REPORT No. 121 S October 1968 NEDERLANDS SCHEEPSSTUDIECENTRUM TNO NETHERLANDS SHIP RESEARCH CENTRE TNO SHIPBUILDING DEPARTMENT LEEGHWATERSTRAAT 5, DELFT PROPOSAL FOR THE TESTING OF WELD METAL FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF BRITTLE FRACTURE INITIATION (EEN VOORSTEL VOOR HET BEPALEN VAN DE WEERSTAND VAN GELASTE VERBINDINGEN TEGEN HET ONTSTAAN VAN BROSSE BREUKEN) by Jr W. P. VAN DEN BLINK Philips' Welding Electrodes Factory and Jr J. J. W. NIBBERING Ship Structures Laboratory Delft Technological University Issued by the Council © Netherlands Ship Research Centre TNO, 1968 VOORWOORD PREFACE In het kader van de vraag naar optimale constructies wordt veel In the scope of the demand for optimum structures much research onderzoek verricht naar het sterktegedrag van scheepsconstruc- is performed into the strength behaviour of ship structures sub- ties onder invloed van een realistisch optredende belasting. jected to a reaslistic load. In dit licht bezien is het eveneens van belang met meer zeker- In this respect it is also of importance to obtain more reliable heid dan thans mogelijk is de sterkte van lasverbindingen in deze information on the strength of welds in these structures. The constructies te kunnen bepalen. De in het algemeen optredende generally prevailing dynamic loads and weld defects have to be dynamische belastingen en het voorkomen van onvolkomen- taken account of. heden in de las en overgangszone dienen mede in beschouwing The results of research in this direction are reportes in this te worden genomen. publication in the form of a proposal for a new testing method De resultaten van daarop gericht onderzoek zijn in dit rapport of weldments. The method is based on present stage experience gegeven in de vorm van een voorstel voor een nieuwe beproevings- and practical application possibilities for industrial laboratories. methode van laswerk. Rekening is gehouden met de verkregen Of course the proposed method has been subjected also to ervaring en overwegingen voor een praktische uitvoering in in- extensive discussions in some commissions of the International dustriele laboratoria. Vanzelfsprekend is de voorgestelde me- Institute of Welding (1.1.W.). thode ook onderwerp geweest van diepgaand overleg in enige In principle the testing method comprises the requirement of werkgroepen vanhet InternationalInstituteof Welding" a specified ductility of the weld metal at the root of a sharp (1.I.W.). notch. The dimensions, a standard notch and the loading have In principe komt de beproevingsmethode neer op het eisen been specified. van een bepaalde vervormbaarheid van het lasmetaal aan de In connection with the important aspects of the proposal, a voet van scherpe kerf. De afmetingen, een standaardkerf en general acceptance of this NIBLINK test may be strongly de belasting worden gespccificeerd. advocated. Gezien de belangrijke aspecten van het voorstel, mag een alge- NETHERLANDS SHIP RESEARCH CENTRE TNO mene aanvaarding van deze NIBLINK beproevingsmethode ten sterktste worden aanbevolen. NEDERLANDS SCHEEPSSTUDIECENTRUM TNO CONTENTS page Summary 7 1 Introduction 7 2 Description of test . 7 3 Test piece and test procedure . 8 4 Determination of critical C.O.D. values 11 5 Alternative procedure for the testing of type T test piece . 12 6 Additional observations with regard to the operation of the test . 13 7 Discussion of arguments leading to the proposed test 13 8 Summary of qualities of the proposed test method particularly with reference to the Charpy-impact test 16 References . 17 Appendix I I 8 Appendix II 19 7 PROPOSAL FOR THE TESTING OF WELD METAL FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF BRITTLE FRACTURE INITIATION by Jr. W. P. VAN DEN BLINK and Jr. J. J. W. NIBBERING Summary A method of testing weldmetal for its sensitivity to brittle crack initiation is described. The method is based upon considerations derived from the present stage of experience and on considerations of feasibility by industrial laboratories. Interested parties are invited to carry out tests on the basis of the proposal in order to investigate the practicability of the test and eventually to contribute to a collection of data necessary to improve testing requirements. 1 Introduction necessary to provide the possibility to test the weld in its two main directions, longitudinal and transverse. The proposal presented in this paper is the result of a A consideration in designing the test method has Netherlands investigation in the framework of a joint also been that the method should enable to provoke working programme of the International Institute of fractures in mild steel welds at temperatures not too Welding (1.1.W.)-Working Group "Brittle Fracture far below environmental temperature without general Tests for Weldmetal" (W.G. 2912). One of the main yielding of the weldment. tasks of this working group, in which members of With the aim of ensuring a wide practicability of commissions II, IX, X and XII are cooperating, is to the test, its design has been chosen such that the test device evaluation tests for weld metal from the view- may be expected to be feasible for any interested in- point of brittle fracture danger. This task setting has dustrial laboratory. emanated from a wide-spread conviction that the The subdivision of the report is such that the first 6 mechanical properties that determine the service be- sections mainly deal with the operation of the test, haviour are in many cases not adequately reflected while in sections 7 and 8 the underlying philosophy is by the results of conventional small scale brittle frac- given. ture tests. Important: as a result of the discussions on the proposal As a result of its studies the working group has con- in Warsaw in 1968 some important modifications, par- cluded that for the majority of structures the investi- ticularly with regard to the drop heights and the critical gation of the brittle fracture initiation properties of the Crack Opening Diplacements (C.O.D.), have been weld are relatively more important than that of crack introduce& see section 2 and table I. arresting properties. Moreover results for actual welds and information A further conclusion has been that an evaluation about the influence of variations in drop height and test for the weld metal should preferably involve a notch sharpness can be found in the appendices. parent metal/weld combination of the full plate thick- ness to be applied. 2Description of test Itis generally agreed upon thatbrittle fracture initiation in a steel weldment normally involves the Essentially the method comprises the drop-weight presence of a crack-like defect, and that, therefore, loading by a series of consecutive blows of increasing crack initiation tests should use test pieces containingand defined height, and defined weight on a sharply crack-simulating sharp notches. Crack initiation thusnotched specimen containing the weld metal to be is equivalent to "crack extension". investigated. A matter of careful consideration has been how to Each subsequent blow results in an increased plastic account for an unequality in yield value of parentdeformation in the notch tip region of the test piece. metal and weld metal, which may be particularlyThe amount of local plastic deformation before frac- noticeable in mild steel weldments. This unequalityture is used as a measure of the ductility. The usual type results in different behaviour of the weld metal, de-of drop-weight test equipment, modified in some de- pending on the direction of the weld in a structure tails as will appear later, is suitable for the execution relative to the main service stresses. Likewise it was of the test. 8 For evaluation purposes the test is carried out at different temperatures. Two types of welded test Assumed stress pieces may be used: distribution .1 Type T containing a Transverse weld, notched in the centre line of the weld in the weld direction (figure 2a). Type Lcontaining a Longitudinal weld, notched per- pendicularly to the weld direction with the notch extending to the centre of the weld 325 (figure 2b). When the test is used as an acceptance test, only one Critical residual C.O.D. for drop weight test = Total C.O.D. at test temperature will normally be necessary. Three incipient yield in static test on base material. specimens are thought to be sufficient. As will be ex- Incipient yielding is defined to occur at the load at which the calculated nominal bending stressinthe notched section is plained further, for acceptance testing type T has been equal to the minimum specified Gy (kg/min') chosen as the standard specimen. proof stress value ---,P=116,.t t (mm) P (kg) When stress relieving is effectuated by heat-treatment, the drop- The critical amount of deformation to be required weight specimens should be subjected to the same treatment is chosen as the total deformation undergone by a before testing. test piece of unwelded plate material (type P), loaded The critical C.O.D. then is half of the value indicated above. I to a calculated nominal stress equal to the minimum Fig. 1Determination of critical residual C.O.D. for modified specified proof stress value in a static bend test (see drop-weight test with the aid of static bend test. figure 1). This applies to non-stress-relieved structures; For stress-relieved structures half of that value is con-total deformation to which high strength steels are sidered to be sufficient, of course the specimens should subjected and with a view to the higher residual also be heat-treated. stresses. The test method implies the necessity of measuring It will be clear that the results obtained with the the deformation at the notch tip before or at fractureproposed method will show a certain amount of scatter as advocated in particular by Wells. Several methodsas a consequence of the inhomogeneity of weld metal. can be used, such as the measurement of the plasticIn principle for a pure initiation test, as the present zone size, of the lateral contraction at the notch root,one, any specimen out of the prescribed number (3) of the total crack opening displacement or of the resi- should fulfill the requirement.
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