April 2012 Vulture News 62 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS, NOTES AND REPORTS Vulture poisoning incidents and the status of vultures in Zambia and Malawi Lizanne Roxburgh1* and Rory McDougall2 1Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology and DST/NRF Centre of Excellence, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, South Africa 7701 2Bedrock Africa. P.O. Box 670446, Mazabuka, Zambia. * Corresponding author: [email protected] Asia and Africa have experienced recent (Trigonoceps occipitalis) and Palm- catastrophic declines in populations of nut (Gypohierax angolensis) vultures most species of vultures (Thiollay 2006, (Dowsett et al. 2008; Dowsett-Lemaire & Ogada et al. 2011, Virani et al. 2011). Dowsett 2006). In addition, Cape Vultures While the declines in Asia have been (Gyps coprotheres) are occasionally seen, linked to poisoning by the veterinary drug particularly in southern Zambia (Dowsett diclofenac (Oaks et al. 2004), the reasons et al. 2008). However, we only deal with for the declines across Africa remain the first four most common species here. poorly understood (Ogada et al. 2011), In Zambia sightings of all four species and are likely to have multiple causes, are regularly noted within protected areas such as poisoning and a decline in food (see Zambian Ornithological Newsletter, supply. Little is known about the status published by the Zambian Ornithological of vultures in Zambia and Malawi, but Society; Zambiabirds Yahoo mailing list; due to its large tracts of protected areas, McDougall unpubl. data), suggesting that Zambia in particular is likely to hold a their populations are still healthy, although significant proportion of southern Africa’s there appears to be a decline in vulture vulture populations. Although poisonings observations outside of protected areas of vultures occur in these two countries, (McDougall, unpubl. data). Zambia has few, if any, incidents have been published. several large National Parks, for example, Five vulture species are resident in South and North Luangwa, Lower Zambia and Malawi, namely Hooded Zambezi, Liuwa Plain and Kafue NPs – (Necrosyrtes monachus), African white- all above 3500 km2 in size (Jachmann, backed (Gyps africanus), Lappet-faced 2000) - which are at least partially well (Torgos tracheliotus), White-headed protected, for example, in areas with good http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/vulnew.v62i1.3 33 Vulture News 62 April 2012 tourist infrastructure, and have sizeable Here, we describe three recent incidents large mammal populations. In addition of likely vulture poisoning in Zambia, and there are large Game Management Areas two older cases from Malawi. These are (or GMA), for example – Kafue Flats summarized in Table 1. All incidents are (5175 km 2), West Zambezi GMA (38070 described from e-mail communications, km2), Bangweulu GMA (6470 km2) which usually from eye-witnesses, and sources usually surround National Parks, and act are indicated in each incident. Locations as buffer zones around parks (Jachmann, of each incident are shown in Figure 1. 2000). Altogether National Parks cover 8% and GMAs cover 22% of the total landmass 1) Zambia of Zambia, and human population density a) Chiawa Game Management Area – July is 17.3 people/km 2 (Central Statistics 2011 Office, 2011). Thus human impact on the According to Jealous Nyandowo and environment remains relatively low . Brendan Raiseck of Conservation Lower In contrast, in Malawi human population Zambezi (CLZ), 18 dead or dying vultures density is high (139 people/ km2 ; National were found in late July 2011 near Mtondo Statistical Office, 2008), and thus pressure (15°46'56"S 29°11'42"E). This is a site on natural resources and land outside of outside of Lower Zambezi National Park, protected areas is high, and buffer zones in the bordering Chiawa GMA. Ten of around protected areas are non-existent. the vultures were dead and were found Several protected areas, including some with their heads removed. The remaining national parks, are largely depleted of large eight vultures died soon after they were mammal populations, and populations found. The CLZ team took photographs of all four vulture species are likely to of the vultures and burned the carcasses. have undergone a precipitous decline in Two of the vultures were white-headed, the past two decades. During a recent the remaining vultures were white-backed. road count of vultures and other raptors An impala (Aepyceros melampus) in Malawi (Kamoto & Mzumara 2011), carcass was found nearby a few days later. only 20 vultures were seen over a transect It had apparently been laced with Temik, distance of 1250 km, in only 6 groups. This the active ingredient of which is Aldicarb, a decline is undoubtedly strongly related carbamate insecticide and nematicide. An to reduction in population sizes of large empty packet of Temik was found in the mammals, due to poaching, but evidence bush nearby. This carcass was also burnt provided here suggests that deliberate by CLZ to prevent further poisoning. poisoning of vultures may also have played CLZ report that they are aware of other a significant role in the decline in vulture vulture poisoning incidents in or around populations in Malawi. the park. In these cases, water-holes or 34 April 2012 Vulture News 62 baits have been poisoned allegedly to kill at McBrides Camp was on patrol and found vultures so that they do not alert scouts to a pile of about 15 dead vultures of more carcasses and snare lines. However, this than one species. The heads of the vultures incident was the first time that they know of had been removed and the remains burnt. that vultures have been killed, apparently They were found near a carcass that had for their heads. presumably been poisoned. b) Kafue National Park – August 2009 c) South Luangwa National Park – October Three dead white-headed vultures were 2011 found by Chris McBride, all within a 2 Two dead vultures were noted in October km radius of McBrides’ Camp (14°41’35”S 2011 by Simon Thomsett and Egil Droge at 26°23’09”E) in Kafue National Park. These Nsefu Hot Springs (12°56'39"S 32°02'02"E) carcasses were all located within a week of in South Luangwa National Park. This was each other in early August. Another dead assumed to be a vulture poisoning incident vulture (possibly white-backed) was found as the vultures were found next to each dead near an impala carcass. The estimated other and had died within a short time of age of the vulture carcasses was two to each other. The ZAWA rangers that they three weeks. After this incident, about a spoke to indicated that vulture poisoning month later, the resident Zambia Wildlife for use in traditional medicine was not Authority (ZAWA) Wildlife Police Officer uncommon in the Luangwa Valley. Figure 1. Location of vulture poisoning incidents in Zambia and Malawi 35 Vulture News 62 April 2012 2) Malawi in the park since then. It is not known a) Kasungu National Park – 1990s which species of vulture were affected by According to Alphius Lipiya, current the poisonings, but all four species were Divisional Wildlife Manager for the Central present in the park in the 1980s. Region of Malawi, and Park Manager for Kasungu National Park, vultures were b) Liwonde National Park – 1990s abundant during the 1980s in the park, and, The decline in vultures in Liwonde as poaching of elephants in particular was appears to have occurred at a similar a problem during this period, the circling time to that in Kasungu National Park. of vultures over a carcass was used by According to Mike Labuschagne, who park law enforcement personnel to locate started work in Liwonde National Park poached animals (Lipiya, 2011). Due to in 1996 as a Law Enforcement Advisor, this practice, poachers reportedly started there was a total absence of vultures in to lace carcasses of elephants from which the park (except for palm-nut vultures), a the tusks had been removed with Temik or situation that continues to this day, apart Logo (Dimethoate – an organophosphate from rare sightings. In old Department insecticide), so that the vultures that fed on of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) the carcass died afterwards. It is common patrol reports, he read that in 1994 a dozen knowledge, in the villages surrounding vulture carcasses were found around the park, that Temik is the main chemical a dead hippo. DNPW patrol reports used in poisonings. In addition, in one were not frequently done however, and incident involving poisoned pumpkins and it is unlikely to be possible to plot the maize, tobacco farmers who witnessed the decline of vultures in the park from these. incident confirmed that the chemical used Nevertheless, vultures were still present was Logo, based on physical evidence in the park in 1994, but not by 1996. Even at the site. Kasungu NP is surrounded today poisoning of wildlife in and around by tobacco-growing farmland and these Liwonde NP is a common practice, and chemicals are readily available and are Mike Labuschagne has encountered scores used by farmers to treat tobacco nurseries of incidents of poisoned elephants, hippos, and other crops. After 1997, poaching and bush pigs, and poisoning of waterholes in the park declined because animal during the dry season. The animals are populations had been decimated by the poisoned to protect crops or for their ivory. previous decade of poaching. The last Waterholes are poisoned to catch fish and vulture in Kasungu NP was apparently sometimes for game meat. Temik has been seen in 1998 by a DNPW staff member. found as physical evidence on captured This vulture was already dead. There poachers, and has also been indicated in have been no reports of vulture sightings interrogations of poachers as a poison that 36 April 2012 Vulture News 62 is commonly put into bread and pumpkins it is not known which species of vulture to poison elephants and other wildlife in were affected by the poisonings, but all the park.
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