The. Town Manager 5500 Circulation in Teaneck Township Copyright, 1931, by Teaneck Taxpayers' League. VOL. II No.1 SEPTEMBER, 1932. TEANECI\, N. J. PRICE FIVE CENTS Slavery Days To Be Idle Relief Progra~ Cost Enthusiasm High For Stadium Portrayed In Revival $63,919; Township Share To August I, $42,105.69 Dedication Program Saturday Of 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' Detailed figures on the unem­ Teaneck Citizens Combine Formal Opening of New Stadium ployment situation in Teaneck, and With Great A. A. U. Sports Program; Proceeds Vivid pictures of conditions as on sums received by the state un­ they existed in slavery days will be dez: unemployment and emergency For Emergency Relief Work er.acted before an audience of Tea­ re.hef laws, also on the expenditure Peck people in the High 'School Au­ of these funds, are all contained in "Get on your mark! Ready! will be given its dedication of serv­ ditorium the evening of Wednes­ a report presented to the Mayor Go!" ict> on September 10, when the day, Sept. 14, when "Uncle Tom's and Township Council by Township The new stadium and athletic most important athletic contests Cabin", one of the oldest and most Manager Paul A. Volcker under field on the high school grounds ever staged in Teaneck will be held famous of all American dramas, date August 12. under the auspices of the new Ad­ will be presented under the aus­ The figures, tabulated as they visory Board on Parks, Play­ p)ces of the Teaneck-Bogota Real appear in the report, and present­ grounds, and Public Recreations, Estate Board. Ten percent of the ed in connection with this article, and under sanction of the New Jer­ gross receipts will be donated by si?.ow what it cost to improve the 14 Police Pistol Tearns sey Association of the Amateur the board to the Mayor's Emerg­ htgh school athletic field, includ­ Athletic Union, familiarly know11 ency Relief Committee. ing the erection of the stadium, Compete At New Range to all athletes as the A. A. U. This will be no amateur produc­ building six tennis courts, laying a It is expected that this event tion by local talent, but an artistic five-lap cinder running track anrl ·will bring out a better showing of presentation by skilled actors, with gradinJr and seeding the remainder The Teaneck Police Department the real athletic talent in Teaneck utmost attention to historically of. the field for soccer and baseball. christened its new pistol range on than ever assembled before at any correct detail in stage settings, It was this improvement that September 1 with a tournament in meet, and a large committee is ce>stumes and acting. This is as­ won the praise of inspectors sent which pistol teams representing working with enthusiasm to brinr,­ sured by the fact that the produc­ to Teaneck from the office of Mr. tv:enty-two police departments about a large attendance, hoping to tion will be under direction of Barnard, head of the state's em­ from all parts of New Jersey com­ raise a handsome sum for emerg­ Frank Lea Short, who for years ergency relief organization, who peted. Visitors experienced in ency relief in Teaneck, to which baE: held high reputation for tht! said Teaneck had made better use competitions of this kind said the the entire net proceeds will be de­ artistic merit of his productions. of state funds than they had noted la.yout of the Teaneck range, built voted. Hr- is a graduate of the American in any other municipality. entirely by Teaneck policemen, was The program announced by the Academy of Dramatic Arts, and The figures show the total cost th(· best they had ever seen. athletic committee of the board of­ for two years was a member of it<' of the high school ground improve­ Both range and weather condi­ fen; opportunity for competition b.v faculty. Later, for twelve years, ( Continued on Page 5) ( Continued on Page 10) young and old of both sexes·. Some ht> directed the Yale Uniy_ersity events will be for Teaneck resi­ Dramatic Association. He holds dents- only, and others open to all letters of high commendation from comers. It is anticipated that one Presidents and Professors of lead­ Flower Lovers Eagerly Await Show, Sept. 171 of the results of the meet will be ir,r.- colleges and universities the permanent organization of a throughout the East. where plays Teaneck Athletic Association, to (Continued on Page 9) It is with unusual pleasure that r<>ngements for its Fall Flower be affiliated with the New Jersev The Town Manager presents in Show are already complete, and it Association, A. A. U. · this issue the program for the first presents- a program of competition (Continued on Page 12) flower show of the Garden Club of ill 98 classes, comparing most fa­ NEW RELIEF BOARD Teaneck, a flourishing organization vorably with shows staged by many APPOINTED TO TAKE ti:at came into existence as the re­ e>lder and larger garden clubs VISIT THE FIREHOUSE CARE OF EMERGENCY sult of a s-uggestion published first throughout the county. TO SEE DEMONSTRATED in this newspaper only a few The Board of Education granted months a,?;o. Final organization the club's request for use of one NEW SIGNAL DEVICES By resolution of the Township was effected little more than two Council a new committee of citi­ of the school buildings for the months ago. The club now has an event, and the Fall Flower 'Show Since the last week in August zf'ns has been created, entitled the enrollment of more than 65 mem­ M:1yor's Emergency Relief Com­ will be open to the public at School the new alarm system at Fire bers, and the number is steadily No. 2, Forest Avenue and Teaneck Headquarters has been in service mittee of Teaneck. In the resolu­ glowing. tior: nineteen are named as the Hoad, from 5 to 10 p. m. Saturday, 2-nd citizens arc cordially invited original members of the committee, The club has worked with such Sept. 17, and from 1 to 7 p. m. b.v Chief Murray to s-top •in and to which additions will be made by er.ihusiasm and fine spirit that ar- Sur.day, September 18. No admis·­ hr.ve explained to them the opera­ action of the Council from time to sion fee will be charged either Sat­ tions thereof. time, until the committee includes (!].1111111111111111111111111111UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIm urday or Sunday and the public Briefly, the system consists of an electric air compressor, tanks ~mple representation from every § The Next Regular Meeting of ~ is cordially invited by the officers of the club. :fer storage of the compressed air seetion of the township. E Teaneck Taxpayers' League~ It is known that raising funds Some of the classes will be open and an air whistle. This whistle is for emergency relief will be one of ~ Town Hall ~ for competition to club members operated by means of standard fire the important matters to be under­ E Wednesday evening, Sept. 14 E ou ly, but other sections have been department transmitting appara­ tus. The system is so built that in t~Jken for the coming winter, ami E Ladies' Auxiliary, Thursday eve- E provided in which all residents of until conditions of unemployment E ning, Sept. 22 at Town Hall.§ Teaneck may compete. No entry case the city current were shut off, (Continued on Page 14) (Continued on Page 15) i!J••••••Uttlltlllllllllllllltllllltllllltltlltllllttlttttllllltlni!J (Continued on Page 8) TEANECK PUBl!C L BRAR TEANEC~NE JERSEY 2 THE TOWN MANAGER HAVE YOU YOUR RABIES SYMPTOMS ARE FIRE ALARM CARD? DESCRIBED BY HEALTH Recently there were distributed OFFICER W. REYNOLDS to the houses throughout the tc.wnship, cards explaining how to W. F. Reynolds, Healt'h Officer place an emergency fire call and Rabies, or hydrophobia, is an in­ sl·owing the box number for each fE-ctiou s disease which is now rare­ residence. ly seen in human beings, although While these cards were distribut­ it frequently occurs in dogs an([ ed by firemen, both paid vnd vol­ cds. It is caused by a filterabl(! unteer, it is possible that here and virus which is found in the central there a house was missed. S'nce r.Hvous system and in the sal' va it is most important that each of affected dogs and cats, and !s house has this card, it is urged that irtroduced into the human body by if you do not have your card, you means of wounds made with the please call the Teaneck Firehou~e teeth of rabid animals·. The incu,­ and one will be sent you. ThJ bation period of the clisease is ex­ phone number is Teaneck 7-2085. tremely variable, but in human 'be­ If you h ~ ve your care!, plea;.;·e ings it is from two weeks to six read it carefully, memorize your months. · ];ox number and then to make ad­ The symptoms of the sickness in ditionally sure, hang up the cad ht:man beings are suasms and co!l­ near your telephone. vulsions beginning in the muscles of swallowing. After the disease has developed, it always ends in th~:. death of the patient. DITTUS & BISIG Rabies is a common d!sease vf Printers-RulerS--Binders degs in some parts of the United 1128 Tcanecl• Road, Teaneck States, and any health officer may Safe Deposit Boxes seddenly be called to deal with an l14 (Continued on Page 7) FOR RENT ASSESSMENTS DUE DURING MONTH OF SEPTEMBER.
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