un erw&fi Oct. 21 Volume 44, Issue 5 Highline Community College 2004 Student battles store over mags By BillyNaylor the Playboy, PIaygirland High and recently, only one athis desk. sue, but she maintains that first staff reporter Times magazines from the stu- Gilbert doesn't think it's fair and foremost, these magazines dent bookstore. She has said she that students should be presented are annoyances and distractions, What's A Highline student wants to isrepresenting alarge population withthe sight of these magazines and because of this, might possi- get sex and drugs out ofthe book- that don't want these magazines in the only place they can buy bly be inbreach of the Highline inside store, but the store's manager sold in school for one reason or their textbooks and said she is mission statement. says he stocks what people want another doing this because "it's just me Although she has never read to buy. Bookstore Manager Randy being a concerned student." the magazines inquestion, she Amelia Gilbert is planning to Fisher said that over the years he Gilbert said she has multiple spearhead amovement toremove has only had a few complaints reasons for her stance on this is- See Playboy, Page 12 Midterm blues By Elizabeth Tacke, Jackie dent, agreed that the routine of class Graybill, and Jon McAllister was monotonous. staff reporters "I'mtaking a test about every week in my class so [missing] one more Haunted Drinking too much coffee. Not won't make a bigdifference," she said. wanting to get out of bed. Procrasti- Dr.Sandra Glover of theMusic De- house nating on homework. ,,..,... partment offered scared away. Fallingasleep inclass. some helpful tips for Ifyou are experiencing S^^m| students' problems. See story, one -or more of these "When you get an symptoms, there's a good l^^p^j assignment, doitright Page 5 chance you have the Mid- f^f§|||| away. Itwillhelp if termBlues. SlifilB you keep up your "I'mjust tired of com- \u25a0iSllltli studies, read a little ing [to school]," said JlfiiUfii every day, and self- - HighTine student Mason discipline on a daily Weather Debate f^^mi basis. Ifyou do those or Not? This is a completely K^« things, you'll make it through," normal process for any :^\&®tikM ™^"^""^ said Glover. student to go through, said m Washington's rainy Psychology professor Dr. Bob season is just another hurdle in the Baugher. "Students need to have race to the end of the quarter. enough good reasons to do some- "Idon't like the rain-it makes your thing." mood go down," said student Ilona Some students say that right now, Kovalevich. the "reasons" are starting to-disappear. Glover illustrated the effect of the Thursday "Ifigure it's getting old 1need to weather on Highline's students. change every three weeks tokeep it "People are experiencing low baro- 54747° interesting," said student Doug metric pressure and a slight lowering Baughman. "Highline should have ofblood pressure, which makes them 'eighths' instead ofquarters." — — Maria Juarez, fellow,Highline stu- See Blues, Page 12 9 r> Pacific Highway work continues Friday 54743° By Amanda Downs Pacific Highway South every day to get staff reporter toHighline, but now he cuts through Des — — Moines using Marine View Drive. T» O Certain parts of Pacific Highway "Idoubt that I'msaving any time go- South willsoon be construction-free, but ing the scenic route, but at least Idon't improvements stillare needed for other get a headache from sitting and waiting sections of the road. inmy car on the highway," said Sims. The cities ofSeaTac, Des Moines, and Andre Howman said that driving from Saturday Kent all have construction projects hap- her house inFederal Way to Highline us- 51745° pening on the highway, stretching from ing the highway at the moment takes 45 South 200th Street toSouth 272nd Street. minutes; before the construction it took Highline students using Pacific High- about 25 minutes. waySouth as a main route to the campus "Iusually have to sit through two should plan accordingly and allow plenty lights because the trucks and diggers Index of time to arrive; foresee at least a 10- move so slow across the highway," said minute delay throughout the highway and Howman. Arts.. Pages 5 make the arrangements needed to arrive Construction work hours vary by city, at Highline on time. but most of the crews work from 7:30 Campus Life Pages 2 Photo by Cazzeri Upton Because of the delays and lane clo- a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Opinion Page daily 4 Commuters on Pacific Highway deal with sures, some students are trying to avoid Tom Gut, city engineer for the city of News Pages 1,11-12 traffic and ongoing construction. Work is ex- Pacific Highway South altogether. Sports Pages 8-10 pected to continue for some months. Barry Sims said that he used to take See Pac, Page 12 Page 2 10/21/04 Campus Life The Thunderword Students chew up parking at Meet and Eat m Emm HlGHLINE being close to being able to ac- Linh Tran commodate our needs," said staff reporter Murray. Murray explained that there Stolen stereo is Parking was the biggest con- aren't enough bus routes to cern many students had at the Highline at the right hours to returned first Meet and Eat. accommodate to student sched- .„ Meet and Eat is a forum ules and based on his knowl- A car theft suspect was where students attend and voice edge the bus hours willeither caught with a car stereo inhand. their opinions and discuss cam- take them to Highline about an Construction workers on cam- pus issues. hour early or an hour late. pus spotted the suspect and It was held inBuilding 2 on "Ibelieve we either willhave called 911 immediately. Tuesday from noon to 1 p.m. a lot of 10 minute late students The incident occurred be- There were over 20 people that or a lot of 50 minute early stu- tween noon and 12:30 p.m. The attended. dents. Idon't know ifanyone point ofentry was the driver's About half the time spent has even asked Metro to accom- side door. during the forum was discussing modate to Highline students The victim of the theft was the parking problems. "We are based on the hourly timeframes contacted and the stereo was re- at the threshold ofa parking cri- that the buses run, and Idon't turned. sis," said one student. know what they would be able Associate Dean Jonathan to do. But what Ido know is we Pyramid peddler Brown from Student Programs, need to ask them," said Murray. on campus responded quickly to student Despite Brown's best efforts concerns. to answer questions and address • 4 "This quarters parking is concerns, Murray doesn't feel A possible pyramid scheme easier than the past couple of that the parking situation has Highline. may have occurred at quarters, so when Midway been taken seriously because the A concerned parent stated closes parking will seem people that deal directly with to that an unknown male tried worse," said Brown. the parking issue were not there type enroll her son in some of Another student attending to make comments or answer pyramid. the forum questioned the in- Photo by Am questions. She found a business card crease in parking fees. She as- Ilya Kaminski and TinaHigashi from Student Govern- "Considering the staff mem- with name and numbers on it. sumed that the fee would go to- bers that deal with parking ment listen to students' concerns at the firstMeet and Eat. That card was given to wards a parking garage or to- aren't here and the majority of 1 Highline s security. wards the parking issue but "Ithink the increase inpark- ing is going to be a real issue what we talked about isparking, wonders now where the money ing fees is a backward way of and taking the bus willnot be it doesn't seem like the issues Two males dealing with the issue. Ias- my first choice. Idon't know has been taken as seriously as it suspicion sumed the funds willbe going to what Iam going to do," said should be. Imean, we spent an cause more parking. Ifthat is not the Murray. hour, we talked about roughly a case then Ithink that's a very Murray was forced to take half an hour about parking and Two suspicious males were wrong way to discourage park- the bus for several months and the person incharge is not avail- seen in the Omni Building on ing when you are not giving stu- through his experience he sug- able," said Murray. Oct. 19. dents any other options," said gested that the bus is not qne of Murray said he feels the fo- Astaff member called secu- Murray. the best ways to get to school. rumis a start and willbe attend- rity but when they showed up Murray said that even ifthere "Ayear ina halfago my wife ing future Meet and Eat forums. the twomales had already left. Murray hope stu- are options, they're not avail- and Iwere hitby a drunk driver "Ifeel like the Meet and Eat Security checked the build- dents would able for him tochoose. Right which forced me toride the bus forum is effective in the sense ing and found nothing stolen but find other forms of transporta- now he is parking at Midway. for sixmonths. I'mdrivingnow that itis a start and I'lldefinitely didfind possible urination on the tion such as the bus or carpool," "Iam parking at Midway and I'dmuch rather fight with come back to more meetings building.
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