL 2 6 19 MANOR PAru(SCHOOL 17 500. 250 0 500 1,000 Meters Departnent of ¡{cdihdþ Education And Ghildren ,I '. r¡ l¡ I òDtr¿ß l=girr ''tl r'lr' 'i¡r¡.¡¡¡!;¡,;. Vl I i..ê"/ ,f l ¡ HANOF I I"r¡}'ose fri]lf üôrjrìr{ì I'$.i;,r11îi{ir¡lri!,lr ljr,"llJsr hgi.
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