Issue 78 (06/19) Dec/Jan Best Foot Forward AB Two-legged and four-legged happiness in the great outdoors and a welcome break for coffee at Lanhydrock House ! AB AB Golant Walking Group led by group members. It was important that some of the walks be dog friendly and that there be an opportunity to Towards the end of summer, when some of us were la- enjoy refreshments during or after. We agreed that walks menting the closure of a local gym (through which we as- should be organised for different days of the week to give pired to health and fitness), a chat over coffee and cake as many people as possible the opportunity to participate at prompted a discussion of alternative means to maintain our least some of the time. Above all we aspire to be an inclu- strength and physical capacities. sive group, open and welcoming to all villagers. Two ideas emerged. Introduced to the joys of the rowing Our first walk, the ‘Duchy Walk’ (suggested by one of the machine during the Golant Carnival, gym membership of village’s redoubtable and highly experienced walkers), was our local rowing club had its attractions. Then we thought, declared a great success. The dogs were not only well be- what about our very own Golant Walking Group. We did haved but got on very well with each other. The two not know at the time but our thought echoed Hippocrates legged walkers not only enjoyed an interesting walk but also who observed ‘walking is man’s best exercise’. Following a social occasion with lots of chat and a most welcome cof- the jungle drum of a Maurie Mail, initial response and at- fee. We also failed to get wet. We all agreed, we were tendance at an introductory meeting suggested that this was ready for more. an idea with legs (arguably something you do not have after What of the benefits, apart from the joy of stretching our too long on a rowing machine!). legs in the great outdoors and the pleasure of the company During the course of the meeting it was agreed that we of others? There have been a few. We have appreciated would start slowly, offering two easy to moderate local the variety in landscape as we explored local valleys, park- walks each month. Walks would be chosen, researched and land and moorland. Continued on page 2 2 FROM THE EDITOR Continued from the cover over stories for the Pill have, over this past year, Our second outing, a gentle walk down the Pentewan C been very varied, hopefully covering the whole vil- Valley , was in marked contrast to our visit to Bodmin Moor lage, and ranging in intensity and interest. This time, we where the clamber round the Cheesewring and scramble are delighted to report a new Golantian activity on the over Stowe’s Pound rewarded us with spectacular views front page – the Golant Walking Group , which has al- over Bodmin Moor and across to Dartmoor . As we returned ready been enjoying rambles far and wide in our lovely to Eden at the end of our Eden-Trethurgy circular tour, the county. This will be a new regular article for our readers view over St Austell Bay reminds us that we are never far to share – especially interesting for those, who, like us, are from the sea. now physically unable to join! During each walk we We are now coming to the end of our thirteenth year of have taken the opportunity publication, and would like to take this opportunity once to learn more about the again to thank all of our Pill team, our valued contributors history of the local area and and our loyal advertisers. Without you, there would be we are fortunate in having no village newsletter – it’s as simple as that… What we some very well-informed would wish for is more response by readers to questions walkers. From ancient which may arise from our articles. In this issue, Robert monuments as in The Hurl- Dunley has posed a query regarding an old Carnival ers , through the grandeur of photo (p7), and I have made a suggestion about pet sto- Restormel Castle, Lanhydrock ries on page 12! Do please contact us. House and grounds (right) Having just said that our Golant Pill relies on teamwork, and Restormel Manor, to the I’m personally crossing my fingers for our later February/ industrial legacy of the March 2020 issue, as Mike & I have soon got to ‘bite the South Phoenix Mine complex AB bullet’ and move from Windows 7 to Windows 10 … The and remains of rail and former will no longer be providing security updates from tramways, we glean a better understanding of what has next January – such a shame, as it has been great to work come before us. Looking down over the Eden Centre we with, and the older one gets, the less one likes change! grasp how things do not stay the same and scope for re- My main concern, as I use the versatile Microsoft Publisher newal gives hope for the future. Programme to put each issue together, is its compatibility By the end of this year (all going to plan) we will have with the new system. We have revisited Microtest in Bod- enjoyed six walks – our final walk this year will be the min, our local IT firm (and one of our loyal advertisers) Luxulyan Valley in the second week of December and is for their expert advice & help, and will go with them! open to all; for more information do get in touch. Soon In our last issue, Penny Parsons, as chair of the Golant it will be time to evaluate our experiences and consider Heritage Group, wrote about an earlier restoration in St our next steps. Proposals for the future include extend- Sampson’s Church, and the then Bishop of Truro, Dr J ing the mileage of one of our walks each month and Hunkin, is quoted as praising ‘. ..this beautiful little sanctuary’ . looking further afield. But it will be for all those inter- Mike has written an interesting article about him (p15) , ested in walking to decide what comes next. If you not only with some personal memories, but also with very would like to join us or just find out more, do get in relevant links to our world & our churchyard. Do read it. touch or come along to our next meeting which will be Remaining with the Cornish element – we wish all our held in early January: look out for a ‘Maurie Mail’. readers- According to A L Rowse, ‘walking is the favourite sport Nadelik Lowen ha Blydhen Nowydh Da of the good and the wise’ and we all know it is good for (A Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year). the soul; surely it is an idea with legs! You might also like to know that we haven’t been rained on...yet! Gillie Harris Anne Bonsall ([email protected]) ANIMAL ADJECTIVES Ray Peacock Canine DogDogDog Corvine Crow Painter & Decorator Feline CatCatCat Galline Chicken Halcyonine Kingfisher Interior & Exterior Lapine Rabbit Power Wash Cleaning Laridine Gull Meleagrine Turkey Meline Badger Over 25 Years Experience Strigine Owl Mob: 077 096 384 30 3 Golant Heritage Online Arch ive At last everyone can now see and search the material that has been collected by the Heritage Group. It became clear to the group that just preserving the material was only half the job as its real value comes when it is viewed What a fascinating talk Sue delivered for us on 'Golant, and used. Piecing Together the Past', presenting a packed hall with With this in mind, the Group set about cataloguing eve- an historical tour through the settlement of Golant's dis- rything and then putting it onto a suitable on-line site. tant past up to the 19 th century. Sue is a passionate re- Our site address is https://golant.omeka.net (NB. searcher and, as a group, we are very grateful to her for NOT www. at the front) and it’s free and easy to use so giving us the benefit of her findings. please give it a go. A smooth handover to Ian took us neatly to a whistle- At the moment we are busy loading new material, so the stop tour of the GHG website which he has been busy archive will grow rapidly over the next few months. It building for us. This too has meant hours of time dedi- contains photographs, videos, sound recording and texts. cated to the task for the benefit of our archives, and we From the home page you can just browse the items or are very fortunate to have Ian's skills and commitment. search for specific things. A single search box allows you (See opposite column) to enter concise words and retrieve all the relevant items. As promised we would like to deliver a FREE 'How There are more advanced search options for combining to use the Golant Heritage Group website' workshop search terms and using tags that have been added to the at our January meeting: Tuesday 14 th January, 2pm in catalogue. Alternatively, if you take the map option it is the village hall. Please bring along your laptop, iPad or tablet. possible to zoom in on a location and look at relevant We will provide tea/coffee and cake! items. There are also sections about the past projects of As I explained in the previous issue, we are currently the Heritage Group and in future we will build on-line focussing on getting all our material catalogued, digitised ‘exhibitions’ to feature some of our treasure trove.
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