Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 200 / Thursday, October 15, 2020 / Notices 65421 NE1⁄4NW1⁄4SE1⁄4NE1⁄4, NW1⁄4, N1⁄2SW1⁄4, Secs. 25 thru 34; Enforcement, 1849 C. Street NW, Room subject to a reservation by Summit Sec. 35, excepting a right-of-way described 4556–MIB, Washington, DC 20240; or by Properties, Inc., described in a Warranty in two Quit-claim Deeds recorded in email to [email protected]. Please Deed recorded in Coconino County, Coconino County, Arizona in Book 34 of reference OMB Control Number 1029– Arizona in Docket 663, Pages 481 thru Deeds, Pages 598 and 604; 484; Sec. 36. 0039 in the subject line of your Sec. 27, lot 1, N1⁄2NE1⁄4NE1⁄4, T. 23 N., R. 8 E., comments. SW1⁄4NE1⁄4NE1⁄4, Sec. 7; FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To 1 1 1 1 1 N ⁄2NE ⁄4SE ⁄4NE ⁄4NE ⁄4, Sec. 17, SW1⁄4; request additional information about 1 1 1 1 1 1 W ⁄2SE ⁄4NE ⁄4NE ⁄4, NW ⁄4NE ⁄4, Sec. 18, excepting NW1⁄4NE1⁄4; this ICR, contact Mark Gehlhar by email E1⁄2SW1⁄4NE1⁄4, E1⁄2NW1⁄4SW1⁄4NE1⁄4, Sec. 19; 1 1 1 1 at [email protected], or by telephone E ⁄2SW ⁄4SW ⁄4NE ⁄4, Sec. 20, W1⁄2; 1 1 1 1 1 at 202–208–2716. S ⁄2NE ⁄4NE ⁄4SE ⁄4NE ⁄4, Sec. 29, N1⁄2, SW1⁄4, E1⁄2NE1⁄4SE1⁄4, 1 1 1 1 W ⁄2NE ⁄4SE ⁄4NE ⁄4, E1⁄2NW1⁄4NE1⁄4SE1⁄4, SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SE ⁄4NE ⁄4SE ⁄4NE ⁄4, W ⁄2SE ⁄4NE ⁄4, W1⁄2NE1⁄4NW1⁄4SE1⁄4, W1⁄2NW1⁄4SE1⁄4, accordance with the Paperwork 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SE ⁄4SE ⁄4NE ⁄4, S ⁄2SW ⁄4NW ⁄4NW ⁄4, W1⁄2SE1⁄4NW1⁄4SE1⁄4, W1⁄2SW1⁄4SE1⁄4, Reduction Act of 1995, we provide the 1 1 1 1 SW ⁄4SE ⁄4NW ⁄4NW ⁄4, W1⁄2NE1⁄4SW1⁄4SE1⁄4, N1⁄2NE1⁄4SE1⁄4SE1⁄4; general public and other Federal W1⁄2NE1⁄4SW1⁄4NW1⁄4, W1⁄2SW1⁄4NW1⁄4, Secs. 30 and 31; 1 1 1 1 1 1 agencies with an opportunity to SE ⁄4SW ⁄4NW ⁄4, SW ⁄4SE ⁄4NW ⁄4, Sec. 32, W1⁄2NW1⁄4NE1⁄4, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 comment on new, proposed, revised, N ⁄2NE ⁄4SW ⁄4, N ⁄2SW ⁄4NE ⁄4SW ⁄4, W1⁄2SE1⁄4NW1⁄4NE1⁄4, S1⁄2NE1⁄4, W1⁄2, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 and continuing collections of N ⁄2SE ⁄4NE ⁄4SW ⁄4, W ⁄2NW ⁄4SW ⁄4, SE1⁄4. W1⁄2SW1⁄4SW1⁄4, SE1⁄4SW1⁄4SW1⁄4, The areas described aggregate 74,689 acres. information. This helps us assess the S1⁄2SE1⁄4SW1⁄4, N1⁄2NE1⁄4SE1⁄4, impact of our information collection N1⁄2SW1⁄4NE1⁄4SE1⁄4, SE1⁄4NE1⁄4SE1⁄4, 2. This withdrawal will expire 20 requirements and minimize the public’s N1⁄2NW1⁄4SE1⁄4, N1⁄2SW1⁄4NW1⁄4SE1⁄4, years from the effective date of this reporting burden. It also helps the N1⁄2SE1⁄4NW1⁄4SE1⁄4, SW1⁄4SW1⁄4SE1⁄4, Order, unless as a result of review public understand our information 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W ⁄2SE ⁄4SW ⁄4SE ⁄4, E ⁄2SE ⁄4SE ⁄4; conducted prior to the expiration date collection requirements and provide the Secs. 28 and 29; pursuant to Section 204(f) of the Federal requested data in the desired format. Secs. 32 and 33; Land Policy and Management Act of We are soliciting comments on the Sec. 34, SW1⁄4NW1⁄4NE1⁄4, NW1⁄4, SE1⁄4; 1 1 1976, 43 U.S.C. 1714(f), the Secretary proposed ICR that is described below. Sec. 35, lots 1 thru 5, N ⁄2NE ⁄4, determines that the withdrawal shall be E1⁄2NW1⁄4SE1⁄4NE1⁄4, E1⁄2SW1⁄4SE1⁄4NE1⁄4, We are especially interested in public further extended. E1⁄2SE1⁄4NE1⁄4, N1⁄2NE1⁄4NW1⁄4, comment addressing the following W1⁄2SW1⁄4NE1⁄4NW1⁄4, SE1⁄4NE1⁄4NW1⁄4, Dated: October 9, 2020. issues: (1) Is the collection necessary to 1 1 1 1 1 1 N ⁄2NW ⁄4NW ⁄4, SW ⁄4NW ⁄4NW ⁄4, David L. Bernhardt, the proper functions of the OSMRE; (2) W1⁄2SW1⁄4NW1⁄4, N1⁄2SW1⁄4, Secretary of the Interior. will this information be processed and N1⁄2SW1⁄4SW1⁄4, SE1⁄4; used in a timely manner; (3) is the [FR Doc. 2020–22975 Filed 10–14–20; 8:45 am] Sec. 36. estimate of burden accurate; (4) how BILLING CODE 3411–15–P T. 23 N, R. 7 E, might the OSMRE enhance the quality, Secs. 7 thru 12; utility, and clarity of the information to Sec. 13, excepting S1⁄2SE1⁄4SW1⁄4, M.S. No. 4652; DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR be collected; and (5) how might the Secs. 14 thru 17; OSMRE minimize the burden of this Sec. 18, lots 3 thru 5, E1⁄2, N1⁄2NE1⁄4NW1⁄4, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation collection on the respondents, including SE1⁄4NE1⁄4NW1⁄4, N1⁄2NE1⁄4NW1⁄4NW1⁄4, and Enforcement through the use of information E1⁄2SE1⁄4NW1⁄4, S1⁄2SW1⁄4SE1⁄4NW1⁄4, technology. 1 1 [S1D1S SS08011000 SX064A000 E ⁄2SW ⁄4; Comments that you submit in 211S180110; S2D2S SS08011000 Secs. 19 thru 23; response to this notice are a matter of 1 1 1 SX064A000 21XS501520; OMB Control Sec. 24, lots 1 thru 4, N ⁄2NW ⁄4NE ⁄4, public record. We will include or E1⁄2SW1⁄4NW1⁄4NE1⁄4, Number 1029–0039] summarize each comment in our request E1⁄2NW1⁄4SW1⁄4NW1⁄4NE1⁄4, 1 1 1 1 1 1 to OMB to approve this ICR. Before E ⁄2NW ⁄4NW ⁄4SW ⁄4NW ⁄4NE ⁄4, Agency Information Collection E1⁄2SW1⁄4NW1⁄4SW1⁄4NW1⁄4NE1⁄4, Activities; Underground Mining Permit including your address, phone number, E1⁄2SW1⁄4SW1⁄4NW1⁄4NE1⁄4, Applications—Minimum Requirements email address, or other personal E1⁄2NW1⁄4SW1⁄4SW1⁄4NW1⁄4NE1⁄4, for Reclamation and Operation Plan identifying information in your E1⁄2SW1⁄4SW1⁄4SW1⁄4NW1⁄4NE1⁄4, comment, you should be aware that SE1⁄4NW1⁄4NE1⁄4, NE1⁄4SW1⁄4NE1⁄4, AGENCY: Office of Surface Mining your entire comment—including your E1⁄2NW1⁄4SW1⁄4NE1⁄4, Reclamation and Enforcement, Interior. personal identifying information—may 1 1 1 1 1 E ⁄2NW ⁄4NW ⁄4SW ⁄4NE ⁄4, ACTION: Notice of Information be made publicly available at any time. E1⁄2NW1⁄4NW1⁄4NW1⁄4SW1⁄4NE1⁄4, Collection; request for comment. While you can ask us in your comment E1⁄2SW1⁄4NW1⁄4NW1⁄4SW1⁄4NE1⁄4, 1 1 1 1 1 to withhold your personal identifying E ⁄2SW ⁄4NW ⁄4SW ⁄4NE ⁄4, SUMMARY: In accordance with the 1 1 1 1 1 1 information from public review, we E ⁄2NW ⁄4SW ⁄4NW ⁄4SW ⁄4NE ⁄4, Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we, 1 1 1 1 1 1 cannot guarantee that we will be able to E ⁄2SW ⁄4SW ⁄4NW ⁄4SW ⁄4NE ⁄4, the Office of Surface Mining S1⁄2SW1⁄4NE1⁄4, do so. Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE), W1⁄2NW1⁄4NW1⁄4SW1⁄4NE1⁄4NW1⁄4, Abstract: Sections 507(b), 508(a) and W1⁄2SW1⁄4NW1⁄4SW1⁄4NE1⁄4NW1⁄4, are proposing to renew an information 516(b) of Public Law 95–87 require W1⁄2NW1⁄4SW1⁄4SW1⁄4NE1⁄4NW1⁄4, collection. underground coal mine permit W1⁄2SW1⁄4SW1⁄4SW1⁄4NE1⁄4NW1⁄4, DATES: Interested persons are invited to applicants to submit an operations and 1 1 W ⁄2NW ⁄4, submit comments on or before reclamation plan and establish W1⁄2NW1⁄4NW1⁄4NW1⁄4SE1⁄4NW1⁄4, December 14, 2020. performance standards for the mining W1⁄2SW1⁄4NW1⁄4NW1⁄4SE1⁄4NW1⁄4, 1 1 1 1 1 1 ADDRESSES: operation. Information submitted is W ⁄2NW ⁄4SW ⁄4NW ⁄4SE ⁄4NW ⁄4, Send your comments on W1⁄2SW1⁄4SW1⁄4NW1⁄4SE1⁄4NW1⁄4, this information collection request (ICR) used by the regulatory authority to S1⁄2SE1⁄4NW1⁄4, SW1⁄4, W1⁄2SE1⁄4, by mail to the Mark Gehlhar, Office of determine if the applicant can comply excepting M.S. No. 4652; Surface Mining Reclamation and with the applicable performance and VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:41 Oct 14, 2020 Jkt 253001 PO 00000 Frm 00083 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\15OCN1.SGM 15OCN1 jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with NOTICES 65422 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 200 / Thursday, October 15, 2020 / Notices environmental standards required by ADDRESSES: Send your comments on Title of Collection: Certification of the law. this information collection request (ICR) blasters in Federal program states and Title of Collection: Underground by mail to the Mark Gehlhar, Office of on Indian lands. Mining Permit Applications—Minimum Surface Mining Reclamation and OMB Control Number: 1029–0083. Requirements for Reclamation and Enforcement, 1849 C Street NW, Room Form Number: OSM–74. Operation Plan. 4556–MIB, Washington, DC 20240; or by Type of Review: Extension of a OMB Control Number: 1029–0039. email to [email protected]. Please currently approved collection. Form Number: None. reference OMB Control Number 1029– Respondents/Affected Public: Type of Review: Extension of a 0083 in the subject line of your Individuals. currently approved collection. comments. Total Estimated Number of Annual Respondents/Affected Public: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To Respondents: 25. Businesses and State governments. Total Estimated Number of Annual Total Estimated Number of Annual request additional information about this ICR, contact Mark Gehlhar by email Responses: 25. Respondents: 80. Estimated Completion Time per Total Estimated Number of Annual at [email protected], or by telephone at 202–208–2716. Response: 1 hour. Responses: 1000. Total Estimated Number of Annual SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In Estimated Completion Time per Burden Hours: 25.
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