Grand Averages Pos PLN Country Pigeon Syndicate Breeder # Races Total Time 1 S05247 United States Fl 052 Frank Locante Frank Locante 21 31:24:14.20 2 S10091 Germany Nickelodean Hermann Wienekamp Hermann Wienekamp 21 31:26:24.04 This pigeon is defaulted. No information will be displayed. 4 S66806 Netherlands Otis Koopman Racing Team Koopman Racing Team 21 31:41:42.36 5 S39688 Japan Little Fuss Cozy Yokoyama Yokoyama - Hermans 21 32:01:57.00 6 S81805 China Guinevere Lex Team GPS Team GPS 21 32:02:53.70 7 S90454 Canada Carino Eldorado Lofts Canada Eldorado Lofts Canada 21 32:07:38.08 8 S18300 South Africa Fantasy Fast n Furious Syndicate Fast n Furious Syndicate 21 32:10:54.93 9 S14627 Romania Africa Stanescu and Dobre Stanescu and Dobre 21 32:16:56.36 10 S65019 Germany Missouri Richard, Friedhelm u Thomas Klein Richard, Friedhelm u Thomas Klein 21 32:26:42.55 11 S89484 United Kingdom Lucky Vision Lucky Devils Syndicate Bob Fenech - Upland Lofts 21 32:33:22.98 12 S71163 Kuwait Khalaf Al-Abraq Loft Al-Abraq Loft 21 32:36:11.84 13 S14833 United States Revision David Matis David Matis 21 32:36:45.88 14 S59314 Germany Utah Richard, Friedhelm u Thomas Klein Richard, Friedhelm u Thomas Klein 21 32:40:10.38 15 S61492 Germany All Night Party Helmut Mann Helmut Mann 21 32:56:57.17 16 S88536 Australia JoJo Hamilton Racing - Australia Hamilton Racing - Australia 21 33:00:02.61 17 S81899 Czech Republic Rony Jan Napravnik Jan Napravnik 21 33:01:36.23 18 S78817 South Africa Kempton Park Klaus Stieneker SA Klaus Stieneker SA 21 33:01:54.54 19 S92699 Germany Jessie Girl Guido Barth Guido Barth 21 33:02:32.12 20 S07448 United States Reingold Americas Dream Loft Jim Gabler 21 33:02:51.87 21 S75755 Germany Smoke On The Water Andreas Siller Andreas Siller 21 33:02:57.64 22 S64435 Netherlands Basic Brown Team Ellenbroek - Seelen Team Ellenbroek - Seelen 21 33:09:19.45 23 S84583 Kuwait Gla Sara Al-Abraq Loft Al-Abraq Loft 21 33:09:43.51 24 S17198 Canada Must Be Magic McInnes - Visscher McInnes - Visscher 21 33:14:13.96 25 S70641 Australia Nobush Birdie Ian and Karen Brenner Ian and Karen Brenner 21 33:14:45.12 26 S95012 United States Topnotch Quest Syndicate - Barker Quest Syndicate - Barker 21 33:16:32.24 27 S11885 Kuwait Mishal 061 Mishal Ead Mishal Ead 21 33:16:40.48 28 S11935 United States Little Max Ken Easley - Silvercreek Ken Easley 21 33:25:35.75 29 S83025 United States El Chapo Bruno EL Mexicano Bruno el mexicano 21 33:30:12.24 30 S41811 Romania Diva 1 Stanescu and Dobre Stanescu and Dobre 21 33:30:15.80 31 S58629 Germany Lunatic Karin u Sandra Broexkes Karin u Sandra Broexkes 21 33:31:24.32 32 S67473 Germany Messi Team OWL - Renner Reinhard Riedel 21 33:34:21.48 33 S90382 Canada Unlucky Thirteen Nicholls Lofts Jason Nicholls 21 33:36:45.36 34 S66379 Kuwait Buhaimed 3 Abdullah Bohaimed Abdullah Bohaimed 21 33:37:01.27 35 S20397 South Africa Poker MDG Syndicate MDG Syndicate 21 33:37:23.58 36 S12538 Belgium Issis Filip and Nicolas Norman Filip and Nicolas Norman 21 33:38:28.55 37 S16054 Germany Sweetheart Team Germany - R+S Rolff Team Germany - R+S Rolff 21 33:39:18.67 38 S29114 Kuwait Al Butayan 2 Ross Wood Fahd Ahmad Al-Tayyan 21 33:39:55.38 39 S61336 Germany Erich 3 Team Ihr Lackdoktor Detlef Schuering 21 33:40:10.81 40 S93412 Netherlands Frysian Freelight Sam Syndicate Sam Syndicate 21 33:43:00.18 41 S89512 Netherlands Djongo Team Hooymans Team Hooymans 21 33:45:13.59 42 S94535 Belgium Witpen Moor Emiel Denys - Yang Bao Sue Emiel Denys 21 33:46:47.70 43 S31935 Kuwait Q8 13 Fayez Q8 Fayez Q8 21 33:51:47.44 This pigeon is defaulted. No information will be displayed. 45 S58328 Poland Ewa Roman Rosiak Roman Rosiak 21 33:54:35.06 46 S60056 United States Pocahontas Gallo and Mendez Loft Manuel Rodriguez 21 33:55:13.26 47 S44630 Netherlands Carribean Island Koopman Racing Team Koopman Racing Team 21 33:55:16.62 48 S66533 South Africa Julia G De Necker + Joe Gomes G De Necker 21 33:58:52.71 49 S08891 United States Sheer Nectar Hendrik Craig Hendrik Craig 21 34:02:51.62 50 S46493 Belgium Rosa Mota Filip and Nicolas Norman Filip and Nicolas Norman 21 34:02:54.54 51 S22014 Germany Stella Familie Christian Herbert Jansen 21 34:03:13.34 52 S19322 United States Bees Knees Nrpl Nemelka - McCormick - Full Turn Nemelka Racing Pigeon Loft 21 34:04:07.01 53 S48305 Germany Calvin Lothar Krueger Lothar Krueger 21 34:07:27.34 54 S20231 South Africa Chance Josh + Dean Josh + Dean 21 34:07:37.05 55 S73560 United States Debbies Dream Girl On Top Ganus Family Loft Ganus Family Loft 21 34:07:47.42 56 S69638 United States Mcf High Finance Marengo Creek Farms Marengo Creek Farms 21 34:13:46.62 57 S56893 Germany Cape Grace Penkin and Waldow Syndicate Werner A Waldow + S Thiel 21 34:16:17.16 58 S38759 Switzerland Manta Familie Ivica Milanovic Familie Ivica Milanovic 21 34:19:02.23 59 S62967 Germany Luciana Rolf Berger Rolf Berger 21 34:22:26.83 60 S21633 South Africa J J Glendas Loft Glendas Loft 21 34:22:52.06 61 S35910 South Africa Elisa JW Le Roux JW Le Roux 21 34:23:11.43 62 S57329 United States Full Measure ProPigeon Racing Loft Joel Alvarez 21 34:23:19.08 63 S14715 Germany Martha Team Germany - Girls United Martha Deigner 21 34:24:29.77 64 S29333 United States Utopia Canto - Wiltz Syndicate Canto - Wiltz Syndicate 21 34:29:17.12 65 S31261 Kuwait The Euro Wiefler Alois Mishal Al Juwaisri 21 34:29:21.12 66 S92325 Republic of Korea Outaka Kawakami Akihiro Kawakami Akihiro 21 34:30:45.72 67 S16050 Switzerland Freedom Lover Dominik Ott Dominik Ott 21 34:36:38.63 68 S72279 Netherlands Lampje Team Hooymans Team Hooymans 21 34:37:02.88 69 S43855 Germany Jara Norbert Funke Norbert Funke 21 34:40:45.99 70 S98465 Australia Barbara Mental Syndicate R Diener 21 34:41:00.53 71 S60972 Germany Thorsten Team Fenten - Holtei Heinz Fenten 21 34:42:31.08 72 S21217 South Africa Nerine MAD Syndicate HA Kotze 21 34:45:49.77 73 S18155 United States Mark S Jan Smiarowski Jan Smiarowski 21 34:46:45.54 74 S67172 Germany Caro Team Internet-taubenschlag G. + D. Claus 21 34:48:42.58 75 S66344 Kuwait Eabad Wasmi 3 Eabad Wasmi Eabad Wasmi 21 34:49:28.32 76 S51015 Belgium Trio De Schrijver - Brantegem De Schrijver - Brantegem 21 34:50:11.59 77 S64139 Germany Smiths Team Schnellin Wildgrube Ralf 21 34:50:14.36 78 S34036 Germany George W Hermann-Josef Wilkes Hermann-Josef Wilkes 21 34:51:47.69 79 S16709 Germany Moments Notice Team Esser - Klaas Team Esser - Klaas 21 34:53:26.29 Generated: 23 January 2014, 12:55:16 www.samdpr.com Page 1 Continued on next page... Grand Averages Continued... Pos PLN Country Pigeon Syndicate Breeder # Races Total Time 80 S72380 United Kingdom Ill Be Back Mr+Mrs Clayburn Mr+Mrs Clayburn 21 34:58:35.34 81 S67593 Germany Medal of Freedom Helmut u Alfons Klaas Helmut u Alfons Klaas 21 34:59:14.56 82 S05469 Kuwait Sattam 1 Satam Al-Zufairi Satam Al-Zufairi 21 34:59:26.54 83 S59255 Kuwait Nashmi 358 Salman Nashmi Salman Nashmi 21 34:59:55.02 84 S82118 Germany Fat Chance Cinnamon Rocking G Loft Jochen Huenten 21 35:00:36.60 85 S60528 Belgium Zenon Dr JJP Field Marcel De Maere 21 35:01:07.08 86 S82651 Netherlands Stoffeltje Jan Hooymans - Hu Zhen Yu Jan Hooymans 21 35:01:24.15 87 S26868 South Africa Ponytail Mustang Syndicate Richard Carroll 21 35:04:15.59 88 S36311 Germany Spin Christian Steinhagen Christian Steinhagen 21 35:05:08.62 89 S75139 Germany Sylt Oase Team Sylt 2000 Horst Werner 21 35:06:22.58 90 S63327 Kuwait Alsuwail 2 Kevin Malley Hamaed Alsuwail 21 35:09:02.21 91 S89086 Ireland Maureen Billy Wallace Billy Wallace 21 35:09:42.15 92 S45131 United Kingdom Ash Blue Ashfields Ashfields 21 35:10:30.49 93 S42702 Germany Bethlehem Team Schwidde - Stieneker Klaus Stieneker 21 35:11:25.12 94 S91383 Netherlands Vital Corrie Jan Hooymans - Hu Zhen Yu Jan Hooymans 21 35:12:25.31 95 S33587 Belgium Sus Nick and Eddy Didden Nick and Eddy Didden 21 35:12:30.31 96 S72604 United States Thriller Rory Smith Loft Rory Smith Loft 21 35:15:37.10 97 S74848 Saudi Arabia Pocket Money Ahmed 41 Ahmed O. 21 35:15:37.56 98 S22767 Belgium Best Of Verbesselt 2 Wiefler Alois Dominique Velghe 21 35:18:57.40 99 S28153 South Africa King David Gaddin Bros and Charl Stander Gaddin Bros and Charl Stander 21 35:19:19.24 100 S10626 Germany Marquette Xaver Heinloth Xaver Heinloth 21 35:20:34.19 101 S01258 Germany Porsche 3 Josef Gerling Josef Gerling 21 35:21:55.32 102 S27179 Australia Blocker ARS Syndicate ARS Syndicate 21 35:22:31.09 103 S26731 Slovakia Afrojanka Jozef Fekiac Jozef Fekiac 21 35:23:57.02 104 S62853 Germany Bloemfontain Team Stieneker - Abrams Klaus Stieneker 21 35:27:49.19 105 S92230 Germany Abby Girl SG Jammer+Reinhard SG Jammer+Reinhard 21 35:28:07.00 106 S91801 Kuwait Bohaimed 2 Lucky Dollar Syndicate Abdullah Bohaimed 21 35:32:41.33 107 S00643 Kuwait Sheikha Sabah Al-Abraq Loft Al-Abraq Loft 21 35:33:10.15 108 S23604 Denmark Mikkel Christian Mikkelsen Christian Mikkelsen 21 35:33:12.98 109 S32432 United States Sonnadora Gibara Family Loft Gibara Family Loft 21 35:33:27.27 110 S12527 Germany Leo 6 Team Kespohl - Nottebaum Team Kespohl - Nottebaum 21 35:33:31.34 111 S53483 Netherlands Gofast Jan Hooymans - Hu Zhen Yu Jan Hooymans 21 35:34:40.97 112 S33334 United States Blank State Blue Thistle Ranch Bryan Wilkerson 21 35:35:17.19 113 S32967 United States Geoffrey Golden Team Golden Team 21 35:35:56.91 114 S78706 United States Caine Torres n Ruiz Torres n Ruiz 21 35:38:29.02 115 S02616 Czech Republic Bond Josef Hlozek Josef Hlozek 21 35:38:49.74 116 S19717 United Kingdom At Last Alistair Hogg Alistair Hogg 21 35:38:57.60 117 S39849 Netherlands Genaaide Team Langeraar Team Langeraar
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