Amy E. Arnold, collection by EBSCO and presented development librarian for annually by the College, Auburn University at Mont­ University, and Special Li­ gomery, Alabama, was pre­ People braries Division of the Ala­ sented the Blackwell North bama Library Association to America Research Award for encourage and support re­ her paper “Approval Slips in the search with potential signifi­ and Faculty Participation in cance for academic libraries. Book Selection.” The award N e vs Thornton earned her MLS is funded by Blackwell and from Clarion University. presented annually by the College, University, and Spe­ Dorothy Woodson, librar­ cial Libraries Division of the ian at Lockwood Library, Alabama Library Association State University of New York to encourage and support at Buffalo, received a Ful- research with potential significance for academic bright Senior Scholar Award for the 1993/94 libraries. Arnold holds an MLS from the Uni­ academic year. Woodson, whose award is versity of Alabama, a master’s of sacred music within the African Regional Research Program, from Wittenberg University, and a bachelor of will conduct research and assist in the organi­ arts from Huntingdon College. zation of recently unbanned historical manu­ scripts, archives, and newspapers located at the Patricia Battin, president of the Commissipn Mayibuye History Centre at the University of on Preservation and Access, received the hon­ the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa. orary doctor of humane letters degree from Woodson is the author of Drum: An Index to Emory University at its commencement ceremo­ Africa’s leading Magazine, 1951-1965 and De­ nies in May. She was honored for developing a cade o f Discontent: An Index to “Fighting Talk” coordinated national approach to counter the 1954-1963. deterioration and disintegration of millions of library volumes and for marshaling congres­ sional appropriations to support the endeavor. She became the commission’s first president in 1987 after serving nine years as vice-president Appointments for information services and university librar­ ian at Columbia University. (Appointment notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and Joanne G. Marshall, associate professor at the appointees, and other sources. To ensure that Faculty of Library and Information Science, your appointment appears, write to the Editor, University of Toronto, has been honored by C&RL News, 50 E. Huron, Chicago, IL 60611­ two professional organizations. On May 13 2795.) Marshall was presented the Member of the Year Award from the Special Libraries Association­ Valerie R. Hotchkiss, library director at Aus­ Toronto Chapter for her work on the impact of tin Presbyterian Theological Seminary since special librarians on corporate decision-mak­ 1989, has been named director of the Bridwell ing. She also received the Ida and George Eliot Library at Southern Methodist University’s Prize from the Medical Library Association for Perkins School of Theology. Hotchkiss holds a her publication “The Impact of the Hospital Ph.D. in medieval studies from Yale Univer­ Library on Clinical Decision-Making: The Roch­ sity, an MLS from Southern Connecticut State ester Study.” University, and a B.A. in classical languages from the University of Cincinnati. Active in the Linda Thornton, interlibrary loan librarian for American Theological Library Association, she Auburn University, has received the EBSCO is now serving on its education committee and Research Award for her paper “Interlibrary Loan as chair of the Collection Evaluation and De­ Workload and Staffing.” The award is funded velopment Section. She is also a founding mem- 476/C&RL News ber and president-elect of the Southwest Ameri­ Nadine Baldwin has been named assistant can Theological Library Association. university librarian for technical services at the University of British Columbia. Richard J. Kuhta, university librarian at St. Janet Borron is now reference librarian at Lawrence University since 1986, has been the Loop Campus Library of DePaul Univer­ named librarian of the sity, Chicago. Folger Shakespeare Li­ David J. Brier has been appointed UHCARL brary in Washington, technical support librarian at the University of D.C. Kuhta is a gradu­ Hawaii, Honolulu. ate of Swarthmore Col­ Marsha Carothers is now half-time assis­ lege, with an M.A. in tant dental librarian at the University of Mis­ Shakespeare studies souri-Kansas City. from the Shakespeare Rick L. Castro has been named cataloging Institute in Birming­ librarian at the University of Guam, Mangilao. ham, England, and an Tom Connors has been named curator of MLS from Columbia the National Public Broadcasting Archives at University. His new the University of Maryland at College Park Li­ duties will begin in Richard J. Kuhta braries. February 1994. Leesa Duby has been named the Miller Nichols Library head of access services at the Gerald R. Lowell, associate university librar­ University of Missouri-Kansas City. ian and director for technical services at Yale Laura Gayle Green is the new music/me- University since 1986, was appointed univer­ dia librarian at the University Missouri-Kansas sity librarian at the University of California, San City. Diego. He assumed his new duties April 1. Prior Jon G. Grennan is now rare book catalog to joining Yale, Lowell served as head of the librarian at Washington University, St. Louis. Cataloging Distribution Service at the Library E. Jens Holley is now head of access ser­ of Congress, as a vice-president of the Faxon vices at Clemson University, South Carolina. Company, and on the staff of the University of Helen B. Josephine has been appointed Washington Libraries in Seattle. He received associate director of the Office of Technology his B.A. in Russian area studies from Gustavus Transfer and Economic Development at the Adolphus College and his MLS from the Uni­ University of Hawaii, Manoa. versity of Washington. Lee P. Keene has been named access ser­ vices librarian in the Florida International Uni­ Richard W. Oram, public services librarian at versity Libraries at North Miami Campus. the University of Texas (UT) at Austin, has been Veronica Kenausis is now reference and appointed librarian of the Harry Ransom Hu­ instruction librarian at Franklin & Marshall Col­ manities Research Center at UT. lege, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Christine Larson is now reference librar­ Karin Wittenborg, associate university librar­ ian in the Lilly Library at Earlham College, Rich­ ian for collection development at the Univer­ mond, Indiana. sity of California, Los Angeles, has been named Cynthia Lenox has been named business university librarian for the University of Vir­ reference librarian at John Carroll University, ginia, Charlottesville. Wittenborg received her Cleveland. MLS from the State University of New York at Haipeng Li has been named reference li­ Buffalo and her bachelor of arts from Brown brarian at Oberlin College, Ohio. University. She has served at Stanford Univer­ Barbara Lilley has been appointed head sity as chief reference librarian and as curator of the Statewide Conservation Preservation Pro­ of the social sciences. She was also a Council gram at the New York State Library. on Library Resources academic library manage­ Charlotte Means is a new clinical medical ment intern at MIT in 1981-82. librarian at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Vicky Adamitis is now preservation officer Jane P. Mills has been appointed head ac­ at the University of Maryland at College Park quisitions librarian at Southwest Texas State Libraries. University, San Marcos. September 1993/477 Madison M. Mosley Jr. has joined the Ref­ in Virginia Beach. Pohlman began working as erence Department at the Stetson University a librarian in the Branch Libraries in the early College of Law as weekend/evening librarian. 1940s. After leaving to join the U.S. Navy dur­ Lori Murphy has been named catalog li­ ing World War II, she returned to the staff of brarian at DePaul University, Chicago. the Reference Department Science Division Tim Pyatt is now curator of Marylandia and where she advanced to the position of assis­ rare books at the University of Maryland at tant chief. Later, in her dual capacity as chief of College Park. the Cooperative Services Department and as­ Steven Riel has been appointed serials cata- sistant director of METRO, Pohlman was active loger in the CONSER office of the Harvard in promoting cooperative programs among li­ University Library. braries through the CARES program and the Patricia J. Seegars has been appointed Research Libraries Group. She retired in 1979. media and technical services librarian in the Judith Thiele, reference librarian at the Uni­ Croach Music and Art Library, Baylor Univer­ versity of British Columbia (UBC) since 1972, sity, Waco, Texas. Joan M. Sibley is now assistant department died on April 27 at the age of 49. Thiele earned head of the Department of Manuscripts and her B.A. and BLS from UBC, and cofounded Archives at the University of Texas at Austin. with her husband Paul the Crane Memorial Li­ brary at UBC in 1968. She was internationally Joanne Tarpley is now reference librarian recognized as an information, technology, and at the University of Guam, Mangilao. braille expert; taught in UBC’s faculty of edu­ P. Steven Thomas has been named instruc­ tional services librarian at Sangamon State Uni­ cation; and received the Canada 125 award from versity, Springfield, Illinois. the Canadian government in recognition of her Jacqueline M. Vargo has been named contributions to the community. UHCARL technical support librarian at the Uni­ David L. Thomas, a librarian at the Albert R. versity of Hawaii, Honolulu. Mann Library at Cornell University from 1956 Nancy S. Weyant has been appointed co­ until his retirement in 1983, died in June at the ordinator of reference services at Bloomsburg age of 64. A veteran of the U.S. Air Force, Tho­ University of Pennsylvania. mas received a B.S. from the Cornell College of Agriculture in 1955, and an MLS from Syra­ cuse University in 1956.
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