SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies (SSRG-IJEMS) – Volume 7 Issue 4 – April 2020 Prof. Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev’s Mafiotismus in USA - import, creation, management and support of the mafia in Bulgaria with prime –minister Boyko Borrisov by the presidents of the USA Mr. Obama and Mr. D.Trump Lord Prof. Momtchil Dobrev, Prof. Mariola Garibova, Scientific Research Institute Dobrev & Halachev JSC. Abstract that proves the apparent interest of US Bulgaria to be Lord Prof PhD PhD Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev ruled by the Mafia. developed 2010 “Financially banking resource- based technological mafia-driven materialism” as a A. Introduce the Problem principle based materialism since more than 17 The problem of the mafia in one country, in its centuries and created 2010 “The Theory and Praxice judiciary, the court and the prosecutor's office, in of Mafiotismus” and 2001 “The Theory of the government institutions is huge at the current stage of mafia ”. Based on these two theories, this paper the development of a country. Practice shows that provides evidence of how the United States practices when a country is mobbed, it actually goes down in mafia by importing, creating, and managing mafia in its development. Since the politicians of Bulgaria the country of Bulgaria. The article provides have chosen to replace the support of the Soviet incontrovertible evidence of the country's mafia, the Union and Russia with an unconditional support and court and the prosecutor's office, which the mafia subordination from the US, the state is not doing well backs with the inauspiciousness of President Obama in its overall development as an economy, as a and US President-elect Donald Trump. society, as a state. And when US presidents say they will fight, and their ambassadors to Bulgaria declare Keywords : mafia, mafiotismus, court, prosecution, their desire and purpose to fight corruption in state Bulgaria, and on the other hand, after informing them about the extent of corruption and the mafia in I. INTRODUCTION Bulgaria, it proves that in reality the US has no no In the year 2010 Momtchil Dobrev developed intentions to tackle or support the fight against the "Theory of Mafiotismus" as a new state level corruption and the mafia in Bulgaria, as Prime based on the private and personal interests of prime Minister Boyko Borisov's politicians are conducive to ministers, ministers, government .. Based on this the wishes, goals, aspirations of the United States in "Theory of Mafiotismus" Lord Prof. Momtchil all its directions and to the fight against Russia's main Dobrev developed 2010 the “Financially banking enemy me. resource-based technological mafia-driven The article reveals the real nature of the US and its materialism” as a principle based materialism since interests in Bulgaria. more than the 17th century. In the year 2001 Momtchil DObrev developed 1.2.Disclosure of the true intentions of the United the theory of the mafia and the theory of corruption. States regarding the custody and guardianship of All the both theories have been developed by Bulgaria is important to uncover the truth. analyzing the mafia and corruption all over the 1.3. The developed by Lord Prof. Dr. Momchil world. Dobrev Financially banking resource-based Since 2009, US governments and their technological mafia-driven materialism and Mafia presidents, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump, have theory of iractics cover the real process of import, been notified of mafia and corruption at the state, development, control, mafia and mafia structures court, and prosecutors levels in Bulgaria. Despite this management in Bulgaria from the USA. indisputable evidence, there has been no reaction from the US and its presidents and administration ISSN: 2393 - 9125 www.internationaljournalssrg.org Page 82 SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies (SSRG-IJEMS) – Volume 7 Issue 4 – April 2020 II. RESEARCH METHODS He was also the sole candidate for the Attorney General and was accordingly selected by the Mafia The essence of the Mafia, the emergence, Supreme Judicial Council on proven false statistics creation, management of the Mafia, the import of the and documents in connection with his activity as a Mafia into a country like Bulgaria from the US and prosecutor for decades. state and other US institutions. Why the purpose of the Attorney General is to be the face of the US and the state and of the US mafia. Analysis of the origin, development, consequences, In reality, the Attorney General is the one who can causes of the mafia in Bulgaria. Mafia Scheme Implemented and Supported by US Impact analysis of the mafia for a society and US Representatives in Bulgaria Analysis of state and other institutions and the manifestation of the mafia in them. The Mafia system in the judiciary. Analysis of Behavior by the Prosecutor's Office, The prosecution is run by a US man and a mafia Court, State in the Mafia's apparent Mafia Practice, man. supported by the US. The courts are run by Mafia people An Analysis of US Action and Impact in Bulgaria The judges make the decisions the mafia wants. Analin for the impact of the Mafia on the economy, The supervisory authorities, which must monitor businesses, citizens. and sanction the actions of judges and prosecutors An Analysis of the Impact of the Mafia in Bulgaria such as the Supreme Judicial Council and the on Human Rights, Human Rights, Human Societies Minister of Justice, serve the mafia and do not take any action against the guilty judges and prosecutors who have committed crimes such as having III. SCHEME OF THE US MAFIOTISMUS AND committed crimes. They are even encouraged to THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE continue committing more crimes. The Supreme FINANCIAL BANKING RESOURCE Judicial Council, as an institution which is to TECHNOLOGICAL MAFIA DRIVEN supervise the actions and conduct, and acts of judges MATERIALISMUS IN THE USA FOR IMPORT and prosecutors, take no action, on the contrary, they OF CORRUPTION, OF THE MAFIA INTO OBE support such lawlessness. COUNTRY AND THROUGH THAT THE Private enforcement is governed by the Mafia. MANAGEMENT OF THE STATE OF They commit crimes, the prosecutor's office supports BULGARIA. and maintains them, and strays an umbrella over their crimes. The scheme is simple: The prosecutor's office legitimizes, through its inaction and acts, crimes committed by prime Governance of a State by Appointing Prosecutors- ministers, ministers, statesmen, judges, prosecutors, General and Prime Ministers of a State from U.S. people and businesses of the mafia. Mafia Representatives and U.S. Representatives Prosecutors and judges receive scholarships for Financial Banking Technology Mafia Materialized in specialization in the US, although US law has the United States. nothing to do with Bulgarian law. All Bulgarian Prime Ministers are approved and are The Mafia appoints and manages the presidents of working with the Bank's Financial Resource Mafia courts in Bulgaria. Materialism in the United States. Judges from the Supreme Administrative Court All State Prosecutors General of the State of and administrative courts legalize crimes committed Bulgaria are appointed with the approval and support by minis- ters, ministers, statesmen, state institutions, of the representatives of the Financial Banking ministries. Resources Technology Mafia Materialism in the US The judges from the administrative courts legalize and US government and management and structures, racketeering, thefts, the iniquity of the institutions of as well as the FBI, CIA and other security services. the executive branch. This happened with the election of Attorney General Ie A DEAD LOOK at the people who claim their Sotir Tsatsarov, his election from U.S. officials in the rights. summer of 2012 and his election, whose term began in 2013. The former Attorney General Sotir SPECIFIC EXAMPLES AND RESIDENTIAL Tsatsarov was appointed with the approval and under SIGNALS Barack Obama and Donald Trump - US the direct control and management of the former US presidents from 2011 to 2020 inclusive. Ambassador to Bulgaria. This also happened in 2019 after then Chief Prosecutor Sotir Tsatsarov took to the United States Deputy. The Prosecutor General of the Prosecutor's Office Ivan Geshev. ISSN: 2393 - 9125 www.internationaljournalssrg.org Page 83 SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies (SSRG-IJEMS) – Volume 7 Issue 4 – April 2020 IV. Information to President of the USA Result - 7 atempt to kill Prof. Momtchil Dobrev President Obama, President of the USA the beginning from2011. President Donald Trump, to the Ambassador in Otherwise the American company will lose the Embassy of USA in Sofia-Bulgaria Herro 150 000 000 000 USD takens – dept from the state Mustafa. The Ambassador Herro Mustafa told Bulgarian company “ Bulgarian Post” JSC. To the that she will fight against the corruption in American company. Bulgaria. The company included letters to Mr. prime There are some of the cases on which are minister Boiko Borissov with the last from date informed President Obama, 20.11.2019, letters to prime minister Stanishev 2005 President Donald Trump and 2006. NO ACTIVITIES FROM PRESIDENT 4.1/. Many times are requested President Obama, OBAMA, PRESIDENT DANALD TRUMPH. President Donald Trumph, Ambassador Mrs. Herro Mustafa for help and assistance based on their 4.2/. Many times since 2015, 2016 and 2019 inactivity after the given proofs for the corruption and 2020 are put in the White House to the presidents and mafia in Bulgaria after inactivity of the Obama and president Donald Trump and USA Ambassador of USA in Bulgaria Mr. Warlick and Ambassy in Sofia in Bulgaria proofs for the mafia in president Obama Bulgaria regarding protection from the main The request for help from USA , Presidents prosecutor Sotir Tzatzarov and the prime –minister Obama and PresidentDinald Trumph for protection of Boiko Borissov of a man who never was in USA but dept of the Bulgarian state company “ Bulgarian has American passport and American driving license Post” JSC.
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