Confidential [email protected] 2020-01-16 13:59:57 +0000 Ms. Sheila Bridges PFC Program Manager New PFC Application No. 12 Page Two July 27, 2018 The City of St. Louis appreciates the opportunity to submit this new PFC application. Please contact Antonio Strong at (314) 426-8026 if you need additional information or clarification during your review. Sincerely, ~~N~ge Director of Airports Cc: Antonio Strong Confidential [email protected] 2020-01-16 13:59:57 +0000 11 Assurances A. General. 5. Nonexclusivity of contractual purpose of establishing a rate, fee or agreements. It will not enter into an charge pursuant to a contract with an 1. These assurances shall be exclusive long-term lease or use air carrier or complied with in the conduct of a agreement with an air carrier or foreign air carrier. project funded with foreign air carrier for (c) Notwithstanding the limitation passenger facility charge (PFC) projects funded by PFC revenue. provided in subparagraph (b), with revenue. Such leases or use agreements will respect to a project not preclude the for terminal development, gates and 2. These assurances are required to public agency from funding, related areas, or a facility occupied be submitted as part of the developing, or assigning new or used by one or more air carriers application for approval capacity at the airport with PFC or foreign air carriers on an exclusive of authority to impose a PFC under revenue. or preferential basis, the rates, the provisions of 49 U.S.C. 40117. fees, and charges payable by such 6. Carryover provisions. It will not carriers that use such facilities will be 3. Upon approval by the enter into any lease or use no less than the rates, fees, and Administrator of an application, the agreement with any air charges paid by such carriers using public agency is responsible carrier or foreign air carrier for any similar facilities at the airport that for compliance with these facility financed in whole or in part were not financed by PFC revenue. assurances. with revenue derived from a passenger facility charge if such 9. Standards and specifications. It B. Public agency certification. The agreement for such facility contains will carry out the project in public agency hereby assures and a carryover provision regarding a accordance with FAA certifies, with renewal option which, upon airport design, construction and respect to this project that: expiration of the original lease, would equipment standards and operate to automatically extend the specifications contained in 1. Responsibility and authority of the term of such agreement with such advisory circulars current on the date public agency. It has legal authority carrier in preference to any of project approval. to impose a potentially competing air carrier or PFC and to finance and carry out the foreign air carrier seeking to 10. Recordkeeping and Audit. It will proposed project; that a resolution, negotiate a lease or use agreement maintain an accounting record for motion or similar action has been for such facilities. audit purposes for a period of 3 duly adopted or passed as an official years after completion of the project. act of the public agency's governing 7. Competitive access. It agrees that All records will satisfy the body authorizing the filing of the any lease or use agreements requirements of 14 CFR part 158 application, including all Confidentialbetween the public and will contain documentary understandings and assurances agency and any air carrier or foreign evidence for all items of project contained therein, and directing and air carrier for any facility financed in costs. authorizing the person identified as whole or in part with revenue derived the official representative of the from a passenger facility charge will 11. Reports. It will submit reports in public agency to act in connection contain a provision that permits the accordance with the requirements of with the application. public agency to terminate the lease 14 CFR part or use agreement if: 158, subpart D, and as the 2. Compliance with regulation. It will [email protected] Administrator may reasonably comply with all provisions of 14 CFR (a) The air carrier or foreign air request. part 158. carrier has an exclusive lease or use 2020-01-16agreement for 13:59:57 +000012. Airport Noise and Capacity Act of 3. Compliance with state and local existing facilities at such airport; and 1990. It understands 49 U.S.C. laws and regulations. It has (b) Any portion of its existing 47524 and 47526 complied, or will comply, exclusive use facilities is not fully require the authority to impose a with all applicable State and local utilized and is not made PFC be terminated if the laws and regulations. available for use by potentially Administrator determines the competing air carriers or foreign air public agency has failed to comply 4. Environmental, airspace and carriers. with that act or with the implementing airport layout plan requirements. It regulations will not use PFC 8. Rates, fees and charges. promulgated thereunder. revenue on a project until the FAA has notified the public agency that-- (a) It will not treat PFC revenue as airport revenue for the purpose of (a) Any actions required under the establishing a rate, National Environmental Policy Act of fee or charge pursuant to a contract 1969 have been with an air carrier or foreign air completed; carrier. (b) The appropriate airspace finding (b) It will not include in its rate base has been made; and by means of depreciation, (c) The FAA Airport Layout Plan with amortization, or any other respect to the project has been method, that portion of the capital approved. costs of a project paid for by PFC revenue for the iii Print Form OMB Approved 2120-0557 Exo. 9/30/2017 Federal Aviation Administration PASSENGER FACILITY CHARGE (PFC) APPLICATION 0 u . S. Department of Transportation 1. Application Type (Check all that apply) FAA USE ONLY (g] a Impose PFC Charges Date Received PFC Number [gjb Use PFC Revenue De Amend PFC No PART I 2. Public Agency Name, Address, and Contact Person 3. Airport(s) to Use 4. Consultation Dates a. Date of Written Notice to A ir Carriers : City of St. Louis Airport Authority Agency Name May 15. 2018 P 0 Box 10212 b . Date of Consultation Meeting with Air Address St. Louis Lambert Carriers: June 21 , 2018 St. Louis, MO 63145-0212 International Airport City, State, ZIP c . Date of Public Notice Rhonda Hamm-Niebruegge Contact Person June 20, 2018 PART II 5. Charges a. Airport to Impose b Level c. Total Estimated PFC d Proposed Effective e Estimated Expiration Revenue by Level Date: Date· Impose $5,625,227 0$'1 00 0$2 00 [ill$3.00 St. Louis Lambert $5,625,227 Use International Airport November 1, 2025 January 1, 2026 Impose 1,662,000 0$400 [g]$450 Use 1,662,000 PART Ill 6. Attachments (Check all that Apply) Atta~ed SuQ_mitted w ith Application Number Document a - A irport Capital Improvement Plan b. ~ - Confidential Project Information (Attachment B) C. x - A ir Carrier Consultation and Public Notice Information d xp f- Request to Exclude Class(es) of Carriers e r- f- Alternative Uses/Projects f. r- Competition Plan/Update g rxp f- ALP/Airspace/Environmental h f- Notice of Intent Project Information Project Drawings and Information i. c....:rx '- [email protected] PART IV 7. With respect to this PFC application I hereby certify as follows: To the best of my knowledge and belief, all data2020-01-16 in this application are true13:59:57 and correct; +0000 This application has been duly authorized by the governing body of the public agency; The public agency will comply with the assurances (Appendix A to Part 158) if the applicatton ts approved; For those projects for which approval to use PFC revenue is requested, all applicable ALP approvals. airspace determinations, and environmental reviews required by the National Environmental Policy Act have been completed If required, the public agency has submitted a competition plan in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 47106(f); and If required by 49 U.S.C 40117(d)(4). adequate provision for financing the airside needs, tncluding runways, taxiways, aprons. and gates, has been made by the public agency. a. Typed Name of Authorized Representative b Title c Tel~hone Number Director of Airport (31 ) 426-8020 Rhonda Hamm-Niebruegge d. E-mail Address e Fax Number [email protected] (314) 426-5733 g. f. Sig~ri'od Rep"""'"'" ·- l . ~- ~~&~~~ --·-·-· D;p6/rp Pape~ ork Reduction Act Burden Statement: A fe~~ may not conduct or sponsor. and a person IS not requored to respond to. nor shaU a person be subject to a penalty or failure to comply with a collection of information Jecl to the requirements of th e Paperwork Reduction Act unless thai COllection of information displays a currently valid OMB Con trol Number. The OMB Con trol Number fOf this infOfmation collection is 2120.0557. Public reporting for this collection of inf0fm8tion is estima ted to be approximately S. 80 hours per response . depending on the complexity of the PFC collection . The use of the form is required to obtain FAA approval of authority to collect PFC revenue (49 U.S.C. 40117 (c)). The FAA will use COllected data to determine eligib~ity for collecting PFC revenues for airpon development projects rel ated to safety. security. or capacity of the national air transportation system; or which reduce noise or mitigate noise impacts resuHing from an airport: or furnish opportunities for enhanced competition between or among air carriers .
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