- ------------------ - -------- ---- - - ·--------- ·- ~.,,.,,...., 1<;J,ANO HERALD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1988 - 3 ~*ff-*-X·*1H!, *-¥-** ***~ **~*5-DIGIT 0290t 241 1 ?ii8 * 35 Inside: Local News, pages 2-3 P.:~ ,JEWi 1-1 HI TOPI AL ASSOCIA - ION 31:, SE~;ST i'-.).': S Opinion, page 4 Pi:;'Q\iIDENC , HI 02'106 Around Town, page 8 35¢ PER COPY The Silence by Morris Stillman Of Kristallnacht In_ the last two months, the coo.r~inating American Jewish poht1cal action on matters of t.'.> assume that the Council's chief pubhc has been inundated by a ½eapon of defense in the present media blitz regarding the ,Jewish concern. At. the first post-Kristall nacht trag,c emergency is the issuance of forthcoming 50th anniversary of a public statement deploring the the infamous "Kristallnacht," and meet mg of the President's Advisory Committee on Polit ical tragedy and appealing fo r the the ~mportance of never again preservation of democracy? Is this allowing the "world to be silent" . Refugees, Or. Stephen Wise the ( - in how the equal rights of ,Jews are to . ace o 1 such an outrageous reported that he and his colleagues be defended?" act um. in t.he General ,Jewish Council were Despite this, and other urging a rr:1oratorium on Jewish Lest we forget, more than glass expresswns of outrage at their was shattered in Germany on the demonstrations "in the belief that such protests might stimulate mactu~n , no further new methods evening of November 9-10 I of actwn_ or new positions were savage pogroms dozens of jew~ lurther action by the German Government." forth com mg from the GJ C. we~e murdered, hundreds more It took the initiative of two maimed, nearly 200 J ewish houses At the December 8 meeting of the P_ACPR, Dr. Wise and the NON:.JEWS to make the first were burned, two hundred meaningful action on behalf of synagugues were set on fire and committee members "accepted in prn~c,pal". the State Department Ger1;1an J ews. In early 1939 a bill more than 7,000 Jewish busi;esses was introduced in Congress b S destroyed! realfirmatwn of the Roosevelt Robert W_agner and Rep. ~dm_m1s~ration's opposition to any ~d~t~ . Before condemning the "world" Rogers which would have provided for its silence in the face of this leg1slat,_ve proposals involving changes in quotas." for _the non -quota admission to the hideous atrocity, a look back at the United States, over a two-year . The Reconslructionist (a prom­ react.Hm . of the American Jewish peTJud, of 20,000 refugee German community leadership is in order ment Jewish monthly). in a De­ children. KRISTALLNACHT "Th . In ,July of 1938, the America~ cember 2 editorial, wrote: "Has November 9-10 1938 J , h \ Night of Shattered Glass " any attempt been made to mobilize While right-wing and pro-fascist were vandalized' in Na;; Gew1s omes, stores and synagogu~s ,Jewish Commit.tee, American groups were lobbying strongly ,Jewish Congress. B'nai B'rith, and the masses in organized protest American Jewish leaders -=~m:hny and Austria. The response of and to translate their indignation agamst . this bill, Jewish the J ewish Labor Committee organ1zat1ons refused to publ" I Appeal on January 10 1939 t e cr?~tion of the United Jewish int.o effective action? . T he ~a.nded together to form the lobby fo r its adoption. Dr. J~s~ Eu~opean Je ws, mass'resettle :e~mf1ed fundraising for aid to General J ewish Council." It was General Council was fo rmed for assistance to refugees in the U , t In the land of Israel, and the d_efense of equal rights of Jews sought to persuade some of his celebrates its 50th . mted States, This year the VJA estabhshed for the purpose of colleagues from public support fo r C . anmversary Tod ' U ' in th is country and abroad. Are we ampa1gn is the largest Jewish · h.l ahy s , JA/Federation (Continued on page 19) world. P I ant rop1c effort in the -·-·---- - - -- LOS ANGELES, Calif. all youths with shaved heads or that Skinheads have joined forces a I 9-year-old Skinhead, Michael were charged with causing injury Growing numbers of young closely cropped hair are neo-Nazis. with various Klan factions in Elrod. in February of t his year and endangering safety. Skinheads neo-Nazi Skinheads are linking up Some young people who call Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, fatally stabbed a white man who in Milwaukee have been involved with long-established hate groups, themselves Skinheads actually are Illinois, Pennsylvania, Tennessee had brought a black man to a party. in a rash of criminal incidents, such as the Ku Klux Klan, anti-racist and have been targeted and Texas. Elrod was sentenced to 11 years in many directed against non-racist neo-Nazis and other white fo r violence by neo-Nazi Another hate group that has a California youth facility on a Skinheads. supremacist organizations, Skinheads, the report noted. recruited Skinheads is the Aryan plea-bargained manslaughter - In Laguna Beach, Calif., according- to a report by the The rise in Skinhead gang Nations, an Idaho-based charge. three Skinheads, J ohn Moore, 22, Ant i-Defamation League of B'nai membership, the League said, has paramilitary group that promotes - In Tampa, Fla .. a 16-year-old Steven Walter, 18, and Aaron B'rith. been paralleled by an increase in white supremacy and Skinhead. Dean McKee, was Compean, 19, were arrested in July T he AOL report said the main the amount of violent crime the anti-Semit ism. In July of this year sentenced to life imprisonment in on charges of attempted murder, white supremacist group reaching youths have committed, including more t han a dozen Skinheads. ,June 1988 in the murder of a black assault with a deadly weapon and out to Skinheads is the t.wo homicides and numerous mostly from Las Vegas, man he attacked, along with his inflicting bodily injury in California-based White Aryan shootings, beatings and stabbings, participated in the Aryan Nations' brother, Scott, 18, who received a connection with an attack on two Resistance (WAR), headed by mostly directed against members annual conclave in Hayden Lake, five-year sentence. homosexuals. Tom Metzger, former Grand of minority groups. Idaho, where they were proudly - In Spokane, Wash., two - In Atlanta, Ga., two Dragon of the California KKK. Mr. Foxman called for displayed by Aryan Nat ions leader , Skinheads, James Carver. 16, and Skinheads, aged 16 and 17, were It further revealed that the ''no-nonsense" law enforcement, Richard Butler. Billy Worl, 24, have been charged arrested in connection with the shaven-headed youths, who wear assert ing that Skinheads cannot be Skinhead gangs, according to with attempted first degree murder vandalizing of a Jewish Yeshiva Nazi insignia and engage in ignored as " kids who are simply AOL, have been embraced by and malicious racial harassment in high school in March, in which violence against blacks, Hispanics, acting out their frustration in an extremist groups in t he hope that a knife attack on a black truck more than 50 swastikas, ,Jews, Asians and homosexuals, anti-social manner." they will "contribute to the driver in July of this year. anti-Jewish threats and numerous have taken part in virtually every In a section of the report movement's regeneration" in view - In Milwaukee, Wisc., two Skinhead threats (such as "The recent important hate movement describing Tom Metzger's · links of federal prosecutions over the Skinheads, Patrick O'Malley, 18, . Skins are Going to Kill U") were rally, march and conference ,in the with Skinheads, the extremist past several years that have and Hollin Lange, 19, were sprayed ·all over the building. One nation. In the past six months the leader was quoted as referring to weakened the hate movement. arrested in a shooting directed at a number of states in which them as his "frontline warriors." The report, conducted by the car containing five teenagers and (Continued on page 19) Skinhead activity has been Metzger, who preaches a fiery Fact Finding Department of the reported has grown from 12 to 21; brand of racism and League's Civil Rights Division, "Lights Of Remembrance" with the cooperation of the membership nationwide has grown anti-Semitism, has used national B'nai B'rit h, the world's largest Jewish organization, is sponsoring agency's 31 regional offices, to an estimated 2,000 from a total television appearances to spread a dramatic commemorative event to mark the 50th anniversary of the declared that the ties between the of 1,000 to 1,500 shown in a his racist propaganda and has night the Holocaust took its first genocidal turn. Skinheads and hate groups have previous AOL study last February. become the most visible On the night of November 9-10, 1938, Nazi hooligans went on a increased the exposure of The League's report, t itled hatemonger in the United States. government-incited anti-Jewish rampage all over Germany. " Young and Violent: The Growing His White Aryan Resistance Skinheads to the ideological Synagogues were burned; Jewish men, women and children were Menace of America's Neo-Nazl organization has spawned the most influences of veteran racist dragged from their homes and beds to face beatings, torture and Skinheads," was made public at al active and best organized activists. murder. T he destruction was so great that the night became known as session of the agency's National Skinhead group in California. The 21 states where Skinhead "Kristallnacht" - the night of broken glass. activity has been reported were Executive Committee meeting Known as t he War Skins.
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