[DISTRIBUTED T O THE COUNCIL AND TO THE C. 38. M. 21. 1925 MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE.] L e a g u e o f N a t io n s G e n e v a , February 4th, 1925. S ubject L ist N o. 45 OF DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED TO THE COUNCIL AND TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE DURING JANUARY 1925. (Prepared by the Distribution Branch.) Armaments, Reduction oi (continued) Statistical enquiry Expenditure, National, for 1924 and following years L etter dated June 27, 1924 from Secretary- General to States Members of the League, quoting relative resolutions of 4th Assembly and 29th Council Session, and requesting information as to what action Governments proposed to take with regard to the recom­ Admissions to League mendation contained therein See : MEMBERSHIP OF LEAGUE Reply from the following State : Greece C. 14. M. 9. 1925. IX Albania (C. P. C. 123) Appeal to Council under Articles ra and 15 of Cove­ nant, by Assembly, League Letter dated December 24, 1924 from Serb-Croat- 5th Session, Septem ber-October 1924, Geneva Slovene Government (M. Nintchitch) replying to 2nd Committee to accusations contained in the Albanian Govern­ ment’s telegram of December 18, 1924 making Minutes of Official Journal, Special Supplement No. 25 C. 7. M. 3. 1925. VII Austria Armaments, Reduction of Financial situation of Arms, Private manufacture of and traffic in Commissioner-General Convention concluded September 10, 1919 at St. Germain-en-Laye, for th e control of trade R eport (22nd) dated October 30, 1924 by Com­ missioner-General (M. Zimmerman) for period in arms September 15 to O ctober 15, 1924, together Convention to supersede with seven relative annexes Conference, International, May 1925, Geneva Official Journal, 5th Year, No. 12, p. 1814 Letter dated January 8, 1925 from Secretary- (C. 612. 1924. II) General to States which have not replied to his letter of October 9, 1924 announcing convocation of this conference for May 4, 1925, enum erating the States which have signified their willingness to attend and asking whether the aforementioned Go­ vernm ents will take p art in C. L. 192 (a). 1924. IX Committees and Commissions, League Place of meeting of Letter dated January 8, 1925 from Secretary- General to States which have replied to Letter dated January 6, 1925 from Secretary- his letter of October 9, 1924 announcing General to Chairmen of League Commissions convocation of this conference for May 4, transmitting the 5th Assembly resolution 1925 and enumerating States which have urging the necessity for holding in Geneva signified their willingness to attend of all meetings of League Organisations C. L. 192. 1924. IX C. L. 189. 1924. X S'N. 175 (F.) + 125 (A.) 2-25. Imp. Sonor. 2 — Council, League Investigation in the four States subjected to investi­ gation by Treaties of Neuilly, St. Germain, Trianon and Versailles Organisation with a view to exercise of right of Letter dated December 8, 1924 from Hungarian Economic Weapon Government (M. Netoes) announcing that Covenant, Article 16 regarding both procedure adopted by Council for deter­ mination of rules for investigation and the Protocols of four amendments adopted by 2nd Vn regulations for the exercise of the right of sembly investigation cause its apprehension and setting Ratification by Greece of three of forth the reasons therefore Note dated January 29, 1925 by Secretary. C. 17. M. 12. 1925. V General announcing deposit of instrument of (C. 807. 1924. V) C. L. 7. 1925, y Economics and Finance Letter dated December 12, 1924 from Council Arbitration Clauses (M. Mello-Franco) to Hungarian Government, Protocol opened for signature September 24 1923 replying to its letter of December 8, 1924 at Geneva, on regarding Adhesion of Rhodesia, Southern, to C. 28. M. 18. 1925. IX Note dated January 5, 1925 by Secretary- General announcing C. L. 187. 1924. V 32nd Session, December 1924, Rome Statistics Summ ary dated January 15, 1925 of work of Bulletin, Monthly, dated December 1924, of Monthly Summary, Volume IV, No. 12 Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, 5th Year, No. 12 * D Finances, League Budget, Permanent Court of International Justice I 6th Fiscal period (1924) Transfers in budget for Note dated January 20, 1925 by Secretary- Disputes, International General notifying the approval by the Court! on January 13, 1925 of transfer of sum! Pacific settlement of from Item 26, “ Tra velling expenses of I Temporary S ta ff” , to Item 23, "TravellingI Protocol recommended October 2, 1924 by 5th As­ expenses of Registrar on duty away from I sembly, for the Court ” C. 21. M. 14. 1925' x Signature by Finland of Frontiers between Czechoslovakia and Poland Declaration made December 18, 1924 by Finnish Government on occasion of its signa­ Frontier in Spisz (Jaworzina) district, Fixing of ture of the Protocol, giving its interpre­ Resolution adopted September 5, 1924 by Con-1 tation of certain provisions of Protocol ference of Ambassadors deciding that this parti of the frontier shall be traced byr the Délimita-1 L etter dated January 2, 1925 from Secretary- tion Commission in accordance with the opinro|! I General to States Members and Non- of the Council of March 14, 1924, noting the I Members of the League, quoting Protocol of May 6, 1924 and deciding that the f latter shall be binding upon the parties as from C. L. 190. 1924. V the moment of delimitation of this part of the 1 frontier and independently' of the entry uito force of the Protocol (C. 531. M. 144. i 9j 4 aI1^ | Erratum ) Documents, League Text, French, issued January 5, 1925 w ith correct numbering of pages List, Subject, (No. 43) of documents distributed to Council and States Members during November 1924 C. 531. M. 196. 1924 VII C. 729. M. 252. 1924 Distributed lo certain States onlv. Intellectual Co-operation (continued) Instruction in schools regarding aims of the League L etter dated O ctober 19, 1923 from Secretary- General to States Members, quoting and drawing G their attention to resolution adopted September 27, 1923 by 4th Assembly recommending (C. L. n o . 1923) Germany Memorandum dated December 1924 by Secre­ Control, Naval, in tary-General summarising replies received from Letter dated January 6, 1924 from Conference May 18, to November 15, 1924 to of Ambassadors (M. Masigli) announcing disso­ Official Journal, 5th Year, No. 12, p. 1812 lution on Septem ber 30, 1924 of Inter-Allied Naval Commission of Control and forwarding copies of final reports (not reproduced) dated Publications, International exchange of January 15, 1923 and September 30, 1924 of this Commission Convention concluded March 15, 1886 at Brussels relating to international exchange of official C. 15. M. 10. 1925. IX documents and scientific and literary publications Adhesion to L etter dated October 28, 1924 from Secretary- General to Belgian Government requesting it, in accordance with decisions of Assembly, H Council and Intellectual Co-operation Com­ mittee, to lend its good offices to obtain partial adhesion to this Convention, provided for in the relative resolution of Committee Health Organisation of Experts Epidemics Official Journal, 5th Year, No. 12, p. 1807 Report, Epidemiological, (Monthly or Special) of the Health Section dated January 15, 1925 Letter dated November 15, 1924 from Belgian R. E. 74 Government (M. Hymans) announcing, in (4Ü1 Year, No. 1) reply to Secretary-General's letter of October 28, 1924, its com munication of resolution of Hungary Committee of Experts to States which have adhered or have not adhered to above-men­ Financial reconstruction of tioned Convention and to its representatives Com missioner-General abroad with the request that latter urge upon Governments to which they are accre­ Report (6th) dated November 16, 1924 by Com­ dited the desirability of adhering to the missioner-General (Mr. Smith) for period October proposal of this Committee i -31, 1924, together with four relative annexes Official Journal, 5th Year, No. 12, p. 1808 Official Journal, 5th Year, No. 12, p. 1835 (C. 616. 1924. II) L etter dated November 1924 from Belgian Government (M. Hymans) to its diplomatic and consular agents requesting them to urge upon the Governments to which they are accredited, the desirability of adhering to the proposal of the Committee of Experts I regarding partial adhesion to this Conven­ tion Official Journal, 5th Year, No. 12, p. 1808 Intellectual Co-operation Bibliography U niversity Information Office Agreement concluded November 1924 between Bulletin, Quarterly, issued January 1925 League of Nations and International Institute Bulletin of the International University Information of Bibliography at Brussels regarding Office, 2nd Year, No. 1 Official Journal, 5th Year, No. 12, p. 1810 Letter dated November 7, 1924 from Secretary- General to the Director of the International Institute of Bibliography forwarding twro copies of above-mentioned agreement signed by Sec­ retary-General and requesting return of one J copy with signature of Directorate of Institute Official Journal, 5th Year, No. 12, p. 1809 Journal, Official Letter dated November 14, 1924 from Inter­ Supplement, Special, issued January 1925 to national Institute of Bibliography replying Official Journal, Special Supplement No. 25 to Secretary-General’s letter of November 7, 1924 and returning one copy of agreement with its signature Volume issued December 1924 of Official Journal, 5th Year, No. 12, p. 1810 Official Journal, 5th Year, No. 12 LN Labour Organisation, International Near East Conference, International, of Refugees, Armenian, in ist Session, October-November 1919, W ashington identity Certificates for Conventions adopted by Plan subm itted May 1924 by High Commis­ Ratification by Italy of one of sioner (Dr. Nansen) for issue of (C. L. 173. I9,^ Note dated January 17, 1925 by Secretary- Annex I) General announcing deposit of instrument Letter dated June 10, 1924 from Secretarv- of General to States Members and to certain C.
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