SOURCE READINGS IN IVI\ I C HISTORY OLIVER STRUNK EDITOR Revised Edition LEO TRElTLER GENERAL EDUOR W.'- W • NORTON' New York • London CONTENTS NOTES AND ABBREVIATIONS xvi FROM THE FOREWORD TO THE FIRST EDITION xvii FOREWORD TO THE REVISED EDITION xix • I .C.REEK VIEWS OF MUSIC. / .-. ' [_ Edited by TIIOMAS J. MATHIESEN •, ' INTRODUCTION 3 1 Plato FROM THE Republic 9 2 Plato FROM THE Timaeus 19 3 Aristotle FROM THE Politics 23 4 Cleonides Harmonic Introduction 35 5 Aristides Quintilianus FROM On Music 47 6 Gaudentius Harmonic Introduction 66 7 Athenaeus FROM THE Sophists at Dinner 85 8 Sextus Empiricus Against the Musicians 94 r II THE.EARLY CHRISTIAN-PERIOD AND THE LAI IN ! MIDDLE AGES .Edited by JAMES MCKINNQN INTRODUCTION 113 EARLY CHRISTIAN VIEWS OF MUSIC 119 9 St. Basil FROM Homily on the First Psalm 121 10 St. John Chrysostom FROM Exposition of Psalm 41 123 11 St. Jerome FROM Commentary on the Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians 126 12 Niceta of Remesiana FROM On the Benefit of Psalmody 128 13 St. Augustine FROM THE Confessions 132 VI CONTENTS MUSIC AS A LIBERAL ART 135 14 Boethius FROM Fundamentals of Music 137 15 Cassiodorus FROM Fundamentals of Sacred and Secular Learning 143 16 Isidore of Seville FROM THE Etymologies 149 CHANT AND LITURGY IN THE EARLY MIDDLE AGES 157 17 St. Benedict FROM THE Rule of St. Benedict 159 1 8 Pseudo-Germanus Exposition of the Ancient Gallican Liturgy 164 19 Anonymous (8th Century) Ordo romanus XVII 171 20 Helisachar Letter to Archbishop Nidibrius of Narbonne 175 21 John the Deacon FROM Life of Gregory the Great 178 22 The Monk of St. Gall FROM Life of the Emperor Charles the Great 181 23 Hildegard of Bingen FROM Epistle 47: To the Prelates of Mainz 183 MUSIC THEORY AND PEDAGOGY IN THE MIDDLE AGES 187 24 Anonymous (9th Century) FROM THE Musica enchiriadis 189 25 Anonymous (10th Century) FROM THE Alia musica 196 26 Pseudo-Odo of Cluny Dialogue on Music 198 27 Guido of Arezzo Prologue to His Antiphoner 211 28 Guido of Arezzo Epistle Concerning an Unknown Chant 214 29 Anonymous (13th Century) Discantus positio vulgaris 218 30 Johannes de Garlandia FROM De musica mensurabili 223 31 Franco of Cologne Ars cantus mensurabilis 226 32 Aegidius of Zamora FROM Ars musica 245 33 Marchetto of Padua FROM Pomerium in arte musicae mensuratae 251 34 Jehan des Murs FROM Notitia artis musicae 261 35 Jacques of Liege FROM Speculum musicae 269 CONTENTS Vii Jlf: •E;A Ov; i^'V Edited by GA:R»',TOMLiNSi©N ' INTRODUCTION 281 PRAISES AND DISPRAISES OF MUSIC 289 36 Johannes Tinctoris Proportionale musices—Dedication 291 37 Gioseffo Zarlino FROM Istitutioni harmoniche 293 38 Pierre de Ronsard Livre des melanges—Dedication 300 39 William Byrd Psalmes, Sonets, ir Songs of Sadnes and Pietie—Frontispiece 303 40 Henry Cornelius Agrippa FROM Declamation of the Uncertainty and Vanity of the Sciences and Arts 304 MUSIC IN SECULAR SOCIETY 309 41 Guillaume Du Fay Letter to Piero and Giovanni de' Medici 311 42 Olivier de la Marche FROM Memoir on the House of Burgundy 312 43 Paolo Cortesi FROM Three Books on the Cardinalate 316 44 Vincenzo Calmeta FROM Life of the Fertile Vernacular Poet Serafino Aquilano 321 45 Baldassare Castiglione FROM II libro del cortegiano 325 46 Francis I, King of France Royal Privilege for Music Printing to Pierre Attaingnant 330 47 Pietro Bembo Letter to His Daughter Elena 332 48 Antonfrancesco Doni Dialogo della musica—Dedication 333 49 Gaspara Stampa Two Sonnets 335 50 Maddalena Casulana The First Book of Madrigals for Four Voices—Dedication 336 51 Charles IX, King of France; Jean-Antoine de Barf and Joachim Thibault de Courville Letters Patent and Statutes for an Academy of Poetry and Music 338 52 Balthasar de Beaujoyeulx FROM Le balet comique de la royne 342 53 Henry Peacham FROM The Compleat Gentleman 346 54 Vincenzo Giustiniani ¥'ROM Discourse on the Music of His Times 352 viii CONTENTS MUSIC AND RELIGIOUS REFORM 359 55 Martin Luther Wittemberg Gesangbuch—Foreword 361 56 Desiderius Erasmus FROM On Restoring the Harmony of the Church 362 5 7 Jean Calvin The Geneva Psalter—Epistle to the Reader 364 58 Claude Goudimel The Geneva Psalter—Foreword to the Edition of 1565 367 59 Bernardino Cirillo Letter to Ugolino Gualteruzzi 368 60 Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina Second Book of Masses— Dedication 373 61 Pope Gregory XIII Brief on the Reform of the Chant 374 62 Thomas East The Whole Booke of Psalmes—Dedication and Preface 376 63 William Byrd Gradualia—Dedications and Foreword 378 MUSIC, MAGIC, GNOSIS 383 64 Marsilio Ficino FROM Three Books on Life 385 65 Franchino Gafpri FROM De harmonia musicorum instrumentorum opus 390 66 Pontus de Tyard FROM First Solitaire or Prose on the Muses and Poetic Furor 395 WRITINGS ON POLYPHONIC PRACTICE 399 67 Johannes Tinctoris FROM Liber de arte contrapuncti 401 68 Bartolome Ramis de Pareia FROM Musica practica 407 69 Pietro Aaron FROM Treatise on the Nature and Recognition of All the Tones of Figured Song 415 70 Heinrich Glarean FROM Dodecachordon 428 71 Gioseffo Zarlino FROM Istitutioni harmoniche 436 72 Vincenzo Galilei FROM Dialogue on Ancient and Modern Music 462 73 Joachim Burmeister FROM Musica poetica 467 74 Pietro Pontio FROM Ragionamento di musica 471 75 Thomas Morley FROM A Plaine and Easie Introduction to Practicall Musicke 478 GLIMPSES OF OTHER MUSICAL WORLDS 483 76 Girolamo Mei Letter to Vincenzo Galilei 485 77 Fray Toribio de Benavente, called Motolinia FROM Memoranda or Book of the Things of New Spain and of the Natives There 495 CONTENTS ix 78 Bartolome de Segovia? FROM Relation of Many Occurrences in Peru: In Sum in Order to Convey in Writing How These Kingdoms Were Conquered and Colonized 499 79 Filippo Pigafetta and Duarte Lopez FROM Relation on the Kingdom of the Congo and the Surrounding Regions 502 80 Matteo Ricci FROM Five Books on the Christian Expedition to China 504 IV f-HE-BAROQUE,ERA'";.,,•'- ; lldite'd %:MAKG"ARET'M'U-RATA INTRODUCTION 511 ANCIENT MUSIC AND MODERN 521 81 Pietro de' Bardi Letter to Giovanni Battista Doni 523 82 Giovanni Maria Artusi FROM Artusi, or, Of the Imperfections of Modern Music 526 83 Claudio and Giulio Cesare Monteverdi "Explanation of the Letter Printed in the Fifth Book of Madrigals" 535 84 Pietro della Valle FROM "Of the Music of Our Time" 544 85 Pierfrancesco Tosi FROM Observations on the Florid Song 551 THE PROFESSION AND ITS INSTITUTIONS 555 86 Heinrich Schutz Memorandum to the Elector of Saxony 557 87 Francesco Coli FROM Pallade veneta 562 88 Johann Sebastian Bach "Short but Most Necessary Draft for a Well-Appointed Church Music" 565 89 Geronimo Lappoli and Anna Renzi Contract for the 1644 Season at the Teatro Novissimo 569 90 Evrard Titon du Tillet FROM THE First Supplement to The Parnassus of France 571 91 Alexandre-Toussaint Limojon, Sieur de Saint-Didier FROM The City and Republic of Venice 574 92 "The Truthful Reporter" Two Letters on Opera in Rome 578 93 Guillaume Dumanoir FROM Statutes of the Masters of Dance and Players of Instruments 581 94 Roger North FROM Memoirs of Music 585 95 Roger North FROM Notes of Me 588 CONTENTS DOMESTIC MUSIC 591 96 Grazioso Uberti FROM The Musical Disagreement 593 97 Jean Loret FROM The Historical Muse 596 98 Roger North FROM Notes of Me 597 PRINCIPLES FOR PERFORMANCE 603 99 Giulio Caccini Dedication to Euridice 605 100 Giulio Caccini FROM Preface to Le nuove musiche 607 101 Lodovico Viadana Preface to One Hundred Sacred Concertos, op. 12 617 102 Agostino Agazzari Of Playing upon a Bass with All Instruments 621 103 Anonymous FROM The Choragus, or, Some Observations for Staging Dramatic Works Well 629 104 Christopher Simpson FROM The Division-Viol, or, The Art of Playing Ex Tempore upon a Ground 634 105 Lorenzo Penna FROM Musical Daybreaks for Beginners in Measured Music 638 106 Georg Muffat FROM Prefaces to Florilegia 644 IMITATION AND EXPRESSION 657 107 Jacopo Peri Preface to The Music for Euridice 659 108 Claudio Monteverdi Letter to Alessandro Striggio 662 109 Claudio Monteverdi Preface to Madrigali guerrieri, et amorosi 665 110 Michel de Pure FROM Aspects of Ancient and Modern Spectacles 667 111 Francois Raguenet FROM A Comparison between the French and Italian Music and Operas 670 112 Jean Laurent Le Cerf de la Vieville FROM Comparison between Italian and French Music 679 113 Joseph Addison FROM The Spectator 683 114 Pier Jacopo Martello FROM On Ancient and Modern Tragedy 686 115 Jean-Philippe Rameau FROM Treatise on Harmony 691 116 Johann Mattheson FROM The Complete Music Director 696 DIFFERENCES NOTED 705 117 Athanasius Kircher FROM Musurgia universalis, or, The Great Art of Consonances and Dissonances 707 CONTENTS XI 11 8 Richard Ligon FROM A True 6- Exact History of the Island of Barbados 712 119 Lady Mary Wortley Montagu FROM Letters of 1717- 1718 716 120 Charles Fonton FROM Essay on Oriental Music Compared to the European 721 121 Jean Baptiste Du Halde FROM Geographical, Historical, Chronological, Political, and Physical Description of the Empire of China and of Chinese Tartary 724 GLOSSARY OF FOREIGN PERFORMANCE TERMS 731 ;V T.Hf.L'ATE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY : • .. Edited by WYS J. ALLANJBROOK j .. INTRODUCTION 737 THE PRACTICE OF COMPOSITION: MEASURE AND PHRASE 747 122 Joseph Riepel FROM Fundamentals of Musical Composition 749 123 Johann Philipp Kirnberger FROM The Art of Strict Musical Composition 762 124 Heinrich Christoph Koch FROM Introductory Essay on Composition 111 THE PRACTICE OF COMPOSITION: MOVEMENT AND WORK 797 125 Johann Joachim Quantz FROM Essay on a Method for Playing the Transverse Flute 799 126 Heinrich Christoph Koch FROM Introductory Essay
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