4/23/2010 9:06:22 AM 9:06:22 4/23/2010 1 2.indd Brochure Iland Wellesley visitwellesley.com The Yacht Kestrel - at the Yacht House Yacht the at - Kestrel Yacht The KM 1 0.5 0.25 0 of the World the of Mile 1 0.5 0.25 0 Islands 500 Extraordinary Extraordinary 500 Frommer’s Frommer’s 26 81 Landing Fineview Swan Bay Swan Island Park Island of of Collins T h o u s a n Thousand d One One I s W l a 12 n t d k r a R P S Point Vivian Point d d R Thousand Islands Bridge Islands Thousand w A t w o d n C G Park State a l h v g i H Boldt Yacht House Yacht Boldt e P e o e D l Oak St Oak Keewaydin State Park State Keewaydin S b o n c k n R ellesley Island ellesley W i d S h Narrows American a Bay c r R Island u O t Grenell e h t v e Alexandria Grenell r A P C S k a r t Swan Hollow Rd Hollow Swan B o l t o r r a u n y M A I v s e t d C G Municipal S R t h C e Alexandria Bay Alexandria l S o c 100 u d L r n n d t o a i u Isle t y l 1 n h a R M 9 d High St High W o d C 1 Island o Murray u n t R e e R t 1 d of 90-foot concrete and stone arches. stone and concrete of 90-foot d 0 u Cherry 0 n o a a l R s I y Bay d t connecting the two counties is a pair is a pair counties two the connecting s n R u Densmore Densmore t o s o r n St. Lawrence River Lawrence St. i State Park State C S The boundary at the International Rift Rift International the at boundary The C t u p m o d R k c o B R P a i R e d H r e Wellesley Island Island Wellesley a t Heart Island Heart e h pension span that rises 120 feet above the river. river. the above feet 120 rises that span pension e e r d R 100 b D u l r Boldt Castle Boldt C D connects to mainland Canada via a 750-foot sus- 750-foot a via Canada mainland to connects ld Course ld O - Tennis Island Tennis C C Islands Thousand connects Constance to Georgina Island. Georgina Georgina Island. Georgina to Constance connects r e t t P O o Harbor Island Harbor i n t N a t u stance islands. A steel arch measuring 348 feet feet 348 measuring arch steel A islands. stance r e C e 600-foot Warren Truss connects Hill and Con- and Hill connects Truss Warren 600-foot n Point State Park State Point t e r R ake Course ake L - d as part of a combination ticket to both attractions. both to ticket combination a of part as icnic P Canoe- islands before reaching mainland Ontario. The The Ontario. mainland reaching before islands State Park State C C Islands Thousand C l u r b H House shuttle boat to Boldt Castle and Heart Island Island Heart and Castle Boldt to boat shuttle House D e s o u DeWolf Point DeWolf Lake of the Isles the of Lake The 3,330-foot Canadian crossing touches three three touches crossing Canadian 3,330-foot The Eel Bay Eel C o u n tique Boat Museum, Clayton, NY. Take the Yacht Yacht the Take NY. Clayton, Museum, Boat tique t y Island R o u 1 t 9 e 1 Fairyland United States United Boldt family era are on display courtesy of the An- the d of courtesy display on are era family Boldt sion bridge that rises 150 feet above the river. the above feet 150 rises that bridge sion estminster Park estminster W 81 R Canada d n siding, windows and roof. Antique boats from the the a from boats Antique roof. and windows siding, and Wellesley Island is a 4,500-foot suspen- 4,500-foot a is Island Wellesley and l s R I i d g s repairs to the enormous bay doors, façade, shingle shingle façade, doors, bay enormous the to repairs e s A St. Lawrence River between the US mainland mainland US the between River Lawrence St. o r v e C over the past several years. Projects have included included have Projects years. several past the over The crossing over the American Channel of the the of Channel American the over crossing The State Park State ments by the Thousand Islands Bridge Authority Authority Bridge Islands Thousand the by ments US Interstate 81 and Canadian Highway 401. Highway Canadian and 81 Interstate US Mary Island Mary Grandview Park Grandview House has undergone many repairs and improve- and repairs many undergone has House tem provides direct connection between between connection direct provides tem W United States United Border Stations Border a t C e R d r d o n r s a d R l s o n s s I Hill Island - Canada - Island Hill 1000 islands 1000 as well as quarters for crew and staff. The Yacht Yacht The staff. and crew for quarters as well as Canada ering a distance of 8.5 miles, the bridge sys- bridge the miles, 8.5 of distance a ering State Park State and formerly housed a shop to build racing boats boats racing build to shop a housed formerly and aterson Point aterson W York, to Ivy Lea near Gananoque, Ontario. Cov- Ontario. Gananoque, near Lea Ivy to York, york r o y w e n measuring 128 feet long. The building rises 64 feet feet 64 rises building The long. feet 128 measuring from Collins Landing near Alexandria Bay, New New Bay, Alexandria near Landing Collins from dous house boat were accommodated here in slips slips in here accommodated were boat house dous The Thousand Islands Bridge system extends extends system Bridge Islands Thousand The d n a l s I Island. The Boldt family’s three yachts and tremen- and yachts three family’s Boldt The Island. be seen from the north side of Boldt Castle on Heart Heart on Castle Boldt of side north the from seen be the USA and Canada and USA the Boldt Yacht House, located on Wellesley Island, can can Island, Wellesley on located House, Yacht Boldt Scenic Route Connecting Connecting Route Scenic Wellesley Wellesley Shuttle to Boldt Castle Boldt to Shuttle Thousand Islands Bridge Islands Thousand Boldt Yacht House Yacht Boldt Wellesley Island n e w yo r k - 1000 islands Welcome to Wellesley! This island for everyone has lush public golf courses, stunning attractions and quaint communities. Whether you're looking for a new camping experience, seeking a quiet cottage retreat or simply cruising into one of the many marinas, you'll find Wellesley to be a hidden gem easily accessible from both the United States and Canada. Wellesley Island visitwellesley.com Neighborhoods Camping & Parks Marinas Wellesley is comprised of five neighborhoods: Wellesley Island State Park is the quintessential Blue Heron Boat Works Westminster Park, Wellesley Island East, Tennis Is- camping experience: tenting, RVs, beaches, play- Specializing in building and repairing wooden land, Fineview and Thousand Islands Park. They’re grounds...it is an all-American park. nysparks.state. boats, this Westminster Park marina has seasonal spread across the island, with most facing the St. ny.us - 482-2722 or 800-456-CAMP dockage available, with 30-foot max boat length Lawrence Seaway shipping channel. and 4-foot draft. Launch ramp, storage and sales all available. Westminster Park Road. 482-4934 Westminster, Tennis Island and Thousand Islands Park all list themselves as “private communities,” Thousand Island Club and Horizon Marine meaning their is no public water or beach access. Regarded for its relaxing atmosphere, this marina is Of the group, “TI Park” is the most popular among tucked inside a protected natural bay on the east- visitors. With ample parking and shopping, the ern end of Wellesley Island. Within sight of Boldt community has much to offer day trippers and visi- Castle and across the shipping channel from Alex- tors. andria Bay. Docking, fuel, Internet access and ma- rine supplies on site. horizonmarina.com - 482-9956 Check nnymls.com for real estate listings. Weekly or seasonal rentals are also available on the Island. Wellesley Island State Park Marina Located at the island’s largest state park, the ma- Wellesley Island East/Westminster Park rina has transient dockage, 40’ max boat length, The eastern end of Wellesley Island has two com- 3’ draft, launch ramp, pump out, bait/tackle, rest- munities. Wellesley Island East refers to homes sur- rooms, showers and groceries. The marina rents rounding the Thousand Islands Country Club’s Lake DeWolf Point State Park is a quiet camping colo- canoes, fishing boats and engines. nysparks.state. Course. These homes are as “on-the-course” as you ny with great access to a popular fishing and swim- ny.us - 482-2722 or 800-456-CAMP can get. It is one of Wellesley’s newer home devel- ming area on the St. Lawrence River. nysparks.state. opments. Westminster Park is an older, private com- ny.us Wellesley Island Yacht Club munity at the far eastern end of Wellesley.
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