1910. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 3083 Colorado, protesting _against the passage of Senate bill 40_4 a~d The message further announced ·that the House had passed House joint resolution 17-to the Committee on the D1str1ct the following bills with amendments, in which it requested the of Columbia. concurrence of the Senate: By l\!r. SHEFFIELD: Petition of William Ellery Chapter, S. 614. An act to amend an act entitled "An act for the relief Daughters of the American Revolution, against repe3:1 of. sec­ of Dewitt Eastman," approved January 8, 1909; tion 40 of immigration law as provided in the Hayes ui;1Illl~a­ S. 863. An act to correct the military record of John M. tion bill-to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. Mme·r; Also, petitions of La Societe des Artisans Canadiens Fran­ S. 864. An act to correct the military record of John Oates; @.is, Providence, No. ~18, and Succirsale, No. ~8, both of. R~od~ and Island for House bill 17509 right of beneficiary associations S. 6431. An act granting pensions and increase of pensions to public~tions to carry comme;cial advertising, a:r;id ~n opposition certain soldiers and sailors of the civil war and certain widows to proposed increased rate of postage on periodicals-to the and dependent relatives of such soldiers and sailors. Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. The message also announced that the House had passed the By Mr. Sll\IS: Paper to accompany bill for relief of Paul following bills, in which it requested the concurrence of the W. B. Kiddey-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Senate: By Mr. SMITH of Iowa: Petition of citizens of Stuar.t, Glen­ H. R.153. An act for the relief of Henry Mulvin; wood, and Council Bluffs, all in the State of Iowa, ag~m~t the H. R. 710. An act for the relief of Cornelius Cahill; Sunday rest bill (S. 404)-to the Committee on the District of H. R. 5269. An act for the relief of Alexander Everhart; Columbia. R. R. 6542. An act for the relief of Theodore F. Colgrove; By Mr. Sl\fITH of Michigan: Petition of Louisa Adams Chap­ H. n. 6767. An act for the relief of Charles A. Bess; ter, Daughters of the American Revoluti~n, for retention of H. R. 6901. An act for the relief of .Platoff Bush; Division of Information in the Immigration Bureau-to the H. R. 8621. An act for the relief of Aaron B. Van Pelt, alias Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. Benjamin Van Pelt; . Also, petition of Branch No. 162, Polish National Alliance. H. R. 8699. An act authorizing the Secretary of War to recog­ of Detroit, Mich., against the Hayes immigration bill-to the nize William Mitchell, deceased, as having been a member of Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. Company C, First Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Mounted In­ By l\Ir. SWASEY: Petitions of Sweden (l\:Ie.) Grange, No. fanh·y, civil war; 134, and Pleasant River Grange, No. 492, of Vinalhaven, l\Ie., for H. R. 8730. An act for the relief of William Mullally; a national health bureau-to the Committee on Agriculture. H. R. 9221. An act for the relief of James Jones; Also, petition of Board of Trade of Camden, Me., against H. R. 9751. An act to amend and correct war records so as to features of Senate bill 5106 and House bill 17536, relative to muster in and muster out of service in United States Army rail and water differential basis-to the Committee on Inter­ Joshua E. Carlton, of Charleston, Tenn., and to grant him an state and Foreign Commerce. honorable discharge; By 1\Ir. TOWNSEJ\"TI.: Petition of Loyal Legion of the United H. R. 10 63. An act for the relief of Anton Ernst; States, favoring House bill 18899, volunteer officers' bill-to the H. R. 11763. An act for the relief of George Harraldson ; Committee on Military Affairs. H. R. 11936. An act for the relief of Jacob Conrad; By Mr. WASHBURN: Petition of citizens of Worcester, H. R.13036. An act for the relief of William P. Drummon; l\!ass., against Senate bill 404, Sunday rest bill-to the. Com­ H. R.14288. An act for the relief of George W. Spencer; · mittee on the District of Columbia. H. R. 16684. An act for the retie:( of James Ovens; By Mr. WEISSE: Petition of citizens of Fond du Lac, Wis., H. R. 18540. An act for the relief of John H. Willis; against legislation to increase the rate on second-class mail H. R. 18845. An act for the relief of l\Iaramon A. Martin; matter-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. H. R. 18848. An act for the relief of Joseph S. Oakley ; H. R.19243. An act to correct the military record of John B. Ford; SENATE. H. R. 19505. An act for the relief of Eugene Martin ; H. R.19747. An act for the relief of William C. Rich; SATURDAY, March n, 1910. H. R. 20603. An act for the relief of Henry Halteman; The Chaplain, Rev. Ulysses G~ B. Pierce, D. D., offered the fol­ H. R. 21079. An act for the relief of John W. Thomas; lowing prayer : H. R. 22147. An act granting pensions and increase of pen­ Glory, honor, and praise we render unto Thee, Our Father, sions to certain soldiers and sailors of the civil war and certain for all Thy wondrous works toward the children of men. We widows and dependent relatives of such soldiers and sailors; thank Thee that Thou hast so loT'ed us that Thou hast pro\ided H. R. 22621. An act granting pensions and increase of pen­ that Thy spirit of wisdom shall in all ages enter into faithful sions to certain soldiers and sailors of the civil war and certain souls, making them Thy friends and leaders of the people. widows and dependent relatives of such soldiers and sailors; Grant, Our Father, that the memory of such may be eT'er in the and imagination, the thoughts, and the hearts of this people, that we H. R. 22637. An act granting pensions and increase of pen­ may incline our minds unto Thee and keep Thy commandments sions to certain soldiers and sailors of the Regular Army and forever. And unto Thee, from whom cometh all glory, we rendeL· Navy and certain soldiers and sailors of the wars other than all praise; now and forever more. Amen. the civH war and to widows and dependent relatives of such The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and ap­ soldiers and sailors. proved. ENROLLED BILL SIGNED. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. The message further announced that the Speaker of the A message from the House of Representatives, by W. J. House had signed the enrolled bill H. R. 18006, an act granting Browning, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had dis­ pensions and increase of pensions to certain soldiers and sailors agreed to the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 1902" ) of the Regular Army and Navy and certain soldiers and sailors making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of wars other than the civil war and to widows and dependent of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, for fulfilling treaty stipulations rela ti yes of such soldiers and sailors. wrth various Indian tribes, and for other purposes, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1911, asked a conference with the Senate RECEPTION OF THE STATUE OF JOHN C. CALHOUN. on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and had ap­ Mr. S:!\HTH of South Carolina. Mr. President, I beg leave to pointed Mr. BURKE of South Dakota, Mr. CAMPBELL, and l\Ir. submit to the Senate the communication which I send to the STEPHENS of Texas managers at the conference on the part of desk. the House. 'Ihe VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator from South Carolina The me sage also announced tliat the· House had passed the presents to the Senate a communication, which the Secretary following bills : will read. ~ S. 4671. An act to amend the military record of Aaron Cor­ The Secretary read the communication as follows: nish; S. 6662. An act to authorize the Atchison, Topeka and Santa STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EXECUTilE CHAMBER, Fe IlaHway Company to consh·uct and maintain a bridge across _ Columbia, Mar ch 12, 1910• . the Missouri River in the neighborhood of Sibley, Mo., and to To the Honorable the Senate and. House of remo v~ the existing structure ; and Representativ es of the United States, Washington, D. 0.: S. 6739. An act granting pensions and increase of pensions to It gives me great pleasure, as governor of the State of South 'Caro­ lina to present to the Congress of the United States a marble statue of certaia soldiers and sailors of the civil war and to certain John c. Calhoun, a native of South Carolina, and one whose name ls widows and dependent relatives of such soldiers and sailors. honored wherever known• . / 3084• CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE. MARCH 12, John C. Calhoun was one of the greatest. men that this coruitry has pr<>duced, and a s-tatesman of renown who has left his impress upon this " conquer America upon the plains of Germany," and the idea Nation, and whose name is indelibly inscribed upon the pages of his­ embodied in the words of the Great Commoner clung to us even tory, both national and State. after the adoption of the Constitution, for habits of thought, im­ Tbe State of South Carolina begs now to present tbrough me.
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