TransportBingara Gorge Assessment Transport Assessment Bingara Gorge BingaraNA82013034 Gorge - Land and Environment Court – Appeal 10554 of 2015 NA82013034 Prepared for Lend Lease November 2015 Transport Assessment Document Information Prepared for Lend Lease Project Name Bingara Gorge File Reference NA82013043.TransportAssessment.151125.Final.doc Job Reference NA82013034 Date November 2015 Contact Information Cardno (Qld) Pty Ltd ABN 57 051 074 992 Level 11 Green Square North Tower 515 St Paul’s Terrace Locked Bag 4006 Fortitude Valley Qld 4006 Telephone: 07 3369 9822 Facsimile: 07 3369 9722 International: +61 7 3369 9822 [email protected] www.cardno.com.au Document Control Author Date Description of Revision Reviewed Signature Signature Version Author Initials Reviewer Initials Draft 23 November, 2015 Draft Report KS Not signed Final 25 November, 2015 Final Report KS SH Approved Reason for Issue / Stage of Deliverable Approved Release Date Signature Version Approver Initials Draft Issue to Client for Review KS Not signed 23 November, 2015 Final Issue for Submission KS 25 November, 2015 © Cardno 2015. Copyright in the whole and every part of this document belongs to Cardno and may not be used, sold, transferred, copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or form or in or on any media to any person other than by agreement with Cardno. This document is produced by Cardno solely for the benefit and use by the client in accordance with the terms of the engagement. Cardno does not and shall not assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever to any third party arising out of any use or reliance by any third party on the content of this document. NA82013034 Cardno November 2015 Prepared for Lend Lease ii Transport Assessment Executive Summary Cardno has been engaged by Lend Lease to prepare a Transport Assessment for the Bingara Gorge Residential Development. This reporting has specifically been prepared in relation to the Land and Environment Court proceedings 10554 of 2015. The report addresses the traffic and transport items raised in the Wollondilly Shire Council Statement of Facts and Contentions document, included at Appendix A. The subject of this Transport Assessment and the above mentioned appeal proceedings relates to the proposed increase in the Bingara Gorge residential yield to 1,800 dwellings from the already approved 1,165 dwellings. The subject yield change only relates the residential component of the existing Bingara Gorge development. At the October 20th 2015 Section 34 conference, Cardno entered into discussions with the Craig McLaren of McClaren Traffic Engineering who is acting as the opposing traffic expert on behalf of Wollondilly Shire Council. Subsequent to the October 20th conclave discussions, a technical approach and assessment scope was developed jointly between Cardno and McLaren Traffic Engineering. In response to the Wollondilly Shire Council SOFC and the conclave discussions, Cardno has reassessed a selection of the primary analysis assumptions and developed a new SATURN mesoscopic model that is representative of the Bingara Gorge development and the adjacent road network at the 2036 time horizon. The model has been used to quantify and assess the internal and external traffic demands and operations for the already approved 1,165 dwelling scenario in addition to the proposed 1,800 dwelling scenario. The SATURN traffic demand estimations include two-way link demands for each of the internal development road sections as well as intersection turning movements. The turning movements have been used as inputs to the supplementary SIDRA assessment of the key internal and external traffic intersections to confirm traffic operations and upgrading requirements. The SIDRA analysis confirms that engineering solutions are possible at the external Picton Road intersections of Pembroke Parade and Almond Street. The analysis confirms that both intersections will ultimately require signalisation irrespective of the Bingara Gorge residential yield scenario. The internal development intersections have also been assessed as operating well within typically adopted performance thresholds for both yield scenarios. Ongoing discussions are recommended relating to the timing and funding of the external intersection solutions. As would be expected, the SATURN assessment confirms that the proposed yield expansion will result in an increase in traffic demands on many of the major internal road connections. The daily traffic demands output from the model indicate key development connections including Pembroke Parade, Oxenbridge Avenue, Greenbridge Drive, and Fairway Drive will cater for traffic demands that are at the upper range of the broader planning thresholds typically published by a selection of Australian planning and approvals authorities. Cardno suggests that the demands may be considered reasonable based on consideration of: > The traffic assumptions adopted as part of the SATURN modelling exercise are conservative, especially at the 2036 time horizon where the car mode share is projected to be lower given improved public transport and nearby external employment and retail development > The majority (86-87%) of the proposed 1,800 residential dwellings do not have any frontage to internal development roads which have been modelled as carrying more than 1,500 vpd. This figure is comparable or higher than that referenced in the RMS Guide to Traffic Generating Developments (Section 7.3) > Each of the critical internal road sections include separate provision for kerbside or indented car parking, thereby ensuring the full-time provision for two general traffic lanes > The density of direct residential frontage access on the critical road sections is relatively low > Road reserves are relatively wide and include pathway provisions for pedestrians and cyclists > The already constructed residential dwellings on critical internal sections have been located such that they are set-back 12-25m from the edge of the kerb. These larger than typical set- back characteristics will likely reduce any acoustic or amenity impact resulting from the modelled increase in traffic demand. NA82013034 Cardno November 2015 Prepared for Lend Lease iii Transport Assessment Table of Contents Executive Summary iii 1 Introduction 1 1.2 Expert Witness Code of Conduct Statement 2 2 Background 3 2.1 Bingara Gorge Development Background 3 2.2 Appeal Background 3 3 Transport Assessment Scope 4 4 Existing Situation 5 4.1 Hume Motorway (Federal Motorway) 5 4.2 Picton Road (State and Regional Road) 5 4.3 Pembroke Parade (Local Road) 5 4.4 Almond Street (Local Road) 6 4.5 Oxenbridge Avenue 6 4.6 Fairway Drive 7 4.7 Greenbridge Drive 9 4.8 Wollondilly Street (Wilton Oval Road) 11 4.9 Key Intersections 11 5 Proposed Development 12 5.1 Proposed (Revised) Yield 12 5.2 Proposed (Revised) Internal Road Layout 12 6 Transport Assessment Methodology 14 6.1 Traffic Generation 14 6.2 School Traffic Generation 17 6.3 Retail Traffic Generation 17 6.4 Leisure and Golf Course Generation 18 6.5 SATURN Traffic Model Development 18 6.6 External Traffic Assignment and Distribution 21 6.7 External Traffic Growth on Picton Road 21 6.8 SIDRA Model Development 22 7 Intersection Operations 23 7.1 External Intersections 23 7.2 Internal Intersections 30 7.3 Other Internal Intersection Operations 33 8 Internal Traffic Demand and Amenity Assessment 34 8.1 Specific Road Section Amenity Comment 39 8.2 General Road Amenity Comment 40 9 Response to Statement of Facts and Contentions 41 10 Summary and Conclusions 45 NA82013034 Cardno November 2015 Prepared for Lend Lease iv Transport Assessment Tables Table 6-1 Primary Cardno External Traffic Distribution Assumptions 21 Table 6-2 Wollondilly Shire Council Requested External Traffic Distribution Assumptions 21 Table 7-1 Picton Road / Pembroke Parade (Existing) – 2036 Traffic Operations Summary 24 Table 7-2 Picton Road / Pembroke Parade (Upgraded) – 2036 Traffic Operations Summary 25 Table 7-3 Picton Road / Almond Street (Existing) – 2036 Traffic Operations Summary 27 Table 7-4 Picton Road / Almond Street (Upgraded Seagull) – 2036 Traffic Operations Summary 28 Table 7-5 Picton Road / Almond Street (Upgraded Seagull) – Failure Year Sensitivity Test 28 Table 7-6 Picton Road / Almond Street (Upgraded) – 2036 Traffic Operations Summary 29 Table 7-7 Existing Pembroke Parade / Oxenbridge Avenue – 2036 Traffic Operations Summary 31 Table 7-8 Existing Pembroke Parade / Fairway Drive / Greenbridge Drive – 2036 Traffic Operations Summary 33 Table 8-1 Summary of Published Residential Traffic Amenity Thresholds 34 Table 8-2 Summary of Daily Traffic Demands on Internal Bingara Gorge Road Sections 35 Figures Figure 1-1 Indicative Boundary and Immediate Site Location of Bingara Gorge Development 1 Figure 4-1 Pembroke Parade Existing Formation 5 Figure 4-2 Pembroke Parade – Road Sections and Summary of Direct Frontage Residential Dwellings 6 Figure 4-3 Oxenbridge Avenue Existing Formation 7 Figure 4-4 Oxenbridge Avenue –Summary of Direct Frontage Residential Dwellings 7 Figure 4-5 Fairway Drive – Existing Cross-Section With Indented Car Parking 8 Figure 4-6 Fairway Drive Bridge – Existing Cross Section 8 Figure 4-7 Fairway Drive –Summary of Direct Frontage Residential Dwellings – Section 3 9 Figure 4-8 Greenbridge Drive – Section 1 Existing Cross Section 10 Figure 4-9 Greenbridge Drive – Section 2 Existing Cross Section 10 Figure 4-10 Greenbridge Drive – Section 3 Existing Cross Section 10 Figure 4-11 Wollondilly Shire Council
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