Champion and leading field is the popular manager ofHortle~s' Shooting and Camping Departments. M~.Biggs' wide knowledge of the sport is at your disposal. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE ~,jiAUSTRALIAN CLAY PIGEON TRAP SHOOTING ASSOC~*TION AUSTRALIAN - CLAY PIGEON SHOOTING NEWS Australian Clay Pigeon Trap Shooting Association Patrons: His Excellency Lieut.-General Sir John Lavarack, K.B.E., C.M.G., D.S.O., Governor of Queensland; Sir W. Lennon Raws, C.B.E.; Lieut.- General W. Bridgeford, C.B., C.B.E., M.C.; Essington Lewis, C.H.; Frank R. Hockey, Esq. President: Mr. John M. Wilson (Kew, Vict.). Hon. Vice-Presidents: Messrs. W. J. Hanran (Townsville, Qld.), L. P. Hughw (Sydney, N.S.W.), R. A. Miles (Spokane, Washington, U.S.A.), H. Rogers (Edgware, Middlesex, England). Address all correspondence to Secretary -Editor: W. McCullough, Box 20388. G.P.O., Melbourne. C.1. XA2986. COPY CLOSING-Not later than 1st of montlt prececline publi- cation. Club Affiliation Subscription, E5/0/0 per annum. Shooter's Registration Fee, 20/- per annum. All fees become due on 1st January each year. TRAPSHOOTING' ( ,Ilrais , issnae eo#aduinas CARTRIDGES OFFICE-BEARERS .............................. 3 ... of the same high quality as ever THE EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK .................. 4 are now available in a new, cary.10. recognire pack. 1956 ASSOCIATION SHOOTING CARNIVAL .... 7 Loaded with internationally iecagnired CLAY PIGEON SHOOTING DEFINITION OF TERMS 13 I!alh or. load, Eley 'Special Trap. TIPS AND TAILS .:... ....................... 36 shooting' Cartridges feature a star <limped shell, lacquered for moi>tuic LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ............... 42 re5irtance. 20TH ANNUAL REPORT ............ 43 Look for Eley 'Special Trapshooting' SHOT GUN HINTS FOR BEGINNERS . 46, Cattrldger in the~rnew blue pack. AROUND THE CLUBS ......................... 47 NEW AND RENEWED REGISTRATIONS ...... 61 Manufactured by IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES AMENDED HANDICAPS ......................... 62 OF AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND LIMITED ansbi~ AUSTRALIAN CLAY PIGEON SHOOTING NEWS -AUSTRALIAN CLAY PIGEON SHOOTING NEI~S normal 20/- registration is therefo1.e Grade gun and an A. Grad?, of retained. similar make and type. Oly~npic Games. The programme to be held Lollowing the Olympic Interstate Alatch. The amliial With the firing of the last Games shoot in Melboitrnc brought Interstate lMateh for the "Great 1~nq Britain and Ireland" Trophy n.ili this far~varda number of id~nq~~ Ti shot at Bankstown on March -... - - . -- shot 13, the curtain was rung agreed to leave the inatter in the ycay bc reouired to be~ .~... in,rl<.v.. do\vn on the first National hands of the Executive Committee. changed co~iditionsto Iorme~.vv;~*,s. The Executive Colnmittee met on the As has been pointed out il; tile and International series ever previous paragriaph, the event noq- shot outside Melbourne. Fc\v evening of March 12 and thrashed out details of the programme to lilllcs up \\zit11 the Olympic E1i3~~i~~a- mill have uleasant mcmories tion Shoot. In preyions ycaxs the of~themuh and slush ~vliich follow the Games and also the ques- competitors and officials tion of eligibility regarding those Interstate Match nr the.. r:,i.ini,.. -. - .. taking part in the elimination shoot States of the Com~nonmeaitll has alike were compelled to put been required to be completed 110: up with. Sydney certainly to decide the tv.o ~nento represe~~t Australia in the actual Games shoot. later than the first week-end in turned on weather not in October. This year the series inust keeping with what is noim- It 1r.a~ agreed that the elimination be completed a nio~ith earlie-. in allv esuected in the autumn. shoot ~vould be over 200 birds, es- order to allow those eligibl2 to ~<thhigh humidity, plus tending over t~vodays. The nomina- anaiige their affairs and~ enmc~ in almost continual rain, everyone \vas points scoring, but it should be tion fee to take part in the elimi- -.... .. nation !\-ill bc f5. The earlier Melbourne, if so desired. Also the ilea enough to met through both clearly understood that ordillary Interstate Match will be shot o~ci. \vith perspiration and rain. Few double - barrel shooting is nov the decision of the Executive Comn~ittee velisl~ed these conditions. vogue until furthey notice. that the ten high guns in the 1956 100 birds instead of 50 as previously. Interstate Teams' Match from the Thanks to the "enerous support of One of the highlights of the fistul'c District Championships. The previ- I.C.I.A.N.Z. ~ilnyted. who h.iro ...in- xvas the appcarance, during the ous ruling issued by the Executive States of Victoria and New South creased their do~~atibnof clays and shootine of the Chainpion of Charn- Committee that the sum of $25 ,is Wales, the top eight in Queensland, ca~tridgesto cover thc changed con- ~,ennirrdto br allocated for trophies top four in Tasn~a~iiaand the tpp &s cup, of the GoGcrnor of New .--:-~~~~ ~~ two in South :ui~d Western Austmlla, ditions, xvl~ich in en'ect will mcm ;I South Wales, Sir John Northcott. in- Illstrict Championships, mas- dis- donation equal to about f300. The cussed at lenath. A number of a total of 36 men, ~vould be those Xis Excellency displayed much in- eligible to sl~ootin the cliinination actual Teaiiis' Match n.ill bc eon- terest in the proceedings and later fo~tile Garnes, ~vssconfirnxed. The dueted at no cost whatever to the presented the maJar prizes \yon Games shoot would take place at shooter. Full inforination on condi- during the sepies. tions and other matter will be des- ~~ Laverton (Victoria), and providing patched to clubs conducting cnch On the Sunday of the series, M'arch find it ~h&d to balanlee the shoot, permission can be obtained, the State section rvithin the nest fc~ 11, the 20th Annual Meeting of the much less make a profit, if the ruling elimination shoot and also the shoot A.C.P.T.S.A. was held. There \\-as a of $25 was adhered to. Finally it folloxving the Gaiiics will be held at large attendance and many ~natters was agreed that the amount for tro- La\.erton. Ho~rever,if Laverton ean- of vital interest to future shoot~ng phies be left to the clubs conductil~g not be made available fo~the events were discussed. district championships. This does not stated, it is lilcely that these u.ill be lnean that a eversion to the system contested on one of the Melbourne Scoring. 111 the session prior to "any Pi the Annual Meeting a meeting of the of old trophy'' will suffice. metropolitan grounds. The shoot Executive Committee discussed the a reasinable atiendance is present, follo\ring the Games mill comprise SASHES question of scoring at the fixture. clubs concerned will be expected to the Southern Hemisphere Charnpion- It mas ultimately decided that ,the mn.7n.e :hat..~.~. adrouate~~~~~ ~ tronhv value is ship, also at 200 birds and the mesentcd. club; failin6 tb observe World's Grand Handicap. Tile title For Yol~r11e.rl shool claoo,yc system of 2 and 1 should be retained event I be shot over autolnatic and 3 and 2 discarded. However, ?hit direction may find% dificult to lhe Besl, as supplied lo during the annual meeting delegates secure futu~eallocation of district traps from 18 yards if the Olympic again discussed the question and titles. The ruling of f25 was brought site is not ax-ailnble; if it is available, A. C. P. 7: S. A. agreed (by a small majority) to re- in because of many complaints being it rvill be shot over the Olympic traps vert to ordinary double-barrel shoot- received regarding the poor quality from 16 metres. The handicap \\.ill Official snshntakccr to the ing, both barrels equal value. It \\.as of trouhics beinr a\vardr?d in district be of £500 and nomination will bc it. C. P. T. S. A. also decided that this ruling shouid ihamGonship c&tests. Now that it $10; this will be divided G05'., 30%, ,*J, \ , 1 apply immediately as fron~the fol- has 6een sekn fit to hand the matter 10% and shot at 100 birds over two Ordcr Direct fro;& , ' loving morning, March 12, 1956. pf trophy, value back to the clubs, days if necessary. The Friday and Therefore, as was mentioned in a it beho~esthat a' reasonable allaxv- Saturday foilon-iiig the Games shoot W>,FCA'FTELV6 SON special paragraph in this section of. ante in trophy \-alue be observed. has been tlie period allocated for the PTV. LTD. April issue of "News", the former The oreviaus rulilla an trophy ,value Southern Hemisphere title and the system of scoring 1 and 0 is again of fd0 far a ComnlonwealtK title and ~%dicap. Trophies in the Southern 301 Lonsdale Place, Melbarunr f30 for a State titls is retained. Hemisphere Chan~pionshipwill be a Victoria in Sorce and operative from the date A move to in: mentioned. This may cl.eate some Registration Fee. ,-I<.Grade Bro\vning (under-and-over) Telephone FB 3859 confusion in the minds of clubs who crease the registration fee to $2 per for the winner, whilst second and hare really had little time to try annum was not successful. The third respectirely ~r.ill receive a D. AUSTRALI-4N CLAY PIGEON SHOOTING NEWS AUSTRALIAN CLAY PIGEON SHOOTING NEWS weeks. In view of the Interstate Executive Committee fileeting. A Match and Elimination Shoat being meeting of the Executive Committee shot orer 100 birds this year, noml- will be held in Sydney about mid- 1956 ASSOCIATION SWOOTING CARNIVAL nat~ol?for the Elimination section October. has been fixed at not more than f5. Official Referee Examiners.
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