VOLUME XI. LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA, MONDAY, AUGUST 2(5, 1918 NUiMBER 217 SURROUND BAPAUME HUN FORCES RETiEAT IN HASTE AND CONFUSION BEFORE ALLIES ARRESTS IN FINLAND SUNK SEVEN FISHING VESSELS : TOTAL 32,701 IVIuiden, Holland, Aug. 26.—Sev­ Stockholm, Aug. 26,—•TheHotal Enemy. Forces Disiiitegrate en fishing boats have been sunk number of periqna'arrecte'd in Fin­ by the'same submarine. Three of. land on account of the inturrec- them were of Dutch register. The tion in that country up to August crews of the destroyed boats 19 was 32,701, according to a dis­ have been landed here. The craft Over a Considerable Area was fishing a few miles outside patch received here today from Helelngfora. Of thia total.3,642 of what has been known as the were III. Up to August 17 there "free channel." had been 1S,5SS parsons uncondit­ London, Aug. 26.—"We have en­ before the British forces which ionally sentenced and 13,732 con­ tered the most dramatic era of the probably do not number one quar­ BOMB TURK CAPITAL ENEMIES OF ter of the horde* which opened ditionally. The total number ac­ war vyith such startling sudden­ Amsterdam, Aug. 26.—"Two BAPAUME; HUNDREDS OF quitted was 1,775. ness that it is jlifficult to realize the kaiser's battle. Indeed, wheri hostile air squadrons attack :d the inner history of these opera­ the full extent of its possibilities," Constantinople Wednesday night,'' tions can be ^written the economy says Reuter's correspondent at says a Turkish official statement ot man P9wer li'y which such great received here today. British headquarters In describing results have been accomplished RUSSIANS the situation Sunday. "It is a stag­ will reveal one «f the most strik­ gering fact that since yesterday ing features of brilliant general­ PRin BEING TAKEN morning the enemy has simply dis­ ship.* iAUies Deny Charges of Bol- integrated over a considerable "Cavalry patrols are reported to OULLIPAMIN Piisoneis Taken by British In Past Foui- Days Now Total sKeviki in a Declaration zon'e.- have entered Bapaume and Thil- "It is five months ago this very loy. Crolsseles Is reported to 20,000—Advance is Being Pressed in Region of Ba­ Just Issued. Sunday that the German legions have been takien and it is report­ paume, Which Soon Must Fall—French are Continuing were swarming across the region ed that troops are in the fringe of over-which they are now retiring Bulleeourt" Advance—Americans Forcing Huns Back From Vesle. ^RE FIGHTING WITH SlKEAl SEATTLE RUSSIANS AGAINST TO FIERGE ANXIETY (War. Summary by Associated Press) Seattle, Wash., Aug. 26.—Fol­ Extending the Picardy battle line tar to the north into the Artois , THEIR REAL ENEMIES lowing' the breaking off of the Carson Blocks Evei^ Move sector, the British launched an attack this morning in the Scarpe region negotiations last night between Germany Now Fighting For oast of Arras, This attack may be considered as a new development of the representatives of the Pacific terrific battle east of the Ancre River which has been going on since last Wednesday. Amsterdam, Aug.- 25.—Leon Tirolzky, Coast Steel Company here and Sheer Existence, Say Ger­ tho BolshevlUl minister of war, in a emplbyeeB of the company engag­ man Papers The British war office reports good progress being made in the new ed on contracts for the Emergency for Peace, Is Charge Made attack which was begun in an area where the Germans held strongly fort­ proclamation publfshed in tlio Kras- ified lines and which, have been held by them for the last two years. noya Gazette, AuguBt 23, chiiracierizes Fleet' Corporation, a strike was South of the Cojeul River the have seemingly encountered a slight tho statement that the troops ' wevo declared at seven o'clock today. London, AUK- 2G.—Dull apathy is British The employes declared that more set back, for today's reports'show" tliey are fighting west of the regions lauded ID Siberia to protect the irana- giving way to intense anxiety, accord­ where the battle was said to be going on yesterday. Slbertan Railway as a lie, according to than one thousand men went out. By T. P. O'Connor Nowing to reports from Berlin received at n dispatch received horo from Berlin. They .demand pay and working The Hague, says the Daily Mail cor- BAPAUME IN A POCKET [The proclapiatlon o£ Trotzky follows: conditions similar to those in'ef- 'respondenfih the Dutch capital. News­ j . Bapaume.is seemingly being slowly pocketed by the British. Favrue- "To aU>~When in April preparat­ fect in the shipyards." . paper nrUicisms show an urgent de­ vllle, a mile and a half to the northeast hqs been taken by'the British, London, Aug. 2G.—At the request ot the Ulster rebellion to enter tlie war. ions were isMng made for a Japanese mand for reassurance and several who have passed beyond the' Village, Whlf^'• town further north of John Dillon, chairman ot the Irish Na­ Mr. O'Connor contended that it was JAndlHg In Vladivostok, the .Tapaneie papers pin their faith on the Hlnden- Moyer has been taken. - - . ' - . % • tionalist party, T. P. O'Connoi' has the action of Cirson when holding up general Btaft informed the cabinet of burg line. Progress on each side of the Somme River is officially reported from sent to America a reply to the recent home rule and preaching the doctrine the allies that danger threatened the The Cologne Volks Zeilung, a lead­ London and it is said that the British are advancing toward Maricourt, address forwarded to President Wil­ of revolution and accepting a place in J^Jberlan Railway from Gorman and ing Catholic exponeVit ot annexations, four miles northeast of Bray. son by Sir Edward Carson, the Ulster- the cabinet, that transformed Ireland Austrlun prisoners. I thereupon sent denodnces the "wise acres" vho (-ver There has been,great artillery activity from Roye to the Aisne River, ite, and head of the v/ar aims com­ from an enthusiastic supporter of the An;erlcan and British represtntatlvea had been foolish enough to believe according to the French official report, but there is no mention of new mittee. war to its present attitude of sullen Irom Moscow to the Siberian Railway that there w6re war aims outside Ger­ infantry attacks In this vital sector. German surprise attacks on the Having traversed somb ot the his. detachment, lie concludes with these who were,obliged olllc^lally to confirm many. French lines in the Vqsges sector have been repulsed. torical statements contained in the words that all the statements regurdlng the NEAR THE OLD LINE A In every avenue loading to peace "Germany is no longer fighting for Cafson address, Mr. O'Connor com­ railway in tho beginning woro gossip. ' As the battle stands today, the British appear to be quite near the old the formidable figure of Sir Edward Belgium or Alsace-Lorraine, tiie paper This fact is known to Ambassador plains that while mentioning the al­ Hindenburg line south of Arras, while they are making an attack directly Carson stands Ijlocking the way, says. "But tor its sheer existence. >'rancls. Now that tho Intervention leged Sinn-Fein pro-Gorman plote. Sir against it along the Scarpe River. If the attack launched this morning Is Canada To Soon Take Steps Re­ Wlien Sir Edward Grey tried to pur- Great battles are going on. It Is a of the allies is an accompilshcd fact, Edward omits to mention that he and successful, it may have a determining effect on the course of the battle suade Gern\any lo desist from loosing battle upon' the' glacis of the fortress the Anjorican government has siip- garding a Permanent his assistants before tiie war, in farther south, for a German retreat over a wide section might be forced speeches and in newspapers, declar­ the dams, tliat have deluged the world called Germany. We alaiid alone and liorted tho Japanese lie. Policy have no help to expect from any one." and it would affect the Flanders section to the north, from which the ed that they would prefer the rule ot in blood, tho shadow of Carson prom­ Germans are said to be retiring. tho Gorman emperor to borne rule and ising a distracted and impotent Eng­ The military critic ot the Nieue "Accoruing to tho American stat6- Between the Oise and the Aisne General Mangin is pressing steadily tliat ho and his friends were supplied land, haunted and deranged the kai­ Courant ot Tho Hague, whose enthus­ nient the object of the intervention of Montreal, Aug. 26.—Hon. C. C. toward the western extremity of the Chemin Des Dames, Unconfirmed re­ from Germany with fifty thousand ser's judgment. iasm over previous German victories the allies '.s to help the Czecho-Slov- Ballantyne, minister of marine and ports have been received in the American lines along the Vesle that the rifles which "they still hold tor the When the British people, in elec­ h^d been noticeable, thinks it poss­ akn against risings of German .%nd Aus­ fisheries, on his return from Great enemy is withdrawing north of that river toward the Aisne. purpose, now as before the war, of tion after election, signified their de­ ible that the Germans may be force'tl trian prisoners of war. Thin ia a lie, Britain, stated that'the overseas making war upon an act of the Bri­ sire to give Ireland and England to the Rhine it MarshaJ Foch does not GAIN OF SIX MILES . Just as, was the Japanese st.ateinent visit of the cabinet ministers had tish parliament." peace.
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