""BrassBand Brid OlficialJoumalofthe NorthAmerican Brass Band Association, Inc. December1 998 lssue 74 FALIJVI/INTERISSUE 1 998 lnsidethis issue. President'sPodium BrassBand News + Programs BrassBand Recordings + Book Reviews MoreBackio Basicswith Nick Hudson SummerBrass Band Festivals FurtherDetails for NABBA99 MangerMusikklag in Chicago The Bestof BrassBand Literature SpecialAnnual NABBA Pullout Feature Haveyou checked the web page recently? wwwnabba.otg EditorialStaff OfficialJournal of the Colin W. Holman,Edilor The Brass Band Bridge N,4BBA NORTHAMERICANBRASS BANDASSOCIAllON,INC 3l JosephLan€ Foundedby J. PerryWatson in 1980.Theviews expressed by contribulorsare GlendaleHeighls, lL 60139 not necessarilythose of the NorlhAmerican Brass Eand Association, Inc. Telephone(630) 665-421 3 CopynghtO 1998by the NorthAmerican Brass Band Association, Inc. E-mail colin.w.holman juno. €t com Allrighls reserved. TheBrass Band Bidgewelcomes news, communications, photographs (preferably blackand white), newadvertisers and scholarlyarticl€s onallaspects relalinglo, and GeorgeFoster, Productlon Support lor lhe benelitof brassbands in NorthAmerica. Scholarly include 619Downing Rd articlesshould lootnotesandbibliography where appropriate. Materials may be edited torinclusion, Libertyville,1L60048 andmay be submitt€din writing,via e-mail, facsimile or on 3.5'lloppydiscs (lB[,4 T€lephon6(847) 367-7961 compatible,if possible, please). P!blicalion and advertising deadlin€s arethe 1sth Fax 367-7240 lA47) of January,April, July and October. E-mallgfosibb @ wwa. com Ron W. Holz, Now Fecordlng/BookRevlewer AsburyCollege Music Department Wlrnore,KY 40390 As I put this issueto bed atterthr66 lheregular rcviews of music and record- T6l6phone(606) 858-3511, En.2246 yearsol edilinglhe magazine,it's been ings,the annualpullout teature and re- Fax(606) 858-3921 goodto see the publicationdouble in porls on festivalsand concerttours. E-fiail rcnald.hol z @asbuy. ad u size and mainlainthal substanc€ NickHudson conlinues his suggestions throughoutlhelast twelva monlhs. This onbasic olomenlsol brass band pertor- has comeabout b€cause bands and manceand Ron Holz provides sometips Maro.Thomas H Palmatler, lheirmembeB have become more pro- lor thoseol yousliilpouring overscorcs Advgrilslngllranager aclivein thesharing of inlomation,and makingdecisions lor ownchoice male- 210 PottawatomieSl music companies ate moro supporiive of rjals in preparalionslor NABBA99. L€av€nworlh,KS 66048-2049 lhe rolebrass bands play in lhe musical Tw€nlyor mor6bands will be descend- Telephone/Fax(91 3) 772-81 74 lileof North America. Consequently, w6 angon Chicagoin lateAprilto participate E-mail [email protected] havemore adverlising and more music in the lestivilies,and thereis a short materialsto revi€w, Our r€adorship has updateon preparalionstor this event in increasedsigniticantly as th6 r€sullol lhis assug. Bert L. Wllsy NABBABoard l€adership, ol n€wbrass NABBAM6mbershlp Chalr bandsforming (often on th6 impetusot Forthos€ol you(probably everyone) in P.O.Box2438 oneof the lestivals sponsored by NABBA). th€ midslol seasonalmusic prepara- 798Pressley Cr. Rd Thisisallwelland good fora growing and tionsas you receivethis issue,I wish Cullowhee,NC 28723 heallhyorganization. But I cannotem- you a blessedtme ol music-making Telephone(704) 293-7469 phasizeand rcinlorce Tom Palmatler's logether.I willbe otl to myhomeland lor E-mail bemel@ wcu. canpus. nci. net callenough to tell publishers, inslrumenl a coupleol weeks,probably lo listento manutaclureEand music retail outlels some brassbands, but mostlylor a thatyou've seen thair ad anthe Bddga. holidayand some rest (hopef ully!). when Cpi. Beth Sleolo No-onewants to seethe costol mem- I relum,NABBA 99 will be sta ng usall NABBACont6sl Controller bershiprise (even lhough it's a bargain in thelace (rather than brealhing down (joinllyfor 1998-99with Bon Holz) comparedto manyolher profossional myneck as it is at presentl).lhope I arn U.S.AmyBrass Band music organizations and societi6s) bul it ablaio seeyou all th€rel 204Lee Avenue willb€ inevitableif we donl supporllhe Ft Myer VA 22211 Bndgoadverlising reven ues from m usic Happyreading and best wishesfor your Telephone(703) 696-3647 companies, upcomingbrass band aclivities. E-mail SteelebC, FM MC. amy. mil Thanksto all of you who have sLrbmitted ColinHolman, Editor mate als Jorthis i6suewhich includ€s December1998 TheBrass Band Bridge '1999 My hopefor NABBAin is lhatwe thatwewilldo our very besl to make this Also,please note some adjuslmenls in canhave the bestconference we have an etlicienl,fair contesl,with well-pre- the lengthol CD revjewsdue lo lhe everhad, onelilled wilh excellenimusic, paredjudgos who communicatetheir overwhelminggrowlh in the numberof excellent per{ormances, great findingsclearly to each bandso that submissionswe have received.Con- comraderie,and a contestmarked by NABBA1999 does whal it is inlendedto gratulationslo all NABBAbands that mutualsupporl and encouragement.I do- improveourbandsandenhancelhe representour associalionon lhe first hopeour Soloand EnsembleConlest brassband movementin North America NABBA98 HighlightsCD, reviewedby evenexceeds the limitsof Lexington, RonaldWaiksnoris in lhis issue. especiallywilh the additionot percus- ldo nothavea grealdealmore to sayin sionensembles. thiscolumn, olher lhan to poinlyou lo Havea wonderfulHoliday season and I the Contesl1999 Update article, which wish you lhe very best in your musc lhopeourbandscome into Chicago the shouldprove helpfulto allour member- makingin 1999. Se€ you in a lew bosl prepar€dand lhe best€ducated shap.Please abide by lhe deadlinos- monlhsl aboutthe entirecompelilion process - bothlor nai€rials/applicationsand lor whylheyare doing it, whal they hope to bandand individual membership ren€w- RonaldW. Holz,President gainlrom lhe €xperience.As co-Con- als, trollerwilh Belh Steele, I plsdgeto you .1tr" .,,.... Andyou thought our selection Unbelievable!. OARPNCES AREMAGICTOO! For theworld's largcst roLLFREE I. 8 OO.34 8.5 O03 selectionof brasswindinstruments and LOCAL accessories,ready for immediatedelivery.... ild-wflrDlulJ\ttf Call ustoday tbr specialprices or a freecalalog. ail'rBfiAS$WilID rhew@dwnd& rheBdsswind Weperform...so lou canpeibrm! 19330stale Lme Rd southBend,lN 46637 TheBrassBandBridgeDecember'1998 WallyOst of the BrassBand of Minot TheTriangleBrasg Band (MichaelVotla) of Gaylord,th€ Northern Michigan wdtesthatforlh€ socondyearthe NABBA is in tho processol acqukinga com- BrassBand has setthetentative date ol SummerBrass BEnd Camp was held pletelynew set ol instruments(lax-de- January16, 1999lor its debutclinic al the InternalionalPeace Gardens lo- duclibiedonations gratolully being re- under lhe direcllon ol Dr.PaulDroste o{ catedon lhe Us-Canadaborder near ceived!)andconsequ6ntly will be donat- the BBC. Tho clinicwill takeplace in DunseithND. Dr PaulDroste relurned ingtheir preseni inslruments to theTrF Gaylordwhichwillalso be home baselor as gueslconduclor. The lnlernalional angleYouth Brass Band. A seriesol lhe band. Aren reporlshe has once MusicCamo host€d over 2800 musi- smallensemblesdrawn from lheir mem- againbeen overwhelmed bythe ground- cianstrom 34 states,5 Canadianprov- beFhip playedsev€ral summer con- swellofexcilem€nl coming kom through incesand 15 other counldes. The sum- certsand lhe band resumed lill rehears- outnortheln (lowe4 Michigan and hopes mercafipis divided into I sessionswith alsalter Labor Day. to bringthal excitemenilor showingin lheBrass Band Campb€ing apart ol the lhe Opencategory ot NABBA1999. adultsession during the tinalweek of The Brass Bandof lhe Trl.Statehas camp.53 adults participated inthe 'l 998 recentlybeen accredil€d by threelocal TheCentral Ohlo Bra3sBand started brassband. The brass band perlormed collegeslormeetingthe requirementsof its 98-99season this Ocloberwith a asoarl oflhe finalconcert. lnadditionlo a collegelevel music class, Regisi€red numberof chang€sin parsonnel,We somestandard brass band seleclions, studentsat thes€schools are noweli- haveadded several new players aswell DrDroste led a doubletrio of double-b€ll gibleforone credil hour persemesterfor aslost a fewgood fri€nds. Mosl nolably, euphoniumsina specialpedormance of participalionin BBTSrehearsals and Dr. Paul Droslehas decidednol lo Echotyallz(Goldman). lvlembers olthe performances.Colleges presenlly in' continuein his role asco-director, Those ensembleincluded Dr Droste, Dr Daniel cludedin lhisprogram are;The Univer ot us whohave be6n around lor many Homstein(diredor, Brass Band of Minoi), sityol Kentucky'sAshland Communjty yearsappreciate the plelhoraol knowl- GordonTroxel (chaiman, BBM), Bob College,Morehead Stale Univ€rsity, and edge that Dr. Droslebroughl lo our Orlman(dkeclor ol bands,Glasgow, OhioUniv€rsjly. lt is anticipatedthat group.and we will misshis guadance. Montana),and DanielOst (Vanderbjlt othercollegeswillsoon beadd€d. BBTS Alongwith Les Susi, Tony zilincik, from University).The 1998Summer Brass membersarc very exciledabolt this the tubaseclion, will be our associate Bandcano wasa successand olansfor newprogram, ll encouragesyoung slu- conductor,Our rehearsals ihus far have the1999 camp include oxpanding to two denlsto parlicipaloin and leammor6 boensp€ntreading manypieces, includ- brassbands for musiciansol ditlerent aboulth€ rapidlygrowing brass band ing lsaiah40lo preparefor upcoming levels,a workshopfor organizingand lnovement,lt alsopromisaslo generate pertormancesand NABBA Competition. developinga r€gionalbrass band pro- a steadysupplyoftalenl€d
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