Page 26 THE JEWISH PRESS Friday, July 29, 2011 Community Currents Upcoming events… enger hunt activity. The week before it hosted a For more information and a list of locations, call group of 40 boys, ages 7-9, from Camp Gan Yisroel the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation at 845-352- The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Educa- of Parksville. At the conclusion of the activity, each 3505 ext. 106. tion Center in Skokie is featuring Spots of Light: camper and counselor received a free bag of chips or To Be a Woman in the Holocaust, the fi rst interna- popcorn and a drink, and the winning team/bunk re- KASHRUS Magazine Announces tional exhibition to focus exclusively on women and ceived a $25 gift certifi cate. For more information, Search For ‘Mashgiach Of The Year’ their experiences in the Holocaust. This large-scale, contact Zelig Krymko, Shoprite’s Jewish communi- video-art based exhibition conveys the strength, ini- ty liaison and kosher consultant, at 917-273-9055. The mashgiach (kosher supervisor) is the vital tiative, and courage of these women. The exhibit link in the chain to ensure that our food is kosher. demonstrates that even in the most diffi cult of cir- Tisha B’Av Event Calls For Shalom The mashgiach, long time the “unsung hero,” is now cumstances, human beings can maintain those val- receiving due honor through a special award being ues which are the foundation of humanity: mother- For more than two decades, The Chofetz Chaim presented by KASHRUS Magazine. hood, friendship, faith and love. The exhibition is a Heritage Foundation’s World-Wide Tisha B’Av Event “We wanted everyone – the consumers, the com- production of the Museum Division, Yad Vashem, Je- has brought together Jews from all walks of life to panies, and the kashrus agencies – to appreciate just rusalem and curated by Yehudit Inbar. The exhib- be inspired to do their part in bringing achdus and how important the mashgiach is to the entire pro- it is open through September 6. For more informa- geulah to Klal Yisrael. cess of kosher,” said Rabbi Yosef Wikler, editor of tion, visit www.ilholocaustmuseum.org. This year’s video presentation, “Mending Rela- KASHRUS Magazine. “We went to our advertisers tionships: Rebuilding Our World,” focuses on the and asked them to sponsor this project. The mashgi- * * * imperative of pursuing shalom in our personal lives ach who is chosen as ‘Mashgiach of the Year’ will re- This coming Tisha B’Av, Tuesday, August 9, the and communities and The speakers on the video will ceive a minimum of $1,000 in cash and merchandise.” Orthodox Union is hosting a complete day of web- paint a picture of the beautiful life each person can Nominations for the award will be accepted only casts of commentary on the kinot by OU executive vice attain by cultivating shalom. directly from kosher-certifying agencies. Anyone who president, emeritus, Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb and The video will be presented in 700 venues in hun- feels that a particular mashgiach is worthy of the by OU Executive Vice President Rabbi Steven Weil. dreds of cities throughout the world. Version A in- award should contact the kosher-certifying agency Both can be viewed worldwide on www.ou.org, start- cludes an inspiring message from Rav Aaron Leib for whom he works. ing at 9:00 a.m from OU Headquarters in New York Shteinman and a powerful presentation by Rabbi Yis- The announcement of the awardee will be made with Rabbi Weinreb, and continuing at 1:00 p.m. from socher Frand, maggid shiur in Yeshivas Ner Yisroel. in September, and KASHRUS Magazine’s Septem- The Boca Raton Synagogue in Florida with Rabbi Weil. It also includes a message from Rav Gamliel HaCo- ber-October issue will feature an interview with the Audiences may pre-register at www.ou.org/tishabav. hen Rabinowitz, rosh yeshiva of Shaar Hashamayim “Mashgiach of the Year.” To receive a free copy of that For more information, contact 212-613-8188 or Yeshiva in Yerushalayim. In addition, Rav Yaakov interview, e-mail KASHRUS Magazine at kashrus@ e-mail [email protected]. Hillel, a kabbalah scholar and rosh yeshiva of Aha- aol.com, or send a self-addressed, stamped envelope vat Shalom in Yerushalayim, will provide his unique to KASHRUS, Mashgiach Award, POB 204, Brook- In recent news… perspective on the impact of machlokes. lyn, NY 11204. Version B features Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits, Night Activities In The Supermarket founder and director of Kollel Linas Hatzaddik, Rab- Met Council Elects New President bi Eli Mansour, a popular lecturer, and Dr. David Shoprite supermarkets in the Catskills are host- J. Lieberman, a columnist for The Jewish Press and The Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty (Met ing night activities for Jewish summer camps. On an award-winning author and internationally rec- Council) has elected Steven Price as its new board July 10, the Shoprite in Liberty hosted 75 teenage ognized leader in the fi elds of human behavior and president. Joseph C. Shenker, Esq., chairman of Sul- girls, counselors from Camp Bnoseinu, for a scav- interpersonal relationships. livan & Cromwell, was elected chairman of the board. He will co-chair with Dr. Merryl H. Tisch, chancellor of the New York State Board of Regents. LCW Graduate Launches Israel Advocacy Project “I look forward to bringing my time, energy and en- thusiasm to this new leadership role and am excited Pessy Katz, a recent graduate of the Lander as student groups are actively protesting against to collaborate with the dedicated staff and my fellow College for Women – The Anna Ruth and Mark Israel’s existence.” board members. It is our obligation to help those less Hasten School (LCW), is leading an effort to A self-described student activist, Katz has fortunate and Met Council is the ideal place to ensure spread the word among college students that ef- worked in politics, having interned for former U.S. that such important work is taking place,” said Price. forts to delegitimize the State of Israel Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton in New Met Council is one of New York’s largest human need to be treated as serious threats to York in 2008 and for U.S. Congressman services agencies, providing 100,000 New Yorkers the Jewish nation and should be chal- Jerrold Nadler, who represents parts of with critical services in their fi ght against poverty lenged through political action. Manhattan, in Washington, D.C. in the every year. To learn more, visit www.metcouncil.org. In e-mail messages she distributes to summer of 2009. She also spent time liv- a constantly-growing list of college stu- ing and studying at an Ulpan in Israel. Rep. Cohen Visits Germany dents at her Upper West Side alma ma- In the face of an international cam- ter, Katz provides links to relevant news paign that designated March 30 as a day Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) was in Germany ear- articles, video and audio clips, and oth- to boycott Israeli products, Katz led a lier this month and said he was touched by all the er forms of new media aimed at shift- counter effort at LCW encouraging stu- reminders of Jewish life throughout Berlin. He also ing the political dialogue as it relates dents to deliberately purchase Israeli- said he was inspired by the changes and improve- to supporting Israel’s stature in the Middle East. made products to express their solidarity with Israel. ments made throughout the city as this generation Inspired by her involvement in the Jewish In March, StandWithUs, a local nonprofi t pro- of Germans accepts their forefathers’ actions during Council for Public Affairs’ annual plenum ses- Israel education and advocacy group, led the coun- the Holocaust and works to ensure that such a trag- sions in Washington, D.C., Katz launched “The ter boycott effort and established a website, Buy- edy never takes place again. Lander College for Women Israel Advocacy Proj- IsraelGoods.org, in cooperation with the America- One of the places he visited was the Jewish Mu- ect” with the support of LCW, its dean, Dr. Marian Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Katz seum Berlin which covers two millennia of German Stoltz-Loike, the Israeli Consulate, and the Jewish said this is another powerful way to counter ef- Jewish history. It was designed by world-renowned Community Relations Council. Katz said the idea forts aimed at delegitimizing Israel and tarnish- architect Daniel Libeskind and was one of the fi rst stemmed from a meeting she participated in with ing the Jewish state’s image in the United States. buildings in Berlin designed after the reunifi cation of members of the Israeli Consulate and students “Many students may not be aware of what Germany. The museum opened to the public in 2001. from Columbia University and Yeshiva University. is happening on other college campuses and the He also visited the Holocaust Memorial, designed “There are obvious threats to Israel, in the idea behind the LCW Israel Advocacy Project is by architect Peter Eisenman and engineer Buro Hap- form of terrorism and suicide attacks,” Katz ex- to teach students to be better advocates for Isra- pold. It is a 4.7-acre site covered with 2,711 concrete plained. “But more recently, a movement chal- el,” said Katz. “I hope that other students will be- slabs arranged in a grid pattern on a sloping fi eld. lenging the right of Israel to exist has been grow- come motivated to look at what is happening and The memorial also has an underground learning ing on college campuses in the U.S.
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