—tjwjaw'Wt'wm *,M;«I»K«« us,, wi • .ii i«PB)>»iwii<w.'»u»s**|WB|g**»**aaii^^ ^ .,»„.,» «j»i jointfiiiiil**!* , ~-, >^->«.r»*>*>t **«< 'WW" "*• m*mn»m^ n «t»M ' _ ! SB:.;: r> £ THE OHIO g ,^< L' • OHIO UNIV. TRUSTEE • --'-,' ^—v**"* Mil I K O 5ENTINEL i*» in 'ForA'Home HI TAKES SEGREGATION THE OHIO a *-» •»• C it Of My Own' c PITCH; ft VOL. 8, No. 19 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1956 ENTINEL 5 RANKLIN iounty has * bi*gf Story On Page 3 F problem to aolv* . there are many more Negro children in institutions then there *re po­ tential parents to adopt or board them. Currently, there are more than 300 Negro children—of all VOL. 8, No. 20 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1956 15 CENTS COLUMBUS, OHIO ages—needing tbe Love aad se­ curity of family living. Under leadership of tb* Coun­ cil of Social Agencies the Com­ mittee on foster home recruit­ ment has been formed. Thi* committee will conduct**** e*> tensive educational campaign te reach every potential adoptive or boarding home parenL f Your cooperation is needed te help give those children a nor­ • - IM mal home and th* chance to be­ come the useful citizen* of to­ morrow. ; See story elsewhere In this Story On Page 2 edition, f ^SS: -••-•;' ?i *. • * &*&& I •V MRS. ROOSEVELT WAS MET AT PORT Colum­ bus by large.delegation of Columbus and central Ohio' E We citizens. Standing next to her Is Artii Gray, 7th ward v-> **•> . — j Democratic committeeman, and at right is William Coler • • •: I man, state Democratic chairman. — — Lovely Lark From Hoosierville MRS. FDR CITY'S GUEST AUTUMN LEAVES MAKE A SUBDUED setting £ „ for striking, beauty of vocalist Nora Fae White, 85 3. JOIRST MAJOR STOP ON itinerary of Mrs. Eleanor Wheatland av. Since forsaking her native Noblesville, * Roosevelt when she visited Columbus last Saturday was Ind., for Columbus, lovely Nora has become vocalist for Poindexter Village public housing project, dedicated 1« the Don Tate quintet. She is employed at Engineer years ago by her late husband. Sentinel photographers Maintenance center and studies modeling at the Mar- "covered" the Poindexter appearance of Mrs. FDR along chelle school.—-Bill Carter Photo. with her arrival at Port Columbus, press conference at tha ANOTHFR PROMiNrwr pnimr* • cAne>» »,« peshler-Hilton and major address for the Stevenson-Ke- rv„ J Z.\? v. u . N7 P?I;I7IC«L LEADfeR AND businesswoman, Mrs. fadver ticket in Vets Memorial Saturday evening. Other Constance Nichols who introduced Sirs. Roosevelt to assemblage of several thousand photos, story Page 1 and elsewhere in this edition — at Poindexter. shakes hand of Mike DiSalle. Democratic candidate for governor, as Pierce Photos. A1KMAN THIRD CLASS Mrs. Roosevelt chats with Mrs. Elizabeth Smith. r Bonald Rickman, son of Or. and Mrs. John M. Burns, 1771 N. 5th st.. Columbu*. was re­ cently processed in the 2348th personnel processing group enroute to Korea. DR. HARDY I.ISTO.N. 87, president of Johnson C."Smith university, died at hi* home POINDEXTER YOUNGSTERS TAKE 'GRANDSTAND SEAT" FOR VIEW OF ROOSEVELT motorcade nosine fat left* on «wfw»t^« In Charlotte, N. C, late Satur­ Hon balcony behind sign calling attention to M «. FDR's appearance. At right: Crowd shot in f^t^!IStal«*t5ffili boildfi. •Allfal**- day night i<m^mma\\a\t\i§yknmifaajiaus%smmmm ^t'-X," PAGE 2 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY/OCTOBER 27. lflhf SATURDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1956 THJ0H1Q3ENT1KEL PAGB* ROSARY ADDITION CROSS BURNING CASE RESCHEDULED NOV. 13 Minority Group Worker Training Main Soul Saver Hi-Fi Festival I By NORMA WALL on the lawn of Mr and Mrs. hi* wif* and two children were Th* latter led te en FBI in­ subtler insults directed against m Offers Values A third continuation baa been George Lawson's home, 806 Jo­ the l-awsons, first and only Ne­ •lone at th* hoils*. vestigation. In Tax Jam i/ranteri m the cases of Clayton sephine av., in Rosary- Addition. • • • Subject Of Ohio Supervisors' Meeting gro family living in Rosary Ad­ Benjamin Richardson, 41, 713 Junes, 32, and his wife, Phyllis, • • * Campaign to force th* family dition. to move began soon after they SHERIFF'S OFFICERS inv**: Harrison av., Columbus, who SO, of 774 Josephine av., charged THE JONESES HAVE been A mob which gathered before came to the addition ia April. tigating th* crow burning re­ told the court his work for the with violation of a riot prohibi­ free under 1250 bond each since th* unpretentious frame cottage A civic association, formed the ceived little cooperation from past 25 years consisted primari­ tion act. Aug. 34. Sheriff* deputies found late one evening hurled • rock next day, had offered th* Law-. citizens In the area. Despite this ly of trying to save souls, and Most recent date set for the wood matching the type used in through a bedroom window, cut son* a horn* on Denbridg* way, opposition, an extensive investi­ not for money, was fined $20 and case, to be beard in county di­ the cross and a part of a can telephone wire*, poured gasoline in Eastside Columbus. gation was conducted. cost* Tuesday for failing to pay vision of municipal court, is of kerosene in the basement of on the lawn and set fire te it. city* income taxes. Nov. 13. their home. • • * The association held secret The offens* with which tho Although he said he had built Charges against them grew The cross burning marked vio­ LAWSON WAS ON vacation meetings to plot action against Jonese* have been charged is seven or eight churches in Col­ out of the Aug, 14 crocs burning lent culmination of a series off when th* incident occurred and them and went so far as to punishable by fines from 3500 umbus, he had hardly earned spread rumors that they were to $2000 and from tan te 10 enough money to support his Communists. , ear* in prison. wife and children, he told the court. FOSTER HOME RECRUITMENT FOR For that reason he had never filed any city or federal incom* report, he stated. Not having any record of m- PAUL SMITH COLUMBUS AREA BABES IN WAITING romc, a city tax agent estimat­ Door prizes, free record al­ ed Harrison owed the city $139. bums and a range ot VM con* soles and phonographs'will bo features of the Hi-Fi festival E. and S. Furniture and Appliances ATTENDING COLUMBUS CONFER ENCE were these minority group employ­ Rev. Dolby Is stages this weekend in Col­ ment experts. Seated from left: Elder R. Herring, BUC assistant administrator; Don­ umbus. ald Beatty, state supervisor; Roberta Church, national consultant; Chester Gray, Running Oct. 26-20, Gen Mgr. state supervisor; James R. Tichenor, administrator; E. Garfield Weathers, assistant Dead Following Paul Smith says the lineup ot manager, Toledo Employment Service. Standing: Amos Boyer, Columbus, Edward VM models tc/be displayed will THE Dickerson, Cleveland; Louis Gilespie, Columbus; William Muldoon, Columbus; Ralph be greater than any previously DAVID BOLL- Horning, Columbus; Walter Diehl, Youngstown; James Byrne, Columbus; Marguer­ Lengthy Illness offered Eastside buyers. INS FAMILY ite Hammond, Columbus; Mercer Bratcher, Akron; Maryellen Meredith, Columbus; URBANA.—Rev. Martha Dol­ "In addition to th* superb Paul Messmer, Columbus; Ralph Beason, Columbus; Ralph Rowland, Columbus; Ma­ by, pastor of Hill St. Church of sound of high fidelity, these TWO PROMINENT COLUMBUS ATTORNEYS, rion Smith, Columbus; Ralph Hammond, Columbus; Ellis Ross, Bridgeport. Not pic­ God, died in her home at 341 newest VM consoles are enhan­ Kay E. Hughes (left) and Edward C. Cox, are serving tured are William Bowman, Dayton, and Augustine Birch, Cincinnati. See story. Hill st Sunday at 3:45 p. m. ced by fine cabinets in a variety of woods," said Smith. on the Justin L. Sillman for Judge Committee. Sillman, Planning and programming Compensation's conference of Service program.** following a long illness. himself a practicing attorney in Columbus for 30 fears, for greater emphasis on need minority groups supervisors in "The Challenge — Keeping Her husband, Newton, preced­ An album of current tunes is seeking election to common pleas court judgeship at for training of minority group Columbus last Wednesday and Pace With Progress" was the ed her in death a few years ago. will be given free with every Nov. 6 election. i . Surviving ar* two sons, Rich­ phonograph sold during the fes­ \.htSsJm.' 1$n • workers to take advantage of Thursday. theme of the meeting, co-chair- employment opportunities In in­ James R. Tichenor, adminis­ «d by Donald Beatty and Ches­ ard and Theodore, of Chicago; tival. dustry and for continued efforts trator, Ohio Bureau of Unem­ ter J. Gray. four daughters, Mrs. Margaret E. and 3. will remain open to broaden acceptance and pro­ ployment Compensation, con­ Roberta Church, national con­ Williams and Mrs. Elizabeth until 0 p.m. Friday and S*tur«*** Long Lines Features mote upgrading on merit of vened th* group "to review our sultant on minority group*, Bu­ Carter of Chicago and Mrs. day and 8 p.m. Sunday. By EUNICE WOOD grandparents of four youngsters. and car*. That part qualified non-white* by employ­ services In behalf of minority reau of Employment Security. Lulu Honore and Mrs. Alta Many children arc doomed to They'll not miss the joy of fam­ enjoyed. ers wer* principal topics of Washington, wa* among guests Farmer of Urbana; 14 grand­ grow up in institutions. The ily life even though tbe rearing groups with a view toward "I always wanted to work Ohio Bureau of Unemployment strengthening the Employment attending th* conference. children and many nieces and only reason some of them will and education of their own off­ with children, either in nurs­ Columbus In 'Home Towns' nephews.
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