ARE COLruEG _.,... INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2 Our Message 3 Pitzer College News President's Column I Dining with Democracy I L.A. Times Education Forum I Nichols Gallery I Pitzer in the News I National College Recognition I Faculty Notes I Meet Pitzer's New Faculty I Study Abroad 14 Who We Are Our Legacy I Our Individuality I Our Activism I Our Creativity I Our Dedication I Our Traditions I Our Culture 28 Connections A Larger than Life Legacy I Residential Life Update I Fall Sports Roundup I Pitzer Parents Association 32 Class Notes Pitzer Alumni Board I Fall Alumni Events I In Memoriam: Jim Hass '75 I Pitzer Alumni Boe>kplate I Makiko Harada '97 I In My Own Wo_rds PITZER COLLEGE t!6' BOARD oF TRUSTEES ( ') uR Trustees HIRSCHEL B. ABELSON P'92, President, Strolem & Company, lnt ':fVtESSAGE BRIDGET BAKER '82, ExeiUiive Vice President, NBC Universal Coble ROBERT BOOKMAN P'07, Agent ond Portner, Creative Who are we and what do we do ? This is a question we, as human beings, Artists Agency frequently ask ourselves as we engage in a lifelong pursuit of finding our MARC D. BROIDY '95, Vi<e Prestdent Ftnondol Admo~ true selves, most often with the understanding that we have set forth on Merrill Lyn<h a course with no structured path or clearly defined ending. DONNALDSDN BROWN '82, Brooklyn, NY As a college we are the reflection of our founders, a group of social WILLIAM G. BRUNGER P'OI , Consultant to Continental Airlines and intellectual visionaries who had the ambitious goal of creating a fifth and Doctoral Candidate at Case Western Reserve University undergraduate Claremont College- indeed, the best liberal arts college NANCY ROSE BUSHNELL '69, Laguna Beach, (A of the social and behavioral sciences in the country. Since our founding, JORGE DELGADO, President ond General Manager, KMEX·TY. we have carried the vision of our founder Russell K Pitzer and our first Univision, & KFTR·TV. Telefuturo Los Angeles President John Atherton, along with the administrators, special friends, SUSAN G. DOLGEN P'97, Access & Answers fotmding faculty and courageous and adventurous students who SARA LOVE DOWNEY P'BB, P'B9 & P'91. Chicogo,IL together lived and shaped Pitzer's early years. These progressive MARY BETHGARBER '68, President, Southern California individuals set us on a long-term journey in which we strive to meet Broadcasters Association President Atherton's mandate to "change the universe." VICKI KATES GOLD, Los Angeles, CA Pitzer contim1es to evolve, ever remaining true to its aspirations of DO NALD P. GOULD, President, Gould Asset Management academic excellence, social responsibility, diversity and intercultural JONATHAN P. GRAHAM 'B2, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Danaher Corporation understanding. Together the Pitzer community has built a strong and DEBORAH BACH KALLICK '7B, Executive Director. Government lasting ethos that has guided the College to new heights amjdst the ond Industry Relations, Cedars·Sinai Health System changing landscape of higher education. ROBIN M. KRAMER '75, Chief of Stoff, Mayor Antonio Villoroigoso By sharing with you a selection of stories about who we are, this issue of THOMAS H. MOORE 'B2, Vice President, Morgan Stanley The Participant offers a glimpse of the richness of the Pitzer community. TI1c Investment Management stories tell a tale of legacy, individuality, activism, creativil'Y- dedication, JAMES E. ORLIKOFF '76, Prestdent, Orltkoff and Assouotes, In<. traditions and culture. This is Pitzer College and these are our stories. ARNOLD PALMER, Senior Vice President, Sanders Morris Harris SHANA PASSMAN P'04 & P'OB, Beverly Htlls, CA ElLA PENNINGTON 'BI , Vice Prestdent of Operottons, Crystal Stairs ANN E. PITZER, La Jolla, CA ~c.w~· RUSSELL M. PITZER, PhD, Professor, Deportment of Chemistry, Susan Andrews Emily Cavalcanti Ohio State Umversity Editor Mnnngi11g Editor SUSAN S. PRITZKER P'93, Chicago, ll MARGOT LEVIN SCHIFF P'90 & P'95, Chicago, IL WilliAMD. SHEINBERG 'BJ, Portner in The Bubble Factory T.D. Smith P'07, President, Telluride Real Estole Corporation SHAHAN SOGHIK IAN 'BO, Managing Director, Panorama Capitol ON THE COVER LISA SPECHT, Attorney/Partner, Monott, Phelps & Phillips The orange tree that appears in Pitzer College's EUGENE P. STEIN, Choir of the Boord; Vice Chairman, Capital wordmark and Provida Futuri seal was designed by Guardian Trust Company the late graphic artist Tom Jameson. This symbol GERALD M. STERN P'D7, Private Practice Attorney was chosen to honor Pi tzer's founder, Russell K. CYNTHIATEllES , PhD, Director. Sponish·Speoking Psychosocial Pitzer, a philanthropist and prominent citrus grow­ Clinic, Deportment of Psychiatry, University of California, er in CaJjfomia. The orange icon was employed in los Angeles conceptualizing a visual representation of this JOHN N. TIERNEY, low Offices of John N. Tierney theme-based issue "Who We Arc." On our cover are LAURA SKANDERA TROMBLEY, PhD, President, Pitzer College the faces of just a few of the many members of our ROBERT WILSON P'06, Chairman, (axton Health Holdings, LLC community who continue to bujJd upon Russell K. Pitzer's legacy and vision for the future. Trustees Emeriti ROBERT H. ATWELL, Former President, Pitzer College CONSTANCE AUSTIN P'7B, los Angeles, CA Ell BROAD P'7B, The Brood Foundations FRANKl. ELLSWORTH, PhD, Former President, Pitur College; t!6' Prestdent, The Ellsworth Collection HARVEY J. FIELDS. PhD, P'BS, Rabbi Emeritus, Wilshire ( ') uR Boulevard Temple PETERS. GOLD P'74, los Angeles, (A ':fVtiSSION PATRICIA G. HECKER P'76, St. louis, MD BRUCE E. KARATZ P'94, Chairman ond CEO, KB Home Pitzer College produces engaged, socially responsible citizens of the MARILYN CHAPINMAS SEY, PhD, Former President, Pitzer (allege world through an academically rigorous, interdisciplinary liberal arts MURRAY PEPPER, PhD, President, Home Silk Properties, Inc. education emphasizing social justice, intercuJturalunderstanding and EDITH l. PINESS, PhD, Mill Volley, CA environmental sensitivity. The meaningful participation of students, RICHARD J. RIORDAN, Former Mayor, Ci ty of los Angeles faculty and staff in college governance and academic program design is a DEBORAH DEUTSCH SMITH, PhD '6B, Professor of Special Pitzer core va lue. Our community thrives within the mutually supportive Education and Director, IRIS Center· West, School of framework of The Claremont Colleges which provide an unsurpassed Educational Studies, Claremont Graduate University breadth of academic, athletic and social opportunities. FlRST THINGS PRESIDENT'S I FIRST I COLUMN Dining with Democracy "Giving-it's like New Speaker Series L aunches with Ralph Nader living in the future." Remembering Roger C. Holden itzer senior Nick Kislinger, cre­ The largest obstacle that people must ator of the Dining with face, Nader explained, is cmrent wide­ PDemocracy speaker seri.es, spread apathy. People have lost their oger C. brought Ralph Nader to campus in sense of social responsibility, he stated, Holden, one October to chat with a small group of and have cl1osen instead to focus on R of Pitzer students, faculty and staff over dinner mundane subjects ratl1er than those of College's first at the Grove House. Nader then spoke great importance. Nader called for peo­ trustees, once to an audience of nearly 1,000 atten­ ple to "question the small talk and remarked, dees in Bridges Auditorium. Students replace it with big talk." "Giving-it's and members of the public listened Most importantly, Nader mentioned like living in intently to Nader's inspirational speed1 colleges as an "untapped market" of the future." about leadership, responsibility and informabon and social change. While That same social change. MIT is inventing new ways to power year he decided to express his confi­ The speech, spanning approximately motor vehicles and Caltech is building dence that this fledgling college two hours, was followed by an hour­ windmills, Nader asks why all we see would not just survive but thrive by long Q&A session, covering topics from is college football. deeding his Laguna Beach home and the American duopoly to lobbyists to Nader suggested creating a "civic property to Pitzer. large corporations to commercialism to skills" course at The Claremont Nearly forty years later, with the health care and more. The w1derlying Colleges for the sole pmpose of teach­ passing of his beloved wife Sylvia, theme of Nader's responses, though, ing students how to be responsible citi­ Roger's commitment to Pitzer has was the same: People are responsible for zens in a social democracy. When he been realized and the Holden prop­ their future. "Personality and character asked for a show of hands, nearly all of erty was sold in September for $15 is destiny," he explained. the students responded that they would million. Roger's words today ring as Nader outlined several ways in be interested in taking such a comse. true as when he said them years ago. which the government and larger cor­ Finally, Nader asked who of the Because of his deep commitment to porations limit peoples' "points of audience members planned on becom­ what was then an experimental liber­ enh-y'' to information, thus limiting ing leaders after their formal educa­ al arts college dedicated to a wuque their chances of making informed deci­ tion. Again, many students raised their system of self-governance, interdisci­ sions and marring the democratic sys­ hands, to which Nader commented, plinary teaching and civic engage­ tem. He asked, "Where is the rule of "It'll be rocky, but never more gratify­ ment, Pitzer College stands today law to hold the government and corpo­ ing .. .. You'll never feel you missed beautifully positioned to continue rations accotmtable?" To fix this prob­ out on the justi.ce bandwagon." our tradition of providing students lem, Nader called for the creation of with a transformational education - Jaime Swarthout '09 accountability amongst citizens. with the intention that they will use their talents to transform the world around them.
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