< /9 L il JL.', s t & ination OUT C* tT COVERING THURSDAY MATAWAN BOROUGH AND I'HE Home TOWNSHIPS OF MATAWAN, MARLBORO, AU Week f& r f l . V J I U t l U HOI.MDEB, aud MADISON N ational NeWHp.iL'tr A ssociation M em ber 98th YEA R — 36th W EEK M e m b e r MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1967 New Jersey l’roj^. As.<c*pl,tfloa Single Copy Tan Coats Equipment Displayed By Matawan Firsi Aid And Resaw Squad j Consultant " ' ' m t ihmkokscjsw ' Special Survey For i 1 Oh the iviyitJt* Avo, ^ t:r.\v(>;*U e n d a K -6 cle- i ha »i on the n o rth sici^ of i i oft I l‘*yd Rd. whovo tha ilii u nu ul Ihti t.lOV'J ftd. .> ii-.vv nearing completion. \ )n ;ru ni^-uiWeis, flerbcrt S. And he'bcrt r\dv‘r, oppoiei ivhoi* the hoard acted i January, soe^ht lo i ir^viviniiveil \o the voter a ild be sn v o d " by I f ho'ithn^ credit iivail- Cued Views in**T id/a that tin* plana ! dcteatid in the fatt v. revised on th<* Iv^r: of Ihdts Va es i leconnnc-sdnlions Dr. 4 ' "il in tu jiut thi build­ ; um'er •>ay e.'i'hr'ut ;•»> umeommiran! to ho-J- A ami nation eop.btt uetion rcferen^ \mcent C. DeMaio. Vau* Pictured above nre the ambulances and crush truck of the Matawan first Aid and i ncncles arise. Supplies and eijmpmcnt earned un tin it vvlucU-s arc 1 b for ti>- b<ja:d. ruled Rescue Squad. These vehicles are available any time of the day or night when enter- > public donations. Die .Sijuuil is currently conducting its annual lima iti iv nm'./i;* \h at ttie st»tuie its r i hen a bunding prt.>- ovoii hy the voters, Pupil Registration S u n s h o v k ill's; in? s‘r;ct I'div.’it'nef' to iral and en^ineeiins? Employee Pay Raises Proposed itouo/iU t u ip The annual kindergarten resit- id sue strut lures rlesi^ned Iratlun for Marlboro Township Blvd.. iMad^xn hm nsnip. was the proceeds t>t th» chlldrcq will be held In the audi­ saved from possible drowning !«*rulay when ;m oft-diuv police­ torium at the Central School i»e.\la;o ttd.ded th Jt the Thursday, Mar. 16 from I to it In Township Salary Ordinance man dove into Uu> cold water* of d (/i p j ”e fulir) a.m. At (hit time, all children Sunset Lake alter M;\.»n hud who ar« to enter kindergarten In fatten (hmvi^h the ice. September, will be registered. Salary Increases ranging from collector of water accounts, $3209; j Ham Schuchart reported tha town- ' J a r k K ennedy, tu, oi ii.n Hilltop To enter kindergarten the fol­ $250 to 1750 for regular municipal magistrate, tiSOO, up $500; court 'ship has leased a strip oi! Kind ftd- , Blvd., w as with R ry au when tlie lowing rules and regulations ap­ employees arc included In an or­ clerk. $??GQ, up $100; water plant I lucent to tho Gerard Ave. reeiva- ; accident took pLu'v hut was able i.tllll.R A. FO^TK« May Rename. ply: A child must be five yean dinance Introduced by tho Matawnn operator, $GC00. up $500; health in tion sit** from the radroud for $1 ! lo scramble out and summon aid nn or before Oct. II, 1967; Township Council Monday night. spector, $2900; building inspector, a yem. A fence will be o ieu ed on . help. Patrolman John Slender, ic ta o i'-u -i 1 l!;e ?o-ie < \ heme tar.c'. the tiaet. sicl. bU>;i<‘ li-.- urn **MU M j! birth certificate must be present­ Tha ordinance providing that sal­ $.1000; deputy building Inspector, j who had just computed h:s tnur V.\ ‘ \ Care ('enter ed; proof of vaccination; Immuii- aries will be retroactive to Jan. 1. $1250; secretaries to hoards nnd Mr. Schueluut reported inspee- i of duty, rode tt> the lakeside with Soueht 1.: liatlou against polio; nnd DPT is scheduled lor a public hearing commissions, $300; registrar of vi­ tions mio bein'* m ade bv township ' Patrolman Joseph VnpoJi. r h L< shots must bo shown. M ar. 20. tal statistics, $G00; welfare diiio utilities* officials on the Oak Shaded 1 Atter an unsuccessful aiiempi I It Is v e ry Im p o rtan t that all Salaries were sot as follows: tor. $2900; township physician, $200; wa;er problem. Mr. Siluithnrt ; to reach the buy with a rope, pupils planning to enter tha kin­ township manager, JD,2j 0, on In­ assessing clerk, $.>350; deputy mu* stated that the Oak Shades area ! Slender stripped lo thi* waist, dergartens of Ihe Marlboro Town­ crement of $750; tux collector, nfcipal clerk, $*000; clerk typist. may be helped bv extending th^ ptuiv;e*l Into tbe water, nnd r»-v ship Public Schools In September 13450, up $450; treasurer, (120(1; $240(1; accounts clerk, $ 1000; assis­ water line* down l!o \d Hd. ki*v* j. cced »h.* bo}. I ho pan were be registered at this time In or­ tax search officer, (250; tax as­ tant tax search officcr, $250, nnd port Borough Council has nontax! j (rented lor exptm»re ;«f Perth der Ihnt classes arc properly sessor, $3100: township clerk, senior accounting clerk, $M50» up (co'Uinued on page four\ I Amhoy Hospital and released. scheduled, Russell R. Wright, J5950, up $150; assessm ent search $450. superintendent, noted. officcr, $150; cicrk of cleUlcn, }Wft; In a letter directed to the count'll tho Mato Division of Motor Vehicles gave its approval of an oidimtnce tn fix thti speed limits tm tour mn- Discuss Federal Aid jor gtreWs In the townVmp. I h e j , Nlsttiitfil *i; CJ c« M f | !,! ;n> in' r It,. -U i’l ' -i.i-;, i> U) h e n e l-il new speed limit.* include l.lovii ftd • ' 1 e- ' 1 i Joins Library Staff hi >.a:i':,i*-r'. ! ’ 1 iWMi-tiem t'd il .iji e|:«n I t«i M atawan Ave. «nd U m ieh Si. asH A film \ \\ " -- :.t im M a t a w a n have sn rn l limit* of 4'> miles; per- •_ pioptrtu»\ 'hnjXiMiOi. rm p!.-," I th m t“ 1 h>\-. ’! • tr a Vi -•h „ ,\ i "i.mv.-iI. — .hour. Tlie limit on Counts’ HJ. will t di>u.' . tln‘ \ arioa-. fedt uil ’Ih e hi!.- I ; - :,t!,: :s o \lden*1 TalL , |"M," 1,1 M- ' 1 \ !in r .'j I \.'t in w !.:• h thi thret' prnjt t ^ ,:i .,hu s if:-- The Friends nf the Matawan Itcc North Carolina. Mrs. VoU received ! >».’ iro n I hilvvmd Ave |V «»•«•;> I 1 I J ui>‘ i arr- nt!;. so u '!«'<-,■-.*<•>» -- li.ixvi-. }• ii:.i P ublb; U b rn ty Invths all t!» re.si* Iwr 11.A. from Duke I'mvctsitv, 1 !l,Kn HlM ? " " ■ ■.....’ ■ t t * . i . ■ , 11 • t ’ A\*e to f’oiite t-’ i Iih • l \ < tl a 'II !)•• fi .ih m >I ,i • ur.di’r th " I ! 11.»tv i m ' Rt ’scheduled dents of Mntuwan Borough nnd and .m ored there m literamie nnd , " 1 ’ ■ , M,Khrs ri..„,-,rl, v ,) „• ,, (ii t>U(il \. Di ll/. f 1 M i n a r v I d o t .t- '-i -\v i I • efl- li. • \S'*1,!.* 11; |j| v »,M Township tu join them In wcicom* fine arts. Unnn RiiiduMtioi, she | , ii.,- ■, tl, '• ,<i • „ .... s i ... th.* n •. \->»!s ’u n '1 mu Mrs. Sarah A. VoU, who has **r l> i. d 1. t;.»MI»u has .it'i*’ -d a ‘ Joined t h e - l A o I'niN ....v , ' ^ V;" ''." '''1 V , •»' 'i ............... ......... .strer.idliei',.'.^ jhi o « i'-<*fms *■; recently joined th* hbmiy naff. i.lbrjriei In the ik„. un.l nr- 'to have il.ei( ■- i.tiu! K.ulrn !«! ,,| ■'[ I d,i. to ;v:.ipm.- a ir- -t ; /. w>\n ^nn- he) • nt i- " ni uMfc U n n r e a iis tu atu l '.v !i«».<! Id . ■ ; v !* *• I1-, s ,i i.i it i Ini , , ".l .. 1 .. j,,.)!. f ' Thu FncnclH will hold a 'M en gulsltmn ilepnitment. I r . Mm , J,"'rv. « , !>«*.'**/*<**», I 'm n r Sx’p h V. iti ii*o v o u v d Oi.o "-..i’ , tm t-o »,..':v 11 ^ l ik VoU was nn the IHjiutv »lnit ut ! |tr,«k ths. ll-'. '».,• AM » i 1 < H e vind li* r worn w j s n o t con- Your Librarian N H’ on Mar. It) | 1||\ ,t' ! both the University ..f 'Rlihmond : ManaRet Wil- Jhi'fnas I*. hui:^-M-;i». tf m U< 1 1 1 1 '• ;v tn tin council but "!C» AIm > ':.-■ lit 'p W .tntu nf <’■ of st.1t" nnd ft d- r.il JK Arn.v I1- lilt n t l.i hi tl-l- >’i ;«'*> l 11> TT (tl i,|f . III! r«vl u t n n it nf t 'iv l.vxitdn and Ihe University nf f..nth Car.i dMisi U l;\ • Mat.- tt' I- , ftt d < O .O If"M ; ,1. • 1 . Ih- I\t Al-lrne i'l *n r-,i,th.*ri' i;v.-i 1 ft.^on ‘ n . e k m ............ih t v si-nr^ ima in cireulauon.
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