•• l Moe. for the money Just don't do it Moe. jams right into Rolling Stone's Top 10 Former St. John's soccer coach James Keady Tuesday Bands ... and into Chicago. speaks out against Nike's sweatshop violations. Scene • page 12 News • page 6 SEPTEMBER28, 1999 THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL XXXIII NO. 25 HTTP://OBSERVER.ND.EDU Regina Hall first to undergo Master Plan renovations • Madeleva, Regina Koith Dennis, vicn presidont for "We're in schematic "It shouldn't be an inconve­ also isn't sprinkled. We need to financn and administration. design development right nienrn." lknnis said. "Th!! only make.. surn the building is up to slated for summer "Tiw noxt stop is figuring out thing that students will see •:ode. construction what wn want out of the pro­ now. The next whih~ tlwy arn hnre are materi­ Mad•dnva is scheduled to be .i•~ct." step {s .figuring out what als n~oving in, maybe some completed in March 2001, ThP Collnge s1dnclnd we want out of vans. nwaning construction will take By NOREEN GILLESPIE rvt a tllw w s, I' ruck n n r. and Honovations to Madeleva placP during classes. Saint Mary's Ediro1 Arwlla lnr .. a local architecture the project." classr.ooms will to begin in July "W() can be in construction firm. for tlw l{ngina projncl 2000. while -students are in class. A tim ol·i ne of' tlw Camp us which tnntativnly includ1~S Keith Dennis Spot:il'it: ronovatiotis arn still What that will mean is that we improvnmnnts to windows, uncl•~ar. and tho Colloge is hav() to take a section out of the Master Plan for nmovation and vice president of finance and expansion of' Saint Mary's is in tnmperaturo rilntrol and nlnc­ waiting for recommendations b u i I ding and b I o c k it off." place, and construction is sot to trical systnms. administration from MatthP.w, Prucker and Dennis said. begin as soon as May. Hoom layout changes are also Anella Inc. and an nnginnering Tlw construction timeline for Hogina llall, tlw l'irst of' four a possiblity, Dnnnis said. open for residence in fall of' 2000. firm. Madelova will have to be more projects on the imnwdiato "Wo'rn looking at thn room lay­ "We hav•~ a morn aggressive "In Madnlnva, WP need to look l'lllxibln than Hcgina's, due to sdwdulc. will undergo rodesign outs in Hngina and seeing what schedule for Hegina," Dennis specilically at safety eodn viola­ working around class sched­ and improvmn<mts through ren­ rooms appeal to students," lw said. "To be linislwd by tlw fall, tions in tlw building," Dennis ulns. however. ovations to student dorm rooms said. "Wn havn to wait and sen wn 'II lpvn to bn in tlwre the day said. "We have a number of "That construction phase will in Hegina North and South rosi­ what tlw linn !'!)Commends." allnr !students! movn out." dead Pnd hallways, and if the most likely be longer," Dennis d•mcn arnas. Hngina construction will b1~gin Construction is not exp•~cted to building is lillml with smoke, we said. "The bulk of our work is "Wc'n~ in sclwmatk d•~sign in May al'tor Commnncemnnt. intnrf'nrP with acadnmic or rnsi­ don't want JWople turning down d•wnlopnwnt right now," said Th1· building is •~xp•~r.wd to lw dential Iii'•~- thus•~ hallways. The building see PLAN/page 4 CAMPUS LIFE COUNCIL SECURITY Academic committee adds three members Man breaks By KATE WALTERS News Writer into Walsh Campus Lil'n Council voted 15-2 Monday to approve a rnsolution asking Father By CHRISTINE KRALY Mark Poorman to add three Associate News Editor nnw memb•~rs to an Aead•nn ie Council ad- hoc Notre Damn Security/Police arrest­ committe!\. ed a man suspeeted of trying to Tlw ad-hoe eornmitteP will break into rooms on the fourth floor meet livn timns and discuss of Walsh llall Monday. issLH~s relating to academic Th11 20-ye ar -o I d male charged and student life. It will with criminal trespassing and giving report ba•:k to tlw Acadmni!' polic11 false information at approxi­ Council, a board r.omprisnd mately I :20 p.m. of f'aeulty rnt~mb!H'S who dis­ Tlw man. who gave police up to six euss eampus-wid•~ academic names. has not been positively iden­ issues. tified. cu: nwmlwrs nxpn~ssed The rnan is being held at Saint conc1~rn that Cl.C, a bo.dy .Jos•~ph County jail until he is identi­ !hat discusses student acad­ fied. said Chuck llurlny. assistant •~mic and rnsidential !if•~ on director of campus Security. campus, was not includ•~d in When lw is id!~ntif'ind, a bond will tlw group. Tlw conc•~rn pro­ most lik•dy bn set and he could be voked the proposal to releasnd sonwtime today. include cu: members on tlw Univnrsity Police were called to the counril. seenn by rector Sister Patricia "We IHH!d to look at our­ .Johnson, who was notified by selves beyond the constriets women on the fourth floor that a of' a representative body that man was turning random doorknobs speaks to Poorman. Why are to find open rooms. we not seen as a University "[1-lel s•~emed like he was lost," committee'?" CLC membnr ELIZABETH KELLERMANfThe Observer .Johnson said. "Ill called security Brian ()'Donoghue said. immediately." According to ()'Donoghue, Brian O'Donoghue, right, argues that CLC should be recognized as a University com­ Johnson escorted the man back to the CLC. not the Academic mittee. CLC members discussed adding representatives to the University's her room and kept him there until Council, is responsible for Academic Council committee at Monday's meetmg. police arrived. student life. The man told police he was high The new members of the on craek coeairu~. Hurley said. When ad-hoc committee from CLC llaas as tlw rnctor roprnsen­ Tlw position of rndor rop­ hoi policies bdwnnn dorms they searclwd him, however, police are Sister Patricia Thomas, tativn to the C:LC. rnsnntativ•! will b•~ l'illml by and the delinition or a party found rHYdrugs. senior Hoss Kerr and snnior "I have enjoyed being a Sistnr Adrinnne l'innnettn. are issues the alcohol com­ "To my knowledge, nothing was Michael Fierro. part of this group and have CLC committees also gave mittee is investigating. Thn taken." .Johnson said. Student body vice presi­ relished the opportunities to annual reports. committee is also looking .Johnson said she will not do any­ dent Michael Palumbo interaet and work with stu­ + The Aeademic commit­ into the role or alcohol at thing specifically to beef up the already serves as a student dents, faculty and starr with ten reportnd that it is invns­ SYH dances and rnsponsibln dorm's security. She has sent "lots of representative to this com­ whom I would not ordinarily tigating honor code issues drinking in regard to binge reminders of' locking doors" to mittee. havo had tho chann1 to do and rnsnarching tho dollars drinking. Tho Saint Mary's Walsh resid1mts, something she said Another issue discussed so," comnwntnd llaas in a p n r s t u d on t t h a t t lw aleohol policies arn also should be done campus-wide. was the resignation of lett1~r announcing her resig­ Univ•~rsity sp1mds. being evalual!!d. .Johnson plans to build awareness nation. + Tlw mnsistnncy ol' alco- McGlinn rector Sister Kathy see STORY/page 4 within Walsh. page 2 The Observer• INSIDE Tuesday, September 28, 1999 INSIDE CoLUMN QUOTES OF THE WEEK "We talk about ''They should make "If the American "It is a great An ode to 'Save family values all it a dry campus public knew the program for all of the time, but what before they make it truth about this us to go and put a by the Bell' do we really mean non-smoking." school, they would Little bit of about it?" be horrified. " America there.·~ Bayside was the high sclrool that we all Jennifer Brown wanted to attend. Lynn Martin Saint Mary's freshman Brendan Egan Molly Kahn Where Belding was our principal. and Zach Former Labor Secretary Morris was our friend. Pax Christi member mission commissioner on Jessie dated Slater; they seldom were apart. on School of Saint Mary's trip to Brazil Screech was in love with the Americas Lisa, and Kelly stole Zach's heart. Jessie got hooked on those awful caffeine pills. "Time. time there's never any time," she cried OUTSIDE THE DOME Compiled from U-Wire reports and she shrilled. The toga party gave a lesson: We shouldn't drink and drive. Police identify body found at Michigan State And the "Zach Attack" Laura Rompf EAST LANSING, Mich. "He's a person who will be in the Chi Alpha meetings and a Bible gave us the privilege to Neftali Valdez Greene Jr. was iden­ studies group he led. Crain said he watch their concert live. tified Friday as the man found dead in deeply missed. " last talkBd to Greene about a year Tori Spelling was a dork, the basement of South Wonders II all. ago. who saved the glee club Copy Editor Two members of a campus "Neftali was an interesting, interest­ from shame. Brent Crain Christian organization said Greene associate pastor for MSU ing man," Crain said. "He was liked, And even though his dad was a religious man who was always li-iendly, outgoing and very spirited." was against it, Slater won Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship welcome in their group.
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