beirg very high grade, and containinng na- NOTES. short time ago. Now the men expect to LOCAL find emnbloyment in this vicinity during RIVER AND RAILROAD-. tive' silver in abundance. The vein yaries summer, when railroad in width from 7 to 27 feet, and is estimat- operations com- Lighted Steamers to Saturday's Daily. Five Electric ed toaverage 9 feet in width for its entire Fr-n been mence. Another Reduction!! have Nineteen pay accounts which Plow the Upper Big. Muddy. length. A lot of ore sent to the Toston for Lieut. The new city council will consist of the ,.ashed by contiding capitalists This Season. smelter last year went 163 ozs. In silver to thus far following members: First ward, Chas. G. Wilcox, 7tn cavalry have I. Rowe, T. P. Aspling; second ward,. John the ton. -. rned up. Grading on the Manitoba to Begin at Great Parties here from Neihart district say the W. Power, Chas. E.Conrad; Third ward, and be Pushed Eastward as for the building of Falls has made a splendid deal The contract T. A. Cummings, Tom. J. Todd; Fourth Rapidly as Possible. that Mr. Rotwitt In accordance with instruc- from Helena to Butte and that the mine is a veritable bonanza. :Fontana Central ward, Geo. W. Crane, Terence McCune. to Messrs. Larson, Keefe of development will be carried a:,been awarded These gentlemen are all well known and RIVER NEWS. Tho work of Helena. as is no tions from the head of our .,l Kirkendall. the council is well represented by excel- The steamer Rosebud commenced load- on as rapidly possible, and there the will one day Mr. E. C. Iield of Baltimore Md., lent men who will take an interest in all ing yesterday and will probably leave to- doubt but the lucky owners and Gros iel agent of the As:inaboine matters pertaining to the city government. day for Fort Benton. We may certainly realize fortunes out of their mining ven- House in New York, we have by his tnre. T. ntre I n'Iians, accomlpanied The RIVER PRESS receives every mail look for her on the 20th. Field, arrived on the Bil- aotherIlermaIi a number of letters requesting specimen The transportation company have The Manitoba's Progress. decided to make a l-a t evenusig. ,iv u oach copies of the paper and in many instances agreed that for certain rates they will de- this Ed. Smnithl loaded his mackinaw asking for particular information in re- liver freight here before the 5th of May. Col. Broadwater sat in his office yester- Point. ,>oritinat ancd pulled out l,,r Rocky gard to the country. We usually send Capt. Joe Todd, the "old reliable," will day, opening and digesting a stack of mail rhIe bmot was loaded with 6,000 Ths of oats, have command of the steamer Rosebud that had accumulated in his absence. He 25 the papers but do not always have the per cent Cut! the east on Sunday, and whenh;: it started was drawing ten time to answer so many correspondents. this year. Capt. Todd has been on the returned from for nearly twenty up the loose ends of his .hes of water. The oats are consigned The number of such inquiries just now is river, man and boy, was busy catching PIress Lewis. unusual and it shows that our town is at- years, and what he does not know about business. on ALL GOODS IN STOCK, no one can tell him. " Well, are you people going to iron the W,or(l has been received from .ir. Alex- tracting a good deal of attention on the the tortuous Missouri his He belongs to a steamboat family. His Manitoba by electric light?" asked the aader Galt stating that he has renewed outside. In a few weeks the RIVER PRESS father, Capt. John Todd, and his uncles reporter. to make room for the large :tirti to secure rights which will enable expects to issue a special.edition of sev- in to construt his road to Fort Benton, eral thousand copies which will serve an are all well known river men and. they "Hardly," was the reply. "There was But we are going :, his llorts are in a fair way to be excellent purpose in satisfying the wants have all secured a competence in the trade. nothing in that story. of this season. of the Missouri. It caused a pang to Capt. to lay rails as fast as possible and do work shipments ronWIl with success. of these inquirers and others in different Joe's friends when two years ago' he an- that has probably never been equaled for A lispatch was r•ceived to-day from parts of the country. This is the time for nounced a determinatioa to leave the river so long a distance. Work began on stating that a steamboat will Fort Benton to let her light shine abroad :iaIrek and engage in agricultural pursuits. He Thursday of last week, and it will be kept KLEEIN. benefited by & to-tnor- to the end that wer may be GANS that point for Fort Benton ;vhcU could not keep away, and last year he up continuously until trains run into Hel- FORT BENTO.N, M. T., 3d; which boat it will be was the incoming tide of immigration. row. April came up smiling as of old. Capt. Todd is ena. There are now 3,000 teams ready at March 24th, 1887. :,t a~sce.rtai ned.. This will bring the first Shipping Manitoba Material by River. the most popular captain on the river and the end of track to move at a moment's t,, I.'rt Benton not later than the .at. has more triends than any other steamboat, notice. That number of teams will be em- Mt", andI if Joe Todd is in command, Proposals for Military Supplies. Messrs, T. C. Power & Bro. are in re- captain that ever entered this port. ployed all summer. In St. Paul we fig- ST. PAUL'S CHURCH will hIe here before. This will beat the HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT ceipt of information from Bismarck which Capt. I. P. Baker, of the block P line, is ured out that the number of men who will OF DAKOTA, ;.,rrI.l of early arrivals by at least nine OFFICE CHIEF (QUARTERMASTER. confirms the statements contained in our having electric light plants placed on four be actually and constantly employed in ST. PAUL, Minn., March 26, 1887. SEALED PROPOSALS, in trrpleare, subject dispatches last week. Messrs. Sheppard, more of the boats of the company in order construction work during the summer will to the usual conditions, will be received at It ha; been a practice heretofore for de- Winston & Co. have chartered the steamer this office,' or atithe offices of the quartermasters that no time may be:lost in laying up dark be 10,000. This, of course, will not in- ENTERTAIN MENT at the following pamed posts, an8d at Bismarck, Police, to leave ..:rtets trorn the Mounted Batchelor for the season to convey ma- nights as has been the custom heretofore. clude camp followers of all kinds, who -ON- D. T., and at HRlena,-M: T., until 12 o'clock noon • ; l "l' horses, arms, etc, on the 26th day of April, 1887. atwhich time and ntI he ports with terial and supplies to various points on There will be five electric lighted steam- will number a thousand or two more. places they will be opened in the presence of .! arrival ont thi. side of the line to as may be required. They have Tuesday bidders 'for furnishing and delivery of military on the river on the upper river this'year. This will make a big army of men march- Eve, April 12th, supplies during the fiscal year commencing July trrender every thing. A few days ago also been given rates for supplies which Commodore Power writes that the first ing steadily into the territory, with the At Masonic Hall. 1st, 1887, as follows: the Blackfoot .,eral de;erters come to will be needed at once, to be sent on the boats will load both oats and potatoes for trains following behind them." Wood, Coal, MHay, Straw, Corn, Oats, horses and arils Bran and Charcoal, igency and gave upl their early boats to Buford, Milk river and the seed. This will be good- news for our "'And you have no doubt that the trains or such of said 'supplies as may be required at :o agent Baldwin. The new law concern- Coal Banks. The Batchelor will start on ranchmen, as seed oats and potatoes are will be run in here over the Manitoba St. Paul and Fort Snelling, Minn.,. Forts Pembi- The entertainment will commence at seven o'clock na, Sisseton, Totten, Buford, Abraham Lincoln, the bringing of stolen property to this its first trip as soon as navigation Meade, Yates, Bennett, Randall Sully and Bis- .: mighty scarce in this section of the terri- next fall'?" with the enforced, when another marck, D. T., (Qpartermaster's depot); Forts :.rritory will be is practicable and take a load to tory just now. "I am as confident of it as I am of any- Keogh, Custer, Snaw, Missoula, Assinniboine, A:,tlit o0f deserters makes its appearence. Buford; the next trip will be to Milk riv- FAI- DRILL, Maginnis, Camp Poplar river, and Helena, M.T.. The engineers will probably be here on thing that has not come to pass."-Inde- Sioux City, Ia., and Camp Sheridan, Wyo. rm Monday's Daily. er, and another to the Coal Banks; the boat one of the first boats.
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