Index anti-depressants, 261 • A • anti-social personality disorder (ASPD), ABA (Applied Behavioural Analysis), 320, 321 238, 239, 319 anxiety accommodation causes of, 61–62 fi nding, 135–136 clinical, 320 moving out of family home, 190–192 cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) travelling to, 139 for, 106, 261 Acting Antics (Schneider), 253 described, 320 acute depressive episodes, 319, 326 medication for, 262 ADHD (attention-defi cit hyperactivity overcoming, 103–107 disorder) support worker’s help with, 215–216 ASCs associated with, 45 anxiety attacks, 320 conduct disorders with, 74 anxiety disorders described, 69, 319, 320, 321 agoraphobia, 60, 86 medications for, 69, 262 defi ned, 320 adults with AS generalised anxiety disorder, 60 caring for elderly parents, 210 obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), coming to terms with a diagnosis, 56–57 62–63, 64, 86, 326 diagnosis, 22, 47–48, 49–50 overview, 60–61 diagnostic assessments, 51 panic disorder, 62 misdiagnoses, 75–79 post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), post-diagnosis support, 52 63–64, 85, 328 women’s issues, 94–97 social phobia, 60 affection, showing, 204–206 treatments for, 64 affective, defi ned, 320 anxiety psychosis, 76 affective disorder, 68, 326 anxiolytics (anti-anxiety medications), agoraphobia, 60, 86 262 alcohol, 104, 105, 106 APD, defi ned, 320 Al-Ghani, K. I. (The Red Beast), 156, 315 Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA), alienation, sense of,COPYRIGHTED 109 238, MATERIAL 239, 319 allergies, food, 273 AS. See Asperger’s syndrome American Psychiatric Association, ASCs (autism spectrum conditions) 35–36, 46 books about, 311–312 anaphylactic shock, 273 described, 321 anger, managing children’s, 156 other conditions associated with, 45 anorexia nervosa, 71, 85, 93 types of ASCs, 41–45 antibiotics, 280 ASD (autism spectrum disorder), anticonvulsants, 261 290, 321 330_9780470660874-bindex.indd0_9780470660874-bindex.indd 331331 111/17/101/17/10 88:15:15 PPMM 332 Asperger’s Syndrome For Dummies ASPD (anti-social personality disorder), conventions used in, 4 320, 321 icons used in, 6–7 Asperger, Hans (doctor), 16, 17–18 organisation, 5–6 Asperger and ASD UK Online Forum sidebars, 4 (website), 290 where to go from here, 7 An Asperger Marriage (Slater-Walker), Asperger’s Syndrome Foundation, 291 314 Aspie Village (social networking Asperger Syndrome and Anxiety (Dubin), website), 291 313 Aspies For Freedom (website), 291 Asperger Syndrome and Diffi cult Moments ASPIRE organisations, 289–290 (Myles and Southwick), 315 ASPIRES (Asperger Syndrome Asperger Syndrome and Long-term Partners & Individuals Resources, Relationships (Stanford), 314 Encouragement & Support), 290 Asperger Syndrome Employment Aston, Maxine (The Other Half of Workbook (Meyer), 189 Asperger Syndrome), 314 Asperger Syndrome Partners attention-defi cit hyperactivity disorder & Individuals Resources, (ADHD) Encouragement & Support ASCs associated with, 45 (ASPIRES), 290 conduct disorders with, 74 Asperger United (magazine), 3, 285 described, 69, 319, 320, 321 Asperger’s and Girls (Attwood), medication for, 69, 262 93, 94, 312 attractiveness, learning about, 116–117 Asperger’s disorder, 321 Attwood, Sarah (Making Sense of Sex), Asperger’s Syndrome and Sexuality 165, 315 (Hénault), 315 Attwood, Tony Asperger’s syndrome (AS) The Complete Guide to Asperger’s autism awareness cards (autism alert Syndrome, 311 cards), 171 Asperger’s and Girls, 93, 94, 312 books about, 311–312 Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome, causes of, 23–24, 33–34, 268 162 characteristics and aspects, 14–16, 43 atypical autism, 43, 321 curing autism, 145, 237, 239, 260, 266 auditory discrimination, 221, 222, 228 famous people who may have had, auditory distortion, 223, 228 299–310 Austen, Jane (author), 308–309 history of, 16–19 autism misconceptions about, 20–22 atypical, 43, 321 positives about, 293–297 autistic traits, 44, 299–300, 322 prevalence of, 1, 15, 19–20 books about, 311–312 terminology/diagnostic labels, 2–3, 46 broader autism phenotype (BAP), what it is like, 11–14 44–45, 300, 322 women versus men with, 81–82 childhood autism, 2 Asperger’s Syndrome For Dummies classic, 2, 42, 323 about, 1–4 defi ned, 321 assumptions about the reader, 4–5 high-functioning, 1–2, 18, 325 330_9780470660874-bindex.indd0_9780470660874-bindex.indd 332332 111/17/101/17/10 88:15:15 PPMM Index 333 prevalence of, 1, 15, 19–20 Baron-Cohen, Simon (director of ARC) regressive, 328 about, 288 as a spectrum, 18–19, 44 Autism and Asperger Syndrome, 311 Autism Act, 48 on results of empathy test, 31 Autism and Asperger Syndrome Bashe, Patricia Romanowski (The (Baron-Cohen), 311 OAASIS Guide to Asperger Syndrome), autism awareness cards, 171 168, 312 Autism, Discrimination and the Law BCABA (Board Certifi ed Associate (Graham), 316 Behaviour Analyst), 240 Autism Education Trust, BCBA (Board Certifi ed Behaviour 174, 176, 180, 287 Analyst), 240 Autism Helpline and Signpost, 284–285 bedroom environment, 166 Autism Independent UK (website), 243 Being Me (DVD/CD-ROM), 53–54, Autism NI (website), 243 102, 112, 317 Autism Research Centre (ARC), Bell, Dr. Joseph (professor), 302–303 27, 31, 288 benzodiazepines (minor tranquillisers), autism rights, 142–146 64, 262 autism spectrum conditions (ASCs) biology of Asperger’s syndrome (AS) books about, 311–312 causes of AS and, 23–24 conditions associated with, 45–46 differences in the brain, 26–28 described, 1, 11, 18–19, 321 genetics, 24–26 terminology/diagnostic labels, 2–3, 46 infl uence of hormones, 28 types of, 41–45 vaccinations, 29–30 autism spectrum disorder (ASD), bipolar disorder 2, 290, 321 anticonvulsants for, 261 Autism West Midlans ASpire described, 328 (employment service), 289 symptoms of, 67–68 Autistic Liberation Front, 143–144 black-and-white thinking, 322 autistic traits, 44, 299–300, 322 Board Certifi ed Associate Behaviour Autscape (annual conference), 288 Analyst (BCABA), 240 Board Certifi ed Behaviour Analyst (BCBA), 240 • B • board games, 161 background noise, 228, 232–233 body language bacteria, friendly (Lactobacillus children learning about, 160–161 acidophilus), 280 control of, 115 Baic, Sue (Living Gluten-Free For diffi culties with, 37 Dummies), 276, 313 Body Language and Communication balance diffi culties, 230–231 (Perks), 115 BAP (broader autism phenotype), Body Language For Dummies (Kuhnke), 44–45, 300, 322 115, 314 Baron, Kari Dunn (The Incredible 5-Point Scale), 156, 315 330_9780470660874-bindex.indd0_9780470660874-bindex.indd 333333 111/17/101/17/10 88:15:15 PPMM 334 Asperger’s Syndrome For Dummies books autism, Asperger’s syndrome and ASCs, • C • 311–312 caffeine, 104, 105, 106, 166 for children with AS, 315 Can I Tell You About Asperger Syndrome? health and self-improvement, 313–314 (Welton and Telford), 172, 316 for parents and siblings, 315–316 cards, autism awareness, 171 sex education, 93 career, having, 129–130, 189 social skills and relationships, 314–315 carer for elderly parents, 210 borderline personality disorder, 86, 326 Carver, Beccy (My brother is different), brain, 26–28, 45 316 brain scan, EEG, 26–27 casein-free diets, 277–278 Branch, Rhena catatonia, 72, 266, 322 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For causes of AS Dummies, 106, 251, 313 biology, 23–24 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook research on, 33–34, 268 For Dummies, 313 CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) British Association for Behavioural for anxiety disorders, 64 and Cognitive Psychotherapies cost of treatments, 106 (BABCP), 106 described, 250–251, 322 broader autism phenotype (BAP), for psychosis, 77 44–45, 300, 322 treating anxiety and depression, buddy system 106, 261 college or university, 124–125 CDD (childhood disintegrative disorder), help with bullies, 127 2, 42, 322 for school, 123 central coherence (detailed thinking bulimia nervosa, 71, 322 style), 31–32, 330 bullying Cézanne, Paul (painter), 304–305 at college or university, 127 change cyberbullying, 181, 183 anxiety over, 61–62 dealing with, 182–183 dislike of, 39 disorders resulting from, 79 getting a job, 188–190 experiences with, 111 going to college or university, 186–188 Jack’s story, 184 leaving secondary school, 185–186 overview, 180–181 managing, 102, 184 preventing, 182 moving from primary to secondary recognising the signs of, 181 school, 185 at school, 123 moving out of parents home, 190–192 at the workplace, 131 preparing children for, 157–158 Burton, Kate chelation, 266–267 Neuro-Linguistic Programming For childhood autism, 2 Dummies, 107, 313 childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD), Neuro-Linguistic Programming Workbook For Dummies, 313 2, 42, 322 330_9780470660874-bindex.indd0_9780470660874-bindex.indd 334334 111/17/101/17/10 88:15:15 PPMM Index 335 children with AS. See also siblings of college or university children with AS academic pressures, 125–126 books for, 315 accommodation for students, 135 communicating with, 150–153 coping at, 123–127 controlling anger, 156 dealing with bullying, 127 coping with diffi cult behaviour, 154–155 education, 123–127 developing routine and preparing for help from a buddy, 124–125 change, 157–158 making friends, 126–127 diagnosing, 47, 49, 50–51 organising your work, 124 girls’ versus boys’ issues, 90–92, 94 planning for, 186–188 going to school and, 175 support for, 187–188 learning about diagnosis from parents, Comic Strip Conversations (Gray), 54–56 152, 316 learning social skills, 159–165 communication making friends, 161–162 auditory discrimination and, 222 managing behaviour, 153–156 with children on the autism spectrum, misdiagnoses, 73–75 150–153 post-diagnosis support, 52 diagnosing,
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