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(57 E w R www R T T GlasgowG Royalalla Buchanan T E E E rt H T T T T Darnley STS E E T Concert HaHallT Gallery E SAUCHIEHALL STREET E Galleryng E E R R R R E E E E T T T D Shopping H R R R R R REE S S e O nGlasgow T T T i T T T BA CentreCentr rst Shawlands O S S i S S @F W HANOVER H E E E S CATHEDRAL D D BBAATH STREESTTRREET D STREET P P P H L L City Centre H E T O O E TH L I I YYTH IE H H ILE I de L F F i N N Q BBL Queen N N NF onw rstGlasgow i Royal Infirmary eet NORTHNOR HANOVER i E WESTEST REGENTEGENT SSTREETTTRREEEE T WC StrStreet /F T T RE R Buchananucha ion nat S S ST ST eet Station NC ) E E StrStreet Red Road (57A W WE WE informat GG ) WESTWWEEST GGEOR EORGEGE STREETSTTRREEEET GEORGE Barmulloch (57 General travel RK CityC ST. VINCENT Auchinairn ChambersChChhamhaambers STT.. VINCENT STREET ST. VINCENT ST. PLACE SQUARE off Gallery ofo t Bus times from 20 August 2017 T T T T n Art T T E E E E E ModerModeModern Art E E E E E ETET E EE AM STRE R R R STREET INGR R R R R T T ON R T T T RD T T T GO E E T TR S S S S E E S T T R R R T T T E E T T T ET E E E TThe E E S E S E E E N N N TheT E E HD Princes N R R R TREET TREET R P P O O hthohth e R R A A AN STR AN T T T ST ST STREET T TR Lighthouse TR y T T T O O SquarSquare ar T T ra N N N S S S LibraryLibra G G H H S S S A A S D D N N ShoppingShoppi N N H HA H I I e R R R R O O N N L L C CentrCentre E E E N N S S E L L U L O O E E EEN E E E BUC B L LL I I SFO I I U H H W W SSFO N N C QU Q M M ASSFORD U U yle T ArArgyleg TC U Central t U GLASSFORD S GLASSFO GLASSFORD GLASSFORD reet STREET GLASSFORD H StrStreet H Station STREEEET ationatio ARGYLE StatioStation TTRTRORONNGGATE T T T T . E E E E T T och E E T T E E S S Enno . E E R R St.St Enoch R R R OSB OR N E T T E T STR R R RE S S E S N N E T T T T O O JB S ch S och S S . Enoch D D A StSt. Enoch T T L L C R R I A A HHOWOW Shopping E E ARD e A W W B B CentreCentr S S O O M OA L R R O O A L STRE LL J ET E BROOMIELAW W K C KWE TE C LYD C A V V E G O O E . E E S G ing W W T T T D nt E E R I i E E G G EE R O O S T S G G B G G D D ime of pr I I G G R R D D I I R R S S O O R R B B A A E E Accurate at the t B B L L G G Suspension G G CL Scan me Bridge River Clyde YDE A for more I S ion E TR R EETE nformat E PL. G T i CLYD O D T T CARCCA AARRL T I E E E TOON N PLA C R I E E PPLL A B CCEE V R R T T S S E E OXFORD ST C C REET 1 8 Mile R R T T / E E E E 1 4 Km. E E / M M R R R M M 0 T T T O O S S C C C 0 NORFOLK STREET E E G G eet D D I I R R BridgeBridg StreetStr B B Welcome aboard! Thanks for choosing to travel with us. We operate around 100 W e R services across Greater Glasgow that are designed to make s o t e a r Auchinairn,AAuchinaAuchinairn, d your journey as easy as possible. h ili WoodhillWoodhill l l DENS Weesster ED RD. We L sterh A C il l •Timetables Pages 3-20 and 24-41 . R 57 57 W Route Map E oao a O VEV d A • Route Pages 22-23 OOD e D S Inside back cover nunu H U e I v GGUS Meen L nti A N eth L • Customer services Back Page A RRO L d O E aad D o D T RRo AAD n RIR H irrn D aai I A iinaiinn V chch M u E AuA Your latest timetable updates: AuchinairnAucchinairn AAuchinnairn, Auchinairrn Road 57 Service 57 revised to operate between Silverburn and Auchinairn, AuAuchinnaairrnn Roaadd N Auchinairn Road via Darnley on a revised timetable. LittlehallLitttlehall O A R Balornock East, c R T A GGolfolf CCourse r 57 e O H Wallacewwell Road Service 57A revised timetable introduced. d A G y D A S k T t StobhillStooobbbhhhiiilllll e a E D n R A d For Westerhill, see service 87 timetable HoHospitaloossspppipititttaaall O o a d R b urn Road L L EEL BBaBalornockaalalolooornonockockk WWEWEL E C ACA L R L y Save money! A D e RobroystonRobroystonn W A h O i 57 l Park R l E Y Y Y t. Y We have a wide range of tickets for city, local and network-wide S R R R R e R Campsi Barrmuullocullochchch B o R a travel.Download our mTickets app for some of the best savings! O d O M SpS FFI p I A E E 577 rinr d L FirstDay – enjoy unlimited journeys all day in your chosen i D n ROADR g R gbug R O e O A b D E f A a u y zone. D a u D w r S tor n arkrk t l AvAvonsp . o d M R R Red Roado ooad 0 FirstWeek – enjoy unlimited journeys all week in your chosen d a 8 BarnhillBarnhill . AD d RO IILLL M RRSSH zone. PETETE Flexi-10 – 10 single bus trips. D A O ROAR 5-Trip – 5 single bus trips. N R URNU Student tickets – even better savings for students. B d G RoadRoa N n IING to oystysst GlasgowGGlGlaGlasGlasglasgllasgowlasasasgaasgoasgowssgowsggowgowow R RoR M8M8 M PRP CaledonianCaleCCaCalaleleeededoedonedoniedoniaedonianddonianoniannninianianiiaianaann oto S rway Find out more at firstglasgow.com UniversityUnUniversniversiniversitniversitynivniveniveriversityiversityersityrsitysitysyiitttyy Baiirdrd St. Co wcwca Ren ddensden frfrew s . RRo t StStreete oadad et S h r tht r BuBuchaBuchanaBuchanan ere oro v o BuBus StatStationtion N RoyalRoRRoyoyaoyyalyaall Bath novn S a trtreeteet HaH InfirmaryIInfInnfirnfinffirmfirirmrmmarmamaryarryy CA Make Travel Easy, St.t. THEDRAL SSTRTREETEET Vinccen e T nt Sttr re . eett E UniversityUnivniviveivverveerserrsrssitsisityitytyy ofof T Queenen EEE S R StrStreeteeeeett StrathclydeStrSttratrratraataththcththchcclycllydlyydeyddee T BuchananBuchaB anaanana DuDukek N e STS Streetr Get The App. ee O t I StreetStreeetett E Innggram N N t Arg P StStr yle S eet e UNI tr U ree OPEO Argyleylyl e t rer H t Glasgowa StreetStreeet S h CeCentral TrTrono g nga i Broomielaw te H A St.S St.t. Enochchh er C Riv lyde EnochEnonoch ShoppingShShoppinh ppinpingpiningnngg CCeCenCentreeentenntrntttrre . N TT. eellso SST. Route of Service 57.57A n St. E No GGlGlaGlasGlasgowllalasaasgasasgowsg G rf B for continuationco oonontntnntintintitinininununuauauatuatiatioatitiotioniononn olk S D t. I TTeerminus Point to Kennishead Kennennnnnninnisninisnishishsheshheaheadeadadd R BridgeBridgBridBriBrBridgeidgedgedgggee CityCitCiC ttyy CentreCentre 57 B and SilverburnSilverberberburburburbururrn StreetStrStStrreeteeeeett see centrecentre pagess Produced by 13.7.17 www.fwt.cco.uk Silverburn / Kennishead – Auchinairn / Balornock 57 57A via Thornliebank, Shawlands and City Centre Mondays to Fridays Service Number 57A 57 57A 57 57A 57 57A 57 57A 57 57A 57 57A 57 57A 57 57A 57 Silverburn Bus Station — 0448 — 0518 — 0545 — 0605 — 0622 — 0640 — 0654 — 0710 — 0725 South Nitshill, Parkhouse Road — 0458 — 0528 — 0556 — 0616 — 0633 — 0652 — 0706 — 0722 — 0737 Darnley, Glen Moriston Road — 0502 — 0532 — 0601 — 0621 — 0638 — 0658 — 0713 — 0729 — 0743 Kennishead, Kennishead Avenue 0452 — 0522 — 0551 — 0616 — 0635 — 0655 — 0713 — 0728 — 0743 — Thornliebank Station 0458 0513 0528 0543 0557 0612 0622 0632 0641 0650 0701 0710 0720 0726 0735 0742 0750 0757 Shawlands Cross 0506 0521 0536 0551 0606 0621 0631 0641 0651 0701 0712 0722 0732 0739 0748 0755 0803 0811 3 Eglinton Toll 0514 0529 0544 0559 0614 0629 0639 0649 0659 0709 0720 0730 0740 0747 0757 0804 0812 0820 City Centre, Hope Street, Central Station 0522 0537 0552 0607 0622 0637 0647 0657 0707 0717 0728 0738 0748 0755 0805 0813 0821 0829 Queen Street Station 0527 0542 0557 0612 0627 0642 0652 0702 0712 0722 0733 0744 0754 0802 0812 0820 0828 0836 Petershill Road, Springburn Road 0534 0549 0604 0619 0634 0649 0659 0710 0720 0730 0741 0752 0802 0810 0820 0828 0836 0844 Red Road 0537 0552 0607 0622 0637 0652 0702 0713 0723 0733 0744 0755 0806 0814 0824 0832 0840 0848 Balornock East 0545 — 0615 — 0645 — 0710 — 0733 — 0754 — 0816 — 0834 — 0850 — Auchinairn, Woodhill — 0603 — 0633 — 0703 — 0725 — 0745 — 0807 — 0826 — 0845 — 0901 Auchinairn, Auchinairn Road — 0607 — 0637 — 0708 — 0730 — 0750 — 0812 — 0831 — 0850 — 0906 Silverburn / Kennishead – Auchinairn / Balornock 57 57A via Thornliebank, Shawlands and City Centre Mondays to Fridays (continued) Service Number 57A 57 57A 57 57A 57 57A 57 57A 57 57A 57 57A 57 57A 57 57A Silverburn Bus Station — 0739 — 0753 — 0808 — 0823 — 0840 — 0857 — 0912 — 0928 — — South Nitshill, Parkhouse Road — 0751 — 0806 — 0821 — 0836 — 0853 — 0909 — 0924 — 0939 — — Darnley, Glen Moriston Road — 0757 — 0812 — 0827 — 0842 — 0859 — 0915 — 0930 — 0945 — — Kennishead, Kennishead Avenue 0757 — 0812 — 0827 — 0842 — 0857 — 0913 — 0929 — 0944 — — 59 Thornliebank Station 0804 0811 0819 0826 0834 0841 0849 0856 0904 0912 0920 0928 0936 0943 0951 0958 then — 06 Shawlands Cross 0818 0825 0833 0840 0848 0855 0903 0910 0917 0924 0932 0939 0947 0954 1002 1009 —at 17 4 Eglinton Toll 0827 0834 0842 0849 0857 0904 0912 0918 0925 0932 0940 0947 0955 1002 1010 1017 these then 25 mins City Centre, Hope Street, Central
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