Culture&Heritage Volume 2 | Number 2 | Spring 2016 News Update && FFOODOOD TTRRUUCCKK RALLYRALLY brian m. hughes, County Executive & The BoaRD of CHosen Freeholders This festival is made possible in part by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts /Department of State, a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts. Mercer County Cultural & Heritage Commission also receives general operating support from the New Jersey Historical Commission/ New Jersey Department of State. - 2 - - 3 - Calendar of Events 1 Art Happenings April 30, The Music of Three The 3pm features the String Every Thursday, Argentine Faiths: A Benefit Concert for Prep. Orchestra, the Pro Arte Tango, Viva Tango, 8pm, Su- April 2, The Salon ,Gallery 353, Refugees, 7pm, Presbyterian Orchestra, and the Wind Sym- zanne Patterson Center, 45 4pm, 353 Nassau St., Princeton, Church of Lawrenceville, 2688 phony. 7pm features the Per- Stockton St, Princeton, $15. (803)334-8838. Open house to Main St, Lawrenceville. Musi- cussion Ensembles, the Saxo- For more information visit vi- discuss art, literature, music, cal Bands: Wind of Anatolia, the phone Choir, the Symphonic vatango.org and more. For more informa- Klezmer Band, and the blue- Orchestra, and the Senior Con- tion visit gallery353.com (W) grass quintet, will perform to certo winner. For more infor- Exhibits bring together people of many mation visit yocj.org (W) Concerts cultures and raise funds for Now - April 10, The Seasons, The International Rescue Com- June 4, Senior Spring Concert, Rider University Art Gallery. April 2, Capital Philharmonic The Greater Princeton Youth Bart Luedeke Center. For more Orchestra chamber players and mittee (IRC). $20 adults, $10 children, 12 and under free. For Orchestra, 7pm. Richardson Au- information visit rider.edu (W,V) Gabriela Imreh on piano, 8 pm. ditorium at Princeton Universi- Patriots Theater, War Memori- more information visit pclaw- Now –April 10, Deborah Rosen- renceville.org/threefaithscon- ty, Princeton. For more infor- thal - Abstract Painting, Rider al, Trenton, (609)558-2292. For mation visit gpyo.org more information visit capital- cert. University Art Gallery. For more information visit rider. philharmonic.org May 6, Fauré Requiem, Voices June 12, Spring Concert, Hopewell Valley Youth Cho- edu April 2, Westminster Scho- Chorale, 8pm. St Paul Roman Catholic Church, 214 Nassau rale, 4pm. Pennington Presby- Now - April 24, Image Tech: la Cantorum, Westminster terian Church, 13 S. Main St., Choir College, Rider Universi- St., Princeton. For more infor- Making Pictures in a Post-Dig- mation visit voiceschorale.org Pennington. For more infor- ital Age, The College of New Jer- ty, 8pm. Bristol Chapel, Princ- mation visit hvychorale.org eton, (609)921-2663. For more sey Art Gallery. For more in- May 13, Spring Concert, formation visit tcnjartgallery. information visit rider.edu Trenton Children’s Chorus, June 23, Aizuri String Quartet, Princeton Summer Chamber tcnj.edu (W) April 8, Carmen with Boheme 7pm, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Trenton. For more Concerts, Richardson Auditori- Now – April 30, Breath of Fire Opera NJ, Trenton Children's um, 7:30pm. Richardson Audi- Chorus, 8pm, Kendall Main information visit trentonchil- – Ceramics Invitational, Tren- drenschorus.org torium in Alexander Hall, Princ- ton City Museum. Ellarslie Stage Theater, The College of eton University. Free. For more New Jersey. For more informa- in Cadwalader Park. Mythic May 13, An Air of Spring, information visit pprinceton- faces, expressive torsos, flasks tion visit trentonchildrenscho- The Hopewell Valley Chorus, summerchamberconcerts.org rus.org and urns, a unique chess set, 7:30pm, St. James Church, 115 abstract kimono sculptures, East Delaware Ave, Penning- June 28, Prima Trio, Prince- April 10, Carmen with Boheme ton Summer Chamber Con- and paintings made of clay are Opera NJ, Trenton Children's ton. For more information vis- a few of the up-to-the minute it hopewellvalleychorus.org certs, Richardson Auditorium, Chorus, 3pm, Kendall Main 7:30pm. Richardson Auditori- ceramic sculptures featured in Stage Theater, The College of May 15, 'Passion and Affection', um in Alexander Hall, Prince- the exhibit. For more informa- New Jersey. For more informa- Princeton Symphony Orches- ton University. Free. For more tion visit ellarslie.org tion visit trentonchildrenscho- tra, 4pm, Richardson Audito- information visit pprinceton- rus.org Now – May 1, Landscapes, Nas- rium, Princeton University, summerchamberconcerts.org sau Club, 6 Mercer St, Prince- April 14, Julien Labro, Accor- (609)497-0020. For more infor- ton, (609) 924-0580. Opening dion/Bandoneon/Accordina, mation visit princetonsympho- Dance reception April 3 for 'Land- ny.org (W,V) Princeton University Concerts, Every Wednesday, Newcomer scapes ' an exhibit of works by 6 & 9pm, Richardson Audito- May 15, Spring Concert - Choral Dance, American Ballroom, Hopewell artist Ken McIndoe. rium, (609)258-9220. Tickets: Gems, Capital Singers of Tren- 7:30pm, 1523 Parkway Ave, For more information visit nas- $25. $10 Students. For more ton ,4pm. Sacred Heart Church, Ewing. $10. (609) 931-0149. For sauclub.org information visit princetonuni- 343 So. Broad Street, Trenton. more information visit ameri- versityconcerts.org Now - May 6, 'Phyllis Plattner: For more information visit cap- canballroomco.com Chronicles of War,' Bernstein italsingers.org April 17, Small Ensemble Every Friday, Friday Night Gallery, Robertson Hall, Princ- Spring Concert, Youth Or- May 15, Spring Concert, The Social, American Ballroom, eton University, 9am - 6 pm. chestra of Central New Jersey, Greater Princeton Youth Or- 7:30pm, 1523 Parkway Ave Ew- (609)497-2441. Exhibit features 3pm. Plainsboro Recreation chestra, 7pm. Church of Christ, ing. $15. For more information iconic images reconfigured into and Cultural Center. This per- 33 River Rd, Princeton. For more visit americanballroomco.com multiple panel paintings (W) formance features our “choirs” information vi sit gpyo.org (W) such as the Flute Choir, Wood- Every Wednesday, Princeton Now - September 24, Silver, wind Choir, Brass Choir, Brass May 22, American Voices, Princ- Country Daners, Suzanne Shell, and Glass: A History of Ensemble, and Saxophone En- eton Pro Musica, 7pm. Rich- Patterson Center, 8pm, 1 Mon- Native American Beadwork, semble. For more information ardson Auditorium, Princeton ument Dr., Princeton. For New Jersey State Museum, 205 visit yocj.org University, (609)683-5122. $25 to more information visit prince- West State Street St 1, Trenton. $60. For more information visit toncountrydancers.org This exhibition showcases an April 24, It’s All Jazz: From Bop princetonpromusica.org array of finely worked Native to Pop, The Darla Rich Quar- Every Saturday, English Danc- American objects from the tet, 3pm. 1867 Sanctuary at May 22, Spring Concerts at es, Princeton Country Daners, late 19th and early 20th cen- Ewing, 101 Scotch Rd, Ewing West Windsor-Plainsboro High Suzanne Patterson Center, tury that are part of the NJSM (609)392-6409. For more infor- North, Youth Orchestra of Cen- 8pm, 1 Monument Dr., Prince- permanent collection. It exam- mation visit 1867 sanctuary. tral New Jersey, 3pm & 7pm. ton. For more information visit ines the way beads were made, org 90 Grovers Mill Rd, Plainsboro. princetoncountrydancers.org used, and have changed over 1. Mercer County Cultural & Heritage Commission cannot be responsible for errors or omissions. Please call ahead to confirm times and prices. Deadline of May 15, 2016 for the July, August and September 2016 Newsletter. - 4 - time. It also compares the ways Place, Hamilton, (732)422-3676, vendors, live entertainment, preparing to move back into Native peoples used symbols, For more information visit rw- local crafts, laser tag, a beer battle. $8. For more informa- colors and patterns. Admis- jhamilton.org and wine garden, hot dog and tion visit barracks.org sion: Suggested admission $5 pie eating contests, weiner dog for adults, $4 for seniors, chil- Fairs & Festivals races and more. Fireworks at April 6, 'Grand Forage 1778: dren 12 and under free. For 9:30pm. For More info mercer- The Revolutionary War's For- April 2 – 3, Punk Rock Flea Mar- gotten Campaign' by Todd Bra- more information visit state. ket, Roebling Machine Shop, countyparks.org nj.us/state/museum isted, Old Barracks Museum, 10am to 5pm. 675 S. Clinton Ave Farmers Markets 6:30pm. Barrack St, Trenton, April 11 – June 30, Beyond the Trenton, (609)394-9436. $5. For (609)396-1776. Register. Free. Stampede, Hopewell Valley Arts more information visit trenton- April 9, Winter Market, Sum- For more information visit Council. Stampede Artist Show punkrockfleamarket.com mer Market Starting Every barracks.org at Capital Health’s Investors Saturday May 7, West Windsor April 17, Communiversity, Arts April 12, Lecture Series, 'Wives, Bank Art and Healing Gallery, Council of Princeton, 1pm. Farmers' Market, Windsor Ath- Capital Health Medical Center letic Club, 10am, Clarksville Rd, Slaves, and Servant Girls' by – Hopewell. For more informa- Nassau St, downtown Prince- Don Hagist, Old Barracks ton. For more information visit West Windsor. For more infor- tion visit hvartscouncil.org (W) Museum, 6:30pm. Barrack St, artscouncilofprinceton.org mation visit westwindsorfarm- ersmarket.org Trenton, (609)396-1776. Regis- April 22 – September 4, Root- May 1, Diversity & Culture Day, ter. Free. For more information ed: The Performance Salon, visit barracks.org Tulpehaking Nature Center. 12
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