Odonatological Abstract Service published by the INTERNATIONAL DRAGONFLY FUND (IDF) in cooperation with the WORLDWIDE DRAGONFLY ASSOCIATION (WDA) Editors: Dr. Martin Lindeboom, Silberdistelweg 11, D-72113 Ammerbuch, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)7073 300770; E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Klaus Reinhardt, Dept Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK. Tel. ++44 114 222 0105; E-mail: [email protected] Martin Schorr, Schulstr. 7B, D-54314 Zerf, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)6587 1025; E-mail: [email protected] Published in Rheinfelden, Germany and printed in Trier, Germany. ISSN 1438-0269 1997 discussed.] Address: Donnelly, T., 2091 Partridge Lane, Binghamton, NY 13903, USA. E-mail: tdonnel@bing- hamton.edu 6842. Clark, T.E.; Samways, M.J. (1997): Sampling 6844. Forbes, M.; Leung, B.; Schalk, G. (1997): Fluctu- arthropod diversity for urban ecological landscaping in a ating asymmetry in Coenagrion resolutum (Hagen) in species-rich southern hemisphere botanic garden. relation to age and male pairing success (Zygoptera: Journal of insect conservation 1: 221-234. (in English). Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica 26(1): 9-16. (in Eng- ["Arthropods were sampled using pitfall traps, sticky lish). ["Recent evidence suggests that fluctuating asym- traps, sweep netting, Malaise traps and visual sampling metry (FA) of characters may index either stress during at a national botanic garden, KwaZulu-Natal, South Afri- development of organisms, or be related to fitness of in- ca, where the taxonomic impediment is great. The aims dividuals following development. The Authors tested were to compare two sites, one of native vegetation and whether wing FA of C. resolutum was related to dam- the other of mainly exotic plants, to determine the pos- selfly age and to male pairing success. It was predicted sible localized extent of biodiversity change across the younger individuals should have higher FA on average land mosaic, and to test and compare methodologies as compared to older individuals if FA was related to and indicator taxa and to make recommendations for damselfly survival. It was found that younger individuals ecological landscaping of a botanic garden. Species had higher FA than older individuals over all sampling richness and evenness varied considerably with samp- dates combined. However, this relation was due to the ling technique used. From results of a single replicate of inclusion of one of three comparisons between pre-re- data from all trapping methods including 821 arthropod productive and mature insects, and was not a general species and 3831 individuals, a number of conclusions phenomenon. Wing FA was not related to male pairing could be drawn. Trapping procedures such as sweep success. The results suggest that character FA can be netting and pitfall traps, which focus on species with re- related to fitness measures of damselflies, but not in a stricted mobility and/or host plant requirements, indica- highly repeatable way. Data are also provided on sea- ted greatest differences in diversity between two closely sonal changes in mite parasitism and body size that located sites. Taxa varied in sensitivity to microland- may relate to our finding FA-fitness relations restricted scape, again depending on the extent of their mobility. to one period of the flight season." (Authors)] Address: Cicindelid and carabid beetles were particularly good Forbes, M.R., Dept of Biology, Carleton University, 587 indicators of habitat disturbance and type. The manage- Tory Building, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON K1S ment recommendations are that in a species-rich urban 5B6, Canada. E-mail: [email protected] botanic garden such as this, as many ecotopes as pos- sible should be preserved or created. These should 6845. Forbes, M.R.; Schalk, G.; Miller, J.G.; Richard- vary in topography, landscape characteristics and ve- son, J.M.L. (1997): Male-female morph interactions in getation composition, with as much connectivity as pos- the damselfly Nehalennia irene (Hagen). Can. J. Zool. sible. This is a feasible blanket approach to give home 75(2): 253-260. (in English, with English and French to a large number of nameless species and morphs. summaries). ["Several hypotheses concerning factors Patches of different ecotopes should not be separated that favour coexistence of female morphs in damselflies by more than a few metres by expanses of mown lawn invoke differential attraction to (or harassment of) fe- which isolates much of the fauna." (Authors)] Address: male morphs from mate-searching ♂♂. We designed Samways, M.J., Dept Entomol. & Nematol., Univ. Stel- experiments to determine whether ♂♂ were differen- lenbosch, Private Bag X1, ZA-7602, Matieland, South tially attracted to either of two discrete female morphs in Africa. E-mail: samways@ sun.ac.za N. irene. One female morph was similar in colour and pattern to the conspecific male ("androchrome") and the 6843. Donnelly, T.W. (1997): A hybrid Ophiogomphus. other was dissimilar ("gynochrome"). ♂♂ were indis- Argia 9(4): 7. (in English). [A female hybrid between li- criminate in their mating attempts. Overall, ♂♂ were kely Ophiogomphus rupinsulensis (Walsh 1862) and O. more attracted to gynochrome ♀♀; however, ♂♂ that carolus Needham 1897 from Massachussets, USA is showed high response intensity to model ♂♂ were Odonatological Abstract Service 22 (July 2008) - page 1 equally likely to grasp models of the gynochrome and von Epitheca bimaculata und Erstnachweis von Anax androchrome ♀♀. During male–female encounters in parthenope für Luxemburg (Insecta, Odonata). Bull. the field, androchrome ♀♀ were more likely to chase soc. nat. luxemb. 98: 105-112. (in German, with English ♂♂, whereas gynochrome ♀♀ showed more refusal summary). [A total of 25 species in the gravel pit region displays. Other direct and indirect evidence suggests near Remerschen, Luxembourg includes A. parthenope that gynochrome ♀♀ may be greater targets of sexual new to Luxembourg and E. bimaculata not recorded aggression than androchrome ♀♀ while at the pond's since the 1960ies.] Address: Trockur, B., Brückenstr. edge, but that androchrome ♀♀ more often frequent the 25, 66636 Tholey-Hasborn, Germany. E-mail: Bernd- pond's edge. Whether or not these differences in beha- [email protected] viour translate into differential costs and benefits of be- ing a particular morph is unknown." (Authors)] Address: Forbes, M.R., Dept of Biology, Carleton University, 587 1998 Tory Building, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6, Canada 6850. Ashkenazi, S.; Dimentman, C. (1998): Foraging, nesting, and roosting habitats of the avian fauna of the 6846. Land, M.F. (1997): Visual acuity in insects. Annu- Agmon wetland, northern Israel. Wetlands Ecology and al Review of Entomology 42: 147-177. (in English). Management 6: 169-187. (in English). ["The foraging, ["The acuity of compound eyes is determined by inter- nesting and roosting habitats of the avian fauna of a ommatidial angles, optical quality, and rhabdom dimen- newly created Agmon wetland and surrounding cultiv- sions. It is also affected by light levels and speed of ated peat land (5 km²) in the Hula Valley, northern Is- movement. In insects, interommatidial angles vary from rael, were evaluated (January 1996–February 1997) to tens of degrees in Apterygota, to as little as 0:24 in assess the value as a habitat and for wildlife tourism. dragonflies. Resolution better than this is not attainable We recorded 180 bird species [...] in different habitats in compound eyes of realistic size. The smaller the in- (the lake, shores, cattail and reed-bed stands, trees, terommatidial angle the greater the distance at which temporary inundated areas). The most heavily used ha- objects — prey, predators, or foliage — can be re- bitat for foraging, breeding, and roosting was a large solved. Insects with different lifestyles have contrasting cattail stand in the southern third of the lake. The for- patterns of interommatidial angle distribution, related to aging habitat and diet data of 97 avian species were de- forward flight, capture on the wing, and predation on termined. [...]" (Authors), and includes Brachythemis horizontal surfaces." (Author) Minimum interommatidial leucosticta, Crocothemis erythraea, Zygoptera, and Ca- angles for Anax junius, Sympetrum striolatum, Austro- lopteryx syriaca.] Address: Ashkenazi, S., Ecology and gomphus guerini, Zyxomma obtusum, Aeshna grandis, Nature Conservation, P.O. Box 1057, Rosh Pinna and Xanthagrion erythroneurum are documented.] Ad- 12100, Israel dress: Land, M.F., Sussex Centre for Neuroscience, School of Biological Sciences, University of Sussex, 6851. Matsura,T.; Nomura, K.; Komatsu, K (1998): Eco- Brighton BN1 9QG, UK logical studies of odonate larvae living in artificial ponds in an urban area: Occurrence of larval Sympetrum stri- 6847. Leung, B.; Forbes, M.R. (1997): Fluctuating a- olatum imitoides and its life history in primary school symmetry in relation to indices of quality and fitness in swimming pools. Japanese Journal of Ecology 48(1): the damselfly, Enallagma ebrium (Hagen). Oecologia 27-36. (in Japanese, with English summary). ["As a part 110: 472-477. (in English). ["Fluctuating asymmetry of a research program on the ecology of odonate larvae (FA) refers to random deviations from symmetry of oth- inhabiting artificial ponds, we surveyed outdoor swim- erwise bilaterally symmetric traits. Researchers have ming pools of primary schools in Kyoto City every late hypothesized that FA should be inversely related to
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