\ Page July 2008 A Newsletter Published by Kent County Levy Court for its Employees July 2008 Employee Fiscal Year ‘09 of the Month offers few new Bob Butler positions/pay By Allan Kujala, Personnel Director The Kent County Employee Council has selected selected JOHN R. (BOB) BUTLER from the Depart- It is a new year in Kent County, “fiscal year” that is ment of Planning Services as the July 2008 Employee and the County’s budget was dramatically impacted of the Month. by the State of Delaware’s financial woes. Bob is a Building Codes Inspector II in the The new financial year started July 1 and so Division of Inspections & Enforcement, and has did new pay rates, 3 new positions, and 6 reclassifica- worked for Kent County since November 2005. He is tions, but with very few other initiatives. responsible for ensuring compliance with the Regular employees received a three percent County’s building codes and determining whether cost of living adjustment and most (with an effective existing buildings are structurally sound. performance appraisal) received a two percent step Supervisors agree that he represents the best increase. Under the County’s pay plan, employees traits each of us should exhibit every day. They say topped out in their pay ranges or those hired in April he always displays a cooperative attitude and pitches or later only receive a COLA. Employees hired from in wherever he is needed. Bob can be depended October through March receive a partial (1%) step upon to follow through with any assigned project no increase. Part-time, temporary, or seasonal staff saw matter how difficult. no pay increase. Retired and former employees re- Bob’s enthusiasm for his job, his work ethic ceiving a County pension scored a 3% COLA increase and knowledge of construction practices and Code this year. requirements make him a positive influence on fellow Since the County pays one week in arrears, employees. Accordingly, he holds himself account- the impact of the July 1 pay increases will only be able for his actions and decisions. Bob has often partially realized on the July 11 pay stub, and fully stated “if you do the work, then you answer for what for most employees on July 25. Employees should you’ve done. No questions.” carefully review pay stubs for any keying errors. Congratulations Bob on a job well done! The new $47.8 million budget incorporated COMING NEXT MONTH: two new paramedics, and a new Wills Clerk position, > Tuition assistance can help your career goals. but deferred funding for five vacant positions. > Is it me or is everyone driving motorcycles to work? New position descriptions approved by Levy > What happened at this year’s NACo conference? Court and involving seven titles have been forwarded to employees for acknowledgement. IN THIS MONTH’S ISSUE: The just-adopted State budget will require 18 - A’s to Your Q’s 4 - Mark Your Calendar the County to assume full funding for dog control a 4 - Birthdays 4 - On The Move year early for a total of $300,000 and give more to- 6 - From The Stacks 6 - Recipe of the Month ward the preservation of agricultural lands to the Kent Connections is published for the employees and retirees of Kent tune of $1 million. These State-mandated expendi- County Levy Court using Microsoft Publisher® & Microsoft Power- Point®. Comments, suggestions and story ideas should be addressed tures were anticipated in the County budget adopted to: Kent County Personnel Office, 555 Bay Road, Dover, DE 19901, April 22, 2008 (ag land preservation) or will be or given to Allan Kujala, Sophie Dear, Cathleen McLean, or Yvonne funded from contingency (dog control). Messina. Or, call the Personnel Office at 744-2310. \ Page 2 July 2008 A Monthly Contest EOM A free movie ticket will be given to the first two em- ployees who find the last four dig- INSIGHT its of his/her Social Security num- Name: JOHN ROBERT (BOB) ber in the current issue of Kent BUTLER, JR. Connections and contacts the Per- Job: Building Codes Inspector II sonnel Office at 744-2310. Years with the County: 2½ MELISSA STANLEY of Inspections Education: High school graduate and the School of & Enforcement and LORI CALO- Hard Knocks WAY of Finance found their numbers and claimed their My role as a County employee: Inspector II, to movie tickets in June. It’s easy to win! **4692** assist contractors and home owners in building to the codes. What keeps my job interesting: The day-to-day Kent Co. Employee Obsessions interaction with the public. Take a minute to visit the display cases on the What gives me a sense of accomplishment first and second floors of the on the job: Seeing the looks and hearing the happi- Kent County Administrative ness of the new home owners when they can move Complex which features a into their new home. unique collection of Broadway Family: Peggy (wife of 34 years), Jennifer and local theatre programs col- (daughter), Jason (soon to be son-in-law), Rob (son), lected since the 1950s by Courtney (soon to be daughter-in-law), and the best CHARLES MAST, Clerk at the for last, granddaughter, Madison Sophia Administrative Complex Reception Desk. Civic involvement: I was very involved with Little Got an interesting hobby or like to collect lim- League and Boy Scouts for several years while the ited edition baubles? How about a collection of trinkets kids were young. from far-away lands? Then show off your talent for After work I enjoy: Relaxing at home and going amassing things—it may interest others as well. out to dinner for a beer or 10 Favorite old movie It’s a Wonderful Life Favorite TV shows: Star Trek, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet HOW TO BE EXCEPTIONAL Favorite sport: Football PROBLEM SOLVING—b. Propose a variety of solutions/ Favorite music: Country, Oldies approaches that meet the needs of all involved; c. Favorite Kent County restaurant: Sambo’s Tav- Quickly grasp the critical aspects of a problem after a ern thorough analysis resulting in an innovative solution Favorite Kent County event: Safe Summer Day embraced by all. Three people (living or dead) I’d invite to QUANTITY OF WORK—a. Operate at a level that will dinner: John Wayne, Roger Staubach, Jessica Alba eventually establish a new standard of work; I’m most proud of: Jennifer and Rob G.A.U.G.E.—Kent Co’s performance assessment tool Pet peeve: People that won’t accept responsibility for their actions or problems they cause for others. If I’ve learned one thing in life, it’s: To keep a Go Green Kent Co! positive attitude and try not to let the little things get Install energy saving devices. to you. Life goals and values important to me: To Install low-flow showerheads and treat people with respect and hopefully get the same take shorter showers to save water and from them. the energy use to heat it. Or, consider Characteristics and values important to me: eventually installing a solar hot water Honesty, integrity, sense of humor heater on your property. Who has had the most impact on my life: My Wash clothes in cold water whenever possible and father, mother, and Peggy, my wife use a drying rack or clothesline. GO GREEN! (Continued on Page 6) \ Page 3 July 2008 New Fiscal Year Most County bills always brings die as Legislature changes with it ends 144th session By Allan Kujala, Personnel Director By Bret Scott, Public Information Officer Change—it is inevitable and can always be expected The State Legislature worked into the early morning when the County’s new fiscal year begins on July 1. hours of July 1st as the sec- This year incorporates very few staffing changes and ond session of the 144th Gen- those are designed to address continued growth pres- eral Assembly came to a sure in Kent County. close. As such, all legislation The budget process included numerous re- not passed by the June 30th classifications and new position requests, but the deadline is considered dead. Levy Court was reluctant to make many changes with The first session of the new the financial crisis being experienced by the State of 145th General Assembly will Delaware and a State Legislature looking to shift convene on the second Tues- more costs to the Counties. These departmental day in January 2009. changes include: What follows is a recap of the legislation of Administration Department—Not fund- interest to Kent County: ing two vacant positions; Reclassification of the Net- House Bill 30 – Prohibits the spray irriga- work Specialist position. tion or application of wastewater on State owned Finance Department—Moved Computer lands. Bill has passed the House and was assigned to Systems Specialist position to Assessment Office. the Senate Executive Committee. Kent County ini- Planning Services Department—Not tially opposed this bill due to our practice of land funding three vacant positions. application of affluent on county land that was adja- Public Safety Department—Adding two cent to State owned lands. DNREC has since revoked new Paramedic positions to complete staffing for a our permit so the legislation had no effect. new Power Unit based in Dover to work during high HB 111 – Bill would prevent the county volume hours; Reclassifying EMS Operations Support from collecting the Realty Transfer Tax on all convey- (Continued on Page 16) ances located outside the Growth Zone or in Level Four Investment areas. (Opposed) Bill was been ta- bled in the House Land Use Committee and later died Mileage rate set at .505 in committee.
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