TTM Varsity Outdoor Ckb Journal VOLUME XV 1972 The Ihiveuib] ef $tttUh CoiumHa Vancouver, Canada PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE What is VOC? Some kind of a dream? I think so. Any new member will ask this question upon joining the club. One way to answer it is to become involved with the people in the club. You would have answered this question one way if you had participated in a trip such as McGillivray Pass, Rossland, Yoho-ho, Sphinx - any trip that requires weeks of planning and organizing. Some­ one who prefers to go to the cabin every weekend or only for the "big parties", or someone who likes the smaller weekend trips will have different answers. All are right and all give reasons for joining VOC again next year. Involvement to many is frightening - commit­ ment to a task means you are responsible for doing it. But how else do trips and other activities happen? I watched some members come in the fall, quite enthusiastically doing their one requirement and slowly fading and disappearing after Christ­ mas. Why? Because they didn't like our activi­ ties? Why then did they join the outdoor club? Because they didn't like the people? Impossible. A better reason could be that they didn't give VOC the time and the chance to show itself. They didn't commit themselves to taking the time and setting it aside for a VOC function - and missed out. I am sorry for those who join the club and say that they didn't get anything from it. But I am happy for the many VOCers who have gained and learned much. It is these people who have ma made: many friends, friends who enjoy the same ac­ tivities, lasting friends. I am even happier for those who can say this club has changed their outlook on life, or at least re-directed it; that has exposed them to -the adventure, the peace of mind; the enveloping, sometimes harsh, sometimes comforting beauty of the mountains that is so different from our daily existence. To me VOC is the training school, the gateway for what is to follow in my life. I would like to wish the best of luck to those who are graduating and will no longer be able to be active with this club. I know their years in the club will not forget them. I would also like to wish luck to those who will have the choice and experience of making VOC be as great as it has been for the past fifty- six years. ii V.Q.C, EXECUTIVE 1972-1973 President Murray Fierheller Vice-President Sue Bodie Secretary Julian Harrison Climbing Chairman Fred Thiessen Quart ermaster Moira Lemon Treasurer Erich Hinze P.R.O". Bob McMechan Membership Chairman Marvin Currey Archivist Andrea Harris Journal Editor Chris Temple Cabin Marshall Ian Cordey Ski Representative Alan McMllop P.A.R.C.Chairman Peter Jordan Membership Committee: Ellen Woodd Colleen Jervis Dave Lemon Rob Boyce Cabin Committee: Shiona Whyte Sue Macek Robyn Fierheller Grant McCormack Gary Mitchell Bryan Eraser iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page President's Message Murray Pierheller i V.O.C. Executive 1972-1973 111 GENERAL CLUB ACTIVITIES VOC Social Activities Sue Macek 1 Grad News (Gossip) Andrea Harris 5 Latest Hitchings 6 Goon Awards Eric White 7 Broken Board Award Eric White 8 ARTICLES Hunger on the Neve Sara Golling 9 Atwell-South Ridge- An Attempt Terry Rollerson 10 Singing Pass 15 Spetch Creek Ellen Woodd 15 Olympic Beach Traverse Andrea Harris 16 Black Tusk: A Sog Show 18 Sphinx Camp '72 Ellen Woodd 19 Remember the Elaho! 25 Roberts Creek Ron Cupit 27 Baker Observations Rolf Kullak 28 MT. Baker Julian Harrison 30 Asulkan Pass-Illecill- waet Neve Traverse Eric White 31 Fred Thiessen Cloudburst Mountain Gouin Barford 32 Yellow Asterbute Pete Gutzmann 33 Pasking Nowhere Near Mamquam Sara Golling 34 Mt. Churchill Rick Price 37 Mt. Baker Ellen Woodd 39 Mt. Baker David Lemon 40 Ruby Lake-Sakanaw Lake Traverse Murray Pierheller 42 Mt. Rogers-Rogers Pass Roland Burton 44 Lizzy Lake-Fraser River Traverse Sara Golling 45 Journal Articles of Summer Adventures• Fred Thiessen 51 Eric White Mt. TuoDer 9237' 55 Mt. Macbonald 9^92' 56 Little Yoho Valley 57 Mt. Sir Donald- Mt. Uto Attempts 57 Singing Pass Maureen Chepesiuk 58 Mt. Athabasca Philip Kubik 60 Sir Donald Roland Burton ' 61 Mt. Sir Donald Julian Harrison 64 The Seven Sisters Grant MacCormack - 65 Nahatlach Lake Andrea Harris 70 Tenquille Lake 72 Assinaboine 1972 Barry Narod 73 Dione Mountain Ellen Woodd 79 Church Mountain Ellen ,Woodd 81 Mt. Habrich 5600' Fred Thiessen 82 Bamfield '72 82 Skypilot Rob Boyce 84 The Strange Case of the - Oct. 7 Bamfield Trip 86 Mt. Sampson Ehleen Bohn 88 McGillivray Pass Brian Fraser 89 Mt. Brunswick Bob McMechan 90 Black Mountain Boogey Wallace Sibamac 91 Stawamus Chief 92 Winchester Sue Macek 92 Rock Climbing at Vaseaux Lake Fred Thiessen 93 Golden Ears Murray Fierheller 94 Olympic Beach Shiona Whyte 97 Culliton Creek Rob Boyce 98 Mt. Seymour Ellen Woodd 100 McGillivray Pass Xmas 1972 101 McGillivray Saga 102 Whistler Lux '72 Christine Bullen 104 Little Yoho Christmas Trip 1972 Mary Bussell 106 Little Yoho 1972 -114 Lake Lovelywater David Lemon 115 Singing Pass and Beyond Chris Temple 118 Silvertip 119 Climbing in Wales John Ranee 121 Attempt on the Schreckhorn, 4072 m Peter Macek 125 Tozeur Peter Macek 127 Funhog Expedition '72 Jeanie Fleming 129 The New Helm Creek Trail Barry Narod 130 Trails of Glacier and Revelstoke National Parks Fred Thiessen 131 Kluane National Park Moira Lemon 133 The Great Divide Trail David Lemon 137 The Great Divide Trail in the Rockies Gouin Barford 150 V.O.C. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Sue Macek Christmas Trip Reunion Due to Prank and Wendy's wedding being held at the Whistler cabin early in January , the Christ­ mas, Trip Reunion was to be at the end of the month. Road conditions caused the Whistler highway to be closed that weekend, and the party was cancelled. The Battle of the Bands was held at the following Wednesday meeting with all groups getting a small prize for effort (it's all they deserved). Square Dancing Aqua Soc invited all VOCers to a square dancing party the end of January. It was an "unofficial" party, but we brought our milk and cookies anyway to keep up our image. It was a great party with everyone learning to dos-a-dos and swing-your-partner. Swimming Party Only about half-a-dozen people turned out at St. George's School in February for swimming, but they enjoyed it tremendously, even managing to break a light or two during the free swim!? Open House and Chorus Line Although, like usual, there were few guests, Open House was a good excuse for a party. Dancing and singing lasted 'til early morning with the girls, of course, winning the Chorus Line. In the morning everyone set out to try their skiing skills on the Dam Downhill course set up on the Whistler Runs. 1 Banquet St. Patrick's day provided the setting for the Banquet at the Coach House, marking the end of the year. A delicious smorgasbord dinner en­ sured that everyone had enough to eat. Dr. Neal Carter gave a talk and slide show on climbing all over the world, before the showing of the photo contest slides and a presentation of awards. Af­ ter dancing until midnight everyone headed for Sue Macek's for an after-party and singing that lasted until about 6:00. Reunion Party The Reunion Party was a great way to start off another year with V.O.C. It was held again at Ross Beaty's- this year with the absence of Ross who was still working up north. While a lot of VOCers splashed and dunked everyone they could in the swimming pool, the rest occupied the kit­ chen and the den discussing their summer adven­ tures. The Salty Dog and the sing song never did get off the ground. People seemed more content to sit around and yak about the summer - a noticable change from most VOC parties. Longhike There has been a strong rumor that Longhike '72 was the best Longhike to date. It was held again at the Whistler cabin September 30 - October 1. Dinner was an extra special treat this time - hamburgers and potato chips. Dancing began as soon as dinner was over, with the Salty Dog (Friend) leading the way. It was good to see so many new members giving the famous dance a try. Granny Ellen made a few rounds on the dance floor, passing out her "hamburger patty cookies". It was a great joke - especially when someone took one! After the dancing the csjority of VOCers 2 stayed up for a singsong, trying to forget that in a few short hours they would be crawling out of their sack and heading up Singing Pass or Sky Pilot Hallowe'en '72 The Hallowe'en Party was held at the Whistler Cabin the Saturday night before Hallowe'en. There was a real Hallowe'en atmosphere in the cabin with all. the skeletons, cobwebs, and gigantic jack-o- lanterns around. After a delicious dinner of spaghetti and meatballs, the 'ol polkas and Salty Dogs (with the occasional Beach Boy thrown in) stirred up the VOCers enthusiasm and the timbers started their rhythmical beat to the music. Around 9 o'clock people started dressing up in their "Song Title" costumes. Then the costume judging began with Prank Baumann and Ford Cannon making little notes during the performances.
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